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Fandom WYRM: Cape Profiles [Characters]


Crimson Avenger

Book Wyrm

Cape Submission Guidelines:
Following these guidelines will ensure your character is accepted and approved for play faster.

==> Be creative, try to avoid doing direct copies of characters from Marvel and DC. Originality is part of the fun of Worm.
==> Stay within the theme, please no anime based characters with long complicated names or over the top Mary Sue caricatures.
==> Keep your power reasonable, and make sure to apply reasonable limitations to its use.
==> Maintain minimal interference with canon, any backstories that excessively interact or interfere with characters from Worm may be rejected.
==> Bring questions and concerns to the GM, if you have an idea but are unsure if it works with the current game, just ask.


Please fill out the provided character sheet in as much detail as you can. If you wish to use visual elements like photos or YouTube videos of theme music or whatnot, please include them below your sheet contained within spoilers. Also, in the same post, please be sure to include a link to a writing sample below your character sheet. This sample can be any piece of writing you have done that's at least one paragraph, preferably longer, and can be from another roleplay on the site, another piece of writing you have done, or a roleplay you are currently running. If you wish, you can instead write something totally new as a sample, in which case you should also include it under a spoiler tag along with any photographs or media. If you are having trouble thinking of a character or power, contact me through PMs or Discord and we'll see what we can come up with. If you are blanking on a cape name, check out the community name ideas document for inspiration.

[centerblock=60][div=background:url('http://cdn.wallpapersafari.com/73/95/B3Y27q.jpg');background-size:cover;width:580px;height:650px;position:center;border:5px #47605d outset;color: #000000;padding:20px;]

[div=width:180px; height:400px; overflow: hidden; background: #6b9d9a;opacity:0.7;border: 4px solid #47605d; position: relative;][div=width: calc(100% + 17px); height: calc(100% + 17px); overflow: scroll; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px; text-align: justify;][center][font=Metal Mania][size=7][color=#0a1030][b]CAPE NAME[/b][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Oldenburg][size=3][b]Civilian Name:

Please write your character's physical description here. This should include both in and out of costume description, as well as any notable equipment you character has incorporated into their standard costume. Duis convallis rhoncus tellus in porta. Phasellus vitae nisl venenatis, ullamcorper tortor a, pulvinar erat. Sed commodo sollicitudin sapien, non hendrerit mi vehicula commodo. Vivamus eleifend egestas tempus. Vivamus ultrices faucibus nisi, et pellentesque velit posuere mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque ut posuere erat. Donec tristique leo sem, id commodo sem maximus in. Mauris congue cursus nisi, eu luctus ligula mollis eu. Pellentesque ac augue eu ligula ullamcorper lacinia dictum non lectus. Nunc ac sem lorem.

Maecenas fringilla justo sit amet tortor placerat pulvinar nec tempus magna. Aliquam consectetur pretium faucibus. Mauris convallis, tortor vel ullamcorper gravida, lectus ligula accumsan neque, quis varius eros felis in ex. Ut dictum nunc massa, quis accumsan nulla feugiat sed. Nullam vel erat vitae urna mattis interdum. Integer non ultricies erat. Suspendisse mattis pellentesque venenatis. Mauris auctor est pulvinar, euismod dolor eu, convallis libero.[/size][/font]


[column=span4][div=width:340px; height:205px; overflow: hidden; background: #6b9d9a;opacity:0.7;border: 4px solid #47605d; position: relative;][div=width: calc(100% + 17px); height: calc(100% + 17px); overflow: scroll; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px; text-align: justify;][center][font=Metal Mania][size=7][color=#0a1030][b]POWER INFO[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center]

[font=Oldenburg][size=3]Please describe your character's power in this section. Add as much detail as possible, including mechanics of power usage, limitations, commonly used techniques, and other relevant info. Duis convallis rhoncus tellus in porta. Phasellus vitae nisl venenatis, ullamcorper tortor a, pulvinar erat. Sed commodo sollicitudin sapien, non hendrerit mi vehicula commodo. Vivamus eleifend egestas tempus. Vivamus ultrices faucibus nisi, et pellentesque velit posuere mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque ut posuere erat. Donec tristique leo sem, id commodo sem maximus in. Mauris congue cursus nisi, eu luctus ligula mollis eu. Pellentesque ac augue eu ligula ullamcorper lacinia dictum non lectus. Nunc ac sem lorem.

