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Fandom WWZ Character Sheets


the one and only
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Appearance: (Height, Weight, Eye Color, and Clothes they typically wear. Realistic pictures only please)





Weapon: (Do not start with anything big. Nothing larger than a shotgun –limited ammo)


Pretty basic, but it's all in the details.
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Name: Virginia "Ginny" Wallace​


Appearance: Virginia stands just shy of five feet five inches tall and weights about a hundred and eighteen pounds. Blond hair and blue eyes, she is typically seen wearing jeans and a faded t-shirt during the summer and fall months, and jeans with a thicker flannel or cotton long sleeve during fall or winter.

Age: 29

Personality: Bright and cheery, Ginny has already been of a positive nature, even when it seems life is trying to take her down, she will still smile and make the best of things around her.

Occupation: Farmer

Skills: Bow-hunting, seed saving, understanding of basic mechanics (repairing farm equipment.), wild plant knowledge, and game stalking.

Weapon: Hunting Knife and Bow.

Location: McCone County, Montana


Biography: Ginny grew up on her daddy's farm in Montana, helping him raise his cattle and grow his crops. She grew up with her older sister Katherine, and the two were inseparable. Ginny followed Katie every where she could.

In high school she joined the Cheer leading squad and soon enough found herself it's captain, at this time she also met her husband, Joseph. High school sweethearts, they married right out of school when Ginny was old enough, and moved onto his parents farm to help them with the work. Soon after they were married they had their first child, Elizabeth-May.

Life was good. Family close by, adoring husband and adorable daughter, there wasn't much else this country girl could ask for. One Liza-May's second birthday Joe became ill, enough so they rushed him to the hospital. After months of testing they discovered he had stage three colon cancer, and he would only have a year, or less to live.

Not wanting to change his home life Joe opted out of chemo, despite knowing it would likely extend his life by a few month, he knew that the quality of that life would be poor. He wanted to spend his last days on Earth happy with his family, not bedridden and cared for. After this decision Ginny and Joe decided to have their second child, so Joe could spend time with them before he was gone.

Nine-months later Jackson was born, and Joe got to spend six months with his son and daughter before passing away.


Years carried on and so did Ginny, eventually the care of Joe's families farm turned over to her hands, which she continues to run to this day. Now Liza-May is ten and Jackson seven, the two have few memories of their father, but their mother makes a point of speaking of him often.
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Name: Norman Chahal

Age: 30

Appearance: 6'0, 150lbs, dark hair, and brown eyes. Usually caught wearing a button up tucked into some slacks when he's out and about. Norman is quite simply build for his age. Somewhat muscular, not that it shows that well.

Personality: Norman is a kind soul with a surprisingly short temperament. A more detail orientated hard worker. Norman is a team player and is accustomed to working in groups. Norman is very Pragmatic and us more than capable of making the hard choice. Overall Norman is a team player who is more than willing to do what is best for the group.

Occupation: 74 Delta: CBRN specialist (Military Response team for WMD]

City/State: TN

Skills: proficient in close quarters combat, proficient with basic firearms, Advanced knowledge of Chemistry

Weapon: Single 9mm pistol (100 rounds), combat knife

Biography: Norman was born in the American South to what some would consider fresh off the boat immigrants from India. As such he was raised quite differently than your typical American. Unfortunately this lead to some clashes in his youth and landed him in some pretty hot water a few times.

However his life changed when he joined the army right out of high school. He had always had a passion for the sciences and put his passion to good use in the army by becoming a Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear specialist. His team was called in whenever there was threats of biological or chemical attacks.

