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Fandom Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters RP: Looking for recruits!


New Member
"Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters!"
"Have you ever felt like you were a little (a lot) different from everyone else?
Have you recently discovered that you harbor inexplicable gifts?
Are you tired of feeling alone in this?
Look no further!
Call the number at the bottom of this letter if you would like to learn more"

I'm throwing this one out there for the newbies and those who haven't RPed in a while and kinda just want to get their feet wet and relax a bit. This going to be a little bit of slice of life, a little bit of adventure, a whole lot of room to stretch your legs and get things going again without too many rules (more than I anticipated...)

  • You can play as an original character, a current character or both.
  • We're going to need older characters to play teachers
  • 18+
  • 3rd person point of view is preferred.
  • Please, no one-liner posts. We are getting used to things, but I believe we can at least do a 5 sentence paragraph minimum
  • Decent grammar, please. Again, I know we're newbies, but if grammar gives us a hard time there's always Microsoft Word and Grammarly. "When are we going to eat Grandma?" and "When are we going to eat, Grandma?" HUGE dealbreakers. Thanks y'all.
  • Play according to site rules
  • Feel free to play as more than one character. I would suggest no more than 3 at a time since I imagine it could get confusing.
  • Please no godmoding/characters with crazy overwhelming powers. Let's keep this fair, please. Keep your powers on the smaller side- think nightcrawler teleportation, or kitty price phasing, or Cyclops lasers and less Scarlet Witch reality writing, or Charles Xavier mind manipulation.
  • Students are between 15-18 to allow for romances to crop up but without balancing for child characters.
  • Have fun with it! It's like high school, but for mutants ^_^

If you're interested, post your character sheet here!

Here's a basic CS (Character Sheet) if you need. If you'd like to use your own that's fine as well. :)

Name: (include any nicknames)
Ethnicity / Race:
Appearance: (picture and description is fine)
3 positive traits:




2 negative traits:



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Well. I’m totally keen. I’ve been on a DC bombshells/DC superhero high/Teen Titans/my hero binge for a little while so this sounds perfect!
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BeardedTimeLord BeardedTimeLord Awh, it's no worries at all. A Character Sheet. (I had no idea what a CS was a couple days ago. I had to google it). I put one in the original post. Again, if you'd like to tweak it or find one that you like more, go for it.
Nah, don't sweat it. That's what this RP is for! To relax, get comfortable again if it's been a while. Get to know how things work if you're new, and to brush up on stuff if you feel a little rusty ;) No judgment zone here. :closed eyes open smile:
Not sure if it's intentional... but I feel compelled to point out that the CS hasn't got a section for powers or anything :/:
OK! Done. :) If y'all think of anything, let me know. I'll go ahead and create a thread where everyone can post their Character Sheet in case some are too new to PM.
Not at all, you can be a teacher, a vagabond that stumbles on the place, you can be any Xmen character or your own original one. The school is just the main setting for the story to begin fleshing out. The world's your oyster! It is set in present time also if that helps.
Hey, definitely interested in this! But will characters be monitored to avoid the more prominent Superpowered RP pitfalls like OP powers/use of powers?
Archon Archon You mean godmoding?? Or something along those lines? Absolutely. I have two others who will be helping me out with the thread to be sure things stay fair. If I misunderstood you, please correct me.

fin fin Sweet!

Go ahead and post your CS in the thread or you can PM me.

I'll be posting the actual RP thread either tonight or tomorrow.
I’m guessing a general guideline would be:

Students are between 15-18 to allow for romances to crop up but without balancing for child characters.

Keep your powers on the smaller side- think night crawler teleportation, or kitty price phasing, or cyclops lazers and less Scarlet Witch reality writing, or Charles Xavier mind manipulation.
You can play an original character or an existing one. It’s your choice and I’m pretty sure it was in the intro post ^_^

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