X-Men and The Avengers : Of Sons and Daughters

Name: Kallius Summers

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Parents: Scott Summers and Jean Grey


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/designer-sunglasses-for-men-for-less.jpg.6a4d17529797df787c78bb35ae90dd58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52209" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/designer-sunglasses-for-men-for-less.jpg.6a4d17529797df787c78bb35ae90dd58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Superpowers: Concussive blasts shoot from his eyes, strong enough to level a mountain.

Personality: Calm and collected, much like his father. Has good leadership skills.

Avengers/X-men: X-Men

Notes: Leader of the X-men



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Name: James Lebeau

Gender: male

Age: 20

Parents: Gambit, Rogue

Superpowers: Rogue's ability to steal abilities, as well as a watered down version of gambit's kinetic energy control

Personality: very carefree and blunt

Neither xmen nor avengers
Name: Ella Jean Howlett

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Parents: Logan, Jean Grey

Appearance: When she used her telekinesis her eyes turn red.


Superpowers: Logan's healing abilities, aniantium claws, and Jean's telekinesis

Personality: Usually a bit mischievous, yet she has her good moments when she can be a bit playful and out going. Although she is a lot like her dad in some ways.

Avengers/X-men: X-men for the most part, she goes off on her own sometimes, and even helps the Avengers out every once in a while.

Notes: Her 'superhero name' is Chaos , her powers are much like her mother's making her unpredictable at times, and dangerous. Logan refused to let the Professor to but the mind blocks on her like he did to Jean.
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Name: Theodore "Theo" Howard Stark

Gender: Male

Age: 20 Years Old

Parents: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts



Theo's Suit:


Superpowers: No actual "powers", very intelligent like his father, designed his own "Iron Man" suit

Personality: Very social, confident, cocky, loud, can be very arrogant, very laid back, rebellious, craves the spotlight.

Avengers/X-men: Leader of the Avengers

Notes: Theo has taken over as the CEO of Stark Industries, Theo has also taken his father's place as the new Iron Man. Both Tony and Pepper are alive and healthy, however after showing that he is capable of continuing the Stark legacy, Tony and Pepper agreed that Theo was ready to take on the responsibilities of both running the family business and wearing the "Iron Man" suit.

Name: Christopher "Chris" Erik Maximoff

Gender: Male

Age: 23 years old

Parents: son of Pietro "Quicksilver" Maximoff and an unknown human mother who left him at Pietro's door and never returned for him, grandson of Erik "Magneto" Lehnsherr, nephew of Wanda "Scarlet Witch" Maximoff.

Relationship with family: Chris hates both of his parents. He hates his mother because she was human, a fact that makes his blood boil, and because she wanted nothing to do with him after discovering he was a mutant. He hates Quicksilver because unlike Magneto, Quicksilver holds no grudge against mankind this makes Christopher physically sick. Quicksilver is closest to his grandfather, Erik "Magneto" Lehnsherr, who he views as a symbol mutant perfection. Magneto's past views on the human race has served the key motivation towards Christopher's hatred towards humans.



Martyr's costume (inspired by his grandfather's old costume without the cape):


Superpowers: His fathers super speed, his grandfathers ability to manipulate metal.

Personality: Hates humans and mutants who do not share his views on mutant superiority, rebellious, very introverted, cocky, arrogant, angry at the world, proud of his mutant heritage, charismatic, strong leadership skills, loyal to his allies.

Avengers/X-men: Not connected to either groups, leader of The New Brotherhood a rouge army of mutants dedicated to creating a "mutant-only" society.

Notes: Will not be appearing until much further into the RP, I am hoping he will be able to take on the role of main villain throughout the role play. His alias is "Martyr".
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Name: Dru Bishop

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Parents: Lucas Bishop and another mutant from the future



Superpowers: The ability to absorb energy whether it is directed at him or just near him and store it or project it from his body in different forms his stored energy will increase his strength and healing factor along with his other senses but too much energy and he can explode. Without any energy absorbed he is pretty strong, agile, abd over all a little better than humans with a strong healing factor.

Personality: Calm and assured, Dru makes a point to never hop into a battle unless he has a good chance of winning. Dru tends to be a pretty smart and as such is a good tactician. Dru will protect himsel first and friends second but will do his best to make sure his friends are safte. He likes to read and constantly dreams of the future.

Avengers/X-men: X-men

Notes: Keeps a battery or two on his back that not only hold his rifle and katana but also allow him to store more energy than normal. He is also a good marksman and hand to hand fighter.
Drumonkey said:
Name: Dru Bishop
Gender: Male

Age: 18

Parents: Lucas Bishop and another mutant from the future



Superpowers: The ability to absorb energy whether it is directed at him or just near him and store it or project it from his body in different forms his stored energy will increase his strength and healing factor along with his other senses but too much energy and he can explode. Without any energy absorbed he is pretty strong, agile, abd over all a little better than humans with a strong healing factor.

Personality: Calm and assured, Dru makes a point to never hop into a battle unless he has a good chance of winning. Dru tends to be a pretty smart and as such is a good tactician. Dru will protect himsel first and friends second but will do his best to make sure his friends are safte. He likes to read and constantly dreams of the future.

Avengers/X-men: X-men

Notes: Keeps a battery or two on his back that not only hold his rifle and katana but also allow him to store more energy than normal. He is also a good marksman and hand to hand fighter.

Drumonkey said:
Drumonkey said:
Absolutely! I think ay this point anyone can jump in.
Name: Markus Drake



Parents: Bobby and Kitty.





Name:Markus Drske



Parents: Bobby and Kitty


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Superpowers: able to make ice and snow like his dad and let objects phase through him.

