X-Men: After the Fall ( IC Thread )

The soft, almost eerie voice from the hallway sent goosebumps running down the girl’s arms as she whirled to face what was quite easily perceived as a threat from the room door. Her hand snaked down to where her pants pocket would have been before her mind registered that she wasn’t wearing pants. Rolling her eyes in annoyance at the loss of her bouncy ball, an ineffective weapon that often made for wonderfully annoying distractions, she put her hands up in a rather awkwardly untrained fighting stance. The girl who entered, however, made no moves that would suggest she was interested in attacking and rather just glanced Kae over appraisingly before continuing with the train of thought she had presented.

The frazzled mutant listened patiently as she was regaled with the definition of safety before offered a rather sardonic rebuttal as to her verbalized hopes of finally being safe. The creepy, smiling girl simply completed this taunt by walking over and sitting down against the wall. “I meant safe as in . . . against persecution and discrimination . . . the rest I don’t give a damned about,” snapped Kae a bit more harshly than she’d intended. Her tone alone was probably enough to give away her bluff, however. Truth be told, she was frightened and uncertain and this girl wasn’t helping matters.

“Danger room, huh?” she asked, trying to cover the tone quickly. “It doesn’t really look like that much to me . . .” Keeping her injured shoulder held in a somewhat guarded way, she did a few quick jabs at the air with her good hand. She had started to swing into a kick as well, but caught herself and instead turned it into an awkward spin as she tried to not flash those present. “I can take a friggen room . . . at least . . .”
Finishing her meal Eliza sighed, so it was off to see this ‘danger room’. Her eyes filtered about her as she watched some of the other mutants . . . many seemed to have their own clicks or friends. Great . . . so this was like being in high school still, except she wasn’t rich here so less people would flock to her. Well that was one good thing perhaps. Running a hand through her hair she approached the closes one that seemed like an adult or like they have been around awhile to get direction to where she was needed to go.

Her eyes slowly scanned the people around as she went being surprised and at awe from some of them and their unique appearances which clearly screamed mutant. Those she felt most sorry for, the easily hunted. Playing with her gloved hands a bit she wondered if she was now one of these hunted . . . she had been so careful to hide her powers and abilities. Even upon reaching this base of sorts she didn’t really use them. Hell for all they knew she could easily be human right? That was if she didn’t float in her sleep with power triggers.

Finding the door she glanced over the group, given the one she knew to be an old waitress a funny look. Didn’t they give her a chance to shower and clean clothes. “Should you even be here?” She ended up asking wary like. “You seem . . . hurt still.” She didn’t mean any insult in fact it was more concern for the other if she hide it well or not. Her eyes going to the hippie and then to the new chick before frowning “So anyone know why they wish to welcome us with a so called ‘danger room’?”

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