Even now with threats of attacks at an all time high Norman works to help those around him prepare for possible attacks. Working closely with civilians scientists for vaccines and cures.
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Jackson "Frost" Rider

Age: 23

Appearance: Jack stands at an average 5' 11" and weighs just about 155-160 pounds since he has last weighed himself. They have very mixed and short cut dirty blonde hair. Jackson is also afflicted with heterochromia, which is two separate colorations of each iris. His right eye is a light sky blue and their left eye is a light green color. As a fitness geek, Jack bears a very well toned body and is noticeably muscular. Before the infection had spread out, Jack would typically wear a pair of jeans coupled with running shoes along with an untucked dress shirt and blazer jacket. He now wears much more different apparel. His gear set will now be described below.

1::Canvas backpack (In his possession before Great Panic)
2: Knee and elbow pads (Bought in the second week after the great panic)
3: Running shoes (In possession before Great Panic
4: Black cargo pants (In possession before Great Panic)
5: Grey fleece jacket (In possession before Great Panic)
6: Leg strapped pistol holster (In possession before Great Panic)
7:Their grey/black beanie (In possession before Great Panic)
8: His fingerless gloves with padded knuckles (Bought along with his Knee and elbow guards on the same day)
9: A sheath for his knife (Along with knife, also in possession before Great Panic)
10: A black cover that hides half his face (Winter's approaching, thing's will start to get nippy, he bought this as well when he got a few others items I.E pads and gloves)

Personality: Jackson used to a be a primarily friendly and happily outgoing person who was not hard to talk to at all. But after the infection spread and took over the world, his demeanor changed, Jack is now a hesitant, untrusting, and cautious person. If you do however meet them and happen to gain their trust, he will shift back towards his old self and be a charismatic, funny and easy to deal with sort of person.

Occupation: Jackson was a gymnastics and parkour instructor. Jack had also been attending college for a Masters in art.

City/State: Albany, NY

+Archery - He was an avid bow enthusiast and competitive archer. He is deadly accurate with his compound bow and can strike a watermelon at least 145 yards away.
+Gymnastics and parkour - Considering he was an instructor for these things, it is only safe to say he is quite the professional at it having been learning since the age of 11 and becoming an actual instructor only at the age of 22
+Physical fitness - This gives him quite an edge in any situation that requires physical exertion
+Brazilian Jiu Jutzu and boxing: Jackson has been doing both of these since the age of 18 and found quite a passion in them for the stress relief they offer and the fun times they present. Jack worked his way up to a Brown belt in BJJ and has competed in about 3 local tournaments, coming 1st place in one, 3rd in another, and having not made it to finals in the last.
+Drawing and computer sketching: Jack is a great hands on artist and was getting quite well at computer drawing.
+2 years worth of medical knowledge and practice. At first Jackson felt this may come to great use considering his hobby and hoped that he would be able to either help himself or anyone near him if anything were to happen to them considering parkour is a dangerous hobby. Now being an instructor, Jackson wishes to be able to care for anyone who gets hurt in one his classes. Medical knowledge includes setting broken bones, relocation of dislocated joints, stitching, antibiotic knowledge, dressing varying wounds, most physically damaging ailments he should be able to handle.

Weapon: His compound bow (With 6 extra arrows and in their possession before the Great Panic), Their knife (Gift from their father 2 months earlier before Great Panic), An M1911 .45 pistol (Yet another gift from Jackson's father. This gift came with the pistol holster Jackson now also has in possession. In addition he has 2 extra magazines with 50 extra rounds in his backpack bought during the second week after the Great Panic)