Personality:funny, sarcastic, flirty, and like to make people smile

Avengers/X-men: X-men




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Unique Rose







Mystique and Magneato




Shape shifting abilities

Control over metal still developing


Unique is exactly as her name describes. A pleathora of contraditictions, she's intelligent and strong. Very strong willed, and happy. She loves being alive and she loves being herself. She is independent and fiery. Never accepting defeat her taking no for an answer. She enjoys getting what she wants, making things happen.


X men

Gaia112233 said:
Unique Rose







Mystique and Magneato




Shape shifting abilities

Control over metal still developing


Unique is exactly as her name describes. A pleathora of contraditictions, she's intelligent and strong. Very strong willed, and happy. She loves being alive and she loves being herself. She is independent and fiery. Never accepting defeat her taking no for an answer. She enjoys getting what she wants, making things happen.


X men

Accepted, feel free to jump in whenever! @ChaoticWarrior
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Carrie "Stalker" Drake






Bobby Drake (Iceman) and Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat)




Hallucination/ Insanity (She can mess with people's eyes and make them go insane)


Daddy's little girl. Kind. Sneaky. A bit aggressive.




Just because she's in the X-Men, that doesn't make her a hero.
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Delilah Natasha Banner


Black Widow







Parents: Natasha Romanov (Black Widow) and Bruce Banner




Strength as well as self healing


Lala has a strong personality. She is loyal to a fault and has a quick toounge. She is often sarcastic with a morbid sense of humor. She likes getting her way and she never backs down from a fight let alone loses. She is independent and strong willed. Lala can be very protective of those whom she loves willing to kill for their safety or happiness.



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Spider Man and Mary Jane




(Like father like daughter) super fast agility, spider since, web slinging, climbs walls, if he can do it so can she. But she's still learning


very sarcastic, loving, brave, funny (her dad sometimes calls her deadpool)




She is very new to her powers so shes still learning.

Jean Grey









Telepathy telekinesis extreme mind control etc


Jean Grey is all about passion. In many ways her most defining trait is her passion. She is passionate about her abilities, her friends, and the cause the X-men fight for. She has a tremendous capacity for emapthy and reaching out to others. She is outgoing, kind, and emotional to a fault at times. This in many ways makes her the emotional core of the X-men. She best embodies the compassion they stand for, reaching out to those who were confused and scared just like she was growing up. She is so compassionate she will reach out to those who may seem beyond hope to the rest of the world.

A lot of this stems from the nature of her powers. As a powerful psychic she is very akin to the mindset and the emotional state of others. Even before her powers manifested, she had a major capacity for empathy. Seeing other people suffer really does affect her and she is naturally inclined to do something about it. This level of empathy could make others potentially weak, but Jean developed a level of strength that complimented that empathy in a profound way. After the death of her sister, who helped keep her from getting overwhelmed early on, she was forced to develop her own strength. Since her parents were ill-equipped to help her, she had to stand on her own in the wake of loss and tragedy. In doing so she developed a strength to go along with her empathy that adds a more outgoing dimension to her personality. It goes beyond just coping with personal tragedy and extends to staying true to what she knows is right even when she is being pushed and pulled in other directions. Seeing her parents give into despair she not only balks that trend, she uses it as motivation to be better. It helps her avoid the same trend others in her family have followed and maintain a strong sense of humility that she defends with great passion.

But as strong as Jean is, her greatest weakness is how she is often overwhelmed. Before it was just dealing with the emotional distress she picked up from others. Then her mutant abilities came into the fold and the challenge was much greater. Her strength allowed her to function to a point, but eventually she lost control and it landed her in an insane asylum. Even though she eventually learned to control her powers, the fear of being overwhelmed remains a constant challenge and one she overcomes by staying strong and leaning on the support of others. This is a reason why she is so passionate about her friends. Like Sara before them, they help her when her strength just isn't enough. Thanks to such passion, her friends are often just as dedicated to her as she is to them.

As a member of the X-men, her passion and her strength provide an emotional rock from which the team can draw inspiration. Her passion doesn't just help her reach out to others, it makes her a powerful fighter who can dedicate herself to Xavier's cause. At times her passion can get the better of her, making it difficult to know the difference between what is truly right and what feels right. Despite such shortcomings, she embraces the challenges before her and channels her passion into everything she does while always maintaining a strong sense of pride and humility.


X men

Name: Leena Odinson

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Parents: Thor and Jane Foster



Superpowers: Superhuman strength, Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer), Flight, mild resistance to magic, Warrior's Madness, and control over weather. (Much like her father except that she's sometimes bad at regulating power output and doesn't quite wield Mjolnir with ease).

Personality: Sarcastic, a bit cheeky at times, has a slight problem with people telling her what to do, but when it counts she's reliable and trustworthy. Can be a loose cannon and often times can end up making a bad situation worse.


Her mother would claim that she's an avenger, wanting her to follow in her father's example. Her father simply wants her to find her own path, but at the same time doesn't want to step on the toes of his wife. All the while, Leena would say that she's not associated with any, because she doesn't like the idea of being at anyone's beck and call.

Notes: Dresses in normal human clothes, only dawning her Asgardian armor when she wields Mjolnir, and carries Mjolnir in her backpack when out and about.
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Name: Alexandria Rogers

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Parents: Captain America and Angela

Superpowers: Captain America's superhuman abilities/ Angela's father Odin's Odinforce. Father gave her his shield to use in combat, and mother her mother Angela has given her the Heven forged sword she used in the Great War against Heven and Asguard.

Personality: Anarchist to the core, but ultimately makes the right decisions when it comes down to it. A true American obviously. Very loyal to friends and will always have your back,

Avengers/X-men: Dad wants her to join the avengers but because she's a rebel she decided to join the X-men<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.414ab80e8a1e99d6936700333a526b1d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78612" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.414ab80e8a1e99d6936700333a526b1d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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