Yes Master? // Fantasy Slave Roleplay


New Member
My only requirements for character sheets are:

You must have the following:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Age (Adult, Kid, Elder is fine too)
  • Species
  • Description
  • A picture (please, but I understand if you can't)
  • Slave or Master
  • Who's slave you are (Slave only, you can be in the slave market too or an escaped slave.)
  • What's your estate's name (Master only)
  • History
  • Personality




I do not own the picture above

"My name's Akane! Nice to meet you stranger. Akane means deep red by the way."

Gender; "You dimwit! I'm a girl!"

Species; "I'm a fox neko, a red fox."

Rank; "I'm not a slave, and I plan to keep it that way! You'll never catch me!"

Crush; "Impress me lover boy."

Love Type; "Although I don't care too much for that stuff, I guess I'll tell you. I want someone fast and sly so that I don't have to go back and save him. Also I want someone who's prepared to stay up all night chasing fireflies! They also need to be as good at stealing as I am with a great sense of humor!"

Personality; "I guess you can say I'm a bit hyper and loud, but I'm a great jokester! I love messing around with the villagers. I'm also a thief, so watch your pockets!"

Hair; "My hair? Oh, It's a burnt orangish red. I normally wear it down, but I like putting it in pigtails too."

Eyes; "My eyes are a brown with a tint of orange."

Clothing; "I normally wear green, all shades. Whenever I'm in town I wear my leaf green jacket/robe thing, with the hood on. When I don't have to wear that, I usually wear a long green dress that changes shades in some areas. I also like to wear a white sweater with black stripes and a vibrant orange scarf in the winter, and a green tanktop under a seethrough white vest with a denim skirt during the summer." 


I do not own the picture above.

Name; "Mitsuki. Or that's at least what my parents used to call me. I have no last name, I was stripped of it when I entered the slave market. In fact, I can't even remember it anymore. The name supposably means beautiful moon. "

Gender; "Are you blind? I'm a female."

Species; "I'm a cat neko, a black cat to be more specific. That's often got me some terrible masters. The stupid black cat myth is not true, I can assure you."

Rank; "I'm a slave, I was taken from my parents as soon as I could talk and walk."

Crush; "I have no love interest, I suppose it would only harm both of us."

Love Type; "I deeply care for others, and I want someone who feels the same way. Also, I think clumsy boys are kinda cute, but not too clumsy. Someone who could brighten up my day would be nice too."

Personality; "People say I'm very quiet and hard to 'break the ice' with. I'm a loner, and don't have to many friends. However, I treat everyone around me like siblings and will defend them, no matter who they are. I can't tell you how many times I've taken the beating for someone else. I just can't stand to see people hurt. As for with my masters, I follow orders as best as I can. Any rebelliousness I had was beaten out of me a while ago. Now you might be thinking I'm the 'teacher's master's pet' but I'm really not. I don't speak to them at all and I don't do anything to get others in trouble, no matter how stupid they're being. I've just learned to follow orders without question."

History; "When I was small, my siblings were drowned in front of me by some men. My mother managed to get me out while they killed my father. She hid me in gutter and ran, I don't know what happened to her. Eventually some slave trader found me and locked me up until I could be sold. I was very underfed, and it was always quiet. I wasn't kept with the other nekos who were being sold, I was kept in a metal box shoved in a closet. At one point, he forgot about me for weeks and I nearly starved to death."

Hair; "I have long, shiny jet black hair. I almost always wear it down. I don't like fixing it in ponytails or buns unless I'm doing dirty work and I don't want it in the way. It normally covers most of my eyes."

Eyes; "I have turquoise eyes, but they are mostly green. Anyone who sees them says they are beautiful, so I normally hide them under my hair."
  • Name; "My name? Alicia Alexander!"
  • Gender:"I'm female and plan to keep it that way!"
  • Ag:"Oh, I'm a full grown adult!"
  • Species:"I'm a human wolf neko, bright white tail and ears!"
  • Description:"Oh we'll, let's see. I have bright blonde hair, it's curled almost all the time due to it being natural curls. I have a fluffy white tail along with ears, and I have sea blue eyes. I wear jeans and a blue hoodie with white tank top underneath. I wear a golden necklace as well, a heart in the middle.

  • A picture:"Looky it's me!", I don't know how to copy and paste)
  • Slave or Master:" Oh, we'll I am a slave."
  • Who's slave you are:"I'm currently in the slave market, and looking for someone to take me home."
  • What's your estate's nam:"I don't know yet~"
  • History:"I've been around the block a few times. I've been back and forth with slaves and masters, beep er staying opinion one place for too long. I can't even remember my parents, they took me away eh e I was young, and I've been enslaved for as long as I can remember,"
  • Personality:"I am a really nice girl! I do my best to obey and serve my masters."
  • Extras: She wants to find love one day, wanting to learned to be loved. She never had been loved and likes a boy who's funny and can take care of her.


Chickadee Kelsa Black






Part bird


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/xl_43cb0c4bd4af45c38b32a0765e55b9f6-101.jpg.pagespeed.ic.eLTVuly7VP.jpg.c222ff2df2679296603e632045ba0ec9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/xl_43cb0c4bd4af45c38b32a0765e55b9f6-101.jpg.pagespeed.ic.eLTVuly7VP.jpg.c222ff2df2679296603e632045ba0ec9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Slave or Master:


Who's slave you are"

Nobody's yet.


Like anybody elses. Lived a normal life umtil the humans began to catch them as slaves. Her wings have been clipped to keep her from flying away.


