X-Men <The Newbies>


The Ultimate Enigma

Well, the world still threatens mutants from every corner.

How unfortunate.

However, Charles is still on the hunt to help other mutants as well. Keeping them safe in a mansion that has classrooms for every age! Cool! Here's the hard part: It's either training to use your abilities or going against Magneto's continuous onslaught of villains toward the mansion so he could have every child and adult burn.

How unfortunate.

Well... When you get to that point when your parents decide to move you to the mansion, you eventually have to show your ability to others and tell them. If it's hostile and you get angered very much easily...

Charles suggest you keep it cool. Unless... You are a nicer gifted being, he suggests you open up to anyone nice to you. And the trainer, Storm, will be deciding mission groups, that contains four people.

Make sense? Good. Now pack your bags...


1. No Mary Sues or Gary Stus.

2.No god modding... Or Powerplaying.

3. Try to be creative with your character!

4. RPNation Rules.

5. Cursing is allowed, but don't rage!

6. Maximum characters are 4.

7. Romance is encouraged! But move it to PM if you go 'far'...

8. If you've read this please put "I love Unicorns."

Playable Characters: Storm, Wolverine, Magneto, Professor X(Charles), Cyclopse, Rogue, Iceman, Colossus, Beast, Mystique, Angel, Juggernaut.



Age: (12-38)


Sexual Orientation:



Abilities: (Up to Three.)


Theme Songs: (Optional)


My Character:

Name: Rae Taurloc.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Personality: Outgoing, Strong, Intelligent, Fast, Energetic, Witty.

History: Care to find out in RP?

Abilities: A warrior from thousands of years ago, comes a mighty Draconian whom suffers scars of battle. Luckily, she still consists of rare skills in the medieval ages. Also, she still holds the right to small amounts of magic.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/DRACONIAN.jpg.fc8866c55875a08668e091813317d25d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4564" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/DRACONIAN.jpg.fc8866c55875a08668e091813317d25d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Theme Songs: Two Steps From Hell - To Glory.

Hardwell - Spaceman.

Other: She wields an enchanted blade.




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Name: Reni Brooks

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Reni is closed off to strangers and can be seen as shy around people she doesn't know. There aren't many people that she trusts and she definitely isn't the kind of person who likes contact. In fact, she quite hates contact because of her ability. She feels that she is 'stealing' the memories of the person when she touches them.

She can be witty and talkative around her friends and those that she does trust and she absolutely loves hearing/making jokes.

History: Reni is the child to two mutants: her mother is telepathic and telekinetic and her father can manipulate air and wind. This meant that she didn't have to hide her abilities when they began to show and her parents brought her up to embrace what she could do. Although whenever she made contact with them she always took memories of their past. She was able to see just how terribly mutants were treated and she feared going through that herself. So no one she knew ever found out about what she could do.

She excelled in school and even graduated early at the age of 15.

Abilities: Reni has the ability to absorb memories just by touching someone; the longer she touches them, the more memories she absorbs. She also has superhuman mentality which means that her intelligence is far beyond genius level. Because of this, she has managed to gain weak telepathy which she plans to strengthen.


Theme Songs: -

Other: I love Unicorns
Name: Miku

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: shy, easily frightened unless her "brother" is around, once she gets to know you however she is very friendly.

History: growing up was lonely for miku until she found her "brother" or rather he found her(will tell this story on his profile) they came to the mansion together to better learn their powers so as to use them for good. she is mostly seen being carried around on her "brothers" back as she is very small for her age.

Abilities: song magics :healing, attack, defense.


Theme Songs: the songs she sings.

Other: I love unicorns

Name: Dante Stigma

Nickname: Backstreet

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Strategic, Honor bound, loyal, quick to anger if he sees something that he finds wrong.

History: dante never knew a family or friends, he was always alone until he happened to find a young girl sitting in a box in an ally. obviously an orphan like him he stayed with her, keeping a kind distance unless she came to him which happened from time to time. as time went by they became inseparable as they soon found out they both were freaks. a makeshift family bond was made and they are almost never apart. they found out about the mansion through chance and thought they might find a home, or at least a place to better learn their powers to use for good.

Side note:

Abilities: Elemental control, Song magic: emotion control (able to change peoples emotions through song such as calm them down or hype them up), body manipulation (able to change parts of his body into different things or change aspects of his body to better fight hand to hand)


Theme Songs:

Thousand foot krutch songs

Other: i love unicorns
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Xy.jpg.f2ef85d02a4a870d87f14117f045e546.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Xy.jpg.f2ef85d02a4a870d87f14117f045e546.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Zyvia "Zy" Morgenstern

Age: (12-38): 19 Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Not Picky

Personality: Zy is a very funny character. She is usually always wearing a smile and thinking of some obscene joke. She is easily accepted by most, until they learn what she is, and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She hates to be alone and prefers some kind of company.

History: Zy was born to normal and ordinary parents. They were just like any other first-timers when they brought home their beautiful baby girl. She was yellow in color with bright green eyes, the doctor had said that she had a disease that was common among babies and to keep her on a special light for a week and that would help. The parents nodded and took their sweet little Zyvia home and kept her on the purple light. Later that evening when it was time to feed the newborn babe the parents noticed she was glowing. Thinking it was just because she was on the special bed they'd pick her up and hold her. Zy was bright purple! All over her body she was the same color as the light. The parents flipped their lid and her father wanted nothing to do with her. Zy's mother took care of her all alone until she was five years old. She loved her daughter but was afraid of her. As Zy grew older she began to play with her powers and could camouflage herself to any background within half a second. Her father would visit her twice a week and they began to have 'classes' which were just to teach her how to act in public. She'd be starting school soon. He had told her that she could be anything she wanted at home but out in the public eyes she had too look like everyone else.

