Crimson Avenger
Book Wyrm
Cape Submission Guidelines:
Following these guidelines will ensure your character is accepted and approved for play faster.
==> Be creative, try to avoid doing direct copies of characters from Marvel and DC. Originality is part of the fun of Worm.
==> Stay within the theme, please no anime based characters with long complicated names or over the top Mary Sue caricatures.
==> Keep your power reasonable, and make sure to apply reasonable limitations to its use.
==> Maintain minimal interference with canon, any backstories that excessively interact or interfere with characters from Worm may be rejected.
==> Bring questions and concerns to the GM, if you have an idea but are unsure if it works with the current game, just ask.
Please fill out the provided character sheet in as much detail as you can. If you wish to use visual elements like photos or YouTube videos of theme music or whatnot, please include them below your sheet contained within spoilers. Also, in the same post, please be sure to include a link to a writing sample below your character sheet. This sample can be any piece of writing you have done that's at least one paragraph, preferably longer, and can be from another roleplay on the site, another piece of writing you have done, or a roleplay you are currently running. If you wish, you can instead write something totally new as a sample, in which case you should also include it under a spoiler tag along with any photographs or media. If you are having trouble thinking of a character or power, contact me through PMs or Discord and we'll see what we can come up with. If you are blanking on a cape name, check out the community name ideas document for inspiration.
[centerblock=60][div=background:url('');background-size:cover;width:580px;height:650px;position:center;border:5px #47605d outset;color: #000000;padding:20px;]
[div=width:180px; height:400px; overflow: hidden; background: #6b9d9a;opacity:0.7;border: 4px solid #47605d; position: relative;][div=width: calc(100% + 17px); height: calc(100% + 17px); overflow: scroll; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px; text-align: justify;][center][font=Metal Mania][size=7][color=#0a1030][b]CAPE NAME[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Oldenburg][size=3][b]Civilian Name:
Please write your character's physical description here. This should include both in and out of costume description, as well as any notable equipment you character has incorporated into their standard costume. Duis convallis rhoncus tellus in porta. Phasellus vitae nisl venenatis, ullamcorper tortor a, pulvinar erat. Sed commodo sollicitudin sapien, non hendrerit mi vehicula commodo. Vivamus eleifend egestas tempus. Vivamus ultrices faucibus nisi, et pellentesque velit posuere mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque ut posuere erat. Donec tristique leo sem, id commodo sem maximus in. Mauris congue cursus nisi, eu luctus ligula mollis eu. Pellentesque ac augue eu ligula ullamcorper lacinia dictum non lectus. Nunc ac sem lorem.
Maecenas fringilla justo sit amet tortor placerat pulvinar nec tempus magna. Aliquam consectetur pretium faucibus. Mauris convallis, tortor vel ullamcorper gravida, lectus ligula accumsan neque, quis varius eros felis in ex. Ut dictum nunc massa, quis accumsan nulla feugiat sed. Nullam vel erat vitae urna mattis interdum. Integer non ultricies erat. Suspendisse mattis pellentesque venenatis. Mauris auctor est pulvinar, euismod dolor eu, convallis libero.[/size][/font]
[column=span4][div=width:340px; height:205px; overflow: hidden; background: #6b9d9a;opacity:0.7;border: 4px solid #47605d; position: relative;][div=width: calc(100% + 17px); height: calc(100% + 17px); overflow: scroll; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px; text-align: justify;][center][font=Metal Mania][size=7][color=#0a1030][b]POWER INFO[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center]
[font=Oldenburg][size=3]Please describe your character's power in this section. Add as much detail as possible, including mechanics of power usage, limitations, commonly used techniques, and other relevant info. Duis convallis rhoncus tellus in porta. Phasellus vitae nisl venenatis, ullamcorper tortor a, pulvinar erat. Sed commodo sollicitudin sapien, non hendrerit mi vehicula commodo. Vivamus eleifend egestas tempus. Vivamus ultrices faucibus nisi, et pellentesque velit posuere mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque ut posuere erat. Donec tristique leo sem, id commodo sem maximus in. Mauris congue cursus nisi, eu luctus ligula mollis eu. Pellentesque ac augue eu ligula ullamcorper lacinia dictum non lectus. Nunc ac sem lorem.
Maecenas fringilla justo sit amet tortor placerat pulvinar nec tempus magna. Aliquam consectetur pretium faucibus. Mauris convallis, tortor vel ullamcorper gravida, lectus ligula accumsan neque, quis varius eros felis in ex. Ut dictum nunc massa, quis accumsan nulla feugiat sed. Nullam vel erat vitae urna mattis interdum. Integer non ultricies erat. Suspendisse mattis pellentesque venenatis. Mauris auctor est pulvinar, euismod dolor eu, convallis libero.[/size][/font]
[div=width:340px; height:205px; overflow: hidden; background: #6b9d9a;opacity:0.7;border: 4px solid #47605d; position: relative;][div=width: calc(100% + 17px); height: calc(100% + 17px); overflow: scroll; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px; text-align: justify;][center][font=Metal Mania][size=7][color=#0a1030][b]BACKGROUND[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center]
[font=Oldenburg][size=3]Please fill out this area with character backstory and information regarding their past and current situation. Please also include how they ended up with their current faction or group. Duis convallis rhoncus tellus in porta. Phasellus vitae nisl venenatis, ullamcorper tortor a, pulvinar erat. Sed commodo sollicitudin sapien, non hendrerit mi vehicula commodo. Vivamus eleifend egestas tempus. Vivamus ultrices faucibus nisi, et pellentesque velit posuere mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque ut posuere erat. Donec tristique leo sem, id commodo sem maximus in. Mauris congue cursus nisi, eu luctus ligula mollis eu. Pellentesque ac augue eu ligula ullamcorper lacinia dictum non lectus. Nunc ac sem lorem.
Maecenas fringilla justo sit amet tortor placerat pulvinar nec tempus magna. Aliquam consectetur pretium faucibus. Mauris convallis, tortor vel ullamcorper gravida, lectus ligula accumsan neque, quis varius eros felis in ex. Ut dictum nunc massa, quis accumsan nulla feugiat sed. Nullam vel erat vitae urna mattis interdum. Integer non ultricies erat. Suspendisse mattis pellentesque venenatis. Mauris auctor est pulvinar, euismod dolor eu, convallis libero.[/size][/font]
[div=width:340px; height:110px; background: transparent;border: 0px solid white; position: relative;][column=span4][center][div=pointer-events:none;][img][/img][/div][/center][/column][column=span4][center][div=pointer-events:none;][img][/img][/div][/center][/column][/div]
[/column][/row][/centerblock][left][font=Ranga][size=3][color=white]code by [USER=48808]@Han JiHyo[/USER][/color][/font][/size][/left][/div][/centerblock]
~Crimson Avenger/Bookwyrm
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