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Fandom Xenoblade: Future Reclaimed

Nia followed the squad leader and Melia in relative silence and instead allowed herself to look around as they moved towards their destination. This place was far more established than most of the colonies she had ever visited. It was closer to what the castle was like, though she had only visited such a place once before and it had only been for a few days for training purposes. Still it was a fair comparison. Both were more permanent locations than the other colonies. Sure they were set up for extended periods of time in one place, but they could easily be moved on a whim if something were to happen. She felt envious of such. Her colony had moved several times after all. They were near the borderline of Kevesi and Agnian territory, thus often were met with conflict and forced to relocate to avoid further issues. To see a place so free of worries like that seemed unreal, yet here they were.

Swiveling her ears back, a soft sigh slipped between her lips and she turned her gaze back forward to try not to focus on such things. It wasn't as if she needed to have harsh views on this place. It wasn't as if the people were to blame for what she had gone through. Besides, it had been them that saved her life and pulled her out of the war that had been controlling her life thus far. That alone kept her from losing it, even if it was a feeble thing. She wouldn't have thought she'd internally be bothered, but she supposed it was unavoidable.

When they arrived at the elevator, Nia let her feelings seep away. Whatever frustrations she felt, she couldn't hold onto them as they were meeting with the leader. She needed to be on good behavior or at least good enough. Remaining silent as they descended, she could feel her impatience growing until the doors finally slid open. The room before them was rather empty besides the table that took up most of it. Opposite of them stood a lone woman. This must be the leader of this place. She didn't look too much different than the people she was used to seeing though who knew how age worked. Nia certainly didn't.

Her eyes remained on Monica as they moved out into the room. The woman seemed preoccupied the moment they arrived and was looking over some that was in front of her, but soon enough her eyes flickered up and looked towards them. Her gaze almost felt unsettling though Nia had no reason to think it to be. As she spoke, the offseer took in her words. She confirmed she was indeed the leader of the City, or at least its military, which she called the Lost Numbers. The name was odd, but she had no desire to question it. Instead, she kept listening.

As the woman inquired about who they were, Nia slowly nodded her head. She would have spoken first, but Melia beat her to the punch. Once her Kevesi companion confirmed her own identity, the Agnian followed suit. "And I am Nia... an offseer from Colony Chi."

It was a brief introduction, but she was sure it was enough. Besides, she didn't want to be long winded when she didn't need to be, plus Melia had been short with hers as well. As much as she would have liked to throw her own questions out now, she held her tongue and decided to let Monica continue on, knowing she would likely explain things at her own pace.

However, as they waited, the elevator doors opened up once again. Nia hadn't even heard it leave before, but much to her surprise the Nopon she had seen before came walking in. Whether his visit was unannounced or expected, she did not know, but she watched as he moved to the table and jumped up onto it. He could tell the meeting had only just started, thus opted to say nothing yet, but he flashed a look in Monica's direction, a cheeky smirk, as if silently boasting on his good find.
Monica silently nodded as the young women confirmed their identities. The stony gaze she fixed on the two faltered a bit as the corners of her lips slightly crept upwards to something that somewhat resembled a smile; everything did seem to be lining up. Their appearances, their names... Maybe this was the last push the Lost Numbers needed to begin preparing a proper assault.

Before she could ruminate on that idea any more, the elevator door opened to reveal a familiar frizzy Nopon. She raised an eyebrow in response to the cheeky look he gave her. Monica should have known he'd come to gloat. She still wasn't really sure how he was able to identify them in the middle of a hectic battlefield, but she still reminded herself that she needed to thank him after bringing the two up to speed. For now, she had other uses in mind for his presence. "Just in time, Riku. I hoped you'd be able to help explain everything to these two. It seems like you are the expert, after all." She turned her focus back to Melia and Nia. "This is Riku, one of our resident mechanics. You can thank him for spotting you two and ordering your evacuation."

Melia furrowed her brow as she looked back and forth between Riku and Monica. "Well... thank you, I suppose, but I still don't understand. Why us? I need to know why you saved the two of us and not the rest of our colonies." It was direct, but she couldn't dance around the subject any longer. The people she had been entrusted to protect had likely all fallen. The guilt kept coming at her in waves, and that one question was the most important out of anything that could cross her mind.

Monica sighed. "I suppose there's no point in beating around the bush, is there?" She crossed her arms and glanced at the Nopon on the table. "Please help fill in any details I miss. You clearly know something important here." Monica took a deep breath before facing her guests. "All right. I'm sure you're aware this war is simply an excuse for the Consuls to extend their lives. Perhaps you were even told that the queens in your castles are fakes, too. The real queens were benevolent rulers who wanted to ensure the peace of Keves and Agnus. However, they went missing long ago. When the City was first established, one of its primary goals was to find out what happened to the queens. With their wisdom and strength, maybe we'd stand a chance at ending this war."