Biography: Jackson was first born in Syracuse and led a relatively normal life style. He had a full family consisting of himself, his mother, father and their little brother Jonathan. As a boy in school, Jack had always strived to do good and found himself with quite the interest in art. His school years were quite normal, and were some of the best years of his life. His mother, who was a gymnast wanted Jackson to do it as well for the good it will grant him later and signed the young boy up at the age of 11. During middle school he was always on the A B honor roll, devoted himself to the water polo team and had a great few years. Highschool is when he really started to find out who they were. He had begun expanding on his love for art and joined a college level art class, they began to devote more and more time to school but also gymnastics. It was in grade 9 when he had first been introduced to parkour and took to it like a moth to a flame. Outside of school, Jack and his father had both enjoyed the sport of archery and bonded constantly over it. Then, when Jackson had graduated Highschool on the honors list, with a scholarship for art at the local university, Jack took his opportunity and left; bidding farewell to his family and moving to Albany to begin his college years. It was here where after few years of college, at the age of 22 Jack began teaching gymnastics and parkour, having himself built up the skill level to do so. But when Jack had first arrived to Albany, being only 18 at the time, he was pulled into the martial art of Brazilian Jiu Jutzu from a friend he had met at the college then later on also found himself in boxing as well. Jack once again took to it happily and eagerly, making many friends and meeting many new people. All in all, his years went smoothly from then on out. He led his typical routine of college, work, and training and was having a great time with his life. They were happy, and that's all that mattered to them. But one day shit hit the fan, a new virus was spreading. At first it was something not many people had worried about, but once it began to rapidly spread and its victims rose back as viral bringers death and destruction....well lets just say chaos had ensued. When the military had came to Jack's city and began to quarantine under the guise of safety and security, Jack was just as eager to go as anyone else could have been. Things went smooth for the most part as well, at least for about a month or so. It all happened so fast, the virus had reached his city and but a mere day later fell. Jack witnessed first hand just how quickly the infection took its victims and what destruction they had caused. It was here, having seen mayhem first hand, where Jack changed. His story begins here, a changed man in a changing world.....
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Jonah Alan Decker


Age: 31

Jonah stands at 6'5" and weighs ~255 pounds. Though not overly muscular, he is broad across the shoulders and sports a lean, athletic build. His eyes are grayish-blue. Jonah keeps his dark brown hair close-cropped, with a neatly-trimmed beard along his jawline. A United States Marine Corps-themed half-sleeve tattoo covers his upper left arm.













Jonah is soft-spoken by nature, though not standoffish. Given time to warm up to someone, he can become a fiercely loyal and genuinely warm -- even affable -- companion, with an affinity for comfortable banter and self-deprecating humor.

He values a hard work ethic and places a great deal of importance on coming through on one's promises. While engaged in a work-related task, Decker's straightforward (and sometimes demanding) demeanor can be a source of tension for those around him, occasionally causing him to be seen as uptight and overbearing. However, he's not averse to the occasional raucous gathering in order to unwind.

Land Surveyor

Atlanta, Georgia


Land Navigation/Orienteering, Marksmanship, Explosives Handling, Wilderness Survival, Basic First Aid/Trauma Care, DIY Skills - Carpentry, Electrical Work, Metalworking, Tinkering, etc.

Doubled-Edged Bush Axe/Brush Hook, USMC Fighting Knife

Jonah was born in the Blue Ridge Mountains of rural North Georgia, the second-eldest child in a family of four sons. His mother walked out on the family when Jonah was twelve years old, leaving his father -- an Army veteran turned gem miner -- to raise he and his brothers alone. His father was a strict albeit fair man, attempting to instill each of the boys with a strong work ethic and sense of self-sufficiency and discipline. It had varying degrees of success.

Jonah was an above-average but otherwise unremarkable student in school, caring more for shop class and participating on the wrestling team than he did about academics. He also developed a fondness for the outdoors thanks to his father's influence, joining the local Boy Scouts troop at a young age and earning the title of Eagle Scout by the time he graduated high school.

Following graduation, Jonah was desperate to to "see the world"... and to avoid following his dad and older brother into the gem mining business. However, he lacked the funds to attend college. With no other way out, Jonah enlisted with the United States Marine Corps. He found his calling in the Corps, where he served six years on active duty as a Combat Engineer. He deployed multiple times to Iraq and Afghanistan before transferring to the Reserves.

