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The Traveler
The Traveler may have any other wanted information, but the following is necessary for all Traveler submissions.
The Traveler may have any other wanted information, but the following is necessary for all Traveler submissions.
Full Name
Include the full name of the Traveler
Gender & Pronouns
You can either use a detailed description or an image for the Traveler
Go in-depth here. What are this Traveler's vices and virtues, the doubts and hopes and fears and dreams of their life? How do they feel in private and among others? What motivates them in life?
Chosen Year
From what year, between 1950 and 2090, does the Traveler originate?
Chosen Location
From where in the United States does the Traveler originate?
Detail this section as much as you can. Who is the Traveler; what relationships do they have with loved ones? What shaped them to be who they are today? What would compel them to complete the Traveler's Ritual?
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