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Fantasy Yaoi Supernatural High: Character Post


Two Thousand Club
The supernatural school is a boys school. Yes they have a girls, but its seperated. The boys spent SO many years together without females around, so they started getting interested in each other. Now they keep it a secret from the teachers. Well some teachers that is. A lot of teachers have caught on and joined in.


All males

God modding allowed, if you do this, you must be a teacher

Have as many characters as you please

Be respectful to others

Dont judge their typing style






Name: Piko Lio Utatane

Nickname: Pilu, Pretty Boy, Money Garbage

Age & Gender: 15 (almost 16) Male

Nationality: Japanese 

Height: 5'5/ 120 lbs

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Half Human Half Robot

Romantic Interests: Anyone who becomes interested in him

Perso: He is a sweet and gentle boy, who is also really smart. Though he has a very stubborn side and when he gets ticked off he will explode, its not pretty. He is over emotional sometimes, its easy to make him sad or scared

Bio: Piko has always been a shut in Gay, and promised himself he would never tell a soul. That means he has to live a lonely life, but its better than being embarrassed. Piko is always bullied because they think he has everything. He doesnt. His dad ALWAYS works and he has lived alone, making his own meals every day. The only thing he gets from his dad is 1000 dollars in allowance. One day he brought home a women, they said they were getting married. Piko had no idea about this and was pissed so he shut himself in his room. School came around so he had to leave it.

Odd appearance: He has a tail that is a plug in. YES he can use it. His brain is functioned to be able to download and memorize ANYTHING. People literally try to use him to cheat, but he is a good boy.

Power: He has a robotic singing voice that can hypnotize, poison, cause others to fall in love with him, cause someone to be paralyzed, make them fall asleep. He also has a frequency that messes with the brain and throws off all senses of the person he is targeting. 

Gender: Cis Male

Orientation: This is Yaoi so...


Species: Demon?

Nationality: None of your business! Racists!

Romantic interest:Piko

Personality: You won't like him.

Bio: Was an Angel of the Christian god. Rebelled against him along with Lucifer. Banished to hell along with all the other rebelling angels. Escaped from hell and has been living among humans for centuries. Incarnating into human bodies of his own. He is now beginning freshman year of highschool for this life.

Powers: The most powerful ones are the ability to withstand any amount of pain and not be broken, & The inability to be mindcontrolled or persuaded by anything. (He cannot ever be told what to do against his wishes and cannot be tortured into submission. His will is iron.)
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Karma Blakemore 

Nickname: "Astro" "Space Boy"/monthly_2016_08/pixel_karma_by_scellocat-d8fb8ta.png.fa1c381cfdce9bc54a890ceb2ce0c65e.png

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: Celestial 

Height: 5'6"

Sexuality: Demisexual

Romantic Interests: TBD

Species: Cosmic humanoid

Power(s): All of Karma's powers rely solely on his use of cosmic energy to do nearly anything.

  • Flight - Karma can fly. He usually floats a couple inches off of the ground rather than walking, however, thus levitating, because flying takes too much effort.
  • Cosmic Shift - Karma can transfer energy from himself to others.
  • Protection - Karma can create small and extremely temporary force fields.
  • Teleportation - With use of cosmic energy, Karma can teleport with a black, star-filled aura-like shade dissipating after him and appearing before him.
  • Telekinesis - Using cosmic energy and dark matter, Karma picks up malleable objects with black magic picking them up and enveloping them. Similar to Raven from Teen Titans when she picks something up with her dark power.
  • Cosmic Energy Absorption - Karma can absorb energy from the stellar stars and celestial objects. He can only really do this effectively at night, however.
  • Cosmic Attacks - To attack, Karma generally creates orbs from his hands and shoots them as projectiles.

