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Multiple Settings YBR: Traveler Templates



Royal Historian
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Group
  2. Dice
  3. Quests
  4. Off-site
The Traveler
The Traveler may have any other wanted information, but the following is necessary for all Traveler submissions.

Full Name
Include the full name of the Traveler
Gender & Pronouns


You can either use a detailed description or an image for the Traveler

Go in-depth here. What are this Traveler's vices and virtues, the doubts and hopes and fears and dreams of their life? How do they feel in private and among others? What motivates them in life?

Chosen Year
From what year, between 1950 and 2090, does the Traveler originate?
Chosen Location
From where in the United States does the Traveler originate?

Detail this section as much as you can. Who is the Traveler; what relationships do they have with loved ones? What shaped them to be who they are today? What would compel them to complete the Traveler's Ritual?
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Ilega la lluvia para limpiar las heridas...

'Cherie / The Bombshell' - Cherished Courage Hart - "The Sweetheart Criminal"


'Tripsi, CC, Cherry Bomber, Dimples'

Female She/Her ā—‹ 26 yrs ā—‹ 6'1" ā—‹ 185lbs ā—‹ Blonde Hair ā—‹ Grey Eyes ā—‹ Caramel Skin ā—‹ Muscular, powerful build
Late 2029 ā—‹ Canadian Citizen: Born: Victoria, BC, Canada ā—‹ Currently: NY state ā—‹ Mechanic / Model
Face Claim: AI generated ā—‹ Voice Claim: Anya Taylor-Joy (American Accent)


This is Cherie...

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Full Name: Tobias Craine
Age: 24
Gender & Pronouns: Cis Male(He/Him/They)


Go in-depth here. What are this Traveler's vices and virtues, the doubts and hopes and fears and dreams of their life? How do they feel in private and among others? What motivates them in life?

Chosen Year: 2018
Chosen Location: Mesa, AZ
Detail this section as much as you can. Who is the Traveler; what relationships do they have with loved ones? What shaped them to be who they are today? What would compel them to complete the Traveler's Ritual?
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Full Name: Evelyn Coyote Marshell
Age: 26
Gender & Pronouns: She/Her

Evelyn is a slim, (nearly skin and bones) Caucasian woman standing at 5'01. She has a brown pixie haircut with blue upturned eyes. While the majority of her skin looks and feels smooth to the touch, her forearms are scarred and quite rough. She wears a low-cut, sleeveless, blue tee and a pair of black, silk, tight pants, along with having ear piercings. Her shoes of choice is...none, causing her feet to have many callouses. There is a tattoo on her back of a nearly empty, cracked hourglass. Her nails are painted black on both her hands and feet.

Evelyn is generally introverted, tending to be anti-social, so her interactions with people have been few her entire life, and the ones she did have have been short and sweet. She has been diagnosed with severe clinical depression, bipolar I, and ASPD. She does have her moments of kindness, but usually, it comes with a "nothing is free" attitude. Otherwise, she tends to be quiet, if not brash. She is known to make the wrong decisions, being majorly morally grey, as consequences don't matter to her. This doesn't mean she cannot be happy. Just that she expresses it very cynically. She does love animals, though, and will not tolerate any disrespect of nature, especially so if someone has hurt an animal. And music. Music has kept her from saying hello to the ceiling for many years.

Chosen Year
Chosen Location
Evelyn doesn't remember her parents. They were never around. Instead, she lived in foster care for a majority of her childhood. But they were monsters, her foster parents and even foster siblings having done...unspeakable acts. Often in her early teens, she would run away for the night and visit the woods. While people did not regard her well, Mother Nature's children most certainly did. She managed to even befriend a murder of crows. In fact, it was they who encouraged her (non-verbally, of course) to keep fighting and not to give up on the beautiful thing we call life. For while it is very grey in her eyes, you do only get one. Eventually at 20 years old, she bought a low-rent apartment. For 6 years, now that she had a vehicle, a job, and a home, she tried experimenting to make herself happy. Drawing, writing, and music. None worked except for the latter, which seemed to unusually calm her down. She didn't know why. Perhaps it was associated with a forgotten memory of her youth. Regardless, it always calmed her down, no matter how much she was cracking. To help fix her sorrow, she went to therapy at 25, ending up heartbroken when she was diagnosed with her disorders. The therapist was kind to her though. Probably the only damn person she actually liked being around. But then again, she was probably only being kind because she was getting paid. That's how Evelyn saw it anyway. Sarah, the therapist, made one suggestion: since Evelyn loved animals, and a large part of her depression came from loneliness, why not get a pet? And so, she adopted a crow and named him Jack. Jack made the world much more than black and white. Evelyn would live for this bird, and she would die for him. She saw herself going outside more and more, and even making friends in the neighborhood. Then at 26, Jack died from illness. This had broken Evelyn. What was the point? Sure, she could just get another pet. But that one would also die. And then the next. What was the point of living if everything would just die? At that point, she had grown suicidal and was ready to end it all. That was until she discovered the Traveler's ritual. A ritual to take herself to another world. What if this world was better? What if this world had color? What if death wasn't even a thing? She was desperate to get out of this one. So she gathered the tools and...

matilda obiaka


Emmanuelle Koffi

ā™”coded by uxieā™”


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