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YoshiAnkoTay & Vatican Cameos

"Exactly," Olivie said. "I'm bored enough as it is. I don't need to extend my time being bored." Being as nomadic and aimless as she was, life was often rather uneventful for her. This was why she went out of her way to make it eventful by pulling stunts such as the one that landed her in the feeding center. Due to her lack of regard for others, what entertainment she could get usually came from poking fun at them. Demons, as a whole, didn't have goals in life, and Olivie was no exception. Really, she could be considered rather similar to other demons in many ways, if only she didn't dislike them so much. Then again - she stole a glance over at Andrew and Matthew - maybe she wasn't always so similar.

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Arya laughed a bit. "If you are bored find something to entertain you. You seem like the training type. I would imagine the colliseum would be a good place for you." She wondered why someone like her wasn't in the top ten fighters at the colliseum. Olivie seemed like the type that just enjoyed the carnage of fighting others. Perhaps she could be wrong though, after all she was currently working at a feeder center.
"I've considered it," Olivie admitted, uncrossing her legs. "I'm all for pissing people off, but senseless violence, not so much. It never appealed to me." She shrugged. This was one of the main components that really set her apart from her fellow demons. Honestly, Olivie had never enjoyed roughhousing. Pranks, in her younger days; jokes... She'd never quite put a finger on it, but something about her definitely made her a pariah among demons. Part of whatever that thing was manifested in her reluctance to be violent. Knock people around, maybe. But fight for sport? Enjoying just beating the shit out of someone? That didn't have the same satisfaction as getting under people's skin. The thought made her check on Andrew and Matthew again, who were now alone at their own table. Automatically, Olivie figured the girls must've gone to the bathroom or something and returned her attention to Arya. "You're right, though. I could do well in the coliseum, if I wanted to," she said.
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"A demon who is uninterested in unnecessary bloodshed. How poetic." Arya would be sucking the blood from quite possibly the only demon who didn't want world domination. She sighed a bit. Whatever Olivie's intentions were, she was not outwardly evil or ridiculously uncivilezed. This perhaps intrigued the vampiress more knowing the younger woman could possibly satisfy her hunger if she wasn't brooding. "If you could do whatever you wanted. What would it be?"
"Save it. Nothing about me is pretty or poetic or any bullshit like that." Pathetic excuse for a demon... Olivie sighed, considering her question. Honestly, she had no idea. When her attempts to think of a more suitable, satisfactory response came up fruitless, she said as much. "Don't know." Her lack of aim had once bothered her, but now it was yet another part of her that she willingly accepted - it was a very demonic trait, really. It gave her the freedom to do as she pleased, something demons craved. Confinement, regimens, structure... these were not things demons were very fond of and Olivie was no exception. "How about you, immortal?"
Arya quirked an eyebrow at her response. Did she not know she was beautiful? She decidedbshe would save that comment for later. "Hmm, if i could do whatever i wanted," she said musingly, "Perhaps I would buy an island and be served by beautiful scantly clothed servants." She said jokingly. Arya laughed at herself. Being surrounded by people was not her cup of tea. She didn't want that sort of lifestyle. She also wouldn't buy an island, too much sun. "But seriously. I have travelles far and wide in my years I think maybe I would like to run a library. Its boring and easy but in my long life reading is the one thing that never gets old." After her second drink, Arya decided to slow down a bit. Alcohol thinned the blood and she needed to feed soon. It would be unwise to get too drunk.
Olivie, in turn, quirked an eyebrow at Arya's initial response. It seemed uncharacteristic. After a moment, Olivie realized it was a joke she wasn't getting; demons never made those types of jokes. Had Arya been a demon, she might've taunted her for her choice, but as it was, Olivie only chuckled. "Lively type, aren't you? In case you weren't already dead enough, you want to be a librarian." Olivie rested her head in her hands and laughed for a little while longer. Truthfully, the answer made sense, but it just struck her as funny nonetheless. She was feeling pretty mellow now, after processing that Demontini.