Returning to Georgia, he briefly studied Civil Engineering before ultimately dropping out of college, more from a sense of restlessness than a lack of aptitude. Over the course of the next two years, Decker wandered across the Southeast, taking on a variety of odd jobs part-time: construction laborer, railroad technician, welder -- before eventually moving on from each of them. However, the cycle ended when he was recruited by a land surveying & civil engineering firm in the Metro Atlanta area. He instantly fell in love with the humble role of a field crewman and devoted himself to the trade ever since, recently earning a promotion to crew chief.

Jonah's father passed away years ago from lung cancer complications while Jonah was deployed overseas. This strained his relationship with his brothers to the point that he has largely fallen out of regular contact with them. Thanks to a string of short-lived romantic relationships, he currently lives alone and associates only with coworkers and a small circle of casual friends and acquaintances.
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Ethan Richards


Ethan stands at six feet tall and weights one hundred and ninety pounds he's stayed fit while in prison. Generally Ethan tries to look kept with his clothing to keep up his appearance and has a few plaid button up shirts he wears in public, otherwise he sticks to the basic t-shirt and jeans.

Ethan has a temper problem, it's something he's been working on for a while and believe it or not Prison helped with that. He tries to stay out of others business because he learned a long time ago to stop sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. Loyalty or trust is hard-earned with Ethan. Being hopeful is where he finds his strength, and he pushes forwards to work alongside that view because hoping does little if you don't work alongside it.

Auto Mechanic/Ex-Con

Chicago, Illinois

He knows how to shoot, can handle himself in a fight, and has his street smarts. So he knows how to hot-wire a car or pick a lock. His mechanic skills are still fairly fresh but he knows a thing or two.

Colt M1911 .45 ACP

Ethan grew up in a not-so-great home environment. One filled with drugs and both physical and mental abuse. He never finished high-school because the teen all but up and left home, only to find that life on your own in the streets wasn't much better. This led to his falling in with the wrong crowd of people. By the time he realized this however he was already behind bars with a twelve year sentence for attempted murder.

That twelve year sentence ended nearly two months ago, and during this sentenced time Ethan had cleaned himself up and decided that when he got out hew as going to go the more straight and narrow path. Which turned out much harder than you'd think when you have a record, and one of the only jobs you can find was working on cars. Having a record also currently impeded his attempts at becoming the legal guardian to his younger siblings, Danny and Robert who were twins and who were still living with the crap home environment he'd left behind. Ethan wasn't about to let the two of them go through the same thing he had. While having a friend who happens to be a lawyer is helpful, it only gets you so far but Ethan makes it work.


Name: Robert Richards


Name: Danny Richards
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Name: Houston Utz

Age: 34


Has glasses, weighs about 185, 6'1"
Personality: Houston is the type of person where work and personal life are completely separate. He acts very professionally, which makes him come off as a bit cold. Though, most of his friends know him for a his eccentric humor, not dark, just unexpected. He has worked hard all his life, his parents never taught him that, only the failure that came with being lazy. He thinks highly of his political views, but hates discussing different opinions, fearing it would drive people away. He has no problem helping people, he has just been weary of people using him. He loves

Occupation: Tax Lawyer

City/State: Pittsburgh, PA

Skills: Good with numbers, can run for awhile, most of his strength is in his arms, and can usually yell when someone is lying.

Weapon: Crowbar, and .38 snub nose revolver, with 18 rounds.