Melia took a moment to ponder Monica's statement, though she was still perplexed. "That goal makes sense, though I don't understand what it has to do with us. I can't speak for Nia, but I haven't heard anything about a true queen. I'm sorry, but I don't have any information I can give you."

Monica shook her head. "It has everything to do with you. You see... the Agnian queen's name was Nia, and the Kevesi queen's name was Melia. Just like you two. And going off of whatever records we have from their time, you two bear a resemblance to them, though you're much younger." She gestured to Riku before continuing. "Riku will need to explain how he managed to piece it together so quickly, but I believe the two of us are in agreement that our search might have finally come to an end... I believe you two may be the true queens."
Riku listened to Monica greet him and he gave a small nod. It was exactly why he was here in the first place. He knew his knowledge on everything would be important if they wished to move forward in convincing the two of who the City believed they were. That meant his words were vital, though he would have to figure out how to brooch the subject. Luckily he could think on it as Monica spoke of the basics. However, before he could get lost in his thoughts, he was formally introduced, to which he offered a firm nod of his head. There were no need for words from him, thus he remained silent, allowing Melia to speak up.

As the other solider spoke up, Nia flickered her gaze towards her, deciding not to linger her attention on Riku for too long. Clearly he was important, even Monica mentioned he was to thank for their rescue. What could a Nopon want with the two of them though? It seemed odd. Melia voiced a question close enough to that thought and the Agnian slowly nodded in agreement. There was the question of why. It had plagued her mind ever since they had been saved. She needed to know what was so important that her and Melia needed to be the ones rescued.

Before she could voice anything though, Monica spoke up, finally giving them an answer. Before she started, she requested the Nopon to fill in any details she might miss to which he simply nodded. With that out of the way, the woman began addressing things, and Nia was hardly phased in her initial remarks. What she spoke of was essentially what they had already been told, but when Melia cut in and asked what it all had to do with them, she couldn't help agreeing. There was no clear reason as to what importance they had in terms of the queens. She had only seen the false one once before during her training at the castle. She hardly knew what that queen looked or acted like as is. It seemed that hardly mattered though.

When Monica answered Melia's question, Nia felt her ears stand tall in disbelief. There was no way... Did they really think her and Melia were the queens? It seemed so out of leftfield. Names were one thing to have in common and could be written off as a coincidence, but to bear resemblance to them as well... that was hard to write off. No wonder the City would go out of their way for something like that, though that put a heavy burden on their shoulders. It was hard to wrap her head around it. Monica seemed so sure of it all and given that Riku had been the one feeding back such information, she was sure he was confident in it too.

"You really believe we're the queens?" she questioned. Her head was swimming from such information. She wanted to make some snarky remark but held back for now, knowing she needed to behave. "Oi furball, how do you know for sure? You sure you didn't mess up?"

Riku frowned at Nia's nickname and shook his head to brush it off. "Riku is positive. It would be shame to Riku's Masterpon if Riku did not know what queens look like. Riku has met real queens firsthand long ago. No mistaking you look like them."

It was no surprise he was indeed confident in his beliefs though what was more concerning was what he spoke of. Nia quirked a brow as he mentioned meeting the real queens long ago. How old was this Nopon? While the concept of age hardly made sense, from what had been told to her it had been a long time since the queens had last been around. Was it even possible for a Nopon to live that long? That was knowledge she hardly knew even though Nopon were part of their everyday lives.

"Whether believe Riku or not, Riku know you are real queens. Riku been waiting for this moment for long time."

Riku knew this information was stuff even Monica had never been aware of, though it could easily be played off as nonsense anyways. Only he knew it to be true and he had no proof otherwise, though luckily, for his sake, old documents at least backed up his claims of what the queens looked like and their names.
While Melia usually kept the calm, refined posture one would expect from a high-ranking colony official, Monica's assertation staggered her for a moment. Her eyes slowly began to widen as she let the information sink in. Did she hear that correctly? Was it a joke? They thought she was a queen? Of course, their arguments seemed a bit too compelling to be mere coincidences... but still, it made no sense. Could they really piece it together from just their names and appearances? She felt her head begin to throb in pain as she dwelled on it, trying to make sense of it all.

She listened quietly as Nia asked the same questions that were swimming through her head. She had managed to compose herself a bit by that point, but Riku's response baffled her yet again. He met the queens? How old was he? And if he claimed they were the queens, did that mean he knew them personally? She certainly had no memory of a Nopon with frizzy hair... Not that she had any memories of being a queen in the first place. She didn't know why she should trust him, but he seemed so sure of himself...