Maecenas fringilla justo sit amet tortor placerat pulvinar nec tempus magna. Aliquam consectetur pretium faucibus. Mauris convallis, tortor vel ullamcorper gravida, lectus ligula accumsan neque, quis varius eros felis in ex. Ut dictum nunc massa, quis accumsan nulla feugiat sed. Nullam vel erat vitae urna mattis interdum. Integer non ultricies erat. Suspendisse mattis pellentesque venenatis. Mauris auctor est pulvinar, euismod dolor eu, convallis libero.[/size][/font]

[div=width:340px; height:205px; overflow: hidden; background: #6b9d9a;opacity:0.7;border: 4px solid #47605d; position: relative;][div=width: calc(100% + 17px); height: calc(100% + 17px); overflow: scroll; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px; text-align: justify;][center][font=Metal Mania][size=7][color=#0a1030][b]BACKGROUND[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center]

[font=Oldenburg][size=3]Please fill out this area with character backstory and information regarding their past and current situation. Please also include how they ended up with their current faction or group. Duis convallis rhoncus tellus in porta. Phasellus vitae nisl venenatis, ullamcorper tortor a, pulvinar erat. Sed commodo sollicitudin sapien, non hendrerit mi vehicula commodo. Vivamus eleifend egestas tempus. Vivamus ultrices faucibus nisi, et pellentesque velit posuere mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque ut posuere erat. Donec tristique leo sem, id commodo sem maximus in. Mauris congue cursus nisi, eu luctus ligula mollis eu. Pellentesque ac augue eu ligula ullamcorper lacinia dictum non lectus. Nunc ac sem lorem.

Maecenas fringilla justo sit amet tortor placerat pulvinar nec tempus magna. Aliquam consectetur pretium faucibus. Mauris convallis, tortor vel ullamcorper gravida, lectus ligula accumsan neque, quis varius eros felis in ex. Ut dictum nunc massa, quis accumsan nulla feugiat sed. Nullam vel erat vitae urna mattis interdum. Integer non ultricies erat. Suspendisse mattis pellentesque venenatis. Mauris auctor est pulvinar, euismod dolor eu, convallis libero.[/size][/font]

[div=width:340px; height:110px; background: transparent;border: 0px solid white; position: relative;][column=span4][center][div=pointer-events:none;][img]https://www.rpnation.com/attachments/junjin-set-1-3-gif.340381/?temp_hash=35d3610fb29c282937eecc5b6f0b94af[/img][/div][/center][/column][column=span4][center][div=pointer-events:none;][img]https://www.rpnation.com/attachments/junjin-set-1-4-gif.340382/?temp_hash=35d3610fb29c282937eecc5b6f0b94af[/img][/div][/center][/column][/div]
[/column][/row][/centerblock][left][font=Ranga][size=3][color=white]code by [USER=48808]@Han JiHyo[/USER][/color][/font][/size][/left][/div][/centerblock]

~Crimson Avenger/Bookwyrm
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Civilian Name: Elise
Age: 22
Classification: Shaker
Faction: Solo, Rogue

Lotus is a young Case 53 cape who looks like some sort of plant faerie or nature spirit, with almost frog-like eyes, pointed ears, and pale green hair. She has waxy, porous gray-white skin with a texture similar to flower petals, with small greenish, raised blister like growths covered in a mucous membrane like skin covering them interspersed at various intervals on her body.

As a rogue, she doesn't really wear a costume, preferring instead to wear shorts and loose tank-tops to expose the seed-generating blisters on her arms and legs. She carries around a messenger bag filled with various seeds and gardening tools. She has the standard stylized "C" tattoo characteristic of all Case 53 parahumans on the back of her neck.


Lotus is chlorokinetic Shaker capable of large scale area control. She is able to absorb seeds, pollens, spores, and other such things into her skin, break them down, and then emit a number of small, gelatin like beads from the blisters on her skin that act effectively as seeds for the absorbed plants, which she is capable of rapidly accelerating the growth of and nudging the type and direction of that growth (but not outright controlling, so no vine tentacles moving around and strangling people.)

She can focus and maintain the growth of a couple moderately sized plants or clusters of 6-8 smaller, individual plants at once before losing concentration and fine control over their growth. If she tries to do more than this at once it slows down the rapidity of growth, and she loses the ability to more finely direct the direction and manner of the plants' growth. She can combine certain properties of plants in a limited capacity, for example adding the stinging poison of poison ivy to the thorns of a rose bush, but cannot create dramatically new species of plants, only add to or slightly modify existing ones. All of her plants have roots that emit a kind of foaming enzyme that allows them to grow on almost all surfaces, although they can't survive for much longer than an hour in this case. If they take root in actual soil her plants have a lifespan of a few days. These plants are incapable of reproduction on their own, though they can produce their own seeds and flowers, albeit ones that are sterile.

