X-Men: After the Fall


RPN's Most Hated
In the year 2011, All hell broke loose. The Anti-Mutant campaigns got a upswing, and the harassment of the mutants became an everyday thing. First, the mutants were just bullied in the streets, than it got really violent. By the middle of 2012, a war broke out. A war so feisty that something like it had not been seen since the World Wars.

The world have been taken apart, the United States are still fighting their war on the Mutants, allying with several of the United Nations. It's Chaos all over the globe. The United Offensive ( As the new Government calls itself ) have pushed down most civil-rights, you can't speak up against them, or you'll get put in prison, or worse. The Xavier's institute for extraordinary youths have been destroyed, and most of the X-men have been killed. The Fantastic Four have vanished, Spider-Man is M.I.A, and the Avengers have shattered, Thor returning to Asgard, Bruce Banner being captured, Captain America has been frozen again and Tony Stark have been put in jail for being a traitor to mankind.

Most mutants live in fear now, they knows that if they'd show of their powers, they'd get killed by the various soldiers roaming the streets. There are several groups of mutants whom are working against the government, some have given up hope, and some are still trying to come to a settling with the humans.

The X-men are destroyed. The institute has been laid in ruins, and the professor was executed. The team was either captured or killed, only a few of them survived. The few of them that actually did survive? They're still trying to win this war... and along with a couple survivors, I'm still fighting the good fight, though we'd need a miracle to win.

- Rémy Etienne LeBeau

Currently, the situation is bad. Gambit, Polaris, and an engineered clone of Peter Parker ( known as Second-Spider ) are holed up in Las Vegas, the last bastion for mutantkind in the United States. Each of them are or would be Class-A Mutant Threats to the world, but Second-Spider has not yet been exposed to the world. The Risk Class Rating was developed by the United Offensive's Postwar Administration Bureau to categorize mutants by not only their power, but also by the general threat they posed to society. Some may have higher powers such as pyrokinesis... but have not acted. Others may have simple things like telepathy, and robbed banks or killed people... earning a rating.

The Rankings/Classes are as follows.

D-Rank: Minimal Threat.

C-Rank: Mild Threat. Has killed someone or damaged up to $250k in property.

B-Rank: Significant Threat. Has killed up to 10 people and/or caused up to $750k in damages.

A-Rank: Major Threat. Killed up to 50 people including MHS Agents, and/or caused up to $2.5m in Damages.

S-Rank: Immense Threat. Killed 100 or more people, and Agents of the MHS and possibly MEF... and/or caused $5m or more in damage.


1. GM words are law, don't mess with them.

2. Nothing is set in stone, but we DO have an overarching plot. You have anything to add, please say so.

3. Mild OOC is accepted in the IC, keep it in brackets.

4. Any quarrels? Don't take it out in the OOC, keep that to PM's. If there's anything you'd need help with, Ask me.

5. Remember we'll be late-teens at a more or less end of days scenario, this is NOT a happy scenario.

6. Your character might not survive.

7. This is a Marvel UNIVERSE RP... though the focus will be on X-Men.

8. No God-Modding... I'll F***ing BAN you for it.

9. No metagaming. See rule 8.

10. Original Characters ONLY. Canon Characters are off-limits to players unless explicit permission is given.

CS Template

Name: ( Herpderp McGerp )

CodeName: ( Derpomatic 5000 )

Age: (15 to 19 )

Gender: ( You a dude or a chick? )

Danger Rank: ( D, C, or B... no one will be A or S-Rank without prior approval. )

Appearance: ( Pic please. Real people, not Anime. )

Personality: ( How do you act? More than one sentence, please. )

Powers: ( Let's see what you can do. Nothing stupid, though. Like turning Sound into Light. )

Skills: ( What can you do without powers? No "Martial Arts Masters" or "Hacksaw Gunslingers" or "Modern-Day Samurai". You're teens... not Gurus. )

Backstory: ( What were you doing before the RP? Tell us about your character's life. Please have at least 2 paras... )

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