Monica had expected the girls to be shocked, though her eyes snapped over to Riku when he mentioned having met the real queens himself. This was news to her. Why did he withhold the information that he knew them personally? It wasn't hard to tell that Riku was old with how long he had been helping the City, but Monica knew that hundreds of terms must have passed since the real queens disappeared. Had Riku really spent all that time looking for Melia and Nia? It did explain his fervor over the mission and how he was able to quickly spot the two in the midst of a raging battle, at least.

Monica quietly shook her head and heaved a sigh. She'd need to ask him all about this later. "Well, there you have it. He recognizes both of you. And he'll need to share his stories of the real queens with all three of us once we're settled." She placed her hands on her hips and raised her voice as she clarified "all three of us," making sure Riku knew how much she expected an explanation as well.

While Melia was still trying to wrap her head around everything, there was one thought that bothered her. If they really were the queens, shouldn't they be much older? Not that Melia had much of a grasp on the concept of aging, but she knew that colonists like her only lived for 10 terms. She hadn't even reached that many yet, but the fake queens had existed for countless terms. Why were they so young now, then? She directed her attention back towards the Nopon and Monica.

"How is it possible for us to be the queens? I can't understand your certainty... I'm in my eighth term. Wouldn't we be much 'older' if we were the queens? And why would the queens be fighting in the colonies? None of it makes sense to me..." She furrowed her brows and lifted her fingers to her chin as she tried to process all of what was in her head. Her eyes then drifted back over to Riku. "If you claim to have known us in the past, would you also happen to know why we're younger? Or at least we we don't remember being queens?"
Nia stared blankly at the Nopon, finding his words extremely hard to believe. There had been a lot of odd things told to them, but this one took the cake. He made claims that seemed rather difficult to wrap her own head around and it seemed she wasn't alone in that. Not only did Melia show visible surprise, but even Monica seemed to be taken aback by his claims. Did that mean he was unreliable? In her eyes it made him, but who was she to judge. The Nopon were always strange ones and even the ones that stayed in her Colony had been odd, though none of them had ever claimed to know her or anything of this level. It wasn't easy to take in at all.

Riku was not surprised by the shock he received. If anything it was warranted given his bold claims, though Monica's words caused him to sigh. He never had been much of a talker, yet he had dug his own hole with this one. Such claims had to have some kind of story with it and he hadn't shared such story since long before the current City was founded. Back then it had been with Nikol, Glimmer and Matthew. It had been vital information to help them with their fight against Alpha. Sure, Shulk or Rex could have told them, but they had left it to him. It seemed the same was being bestowed upon him now whether he liked it or not.

What was more important though were Melia's questions. It was clear they hadn't been told of the reincarnation that the Consuls had in place to keep them stuck in the now and to keep things as stagnant as possible. He didn't expect it would fall upon him to need to explain, but given Monica didn't speak up and Melia was looking at him expectantly, he had no other choice.

"Riku met queens long ago, before Consuls took over. Story is long, but Riku is son of one of Queen Melia's friends... Queens have been trapped in endless cycle put in place by Moebius. You ask why Consuls turn on Colonies like they did? They seek to keep queens trapped. When soldier die, its not end. No... fake queens and Moebius will bring back with no memories hence why queens no remember. Only living till homecoming will free soldier from endless cycle. Riku not fully understand why queens younger, but sure Moebius have some reason," Riku explained though his words were choppy like most Nopon speech was. Still the jist of it was understandable. They were trapped in a cycle and would forever be reborn without memories of their previous lives. "The mark soldiers bear, it is sign of being stuck in cycle. People of the City do not have thus age like should. Queens shouldn't fight Colonies, no. Queens should fight Moebius. Colonies might be in way of such goal but main goal is not them. Real queens could free Colonies if given chance then take back world."

Nia once again stared as the furball explained things to them. Was he crazy? There was no way people could be reincarnated once they were gone. If that happened then surely her or Melia would have encountered someone similar before, but she knew in her case such had never happened before. His words seemed like lies and she hardly wanted to believe him, yet he seemed oddly knowledgeable, which conflicted her. He had no reason to lie, especially if he was trying to win them over and convince them to join their cause. She still didn't understand how he could live so long though.

"Oi, that sounds like rubbish if you ask me, furball," she retorted with a huff and shake of her head. "You're telling us you personally knew Melia and that's how you know of us? And we've lost memories because of this cycle? Seems convenient if you ask me."

"Riku have no reason to lie. Only speak truth," Riku affirmed as he turned to look at Monica, knowing she could at least corroborate his claims on the Endless Now and the reincarnation cycle. The only thing he knew that couldn't be backed up was his own knowing of the queens. He alone only knew such specific things.
Melia silently listened to Riku's explanation, her brows furrowed as she tried to understand all of it. It still didn't make sense. She was friends with one of his parents in the past? It seemed a little too convenient, but he did seem too serious to be lying...

