You got me Bewitched!


Junior Member


You Got Me

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B e wi tched

Reason:We watched the new song biggrin




open date:12/15/12

Made by:BriBreakdown for my friend <3





You Got Me

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B e wi tched

There was a group of four children. They were all close friends. The town was close. But what they didnt know was what layed behind closed doors. The four kids were the minister's and nun's children. Holy you might think? Well one day they got the ultimate freedom. They went all to a party. They all drank. No one was good to drive but they thought that god was on their side. They hopped into a car and drove off a side of a cliff. The town was called Cliffside for a reason. A huge memorial was given form them. After a few years the cliff where they fell of became infested. It was dark and strange lights showed from there. For some reason the cliff was banned. The road blocked for everyone. The street no longer opened. Deep below the cliff was an inbetween world. Demons. Two demons had manifested there. They both were in need of a certain thing in order to live. A heart. A male and a female lived there. Soon a new group of kids moved into the town. Four more kids. One day the grave cleaner when to the graves of the children who died. Their graves ahd been digged up. their bodies gone. No one knew who did it. But now these four children..they have come into town and they look familiar to everyone. And those four have targeted four living children. All by the work of the demons. Who will keep their heart and whol will complete their task? You have the keyboard.





You Got Me

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B e wi tched

Yes, I know we all hate rules, but they are put here for a reason and that is to protect us.

First one the list is follow the TSO's. I don't feel like getting shut down, because someone can't follow the rules. If you don't like this one then I have to tell you tough. Plus, any rules that I write in here you will follow. I am sorry, but that is about the only way I can keep my butt safe.

Second on the list level on being lit, profiles and paragraphs. First of all this is a semi-lit roleplay. That is what I am good at. I know we all make mistakes when we are typing. So, that is why it is semi-lit. As for profiles, I like you post layout pretty. No colors you have to squint to read. If you pick a color and have to squint to then don't use it. Paragraph wise I want it any where from 1 to 5 paragraphs. I know there are people who love to right a book. That is fine, but I like to roleplay over write sometimes. I would like 7 sentences in each. I know we go brain dead and when that happens I would like about 3-5 sentences. If you can only do a one liner then it will work.

Romance is the next thing on the list. Romance is accepted, however cybering is not. If it goes that far please skip time. Don't take it to pm's that is just nasty. Another thing I don't want someone to fall in love with the first person you see. However you are allowed to have a crush on someone. Which comes to my next thing with romance. I would like you to pm me if you have a crush on someone. I will put it in the profile skele, but most people put not yet or no one. If you do that and find someone that your character has a crush on someone please pm me.

And Cussing? I don't mind there being cussing, but I don't want every other word being a cuss word.

Other things....I will be put dating important info when I can or as I get them in on pms. As for labeling you pms. Reserves title "You have me under a spell" And Profiles "All I want is you" I also want <3 to state you read the rules.




Name:age:demon male




Name:age:alive child male




Name:age:alive child female




Name:age:alive child male




Name:age:alive child female




Name:age:dead child male




Name:age:dead child female




Name:age:dead child male




Name:age:dead child female



Reserve form:

[imgleft] images/newcamerapics024.jpg[/imgleft]
[size=18][color=lightsteel grey]Username[/color][/size][/i][/color]


[imgleft]direct link[/imgleft]
[color=postingcolor2][size=18]The Enchanting Things..[size=9]not[/size]....[/size]


My lovely name is [color=postingcolor1]{first}{middle}{last}[/color]... But not everyone is goingto call me that. So I insist on being called [color=postingcolor1]{nick name}[/color]. Yea I know. Weird right? My friends gave it to me so I am stuck with it. So you must be wondering everything else.. Well I am[color=postingcolor1] {age 15-18}[/color] and my birthday was on [color=postingcolor]{month, day, date}[/color]. Not exciting I know. I am [color=postingcolor1]{height}[/color] and I weigh [color=postingcolor]{weight}[/color]. So yea. I am truely [color=postingcolor1]{gender} [/color]and wanna know what makes me week in the knees? [color=postingcolor1]{boys, girls, both, ect...}[/color] Yea they do! Well thats it for this part so yea. Oh wait I play the role of [color=postingcolor1]{role}[/color] . Now we are done...right?

[size=18]Now the in depth crap...[/size]

Well lets see.. Oh my life story.. It was like this [color=postingcolor1]{ longer than 2 paragrahs nd do not make uber depressing ok!} [/color]Well thats my life. Interesting right? Yea I thought so too. Also I simply adore[color=postingcolor1] {likes..must somewhat go with your role}[/color] . Yes they are awsome! Then we have the things I hate! I hate [color=postingcolor1]{dislikes.. again try to make like your role}[/color]. that is aut it I think. Any questions? [color=postingcolor1]{other}[/color]


My puppet master is: [color=postngcolor]{username}[/color][/color]


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