drink_some_tea_by_scellocat-d87hjqw.pngPersonality: Karma is generally a quiet fellow. He keeps to himself, but is actually quite interested in the affairs of others, and often silently eavesdrops. He is good at sneaking around because he can float and teleport. He just likes the science of human interaction, and would like to learn more about it without butting into people's lives. He may not have much of a mouth at times, but he possesses a low but soft, honey baritone voice that is soothing to the ear and makes him pleasant to listen to. He is charitable, courteous, and plenty gentlemanly, even though he may be a bit spacey at times. Karma is not much of a talker, but will easily do so if necessary. He is easy to talk to once he gets to know someone, and, he may be introverted, but he is definitely not shy and will easily speak his mind. It may be reckless, but he will easily help and protect anyone in need, even if it means risking his own life. Karma is definitely a shoulder to lean on, as he will easily listen to other's problems and just be there for venting with not being a therapist.

Biography: Born in the stars, Karma finds the general atmosphere of Earth as odd and unnerving. He recently moved to Earth about a year ago, interested in their strange culture and even stranger living beings, so he was moved into a program of integration for other foreign creatures. Even so, Karma was born in the berth of constellations, his homing ground nestled in the crook of the acute angled triangle end of Leo. There were not many like him, as becoming an actual humanoid was rare, instead of being born a star. He was destined to be sent to Earth and learn its culture for the future development of the stars. Overall, in general, however, Karma has lived a nice life, despite all of the confusions that he must learn to live with and adjust to.


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NAME: Mornuhama Loprak

NICKNAME: The Summoner, The Protected, Mo, Dragonmaster

AGE: 17

GENDER: Male (Duh)

HEIGHT:  5'3"


NATIONALITY: South American



POWERS: Can summon his dragon if in need of protection, can talk with his dragon in the Vornukund language.

PERSONALITY: When Mornuhama was a baby, his mother gave him a special necklace. The necklace gave him the power to summon a spirit dragon, one that embodies his personality. He always wore it, using for mostly travel, but has had to use it to defend his home from intruders. Mornuhama, much like his spirit dragon, prefers staying back and watching, observing others. Because of this, he has a large amount of knowledge on most people in the school. He stays back, so is not usually noticed, but when he is, he is always calm, as he is aware of how the person he is talking to acts. He tends to be a bit rash, due to the fact he knows he can summon his dragon. His main weakness is that if he loses the necklace, he cannot summon his spirit dragon. However, if someone steals it, they will not be able to use it, as it is bound to Mornuhama. Despite the fact he usually does not talk with people, he loves singing, and has considered trying to start up a school choir. While he has a high voice, when singing, his voice part is bass.
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NAME: Mei Rinsaku

NICKNAMES: Bane, Unknown, The Mask

AGE: 15


HEIGHT: 5'9"


NATIONALITY: Unknown (South American[Rio])

SPECIES: Unknown (Shape-Shifter)

ROMANCE INTERESTS: Hisoka. Wasn't expecting it, but I'd like to see how it'll work.

POWERS: Increased senses, blind, Can turn into different life-forms (He has other powers, but they are currently unknown. They will be revealed in the roleplay.)

PERSONALITY: Almost nothing is known about Mei's past. Even the faculty at the school know nothing about him. When Mei was 4, he was put into a gas chamber as a Government Test, and gassed with a new form of bio-toxins, destroying his respiratory system and his sight. He was quickly wheeled to an ER, but they could not save his sight. When an X-Ray scanned his chest, it was shown that his lungs were dying quickly. To cope with his breathing problem, he was equipped with a mask and bionic lungs, pumping air into him so that he could live. He became isolated from the rest of the world, not because of his disabilities - because of his own choice. He refused to talk with anyone, and does minimal talking to anyone even now. He stays away from everyone else, doing nearly everything on his own, as he does not want to be babied because of his disabilities. His shape-shifting power let's him take the form of any animal he knows, but not specific kinds of that animal (EG. He cannot turn into a specific human.). The few times he speaks, his voice is almost too deep to hear, but is full of life if he wants it to be, and he has never done this before, but can yell very loudly.
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Name: "My name is Alexander Hellsing."