And then there was the matter of his claims of reincarnation. How could Moebius and the queens manage to hide that for so long? After all these years, someone would have recognized a former comrade who had been reincarnated. Perhaps even a Nopon if they really did live as long as Riku claimed to have lived. Of course, if he was telling the truth, then Melia couldn't deny that this would explain why she was younger and why she didn't remember being a queen. She wasn't sure what to think on the matter...

Nia voiced some similar doubts, though Riku stood by his statements. The offseer was right in saying that it all seemed convenient. Sure, everything he said lined up with their situation, but perhaps it lined up a little too well. He claimed that he had no reason to lie, but if the City really wanted their help, it wouldn't be difficult to believe he'd say whatever it takes to win them over. Even something as outlandish as reincarnation.

Monica met Riku's glance and gave him a nod before addressing the young queens. "While Riku knowing you two back in the day is news to me, I can tell you both that what he said about the cycle of rebirth is true. Moebius-- the Consuls-- want to keep our world trapped in a never-ending war so they can keep feeding off of the energy left behind by fallen Kevesi and Agnian soldiers. That's why they let you all die off and bring you back without your old memories. They get to sit back and enjoy the show while you all are stuck in this circle of death and reincarnation. Lost Numbers was founded by brave soldiers who fought to end this cycle and ensure both Agnus and Keves would know peace."

Of course, she could tell the two were skeptical of the claims made by her and Riku. She'd fight as hard as she could to win them over, though. "I get it. This all sounds crazy, right? But you've been in the midst of this war your whole lives. You know the pain and horrors of it better than most people in the City do. And you know Moebius has hidden other truths of this world from you-- the existence of the City or the fact that they're all working together, for instance. It's your choice to believe us or not. But either way, now that you know the truth, can you let this war continue raging on? If anyone can stop Moebius for good, it's the queens. It's you two. As the leader of Lost Numbers, I'm asking you to stick with us and give us the opportunity to prove our points. We need you."

Melia took a moment to mull it all over. While she still had her doubts about everything, their odds certainly were better with the City right now, and Monica was right in pointing out that it wouldn't be the only lie that the Consuls had told them. And of course, there was the matter of avenging her fallen comrades. She couldn't just ignore that, and she'd also have to do whatever it took to pull it off. She took a moment to steady her breath before looking between Monica and Riku.

"I can't say I believe that I'm a queen, but if aligning with you is what I must do to make up for my failures with my former colony, then my strength is yours." She gave the two a steely gaze that matched her conviction; the flame within her still raged, and she had to ensure its blaze was even stronger to match that of the friends she lost in that dreadful battle.

Monica's lips curved upwards into a small smile as she locked eyes with the young commander. She knew it would take a lot more time to fully convince her, but simply having her on board was at least a good first step. Her eyes then turned over to Nia as she waited to see what the offseer would say. Would she match Melia's conviction? Would she express doubts? Or did she have more questions? Monica mentally prepared herself for whatever came her way. She had to bring both of them on board if they wanted to win this fight.
Riku was hardly surprised when Melia showed disbelief in his statements. He could understand both queens hesitancy towards his claims. To the average person, City or Colony alike, they were the ramblings of a madman. It didn't help that Nopon had a tendency of using such absurd stories to their own benefits. He knew it all too well from dealing with the Nopon traders that traveled around. They had such crazy tales to tell to encourage people to buy their goods. While he could understand the need for such, it only made situations like this more difficult for himself. He pushed the thought aside though and looked towards Monica as she decided to speak up and re-enforce his claims of reincarnation. It was all she could do since his personal ones were only things he knew.

Nia huffed softly as Monica spoke up again. To hear her say the little furball was correct only made her pin her ears back in disbelief. This was insane; somehow more insane than what they already had been told. It seemed that would be the norm of this place though. Even as Monica continued on and added context to the whole situation, she found it difficult to wrap her mind around. How was she a queen? Was it really that easy for the Consuls to have control over them? To some extent, she could accept it. They had seen how the Consuls were after all, but that didn't automatically mean every ounce of information they were fed was factual either. It was an awkward position to be put in.

While she wanted to object, she knew it wasn't in her best interest. Even if all this information was a farce, there was no way she could return to the way her life was before. Everything she had known had clearly been a lie. The Consuls would kill her if she returned. This was the only choice she had whether she liked it or not.

Hearing Melia speak up, Nia quietly ran her fingers through her hair as she took in the other soldier's words. She too seemed clearly hesitant to accept all this yet she spoke of making up for the failures she had made with her colony. It was a noble statement to make and it resonated with Nia, though it was harder to accept. She did want to prove her worth and show what she was capable of, even seeking to avenge the fallen comrades that had died because of her, yet not knowing if things were completely true or not made it rather difficult to put her all into affirming her allegiance to these strangers.