Plants that are unaltered (except the genes that allow her fine control and the default root sustenance enzyme that all her plants have) can have seeds cooked up in a minute or so, while creating a modified plant can take upwards of an hour depending on the complexity of the additional traits and her familiarity with creating it. She can, however, store a reasonable amount of fabricated "seeds" within her body for later, enough to completely cover a couple hundred square feet if she totally exhausts her reserves. She can use her chlorokinesis on normal, preexisting plants, but her level of control and ability to accelerate growth is much slower and less fine tuned, taking several hours to accelerate a plant to maturity as opposed to a few seconds.


Lotus has no memories prior to the morning when she woke up naked and tangled in the branches of a bush located in a park in Boulder, save for the fact that her name starts with an "E." She spent a while trying to get her feet under her, jumping from open space to park, never staying in one area for long. During this time she was propositioned by several local gangs, and successfully fended off a small group of Bliss gangsters who were attempting to pressure her into joining a local drug operation. Eventually, while hiding out in the Denver Botanic Gardens, one of the employees there took pity on her and offered her a job as a groundskeeper. She is now living there onsite, and does freelance landscaping and gardening for local businesses.


code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo
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Civilian Name: Frank Castro
Age: 23
Classification: Brute 1-8
Faction: PRT

While in costume Fistfight is a robust hero who has a expensive green costume that was made by Red Carpet which was later modified to be unrecognizable from when he was a vigilante. He has many secret compartments for emergency money to boost his power. While out of costume Frank is recognized in all the stores as the “kid playboy” and is 6”3 in height and 187 in weight.


Fistfight’s power is strength and strength-based speed proportional to how much money he “spent” in the past 48 hours. “Spending” can be anything involving having the money not be his anymore whether someone receives it or not. His main weakness is that if he runs out of money or is caught of guard he’s not as strong as if he had prep time. The public thinks his power is generic strength and speed that varies from day to day.


Frank was the son of the CEO of massive farm called Castro Agricultural Industries. When Frank was 16 his parents were killed in a botched robbery. While he did trigger there, because of the nature of his powers he was still helpless and barely got out alive while fuming about how his parents got killed for “stupid paper”. In the years that followed he was a vigilante under the alias moneybags, constantly there when least expected. Until he messed up. He killed someone. Then he was 20, and he joined the PRT as a probationary member. Similar to Assault from cannon he is very involved in being a hero despite technically being a probationary member.


code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo
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Civilian Name: Warren Raskolnikov
Age: 27
Classification: Tinker4 (Thinker2, Stranger3, Blaster2)
Faction: The Unknown

Warren is a pale, brown-eyed, bald man with soft features that undersell his age. He has significant tattoos covering a lot of his upper body (pic attached). He’s of an average build but stands in at a rather underwhelming 5’5 meaning he doesn’t exactly strike an intimidating figure.
Out of costume he like to dress up and keep tidy though he doesn’t sport the demeanor that one might ascribe to someone who mostly wears suits. This causes him to give the impression of a teenager done up for a wedding more than anything else. Warren lacks a costume in the traditional sense, preferring to act simply as an inconspicuous civilian while letting his devices do the heavy lifting. In essence his cape persona only exists within the confines of people speaking of him. In the event that he absolutely must make an appearance as his cape persona he simply dresses in all black along with a balaclava.


Warren is what he himself would describe as a ‘clean Tinker’. He specializes in cheap, easy to make, small, ordinary looking devices that hard to spot and once found hard to place as Tinkertech as they look mostly mundane. Most of his surveillance devices not meant to kept on his person are built in such a way that they auto-destruct after completing their purpose or a certain amount of time elapses. His inventions work a lot better when they’re geared towards a single subsection of surveillance such as visual, audio, mapping, tracking or something else. All of Warren’s recon gear is designed to remotely send all data to his computer in real time and can be access by his other devices such as his phone and glasses.
Warren can make weapons although they are a lot of maintenance to keep running and his options are heavily limited. What weapons he can create focus on inducing severe but untraceable complications such as dizziness, nausea, upset bowels, paralysis, loss of motor control or loss of senses.
Inventions that Warren currently has are:
-HUD Glasses (Camera, eye-controlled UI, phone and various vision types)
-Lapel transcriber (records audio as a text)
-Tinkertech laptop (on top of being a very high-end laptop, it has universal internet connection and can interface with his other tech)
-Tinkertech smartphone (same as laptop)
-Several Trackers
-Multiple copies of one time use remote audio and video recorders.
-Camera-drone (an RC ball with camera attached, has gas on the inside which causes onset dizziness that can either be deployed manually or automatically upon destruction)
-EMP grenades
-Sonar-mappers (uses echolocation to create basic building plans)
-Disruptor Gun (Cartoonish looking ‘ray gun’ that causes instant and extreme stomach illness, multiple settings)