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Arya outright laughed at the woman. Her dry humor was something to behold. Arya was unaware that demons could be so social and less uptight with all there pillaging, violence and incivility. Olivie was truly a different sort of demon as she had a sense of humour however slight it was. In any case, the girl's sarcasm left her in a stupor. "Perhaps I don't breathe but I am very much alive. My soul still burns like the raging sun." She said rolling her eyes. It had been along while since she had a regular conversation with a person. "You are rather odd aren't you Olivie? So demonlike and yet different somehow. You are the most tolerable demon to walk into my bar thus far."
Olivie laughed harder at the raging sun simile, ducking her head between her elbows (which rested on the counter of the bar). Once she'd gotten over it, she lifted her head and shook it. "Poetic, aren't ya." Olivie wasn't sure if Arya intended for it to sound as ridiculous as it did, but Olivie was never one to worry about offending people. "I'll take that as a compliment. But, don't worry. I'm just as insufferable." She grinned almost cockily. It wasn't the first time her deviation from the normal demonic personality had been wondered over, and it wouldn't be the last. Olivie figured her demon-like traits just manifested in ways other than the typical, but she wasn't sure if that explained all of it. Nor did she care to do any soul-searching deeper than that; it didn't interest her to know more about herself. She was at a peculiar borderline of arrogance; she wasn't quite obsessed with herself, but everybody else wasn't worth her time, so it appeared as haughtiness. It was a consequence of misanthropy, one could say. Olivie wasn't much better than the common schmuck, but she herself was all she had.
Arya's eyes danced in amusement as she looked at the younger girl. They appeared to be similar in height but Olivie was a bit more lithe than her. The girl was so interesting for a demon she might actually bond with the savage girl before her. "Perhaps." She said bemused. Arya decided to make herself another drink and made something different for Olivie. She poured two shots, one for her and one for Olivie. "Here lets take a shot together. Its a fireball." She smirked and looked over at her. "I am drinking to new beginnings." She downed her shot quickly and smirked. The hot cinnamon flavor tickled the back of her throat ferociously. "Aah. Thats good whiskey."
"You'll realize eventually, I'm sure, if you haven't already." Olivie grinned again and reached for the shot poured for her without hesitation. This was the calmest she'd felt in a long time; she wasn't even worried about what the drink was. In a similar manner she downed the drink, but not without wincing. And, if she were honest, her reaction wasn't entirely to the drink. "New beginnings" didn't sound like a concept associated with Olivie, and so she ignored it. Too mellow to care and naturally too aloof to say anything, she simply nodded. "Not bad," she said.
"Its smooth right? I have seen people fall over sideways taking that one. I thought you could take it though." She said, amused. Arya would have never thought that she would be having a conversation with a feeder and a demon no less. She would probably need to feed tomorrow after her night of drinking. She would just have to tap into her reserves once she returned home. "So what are you going to do after leaving here?"
"I am a demon," Olivie stressed, though it was with a pang of shame. That quick feeling made her glance over to Andrew and Matthew and back to Arya again. "I can take most anything," she said. It almost physically felt as though she were lying through her teeth, but you know what they say: fake it till you make it. Olivie had made it before she got in trouble, and she would make it now; this determination was what gave her confidence. "Don't know," she said. "It's not up to me." Since she didn't have to report to the feeding center again until the next morning, she was under Andrew and Matthew's supervision as they saw fit. And they never saw it fit to leave her to her own devices. This was the closest she'd gotten and would ever get as long as she was serving her time, so to speak.
"Ah the two men you came in with. They have very cruel auras," she said shrugging her shoulders. Arya had put two and two together and figured they were the reason for Olivie's wounds. Her wounds. Arya unconsciously licked her lips as she thought about the delicious blood pumping threw the other girl's body. She just wanted a taste. Arya shut her eyes. This was definitely not the time or place for her to be thinking about that. She reopened her eyes and she could almost feel the bloodthirst taking over. "Well then, I suppose I will see you tomorrow then." Arya glanced over at the two men at the table. They were seemingly glaring her way and her eyes narrowed. She stroked her dagger unconsciously, that was under her bar. Come at me if you want. She thought to herself.