"I can't say I buy all this rubbish... me a queen? Reincarnation..." Nia mumbled as she dropped her hand away from her head to look towards the others in the room. Her shoulders quickly rolled back and a sigh slipped between her lips as she let her fiery passion leave her for a moment of repose. "But even if I'm not this queen you desperately seek, I can't stay idle. It would be a disgrace to all those who lost their lives to get us here. I do have a request though."

She paused and directed her gaze towards Monica and Riku hoping they'd be able to meet the specific request she had. If she were to believe all this, she wanted some kind of proof, even if it might be small. Surely their information of the queens wasn't pulled out of nowhere.

"What is request? Riku sure we see it taken care of if all needed for your help."

The furball was quick to oblige to such a thing. Clearly he seemed sure of his own deductions, though it didn't surprise he one bit. Nopons were strange creatures. "I want whatever proof you have of the real queens. I want to see with my own eyes where the City has gotten this information. I know it could be forged, who knows what is real and what is not, but nevertheless, it's the least you can do."

Her words were bold, yet Riku hardly seemed fazed by them. Her request wasn't a hard one. The City had several books and documents that spoke of the queens, even if only in brief detail. It would surely be enough to offer some kind of proof and perhaps a realization that they were indeed like the documents described, at least in appearance.
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Melia was a little relieved to hear Nia echo her sentiment, though she still felt uneasy with the thought of even considering joining forces with someone she was prepared to kill earlier that same day. Still, she at least wouldn't be alone in being an outsider in the City.

She quietly listened to Nia's request, silently nodding her head in agreement once she was done. Having some sort of evidence to back their sources would ease some of her doubts about this all. Of course, as Nia said, it could be forged... but if they were quick enough to bring something back as proof, what were the odds that they would have had the time to fake it in the first place? All of this seemed like a surprise to the City, too, after all.

"I would like to see this proof as well. Whatever you have works for me. I just need something to know you aren't lying to us about the queens."

The request was expected by Monica. In fact, as soon as she heard who was being brought into the City, she asked a couple of her troops to begin gathering whatever documents they could find to prove their case. She had hoped to have that ready in time for the meeting, but it seemed there was some sort of delay. She silently noted to herself that she should check into it personally to make sure everything was going well. She knew their libraries had books containing all of the information that had been gathered on the queens, and some even included art depicting the two based on what descriptions had been passed down.

She took a quick glance at Riku. Had the mysterious Nopon contributed any of the information held in those tomes? She had so much she wanted to ask him... But now wasn't the time. She'd talk his ear off soon enough, but right now, they needed to prioritize gaining the trust of the queens. That would be her next responsibility.

Monica nodded at the two. "I had a feeling you might want that. I already had some people looking into fulfilling that request, but I'll go check myself. I'd imagine you two could use some time to rest, anyway." She turned her gaze over to Riku. "Could you show them around the City? Just a quick tour for now should suffice. Make sure you take them to the dormitories at the end; there should be someone there who can find beds for them."

In a way, having Riku around to help show them around was convenient; if he really did know these two before they were brought into the cycle of reincarnation, maybe he could do something to ease their concerns and win their trust. He clearly knew them better than anyone else in the City, after all. With that decided, she addressed the queens again. "Of course, if you two have any other questions before you head out, feel free to ask."

Melia shook her head and paused for a moment, her mouth opening before she hesitated. After some silent contemplation, she spoke up. "I don't have any questions. That being said... regardless of whether or not I believe your stories, your organization saved my life. So... thank you, both of you. I don't intend to waste this opportunity to avenge my comrades." She still felt uneasy about all of this, but deep down, she was grateful to have been able to see the true nature of the world and the Consuls, even if she had her doubts about how many of their stories were true. And maybe Monica was right. Maybe she just needed to sleep on it to sort out her thoughts.
Nia was a bit surprised that Monica had been anticipating such a question. It made her feel a little wary that information might be forged then, but what could she do? She would have to wait and see what was presented to her and decide what to believe and what not to. There wasn't much else she could do. She hate it, but complaining would get her no where. If anything it would only dig a deeper hole for herself and cause unnecessary problems for herself. For now she would have to accept how things were.

"Fine, I can wait to see this evidence," she huffed softly as he ruffled her hair in mild frustration. Some rest would probably go a long way, though she did feel guilty doing so after what had occurred earlier. Did she even deserve to rest? Her Colony had been killed and for what? That thought would linger in her mind for a long time, she was sure of it, though she wouldn't dare voice her feelings over it. Instead, she kept them bottled up and tried to look as calm as she could. "I don't have any other questions that come to mind... too tired to think of any."

