Wyldspan (new campaign)

TherealBrickwall said:
I go for all the Dawn Abilities except Thrown anyway, so it wouldn't matter what they specialized in. Battles+2 Dawns = WAAAY over-redundancy.
or something needs killing really bad like an army of lavander cockroaches.
If you're not a fan of lavender, all the more reason we should kill THOSE cockroaches first.

Is it bad that I'm already thinking the two parties will have an inevitable crossover in the Wyld?

"What do you mean you're based in Sijan? We're based in Sijan!"
Everything is possible in the Wyld... (maniacal laughter)

Anyway, the forum is set, so you can all post your characters there.

Group 1 is Team Alpha, and Group 2 is Team Beta.
Melcairiel does know she's been picked right?

She's the only one I haven't seen comment at all since the picks went out :)
Mel and I will leave the game.

She's a total newbie and we were keen on playing together, so we'll just wait for the next train.

I would have liked to play myself, but I'm already in more games than I can take, and RL calls.

I am really sorry, 'cause there were a lot of interesting concepts and I would have enjoyed the game.

I apologize to SRC and all the players, on Mel's and my behalf.

I hope you guys have an awesome game!
SRC can probably just shift the groups around to accommodate that right? Doesn't seem like it needs to be a deal breaker. :)
Feantari said:
SRC can probably just shift the groups around to accommodate that right? Doesn't seem like it needs to be a deal breaker. :)
We spoke in PM about that, but as I understand SRC has specific plans.

I hope the game won't get messed up by our choice.
I am sorry for the delay. As xarvh said, I am a total newbie and was keen on playing with him, so I can also learn. I am sorry for any inconvenience we might be causing with our decision to back down. Shifting teams is not possible and I do hope our stepping down does not disrupt SRC's plans. Enjoy the game everyone!
One of my players had to drop, due to some misfortune. I'm looking for a replacement. It needs to be a Twilight character, to take over the thread. PM me with background first.
Working on the replacement Twilight character: Harry Dresden meets Exalted martial artist.

Sadly, Solar's can't really dabble in Infernal-type telekenetic hijinks.
Alright, couple questions. The experience of WWS's has taught me well I suppose.

1. The Wiki links at the beginning seem down. Do they have a new home?

2. How is stunting behind handled? The reason I ask is that being able to reliably describe your actions in a somewhat dramatic fashion, or by the book use of scenery and props *vastly* changes the Mote/WP economy game. Which turns certain builds from "one shot wonder" to "viable".

3. How often do you expect us to be encountering "Save vs. Getting Killed" encounters. Perfect attacks, Essence users with Grand Killsticks, and other such "You need a perfect defense, or you're an interesting red smear" situations?
New Wyldspan link...

Apparently the wiki has moved a server, and the entire look and links have changed. Updated above.

Generally speaking, I let my players call 1 die and 2 die stunts. If, and it hasn`t happened yet, I think the stunt isn`t worthy to be a 2 die, I`ll comment. 3 die stunts are only awarded by me. You are free to call it a 2 die stunt, and if I decide to up it, you`ll be notified.

As for the `save or be killed`situations, I try not to do so, except in extreme cases, at least at the beginning of the game. That`s not to say some situations might not appear that way at first, but generally speaking I find that in Exalted I have a pretty good idea.

In one of the games I`ve run here, where the players began as heroic mortals, there where some cases where they went `oh shit`, but they`ve managed to do well despite the initial reaction. Especially that one time when they encountered a large group of cataphractoi, and one diplomat...

That said, you`re not likely to encounter any 25 Hardness enemies much, unless you find that some Infernals still remain at large...
Final question - will you be allowing drawbacks? I've finally come up with a character who could use them.
Chargen is taking a bit, but I'll post the concept here at least.

Name: The Blackstaff

Caste: Twilight

Concept: Righter of Wrongs, Doer of Deeds

Motivation: A Creation Restored, pebble by pebble

Bane of street thugs and petty tyrants alike, The Blackstaff walks this small scrap of Creation, appearing sometimes in the dead of night, and others when the noon sun is high in the sky. Everywhere, rumors follow him. He became a vigilante after a minor lord raped his wife and murdered his child. He *is* the minor lord, seeking redemption for a bloodstained youth. He is one of the Fair Folk, playing out an elaborate tale. He sold his name for power, or lost it in a bet with a man he hunts still today. Regardless, the people he helps are all convinced they are but minor players in a grand tale. Maybe its true, maybe it isn't - the man called Blackstaff doesn't know.

What he does know is he woke up in a wasted village, slain people to all sides, and a beautiful woman raising a sword in salute. She said one word, "Lawgiver", before nodding her head in respect and vanishing. He remembers nothing before that. Now he wanders Creation performing acts of mercy and justice in the name of Sol Invictus, hoping to find himself amidst the ruins of Creation.

Silas Henniger was a bookbinder and self-taught scholar, who had spent some time in his youth fighting the small wars that have existed since the dawn of time. He Exalted in the (failed) defense of his home, having challenged a powerful Fair Folk noble with little more than a sword and desperation. By the time he took his Second Breath, the creature had already stolen his memory, stringing him along in the interest of seeing the great narrative of a doomed hero giving his last. The Unconquered Sun intervened, and sensing more powerful tales yet to come, the woman fled to watch from the Wyld.
Character sheet draft. Any bonus XP would probably be spent raising abilities - stupid expensive starting Essence 3

Name: The Blackstaff

Caste: Twilight

Concept: Righter of Wrongs, Doer of Deeds

Motivation: A Creation Restored, pebble by pebble


Strength: **

Dexterity: *****

Stamina: **

Charisma: ***

Manipulation: *

Appearance: ***

Perception: ***

Intelligence: *****

Wits: ***


Caste: Craft, Investigation, Lore, Medicine, and Occult

Favored: Melee, Dodge, Integrity, Socialize, Larceny

Melee: ***

Lore: ***

Occult: ***

Craft: ***

Investigation: ***

Dodge: ***

Socialize: **

Larceny: **

Awareness: ***

Integrity: ***

Backgrounds: (7 remain)

Artifact: **

Artifact: **

Manse: *

Reputation: *

Resources: *


First Melee Excellency

First Occult Excellency

First Craft Excellency

Dipping Swallow Defense

Bulwark Stance

Heavenly Guardian Defense

Solar Counterattack

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Demon of the First Circle

Emerald Countermagic

Flight of the Brilliant Raptor

Unbreakable Bones of Stone

Bonus Points

Raise Essence to 3: 7 points

2 charms: 8

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