Zy was a smart girl and took this advice and only had one accident in first grade. Her father beat her within an inch of her life. Her family moved to a new state and she was enrolled into a new school. Zyvia was never allowed to appear 'odd' after that accident. So she played with her features and would change her hair, eyes, nose, skin tone, and height on a daily base out of boredom. Once she turned twelve and was on the junior volleyball team her other ability made itself known. The girls were outside practicing and playing when a wild dog appeared and clasped onto a girls leg. The other girls ran in fear but Zyvia stayed. She began yelling and pointing at the wild dog. It suddenly dropped the girl and just stared at her. The dog would bow it's head and turn to leave. The coaches said it was just coincidental but her father again threatened her with her life to never do such things. But Zy couldn't help it. That next week the school went to the zoo and Zyvia attempted to speak to all the animals at the Zoo. She found the ones closer to humans easier to talk too, like the monkey's lions (cat families), and wolves(dog family). She tried to get a hippo to speak but after twenty minuets she decided it was lazy or hippopotamus was a hard accent to hold.

In high school Zyvia had almost had enough of her family and was ready to run away. But she was afraid of where she would go. She had been working on her powers in secret and found that she could shift to any pattern whether it be grass, water, or even brick. She could change her physical features and even make herself into an animal! Now the animal form was rather tricky because if she turned into an elephant she'd be a miniature one (only about sixty pounds) and that caused people to notice. Her father caught her showing one of her best friends in their back yard the things she could do. He banished her and kicked her out without a single change of clothes or food. Zy's mother cried and tried to hug her but her father wouldn't allow it. Zyvia cried but ran down the street nevertheless.

It was one of the X-Men who had found her and brought her back to the mansion. Zyvia had blacked out from malnutrition and had turned all sorts of colors. She has been at the school for about two weeks now and is slowly making friends and learning to do other things with her abilities. Now that she can walk around however she feels her favorite attire is polka dots and splatters! Who would have known she'd love art so much.

Abilities: (Up to Three.) The ability to speak with animals, physical manipulation (animal based,people based, and pattern based)

Appearance: Stands at 5feet and 3 inches tall. Weighs around 100 and 10 pounds. Was born with green eyes and brown hair. However she changes her appearance quite often.

Theme Songs: (Optional
) All kinds of kinds by Miranda Lambert

Other: I totally love unicorns ~!~ ~No matter what form she is in Zyvia always bares a heart-shaped birthmark that's a reddish purple color just above her right hip.

(Okie here it is)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Zyvia13.jpg.7bf5655a621ad505e27ef2dad0bb878f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Zyvia13.jpg.7bf5655a621ad505e27ef2dad0bb878f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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TechnoDragon said:
Sorry I haven't been on this thread much due to Inactivity. D: But now, we're progressing! :D Accepted: @DanteStigma and @KrisiStar!
hey no problem. its not everyday i get a chance to join a roleplay that's flexible enough to allow me the abilities my characters have. so i personally thank you for letting me join, i wonder if if i may change a couple things on my character's sheet quickly. ((i.e. give one of them a nickname, and change the theme for one of them))
DanteStigma said:
hey no problem. its not everyday i get a chance to join a roleplay that's flexible enough to allow me the abilities my characters have. so i personally thank you for letting me join.
No problem. ^^'
Name: Jib John

Age: 20

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Silent, Hates hanging out with others, smart, easily to anger, caring, has a sweet side.

History: Jib was an orphan with no memory of his original parents. The kids at the orphanage said that his parents probably abandoned him which gave him a hatred for others with family. At age 15 he was adopted by a single woman in her 30's. He got along well with her until his 18th birthday she slipped into a coma. He moved out of the house and lived in a rag tag apartment he felt terrible. At age 20 he figured out his power which then he promised himself to help people in need.

Abilities: can bring inanimate objects to life, controls the shadows, and can fuse different items together


Theme Songs: Dance with the devil

Other: He wields a blades of the shadow also has a weak spot for girls.
Not sure if the RP is up yet... xD

Name: Lawson (Law) Creed

Age: (12-38): 23


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Talkative, sarcastic, funny, over protective of anyone close to him, has a temper that rivals his father's.

History: Lawson is the son of Roslyn and Victor Creed. Raised by his mother in Texas then moved to NY, and lived like a regular kid in Brooklyn and had no knowledge of his father until he turned 15, where Victor trained him in the arts of killing and torture using his own mother as a final exam. As Law was too young to stop him, he obeyed, until the brotherhood called Victor back and left Lawson mentally scarred. Used to be a street racer. He turned mercenary soon after finishing high school and worked along side Wade Wilson for a while. Made a vow to make his father pay for what he did to him and his mother. Heard of the Mansion from a fellow mutant, and wanted to check it out.

Abilities: (Up to Three.): Healing ability, Can shift into a huge black panther, and has a feral appearance (claws, fangs, sometimes catlike eyes, pointed ears)


Theme Songs:Somewhere I Belong , Breaking the Habit -Both Linkin Park, Rollin- Limp Bizkit

Other: Is skilled in jujitsu, can use practically any weapon, and the feral part of him gives him a sort of pack mentality. Wants to outlive his fathers reputation, but hopes that Professor X won't reject him because of it.
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