There were probably plenty she should ask, but Nia's mind was moving so quickly that it was hard to think of any on the spot right now. Most of the important stuff was out of the way for now at least, though if something did come up later she wouldn't be afraid to ask. It was the least she could do for herself in this situation. However, her thoughts paused as she heard Melia speak. She was certainly a lot more graceful with her words and in a way, she envied that, but it had never been like her to talk in such a manner. She was far more blunt when she spoke. The sentiment she spoke of was one she could at least agree with. This place had saved her life and she would use the opportunity whether or not she was who they sought.

"I, uh... I thank you too," Nia struggled to get out. Her pride always made apologies difficult to do, though it was a start. "I said it before that I'd fight no matter what, so I'll reiterate it so you know I'm not kidding around. You gave me a chance to keep fighting so whether I am who you want or not, I'll keep fighting."

Riku listened to both women speak their bits and allowed a faint smile to come to his face. It wasn't often he showed such emotion, but he felt reassured in this moment. Even if they weren't able to convince the two of them of their real selves, at least they would help fight. It was the least he could hope for given the situation. His brief display of happiness faded quickly though as the realization hit him that he was their guide now. Such a task hardly pleased him, but he knew he couldn't argue it. It would give him a chance to bring them to the statues of the founder. Maybe, just maybe they would spark a memory in them. Melia had been close with Shulk and Nia with Rex, so it was possible seeing something related to them would help. If not he could simply brush it off as part of the tour.

"Riku will be guide. If need anything while we out, speak up and Riku will get," he said promptly as he hopped down off the table and moved over to the elevator without another word. Jumping up, he clicked the button for the door and watched it slide open before stepping inside and waving a wing for Melia and Nia to come join him.

Nia sighed begrudgingly before turning on her heels to follow after the Nopon. The little furball really was something else even among his own kind. She wasn't sure what it was about him, but she he just stood out. Maybe it was the weird hair he had... or maybe his deep voice. She had never heard a Nopon like him. Shaking it off, she stood in silence as the elevator began going up.

Once they arrived on the main floor again, Riku shimmied past the two soldiers and pointed a wing towards the area they had come from before. "We go there. It main shopping district. Many shops and foods."
A faint smile crept its way across Monica's face as she listened to the reincarnated queens give their gratitude and express their desire to fight. She knew she still had a lot of work to do if she wanted to fully convince them that they must be the queens, but this was at least a good start. And either way, the Lost Numbers could certainly use all the help they could get. She nodded in response. "You're welcome. Thank you for giving us a chance. I promise that you won't regret it."

Melia nodded silently before spinning around to face the elevator. She watched the Nopon waddle his way in before motioning for the two soldiers to join him. Something about this Nopon still seemed odd to her. Nopon were usually pretty blunt with their speech, but the way he casually spoke of knowing the two long ago seemed so genuine. Could it really be possible for him to be that old? Did he really know them at one point? He even claimed to have been the son of one of her friends... whatever that meant. Melia wasn't sure what a "son" was, though his claim to have some connection to one of her friends did make her wonder if they were particularly close back in the day. Not that she was ready to believe their stories about the true queens and reincarnation, but if they were true, how well did she know this strange Nopon? She took a quiet breath to compose herself before stepping into the elevator, that question gnawing at the back of her mind.

After the doors opened, Melia followed Riku outside back into the City. She gazed out into the shopping district as he pointed to it; while they had walked through before, she still couldn't believe how massive and busy the City was. So many people walking, talking, seemingly just enjoying life. There were no signs of conflict or strife. Sure, it seemed like the Lost Numbers were keeping busy on the battlefield, but did the others really get to live peaceful lives while Keves and Agnus clashed in and endless war? A hint of jealousy bubbled in Melia's gut as she thought about how much her comrades deserved this life, too. But even stronger than the jealousy was her desire to fight so her people could enjoy the same peace.

Of course, before she could take on this Moebius group or whoever it was she needed to confront, she needed time to recover. Melia felt her stomach growl a bit at the mention of food. With all of the excitement, she hadn't even noticed how hungry she'd become. She sighed and directed her attention to her Nopon tour guide. "I have no objections to going there. A short break for food would help, I think." Her eyes then shifted over towards Nia. Sure, they were both equals in this strange situation they had found themselves in now, and she intended to uphold her end of this uneasy alliance while they waited for proof that Monica and Riku were correct in their assertions, but the thought of sharing a meal with an Agnian still made her feel a little uneasy.

Was it because she feared the offseer would strike while she was distracted? No, Nia had plenty of opportunities to do that by now. Besides, she seemed just as serious about helping out as Melia did. Perhaps it was simply that the idea of having to speak with her seemed a little intimidating. Having to work alongside the same person she had clashed with earlier that day seemed like a near-impossible feat, but deep down, she knew it would be unavoidable. Melia couldn't help but dread the moment everything quieted down and they had room to chat. It would have to come sooner or later.