Chickadee is a very friendly young woman with a mischievious nature. She enjoys being around people and talks quite a lot. She can also be described as hyperactive, always fluttering about and sometimes messing with people purposely to annoy them. Not all the time though. Chickadee also really likes food. She'll eat anything and everything. It's a miracle that she does not get fat when allowed to eat as much as she wants.

She's bisexual



Henry Johanson








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Anime_guy_vagos_club_29810419_329_352_by_kodaka97-d66y6e6.jpg.30e193b69b316a200b5fdcc44d1b7429.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Anime_guy_vagos_club_29810419_329_352_by_kodaka97-d66y6e6.jpg.30e193b69b316a200b5fdcc44d1b7429.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Slave or Master:


What's your estate's name:

Johanson Manor


Henry grew up in a wealthy family. But, his father before he was born, leaving his mother to take care of him. Him and his mother had a great relationship and his mother's side of the family helped raise him. Henry got a job at his Uncle's restuaraunt as a chef. Recently, his mother has died from cancer, leaving him emotionally unstable.


Henry is a very calm man, but has a good sense of humor. He likes making sarcastic remarks and messing around with people. He is very protective of the people he cares about. He also enjoys cooking.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/xl_43cb0c4bd4af45c38b32a0765e55b9f6-101.jpg.pagespeed.ic.eLTVuly7VP.jpg.a1cdd6c81c37b27375ed0c2d63f9093f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16002" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/xl_43cb0c4bd4af45c38b32a0765e55b9f6-101.jpg.pagespeed.ic.eLTVuly7VP.jpg.a1cdd6c81c37b27375ed0c2d63f9093f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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We can start to rp now 
Wysteria Trancy

"Madame Wysteria."

Gender; "I'm a woman you idiot!"

Species; "Don't let my looks fool you, I'm a demon. Specifically a fire demon, but my fire is blue."

Rank; "I'm a master. My estate is the Trancy estate."

Crush; "Piss off"

Love Interest; "I want someone who can tolerate me. That's it."

Personality; "I'm not the friendliest person, and I tend to be a bit of a jerk. I like pulling cruel jokes every so often, and I get pissed off very easily. I'm not tolerant of goofing around when I'm trying to get something done. Unless it's errands or chores, I prefer to do it myself. I like stargazing and once you get past my rude nature I can be really sweet."

History; "My mother died from disease when I was just a tike, and my father was working all the time so I never saw him. My younger brother died from the same disease. I was sent to the orphanage because they thought my dad was dead. No one wanted me so I grew up there, and one day they found my dad's body in the ocean. He was murdered... So don't tell me life's hard, just cut the crap."

Hair; "I have pure white long hair that I barely ever wear down."

Eyes; "I have... interesting eyes. They are very light blue mixed in with white and some green."

Clothing; "I only wear shades of black, grey, and white. Sometimes baize and graize."
  • Name: "Mortakai's the name! Weapons are my game!"
  • Gender: "Other. *whispers* male"
  • Age: 23
  • Species: "I am a vampire! JK I'm just part bat."
  • Crush: "That's up to you.~"
  • Love style: "Passion with risk in it!"
  • A picture:

  • Slave or Master: "Master I guess...don't have a slave, though."
  • What's your estate's name: "The Ebon Bone Estate. Don't laugh please?"
  • History: "I used to be a slave, working for a famous smithy, then he died. I had no where else to go! Oh! The dread!All I had left was the steel my master gave me, his forge, and his anvil. I turned out to be pretty good with making weapons, so I got ordered by some noble to make weapons for him and close knight friends. I did so, then got paid. Rinse and repeat a couple of times, then BOOM! I'm rich. I never needed a slave, but it would be nice."
  • Personality: (Admin speaking) Mortakai is a flirty little bastard with a cheerful heart. He loves doing anything that has to with art, food, and naps. Blacksmithing became Mortakai's life, thanks to his now deceased master. He seems to have this...friendly yet dangerous touch about him.
  • Name: Natasha Fedranko
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 19
  • Species: human part demon
  • Crush: who ever likes her, boy or girl
  • Love style: passion with some flamboyance
  • A picture:

  • Slave or Master: Slave
  • What's your estate's name:
  • History: "I am a slave, had a bad gambling debt and refused to pay it so I was forced into slavery to pay off the debts but was forced to work for the rest of my life
  • Personality: Vengeful, Quiet, crazy, Solitary, hates other people
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-10_10-7-58.jpeg.2dccab6bd74f281bf6be14bd519a9325.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-10_10-7-58.jpeg.2dccab6bd74f281bf6be14bd519a9325.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Alma

Gender: Female

Age: Young teenager, 14

Rank: Slave

Master: Xero

Species: Cat Neko

Love style: Someone protective and caring

Personality: Shy, timid, skittish, caring, sometimes risky or brave

Appearance: Black hair in a braid over shoulder. Black cat ears and tail. (Look at pic)

History: Alma was born in the wild with her parents who had escaped, though they were dying because of their wounds and hunger. They sacrificed everything they had so their daughter would have a better chance of living. They eventually died and Alma struggled to survive on her own. Around the age of 12 she was found and taken to a slave market.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0cc9ee4_maiddress.jpg.b2356fc63a17301b79e8e07e3b70fa2e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16290" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0cc9ee4_maiddress.jpg.b2356fc63a17301b79e8e07e3b70fa2e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0e7cbd4_Almaface.PNG.1a07b54f179e5f2ff77248b430e6915b.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0e7cbd4_Almaface.PNG.1a07b54f179e5f2ff77248b430e6915b.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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