He was born near Washington D.C, and was raised by two parents. He does not have any distinguish features that would make him stand out in life. His father worked in the mill, he was the one who polished the rolls of steel that came off the assembly line. Houston's father loved his job, he was a proud person. This lead to his father being at work a lot, his excuse was that he wanted to make enough money to send Houston to college, or save up for the next family vacation. His father had known nothing of Baseball, so his coach taught him that; his father had no hobbies, so he couldn't get into the things his father was into. Houston's father was a eight to four o'clock worker, and if there was overtime, he'd be the first one to grab it. A simple working class man. His mother was a secretary at the mill, she wanted to be able to provide for the family as well. She would get Houston to school, then she's get herself to work. She was a well known figure in the mill, she'd often change the time on the clock if someone was a bit late. She loved baking, and would make sweets for the other office and mil workers.
That was who his parents were, not onto Houston himself. He has a brother, and they were both not very close to one another. His brother was the type to be out all night, god only knows where, and Houston's parents always knew where Houston was. In short, his brother was a wild child and they never connected. He made good grades, and he loved science. He was always curious about space, about the planets and stars. He wanted to be an astronaut, he wanted to be the first human to step foot on mars. As he got older, his dreams stayed dreams, and focused more on obtainable jobs. At the end of high school, he decided to be a lawyer. This decision came when he read "A Time to Kill", he was inspired to help people again injustice. His undergraduate was in accounting, and when he was in law school, he knew he couldn't do trials. So, with a background in accounting, he decided to go into tax law.
A few years pass by, he makes his way over to the Pittsburgh area. He works for a bank, he does his job and nothing else. He has though about moving west, like Washington or Oregon, but never could get himself to do it.
(If any changes need to be made, just let me know.)
Name: Merlin "The Wizard" Perkins

Age: 29

Appearance: Stands at 6'2", weighs in at 284 lb. He has brown eyes and usually wears shirts and slacks while off the job, suits during interviews, and during matches, he is seen in red trunks with white trims.

Personality: On the outside, Merlin is a smooth talker with seemingly no limit to his creative insults. Underneath this though is a rather blatant farm boy with a short temper that can flare at any perceived insult.

Occupation: A professional heavyweight boxer with a record of 37 wins (35 by KO,), 0 losses, and 1 Draw. He earned his nickname (Wizard) due to his first name, as well as his habit of bypassing his opponent's defenses like "some kind of magic" as the commentators put it.

City/State: Battle Creek, Michigan

A superb unarmed combatant. Throughout his Boxing career, though his style was akin to an uncouth Slugger, he could read an opponent exceptionally well and bypass weaknesses in their defense. He knows he lacks movement speed, but his punching power has been compared to that of "Smokin" Joe Frazier, considered one of the hardest hitters in all of Boxing.

Shrewd negotiator extortionist. He is a big, scary man with experience in trash talk.

Knowledgeable about farming. While most of it has worn away, he still knows a thing or two about vehicle operation and what plants are safe to prepare for consumption.

Weapon: Brass Knuckles

Biography: Merlin spent most of his life on a farm, mostly operating vehicles, lifting heavy objects and threshing corn. All of this work helped him to develop an impervious work ethic. He participated in wrestling throughout high school, and, after failing to afford college, went on to pursue a career in Boxing. He cemented himself as a rising star after defeating Floyd Mayweather, and after that, just kept on winning. He eventually found himself in the Heavyweight division, and due to problems losing the weight he had obtained, that was where he stayed.

With a successful boxing career still in a booming, flourishing state, Merlin left his parent's farm to go live in the city of Battle Creek. There, he stays; training and preparing for his next bout.

Name: Nari Mochizuki


Age: 25

Appearance: 5'3" 125 lbs. Nair often has dyed hair. Nari has a full sleeve on her right arm and a mandala tattoo down her left leg.

Personality: Nari is rather outgoing and abrasive. She doesn't care what people think of her, and honestly doesn't think much of many other people. She spent most of her life with only a few close friends and not much more.

Occupation: Mechanical Engineer; formerly employed by Circuit of the Americas: Formula 1 Racing

City/State: Austin, Tx

Does it have an engine? I can fix it.

Weapon: Crowy the Crowbar.


Biography: Nari was born to a unwed teenage Korean woman and her Japanese lover in South Korea. She was immediately put up for adoption and days later was adopted by Theodore "Ted" Smyth and his wife Elenore. The couple had tried for years and could never conceive on their own, they spent nearly a decade on a waiting list before they were approved to adopt. The decided to keep Nari's birth name; the one given to her from the orphanage, with the belief that she should keep her roots.