She crossed her arms and addressed Nia.
"If that sounds good to you, anyway." Even the act of checking what the Agnian offseer wanted to do felt difficult. Choking the words out felt as strenuous as trying to lift a Levnis with her bare hands. It was better to get it over with now, though. "Whatever we end up doing, please lead the way, Riku. I'll be right behind you."
Nia could feel the uneasiness in the air. It was a feeling that she too felt, though she was doing everything she could to push it down and ignore it. This was how things were now whether she liked it or not. That was a hard pill to swallow. Her own pride and stubbornness conflicted with such feelings of comradery. Still, she outwardly remained civil despite the negative thoughts that still lingered in her mind. This had been someone who had been trying to kill her before they were rescued. That wouldn't leave her mind even if she had been open thus far. Still, getting along with the woman beside her was the best shot she had at avenging her fallen allies, even if some of their lives had been lost at the hands of Melia's own people. It was something she would have to come to accept, though it would take time. She knew that much. Members of her own colony had been the same for her. Over time though, they came to understand one another. She could only hope it could happen here as well, even if the circumstances were far different.

Those thoughts were put on hold as Riku mentioned the shopping district where they had originally landed and Nia let her gaze follow the direction he was pointing. The mention of food also got her. It was common to have a meal after battle among her colony. Her body easily remembered as much. Fighting took a lot out of a soldier and while food wasn't always guaranteed she still hungered. It seemed Melia was no different, though the way she spoke towards her seemed cold and distant. She supposed the feeling was mutual. It wasn't something they could easily overcome, even if they had been mildly social before. That had merely come from a place of common interest and confusion. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I have no objections. A meal sounds nice," she responded bluntly.

Riku took note of both queens's answers and nodded his head slowly. He knew this was no easy task to take on and neither would easily budge from their stubbornness, but it was a good sign nonetheless. They may not want to outwardly show it, but even the smallest signs of getting along were a big step towards working with one another. He knew it would take time, but they had to break through it. Time wasn't exactly their friend in all this. They were still stuck in the cycle even if they were freed from the need to fight for their respective sides. That was a curse they could not fix. The only ones whom had ever extended their lives had been Glimmer and Nikol, but that was only because Shulk and Rex had imbued them with their own life. It was a one time scenario unfortunately and he had never found a way to replicate it nor had the members of the City.

"Riku will take to eat. No worry on bill. Riku pay this time," he ensured them as he put his own thoughts aside and began moving forward.

While he wanted to show the two the statues on the far end of the City, the thought of letting them have time to themselves had crossed his mind. Monica would probably curse him for leaving them alone, but if he guised it as simply letting them have a meal while he secured their sleeping arrangement, then it would be easy to play off. Besides, if he was around they would only treat him as the middleman. It would get them nowhere on bonding. The Canteen wasn't too far from the sleeping quarters, so it wouldn't be as if he strayed too far.

Formulating his own scheme in his mind, Riku led both women through the moderately busy district. Some of the civilians stopped to look at the trio, but the Nopon showed no signs of slowing down. Nia did her best to keep up with him while ignoring the stares. It was uncomfortable, but she could only assume some people might be aware of whom they were expected to be, or at least had an inkling that they were outsiders.

It wasn't long before the trio arrived the Michiba Canteen. It was quiet compared to the other areas, but a few people still sat at the tables around the area enjoying a warm meal. The smell of freshly cooked lobster wafted through the air and caused Nia's ears to perk up as she had to keep her mouth from watering on the spot. Before she could ever speak, Riku had already wandered over to the counter and was talking to the woman working behind it. He wasn't gone for long and returned to the pair with a smirk on his face.

"Riku told chef he pay for you. She take order when ready," he told them bluntly, figuring it was best they decided what they wanted to eat rather than picking for them. "Riku let you eat while Riku check on rooming. It not far. Just over there."

He pointed towards the building in the back corner, figuring it was good to let them know where he would be if something were to happen. It was a risk to do this, but he was positive it would turn out fine. Before either of them could object, he scampered off to take care of the business he said he would tend to. It caused a groan to escape Nia's throat, but she didn't complain any further. There was no point in it.
With Nia's agreement voiced, Melia followed Riku through the City towards wherever he was taking them to eat. The commander was thankful Nia had agreed to get some food before exploring, though she still feared the inevitable conversations that would accompany their meals. Judging from the tone in Nia's voice, Melia got the impression the offseer had similar concerns. At least they had that one thing in common.

