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Realistic or Modern You Promised to Be Careful

JD walked over to Carlos and takes a seat. “It has.” He tells him and leans back. He glances around. “See you free the ranks a little since I’ve been gone.”
He nodded some and watched him carefully, "Information was given to us that we had a rat in our circles... They had to be thinned out.... What happened to you? One day you're sitting at my table every day and the next... poof, you were gone." He said, lighting a cigar and eyeballing him. Truth be told he had no idea who the rat had been and he trusted EZ like a son but he couldn't be too careful anymore.
JD frowns. “I hope you found the rat.” He tells him and crosses his arms. “Didn’t you hear? Got picked up when I was caught carrying your drugs back up from Mexico. Big help you guys were when I was on trial.” He tells him and frowns.
He scoffed a bit, "Then you should have called. Only part I heard was my drugs go missing. I even heard from one person that you'd been killed." He told him frowning. It had been a rival gang of theirs that had shot JD and why he'd been pulled out of the operation but Carlos soon waved it off, "We have a new shipment coming in. Big one this time, straight to New York City this time, you in?" He asked him
JD looks at him. “Shouldn’t always believe what you hear.” He tells him and stands up. “I’m in. Try not to get me locked up this time.” He jokes and pushes his chair back in.
"Where you going? I haven't seen you in six months and you barely stop by? Come, sit, have a drink, we got all the girls here, Rita is still here, from before." He told him with a smirk, "I will not take no for an answer." He grinned at him and gestured for him to sit with the rest of them again
It wasn’t long before the meetings finished and the house party got into full swing, Carlos sending Rita over to him once she arrived and she smiled, slipping her arms up his shirt. “Missed you.” She smiled.
JD chuckles softly and pulls her hands out of his shirt. “Sure you didn’t miss me too much.” He tells her and steps away. If he hadn’t meet Carmen he’s be all over Rita. They had a thing last time he was undercover. He knew it would never go anywhere but it was fun. Now though he had someone he cared about.
“No come on, no strings attached remember? And I missed you too. There’s a spare room back there.” She told him and tugged on his hand, dragging him to the back rooms.
JD sighs and pulls away from her. “I’m not in the mood for this Rita.” He snaps and shakes his head. “Go found another rookie to shake up with.” He tells her and goes to get another drink.
She glared at him but left it for the moment.

Carmen stayed up until late into the night, her phone sitting on the bed next to her just hoping and waiting for a phone call but she eventually couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore and passed out, curled up in bed.
JD checks the time when he finally got out of there. It was late and he knew Carmen would be asleep by now. He sighs and texts her instead. “I love you, sweet dreams.” He heads to the apartment he was staying in and plops down on the bed.
She saw the text in the morning and smiled a little bit, rubbing at her face and resisting the urge to text him back. She didn’t want him to get in any trouble because someone else read the message. She would try to call him later but for now she was focused on going into work and carrying on with her day.
The first couple weeks of him being gone went by quickly. They were communicating a little bit still every day which was keeping her sane and stopping her from worrying too much but after two weeks. The communication stopped completely and no matter what she did she couldn’t get through to him. It didn’t help either that his handler was only able to let her know he was still alive and okay and nothing else. It was scaring her now and she was stressed.
JD grunts softly as he lifts himself on the table, having one of the guys stitch up a knife wound he had gotten from fighting with one of the newbies. He had still come out on top of that fight, but he wasn’t without injury. He sighs and throws his shirt back on.
Josj sighed heavily watching carmen leave his office for the second time that day and once he could see JD was in his apartment he called him up. “Hey, hows everything going so far?” He asked him. “Boss wants this weeks report in soon. Also your girlfriend has been into my office eight times this week asking about you. I’ve explained the situation to her and that she can’t expect constant contact but she’s not happy. Just a heads up.” He told him.
Jd sighs softly and nods. “I’ll get the report to him by the end of the night.” He assures him and frowns when he hears about Carmen. He knew he needed to contact her but he really hadn’t had time. He leans back and groans. “Things are okay. Got into a fight but nothing I can’t handle.” He mutters. “I’ll talk to you later, I’m gonan try to reach out to Carmen.” He hangs up and indolently callsbher.
Carmen frowned sitting in her study trying to get some paperwork done but she’s stopped immediately when she saw his name pop up. “Oh my god are you alright? Are you staying safe? I’ve been worried sick about you.” She murmured. “Why haven’t you called or texted at all lately?” She asked him frowning and then sat waiting for his response.
JD smiles a little as he listens to her. It was different to have someone so worried about him. “I’m okay. A little banged up from a fight but I’m fine. It happens. Got in to a lot of them when I was undercover last time.” He murmurd and sighs softly. “I haven’t had time. I’ve been on being kept busy and then I’m at the clubhouse for hours. It’ll look bad and suspicious if I keep leaving early.”
She frowned some and rubbed her face. She didn't want to get shitty about it. She knew it wasn't his fault but after the awful week at work she was struggling to find a reason to stay calm on top of everything else. "How banged up is a little?" She asked him, "Maybe you shouldn't be using this as an excuse to be getting into fights." She told him a little harsher than she meant it. "I know you can't call me every minute, I get it okay?! But damn JD, once every two three days wouldn't kill ya!" She snapped
Jd frowns at her reaction and shakes his head. "I'm not using this to get into fights. Some of the newbies like to try and show their dominance. You gotta put them in line. If I just refuse to it looks weird!" He snaps back and stands up. "I'm trying to call you on a regular basis but it's hard Carmen. Most fo the time when I'm done you're already asleep or something and I'm not trying to put you in danger by talking to you every second of the day and making them suspicious!"
She frowned and took a deep breath before responding "I'm really not trying to argue right now.... I know you can't call much I know... I'm just... Stressed and worried about you and missing you like crazy... I'm sorry." She mumbled, rubbing at her face a little and started on another pile of paperwork
JD sighs and leans agaisnt the kitchen counter. “I’m trying Carmen. Last time I was undercover I didn’t have anyone. I didn’t have to worry about someone else worrying about me. It’s a learning curve for me too.”

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