Try as they might Nari had little to know interest in where she had come from, there was not much her adoptive parents could to to interest her in the place she had been abandoned in and at the age of eight, gave up trying to reconnect her with her birth culture.

Nari was never the popular girl, always the tom boy and only ever had males as friends, she was often asked by her mother if she were a lesbian. Nari, embarrassed, denied it for most of her life, but when she reached high school she found the true definition for who she was; pansexual. It wasn't about what they were but who they were to her.

Nari always had a love for cars and this love turned into passion as she attended University of Texas at Austin for Mechanical Engineering. After which she started working with the Pit Crew at the Circuit of the Americas, years of work and dedication elevated her position off the track and into the mechanic's bay where she works hand in hand with the Formula 1 racing teams and their vehicles.​
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Name: Jhanvi (Avi) Singh


Age: 27

Appearance: Avi stands around 5'9" tall and weights around one hundred and twenty five pounds. Avi is tall and athletic, having loved to go jogging daily, she had been known to run marathons complete with decent times.

Personality: Avi is strict and tenacious when it comes to her goals, she will never back down to a challenge and is typically light spirited; it takes a great deal for her mood to be dampened.

Occupation: Lab Technician CDC; Anatomical Pathology

City/State: Washington, DC

Skills: Medical Training.

Weapon: None.


Avi spend her early life with her family in New Delhi, India until the age 11 when her father passed away. It was decided then that she would attend school in the United States to receive a better higher education and a better chance at developing her career.

Avi had always been interested in science, but when she entered High school at Chatham Hall she fell in love with living sciences. She followed her passion to Columbia University, in New York to study Infectious Diseases. After graduating with honors she soon found herself employed at the CDC in Washington in their rare diseases department.

The work was wondrous; it allowed her to travel the world working in conjunction with WHO to not only attempt to find cures for some of the most deadly diseases in the world, but help prevent their spread through education and early detection.

At the first signs of Solanum, Avi had been assigned with the rest of their department to first visit Greater Chongqing China where it was believed the virus first emanated from. She had been witness to it spread through most of Asia, though due to security limitations and global outbreak she and the remainder of the team were forced to return to the United States to continue their work under strict confidentiality.

For months she had to communicate with her family back home and lie, telling them that nothing was wrong, that everything would be fine when she knew the truth. This virus, where ever it came from, was at pandemic level. As the days dwindled on wards people started abandoning their work; office staff fled to their families wherever they may be. It was far too late for Avi to get home; she did manage to make one last phone call to her eldest brother, Arjun. While they didn’t answer the phone she heard the family’s answering machine’s message, indicating they were going to Dehradun to wait it out and would return their call when they could.

Even after the United States and Washington lost power the CDC remained active, those that didn’t have families to return to stayed behind, continuing to work towards their initial goals. Avi is now still within the unbroken containment of the CDC’s underground bunker where she and her fellow lab technicians work diligently. Time is running out, however, as the bunkers resources are running low, and their fresh water and power supply will soon run out.​
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Name: Peter Laske

Age: 46

Appearance: (Height, Weight, Eye Color, and Clothes they typically wear. Realistic pictures only please) Peter is 5'9, 186 lbs, brown eyes, on most days is seen wearing in his military uniform, but when he's not working he's usually in workout clothes or simple shorts and plain T-shirts.

Personality: A strict military man both at work or at home, he doesn't like people who give him disrespect or listen to him when he's trying to make a point. But he's very protective of his family and military companions.

Occupation: A Colonel within the 75th Ranger regiment

City/State: Columbus GA

Skills: 23 years in the military has helped to keep him in shape and a good shot with a gun. He's also been trained in knife combat, throws/takedowns, defense against headlocks, and self defense against weapons like bayonets, clubs, baseball bats and etc. He's also a natural leader who can get people back on track and avoid getting them killed, his patient and quick mind helps him make decisions quickly and efficiently. He's also gone out hunting and was taught on how to cut meat properly and several types of plants that are edible to eat.

