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Fandom ⚘Yandere Simulator High School Roleplay⚘

[QUOTE="Wandering Hollow]What if.... the Senpai is a female?

...maybe... Considering the qualifications didn't exactly say the senpai was a male, as far as I know. But that would mean the yandere is a lesbian...

SirBlazeALot said:
How do we know a straight char isn't going lez for the senpai tho
It just seems unnatural to the usual yandere roots... Which the game is based off of... Which this RP is based off of...

It's very possible, though. Most people don't figure out their sexuality until much later in their life, near adultery. At least, they only express it near adultery.

...Maybe that's why the PE uniform was tampered with? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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TurtleGod said:
...maybe... Considering the qualifications didn't exactly say the senpai was a male, as far as I know. But that would mean the yandere is a lesbian...
MMMMMMMM Sweet Yuri lovin~ Ufufufufufu~
TurtleGod said:
It just seems unnatural to the usual yandere roots... Which the game is based off of... Which this RP is based off of...
It's very possible, though. Most people don't figure out their sexuality until much later in their life, near adultery. At least, they only express it near adultery.

...Maybe that's why the PE uniform was tampered with? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh that incident? Ufufufu~ Just checking Sukio's gender for fun maybe?
[QUOTE="Wandering Hollow]Oh that incident? Ufufufu~ Just checking Sukio's gender for fun maybe?

Actually that sounds quite convincing, considering (as far as I know, since the posts for the future but weren't in present time were strange) no one knew Sukio's gender before that. Of course, I don't think the incident had anything to do with it, but eh.
TurtleGod said:
Actually that sounds quite convincing, considering (as far as I know, since the posts for the future but weren't in present time were strange) no one knew Sukio's gender before that. Of course, I don't think the incident had anything to do with it, but eh.
What if that's what the Yandere wants you to think? *Death Note music in background*
[QUOTE="Wandering Hollow]What if that's what the Yandere wants you to think? *Death Note music in background*

2 Sp00ky 4 me
[QUOTE="Wandering Hollow]What if that's what the Yandere wants you to think? *Death Note music in background*

So many death note memories...

Actually, scratch that. I haven't finished death note.

Nor have I seen the potato chip.

Yandere doesn't have a good chance to do stuff and NPCS aren't being engaged enough to propel the story along. Plus, player interaction is strangely low.

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