Coming out of highschool, Warren had no direction in life. He came up in a poor area and to say he didn't apply himself in school would be a gross understatement. He was prepared to accept his lot in life, another blue collar worker from a poor area, he wasn't pleased about it, but he could accept it. That was until he found his ticket out in journalism. It wasn't hard, people talk a lot where he came from and sometimes they’d do it in hearing range of people they really shouldn't have. 'Exclusive stories from the heart of the city', that was his niche, and he loved it dearly. Journalism quickly became about more than just the money; it became about putting the truth out there. He felt like it was his god-given duty to inform the people.
And then along came the book. He didn't mean for it get big; it was just a pet project. An in-depth look at life in impoverished parts of big cities in America. But soon enough it got huge, his name was all over the media. At first it fantastic, he had royalty money out the ass and more drugs, booze and women than he knew what to do with. But then he hit a snag, all eyes were on him for better or for worse. Contacts didn't trust him anymore, he was too mainstream. He'd moved out of his old neighborhood and into a nice apartment in the center of town, there was nobody to listen to. He couldn't get to the truth anymore.
When he sat alone in his apartment with nothing to write, staring at a blank document with only twenty minutes till his deadline, he triggered.
He was quick to search out the Unknown once he really figured out what he could do. Their mission statement was his, he could have gotten the power to breathe fire and he still would have made the same choice. As of the current point in time he’s been a member of the Unknown for a little under three months. He maintains his day job but his power makes it borderline trivial for him.

code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo

Sticky Fingers
Civilian Name: June Hendrick
Age: 17
Classification: Striker 8 (Breaker 5 , Mover 4 ,Thinker 3)

Faction: Solo; Villain (Thief)
June is a 17 year old jewish girl who grew up in New York as a former Ward. 5"7 in height And 138 lbs , June is a skinny with long brown wavy hair, light tan skin ,blue eyes and glasses. She prefers casual yet trendy clothes. See pics attached.

Daughter of a former Mafioso that was killed in the subsequent Endbringer attack and heroine, she usually spends her time along with her friends until they were nearly killed by a drive by of a cape gang. She triggered much her annoyance and begun secretly learning the limits of her ability behind her mother's

June is a bit laidback with a sense of loyalty to her friends and a knack of doing magic tricks and skills she learned from her friends like fighting , pickpocketing and parkour.


June has the ability to grab any surface and manipulate them to either move apart or combine with other substances she holds. She can shape the substance such as concrete, wood and even tinkertech substance into any shape and form and at the same time allow herself to be able to put thing and travel inside the substance as if it is air without compromising its molecular structure and original form. She usually use it to make entrances and exits or dive into walls or floors and move inside the material uiimpeded. Although ahe could only resurface to the same material that she dived into.

jume can also mix two objects together to the extent that one cannot separate the two object without her help. She can also see the structural and Molecular composiyion of any substaces she touches that allows her to shape , dive or mix a substance.

June can also bypass the Manton limit and dive into organic substance however she cannot extrememly change the shape or form og said substance. June cannot mix an organic Material with an Inorganic material. June can also not mix Pure liquid substances like water or gaseous chemicals.


June lived with her mother and Older sister in Manhattan. She was a problem child due to her rebellious attitude that was stemmed from the death of his Father and the divide amongst the rest of her family due to being the only civilian wiyh her mom and sister being government sponsored heroes, Metatacia and Silk Road. She ran away at the age of 14 where she met her current friends Bill and Rose who were both part of a small gang of runaways.

however due to an incident with being caught between a cape gang fight, she was found by her mother and was forced back at home. Angry and distrustful of her family and the authorities, she uses her newly acquired powers to train and cause chaos around the streets of New york as the phantom villain, Sticky Fingers


code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo


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