XML Charm Cards - Lunars? Sidereals?


New Member
Alright, fellow patternspiders,

the copyright issue with the XML Charm Cards project was finally resolved and the cards are again available for download. Now in the version 1.1 including proper copyright information. You can download the cards by visiting my website at http://www.tricktonic.com/exalted or simply by clicking on the link below.

Download XML Charm Cards - Solar (v1.1) (~25 MB download)

A preview of the card layout:


Now this is nothing new, but talking to the WW / CCP representative I've gotten the okay to continue with the project, expanding it to include the other Exalt Types. I'm wary of citing people but I'll do so again in the hopes that the quote does not get pulled out of context.

So what this means is that Charm Cards for the other Exalt Types are now a possibility. I've already been contacted by someone who has a DB Charms XML data set that we might be able to use, albeit modifying that schema to fit the schema used in the cards might need some work.

However the Lunar and Sidereal Charms can be undertaken if there are enough volunteers to contribute. If you are interested in helping out, visit the fixalted wiki  page for the XML Charm Cards Project.

No XML knowledge is need as everything is explained on the page above. If you want to help get this thing done, let me know!
I don't think I have the time or energy to contribute to the project at the moment, but I did want to say that your work is very impressive and I'm sure many users find it quite helpful.

Nice job.
Wierd. Did you try again? I haven't heard that before but granted, after WW pulled my website down I did have some trouble for a while. Try again to see if it works.

Also Ultracog, if you think you'll have the time or energy to join in at a later date, feel free to contact me.
The WW closedown - as it turned out - was only because of the copyright notice being insufficient and the (never used anyway) donation button being not okay with them. Both is fixed now.

Also I had a couple people work on Lunar Data. Which is 66% finished but has hit a slump now. I've also set up DB data so if anyone is willing to help out, check out the Fixalted page for info:

http://fixalted.bazzalisk.org/index.php ... harm_Cards

Also there are "official" cards available for Solars and Dragon-Blooded for FIRST EDITION, I think.
Well LUnars are ready and released (just check my page) and there are people working on DBs but everyone is welcome to join in and help out.
Big fan of the cards, as are my players. They've really smoothed the difficulty of introducing new players to the game.

An error I'm not sure you're aware of or not: the card for observer deceiving attack has only "Charm Name" listed as its name. Dunno if this is easy or difficult to fix, but I thought I would bring it to your attention.
Thanks. I've fixed it in my local copy. WIth the next release (hopefully DBs but the data- creation has slowed down) we'll have it fixed.

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