Age: "I am twenty seven years old."


Nicknames: "There are many.. Monster, loner, demon, deadly. Some even call me their "Favorite Teacher" "


Gender: "I am a male, of course. This is a male school, right?"


Grade: "Oh, that. I'm a teacher. I don't actually teach anyone, I just let the class do whatever they want. I'm too lazy to teach, but the money is good."


Sexuality: "Eh, I'm not interested in anyone."


Nationality: "I originate from England."


Species: "I have my own little race. I call it the "Hellsing Virus.".  It's something that allows me to create weapons out of my own body parts, for example, I can make a blade as long as my body appear in mere seconds. Oh, I forgot to mention. If I get cut, it will automatically fuse my body back together, so good luck taking me down."


Romance interests: "I have no romance interests."


Powers: "My powers or transformations are shown in the picture below."




Personality: "You'll find out, when you actually talk to me."


Bio: "That is classified information. Only the head master of the school knows that, from my job interview."


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NAME: Malhart Sumnor

NICKNAME: Give me a nickname, and off goes your head.

AGE: Why the hell should you know? I'm an adult. Good enough? 

GENDER: What... do you think...

GRADE: I'm a teacher... moron. I usually teach, although I have a tendency to smoke when I teach...

HEIGHT: 6'0"

SEXUALITY: I'm married to a damn woman, stop asking me this!

NATIONALITY: I swear to god... I'm from the Shadow Realm... like you know what that is.

SPECIES: Shadow-morph. Like you know what that is either...

ROMANCE INTERESTS: Read. My god damn. Sexuality. I'm married.

POWERS: I can summon crystalized shadow, become shadow-rock, bend darkness to my will... anything with darkness, really.

PERSONALITY: Listen, chances are, you're a student, and I'm not telling you. Even if you're Mr. Hellsing, I'm still not telling you, because you're a crappy teacher. 

BIO: I'm a teacher who smokes while he teaches and might care about some of his students. Rarely. Is that good enough for you?

SUBJECT: Physics, Chemistry. Are you surprised?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Don't worry, I'm the last character from this dimwitted teenager sitting at his laptop at 3 in the morning. I swear.
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Itakura ''Loki" 'Laevatein



(Whatever you want but note that most nicknames for him are insulting.)













Romantic Interest(s):

Donvi (Possibly)






(Claims to be a full god though.)













Itakura Laevatein. The offspring of the true god of mischief and some red-head, boring, American woman named Jasmine Arizona. Itakura has lived back and forth between the human's world and the world for gods for all his life but he honestly didn't enjoy it and actually would rather stay with the gods then be with easily breakable mortals like the humans. He has always been cautious and almost hostile towards humans because he has believed for a long time that he could accidentally kill one which he did not want to do. So he usually kept tons of distance from them because of his own paranoia. As far as he knows there is no other insecurity he had at the time. You might of already guessed but he was sent away because of a prank that  went a little too far.Others could barely standhis jokes before but he had somehow managed to pluck the other demi-gods' last nerves and he was kicked and forcibly sent to the school.



Most of his powers have been sealed away  so he can't cause much damage

Carries candy everywhere he goes




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Name: Hisoka

NN: "That delinquent"

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Demon


Weight: 152 lbs

Perso: Sassy ass, smart, VERY strong, fast, sneaky, clever

Bio: Grew up tortured by his family, who is a group of elite assassins

Power: Can turn his aura into a sticky pink substance that only he can see. Once he connects it on you, its impossible to get off, this is called "Bungee Gum"

Extra: His hair changes from blue to red depending on the weather Red: Cold weather  Blue: Hot weather Both: Warm

Weapon: He also uses cards to fight, like slit your throat open with a card

more info: He is a bit of a "magician" does a LOT of cool tricks
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I want to join but I'm not using a computer right now so my character bio won't be written until at most 2 days. SORRY!!!

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