"To say the least. I'm surprised they have auras at all," Olivie muttered quietly, now carefully eying them. What would've normally been to her amusement but in this case was to her suspicion, Andrew and Matthew had eyes only for Arya - and not in a good way. Olivie wondered if they recognized her, but it likely didn't matter, knowing them. As Olivie watched, she noticed something shift in their demeanor. There was nobody at the table with them, and they were getting up. That figured; less time than she thought. Damnit. "I guess I'm leaving, then," she said, watching warily. Wait... Arya would see her tomorrow?
As the men walked over towards her bar, her eyes narrowed. She would not be intimidated by such low class demons. It was a shame that such a beautiful girl was subjected to their cruelty. "I suppose so." She said peering back over at Olivie. It wasn't as if she cared for Olivie but she did hate people who took advantage of people meaninglessly. Arya could tell just by looking at them that they were not happy with the fact that they were conversating, nor that she had drinks seemingly free. Assholes, lucky they didn't meet me during the warring times. I would have gladly slayed them.
It wasn't until they actually reached the bar that they acknowledged Olivie (as even a vampire somehow had more of an existence than she did, according to them. The vampire was actually more important). And when they did, it was only for Matthew to say, "we're leaving." They gave her no room to protest - whatever had happened in the past hour or so, they were irritated and inebriated and this was not a good combination, especially as far as Olivie was concerned. They didn't even give her time to willingly, out of her own volition, get out of her chair and walk out (nor were her reflexes fast enough to at the moment, all considered). Andrew dragged her by the forearm and her reflexes were only quick enough to prevent her from stumbling or falling to her knees. The barstool rocked with the speed and force at which Olivie was yanked out of it, but it didn't topple. Before Olivie could blink, they were already speeding through the streets to God knew where, and already, she'd forgotten about Arya - but Andrew and Matthew hadn't. Damnit, damnit, damnit...
Arya watched the interaction between Olivie and the two demons who took her away. As they dragged her away, part of Arya wanted to stop them but really it was none of her business what they were doing or where they were taking her. She sighed. She wasn't going to get caught up in drama. She left her previous home for that reason. For the rest of the night, it was busy. Arya almost had forgotten about the feeder she was speaking to as she served more people. She had, since then, stopped drinking and sobered up a bit. She looked around her bar. It was nearly 4 am and her night cleaner had just shone up. She nodded at her as the redheaded girl smiled. Arya did a quick walk through, before leaving. "Fiona, I will see you tomorrow night. The bathroom looks like hell." Arya quickly ran home. She took a shower, and went right to sleep. She definitely needed to feed when she woke up.
The next morning, though the drinks had long since worn off, Olivie was already feeling lackadaisical. There was no spite in her; she was worn out. Last night, she'd gotten no sleep. From the moment Andrew and Matthew had hauled her off to somewhere private, they went off on her. All night. Which they could do, since demons didn't need to sleep as frequently as humans did; though of course they could, it simply wasn't necessary. And so, they took advantage of that trait. Until they had to bring her to the feeding center. It was somewhat of a mistake on their part, but they'd been angry and drunk, and they didn't need any provocation to take their frustrations out on Olivie. Besides, they justified it with claims along the lines of she'd deserved it and it would subdue her anyway, which would probably bode better for whatever vampire walked through the door that morning. Olivie stopped caring about anything a few hours in, as though she'd gone into a trance; she'd tuned it all out, but as soon as they gave her a few moments of quasi-privacy in her feeding room while she waited for a vampire to walk in, she started to feel everything. All she wanted was to sleep, but alas...