The only thing that was potentially even more stressful than having to cooperate with an Agnian was feeling the weight of the pressure placed on Melia by the City. She did her best to face forward as the party made its way down the crowded walkways, but she couldn't help but glance at the civilians as their eyes bore into her. How much had the stories of the supposed queens returning spread? If this was all fake, were they all in on it, too? Whether the stares were from those who knew why they were here or simply people wondering who they were, Melia could barely keep up the calm expression on her face as she walked. Or had it slipped already? More doubts crept into her mind the more attention she received.

Thankfully, they eventually arrived at their location, and the crowds had seemed to die down around the canteen. The delightful aromas that wafted through the air elicited another growl from Melia's stomach. After all the hardships, horrors, and confusion she had faced today, she had almost forgotten how much the smell of some tasty food could help lift her spirits, even if just a little bit. Taking some time to slow down and refuel was exactly what the commander needed right now. It also seemed like the perfect opportunity for her to ask Riku some of the questions still rattling around in her head. She still wanted to make sense of everything, especially his supposed connections to her. She took time to organize those thoughts so she'd be prepared to ask him once they sat down...

Unfortunately, it seemed she wouldn't get that chance quite yet. The Nopon would be going to secure their rooms for the night... Which also meant Melia would be left alone with her new Agnian companion. Her eyes quickly shot over to Nia as she felt her heart sink into her empty stomach. She had been dreading their discussion enough when she thought Riku would be present to facilitate. Was he really just going to leave them alone and expect everything to be fine? Of course, maybe it wouldn't be so bad-- they had a brief yet amicable conversation in the shuttle earlier, after all. Either way, Melia still couldn't set those doubts aside.

The supposed queen opened her mouth to ask that they all go together, but before she could get the words out, Riku rushed off at a speed she didn't often see Nopon use. It seemed like he had a feeling Melia wouldn't be happy. An exasperated sign quietly escaped her lips as she glanced over at her reluctant companion. It seemed like they were stuck alone together for the time being.

"He's a strange Nopon, isn't he...? Most I've met are very blunt and open, but he's so secretive." She spoke half to Nia and half to herself. Of course, it felt like she could say the same for the City as a whole. Ever since they were rescued in that battle, everyone had seemed at least a little secretive. It made sense in a way; dropping the revelation that she and the offseer were queens would be a difficult subject to approach, and there was so much to learn and adjust to that too much information at once would be difficult to understand. Still, she couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated, especially since they could be lying for all she knew.

Either way, she was stuck in this situation, and her hunger partially overrode her frustration with the Nopon for seemingly setting the two up. She turned to face Nia and crossed her arms.
"Well, I suppose we may as well check the menu. I'll have a lot to ask him after we eat." Melia still struggled to accept that she'd need to play nice with an Agnian, but she also didn't have the energy to cause a scene and knew it would be better to just get right to it rather than try to ignore the situation.
Watching the Nopon run off did nothing but leave Nia in distress, though she didn't visibly show it. Instead, she sighed softly to herself and let her eyes trail after Riku as he disappeared off into the nearby distance. Why did he have to run off and make matters worse for her and Melia? Was he that unaware or was he sure things would work out between them? Wherever his mind may be, she didn't like it. There were so many questions to be had yet he evaded them without a second thought. It annoyed her to no end, though there was nothing she could do about it except accept his decision for the time being. She hated such, but there was no point in complaining over it.

Melia seemed to share a similar distaste for it all. Upon hearing her words, Nia's ears perked up and she swiveled her head in the other woman's direction once more. She had a point. He was a strange Nopon. She wouldn't even know where to begin with picking apart his oddities, then again, she hardly wanted to waste her time doing such things either. To her Nopons had always been strange creatures. While most were blunt or simply spoke the obvious, Riku did not. He had an air of mystery about him that one couldn't help feeling drawn to. It seemed even the City didn't have a full grasp on him either which made it all the more curious.

"Strange might be an understatement," she remarked with a shake of her head. There was so much about the furball that made no sense, yet her mind merely wanted to play it off as yet another trait Nopons could have. In a way, it was similar to the merchant Nopons. They could be rather secretive with how they obtained certain objects, though they were far more talkative than Riku seemed to be. "While he probably has his reasons, he has no right to leave us hanging. I ought to smack that furball into next week."

Nia scoffed slightly before crossing her arms over her chest. What a pain this all was. Before her mood could sour too much though, she heard Melia change subjects and mention food once more. She supposed her irritation could hold off for a short while. They were supposed to be eating after all and she had to admit, she was hungry, plus the smell of lobster made it hard not to water at the mouth then in there.

"I suppose you're right though. Food comes first. It won't do us much good if we're hungry," she agreed as her eyes flickered towards the menu etched above the nearby kitchen. There weren't many options, but that didn't matter to her. Her mind had been made up the moment they arrived. That lobster would be hers no matter what! Directing her attention to the woman working, she decided to speak: "I'll be having that whole wild lobster!"

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