Arya awoke the next day, starving. When she looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes were almost completely red. She sighed. IT would seem she would have to go out a bit early or she would be ravenous today. She sighed as she saw the sun hadn't quite set yet. She would just need to take her chances. Arya got dressed and pulled out an old umbrella she had lying around. She looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a long sleeve black button down shirt underneath her grey pinstriped corset and black jeans with her boots. Sighing, she walked out the door, opening the umbrella. The abrasive UV rays, made her skin crawl but she rushed over without running afraid her umbrella wouldn't be able to keep up. Once she had reached the feeding center, she felt better. As she walked into the room, she saw a dazed Olivie sitting in the corner. She had slight dark circles under her eyes and it didn't seem like she had noticed her. "Olivie, are you alright?" She said concerned. It would be no good to take blood from someone sleep depraved.
Olivie, though somewhat still dazed, immediately looked up when she heard and saw Arya. She couldn't help her immediate reaction: relief. There would be no more beatings, abuse, or punishment... at least until she was finished. After that, and especially after the night she'd had, all she could think was god help her - and so she didn't think about it. She focused on Arya instead. "Fine," Olivie said. Her throat felt sore. Normally she would've asked if they could just get the whole thing over with, but for a few reasons, Olivie didn't want to. The more time she wasted here, the less time she'd have to spend with Andrew and Matthew. That, and she didn't want to do any more talking. Instead, still blissful with relief, she tilted her neck to allow Arya to do what she came to do.
Arya was hesistant to drink from her noticing that she wasn't like her normal self. She had only known the girl a few days but she seemed diminished from the time she had seen her before. Still, she was starving and Olivie was offering and she was on the verge of loosing her sanity to blood thirst. She just nodded her head and began to feed. She mentally sighed. She could taste the fatigue silhouetting her otherwise delicious blood. Normally, she would have said something but she just couldn't. It would probably make Olivie feel even weaker and she didn't want that for her. She pulled back from the girl. "I'm all done." She said licking her lips clean.
Olivie sat passively, completely motionless as Arya drank her fill. Quickly, she realized how draining it was. Being fed from was always a pretty draining experience, but in her current state, it was far more pronounced. By the time Arya pulled away, Olivie had to muster the energy just to stand. Once she did, she found that she wasn't quite as exhausted, but her energy was still largely depleted. Oh, she was going to have a blast with Andrew and Matthew. Not to mention, they must've seen how Arya treated her, heard the way she spoke... oh, they wouldn't be pleased at all. Absolute, complete dread filled Olivie, but she put on a brave, if exhausted, face and nodded to Arya. As soon as she went through the back door, she yelped as Matthew grabbed her and the door slammed shut behind her. The two of them were saying things to her, malicious and angry, but she didn't care. She didn't need to hear them to know what they were talking about. And pretty soon, they'd be getting their message across pretty clearly, whether or not she listened.
When Arya walked back outside, night had just fallen. As she left out the door, she heard a door slam and to her left, she saw those two demons attacking a defenseless Olivie. Knowing she was already tired, she knew the smaller girl could not fight back. This is wrong. Arya was going to be late for work today. She stalked over to them angrily. Olivie deserved to at least rest. "Hey," she yelled with her hand on her hip, "Leave her alone. She just got fed from, at least let her rest. That sort of abuse affects the quality of blood." She rushed in front of Olivie, ready to fight for her. She took a defensive stance.
Andrew and Matthew didn't take Arya seriously. The two of them, against her? And why should they listen, anyway? Especially to a vampire? Did she realize who - or what - she was dealing with? But, there was something important to be noted here: a vampire, actually going to someone's defense. And someone like Olivie, no less. Although it was obvious to Olivie that Arya's behavior wasn't out of any actual genuine concern, that technicality didn't matter to Andrew and Matthew. They couldn't have anyone defending Olivie, regardless of why. It irritated them to no end, and they made it quite clear. "Look," Andrew said, gruffly. Obviously, he was reluctant to extend any type of offer or mercy. "This is none of your business. Screw off, vampire, or you'll join the prisoner," Andrew said, nodding to Olivie, who was getting to her feet. "You'll get your blood, anyway. There's nothing special about this one's. But if you insist, we have no qualms about ripping you to pieces, so if that's what you want," Matthew added, grinning.

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