Weapon: A ww1 M4A1 , and a Glock 21

Peter was born in Fort Polk Louisiana with his mother and father. His father was a Logistics Officer who happened to have fought in the Vietnam war. His mother was part of the military as well but of course wasn't in a combative role. However by the time Peter was 9 his parents filed in a divorce and Peter was said to spend the school years with his father, while he spent the summer with his mother. The parents themselves weren't terrible parents at all, it was just that they had lost sight of one another and thought it would've been best to see other people. Peter himself understood the situation and his relationship with his parents didn't change.

When he entered High school he decided to join the Football team and played as a quarterback for the "Hornets". During his junior year he managed to get his team to the state championship but lost their 4th game with a score of 28-14. His school tho praised him as his school had never managed to get that far since the early 60's. He was popular with everyone but he lacked a drive towards his education. He barely passed his senior year and was lucky enough to get a scholarship from the military thanks to his father and his persuasion of joining the JROTC in his sophomore year. Peter had a fascination for the military but to be honest he wanted to become a Science teacher, but he didn't have the commitment during that time which to this day he regrets.

He finally got through college with decent grades and decided to join the military and go through officer training course. He passed with decent results and was given the rank of Captain and assigned to the 101st Airborne Div. He was stationed in Kansas for a couple years and then transferred to South Korea where he met his wife Inhee. They both got married and were then transferred to Tennessee where they would have their first little girl named Katy. Eventually the 9/11 event soon came and Peter was ordered to head to the middle east. There he saw live combat and led troops into heavy firefights. He lost some good men but he kept his head leveled and his troops steady and ready. At one point during his trip in Iraq he and his company were nearly wiped out when his company was assigned a task to relieve a forward observation team that was pinned on top of a hill. They did so but were never informed of when the observation team actually go out safely. So for 3 hours of fighting Peter and his troops were desperately fighting for dear life and were awaiting for air support to relieve them. That time came and Peter managed to get his troops out with only 12 wounded soldiers and no deaths. He was given a promotion because of that and several awards.

After the situation in the Middle east seemed to calm down, he was sent back home where he would then once again move to Columbus GA near Fort Benning with his wife and 14 year old daughter. This was due to his recent promotion and being assigned to the elite 75th Ranger Regiment. Since then he has been deployed back and forth to a variety of places and even received the opportunity to join in a joint-training operation in the Czech republic and Sweden.


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Name: Benjamin 'Benny' Jackson

Age: 35

Appearance: 5'10" about with a slim build, about 140 pounds with light brown eyes and dark brown hair. Typically seen wearing light cargo pants and a tank top.


Personality: A man of few words around strangers, he is observant and allows actions to speak louder than words. In the company of friends he will loosen up, have a few drinks and isn't afraid to be the center of attention.

Never one to trust strangers, his attitude will seem cold and distant. Should you gain his trust, he is fiercely loyal and forgiving to those he considers friends.

Occupation: Started out as a pyrotechnician managing fireworks displays for large events, later he would assist the FBI with IED (Improvised Explosive Device or homemade bombs) detection and prevention.

City/State: Malakoff, TX

Skills: Explosives handling and manufacturing, basic firearms training, unconventional thinking (prone to 'MacGyver' a solution if necessary)

Weapon/equipment: Wood axe, 20 inch 12ga double barrel shotgun, box of ammo (25 shells), tablet, solar charger, day pack to keep everything together.

Biography: Growing up, Benny always had a fascination with fire and explosives. Working with fireworks, everyday would bring out the child-like nature he could never escape.

On a business trip for Canada Day, Benny met his future wife Mary. Benny married at 21 and lived in Boston so that they could always go back and visit Mary's family.

In 2005, when Benny was 23 his son Karl was born and the three of them lived a happy life. Karl always loved going to work with his Dad because he always got the best seat for the fireworks show.

Unfortunately, as Benny would find time and time again, life is cruel. In 2013 Benny lost his wife to during the terror attack on Boston. What once brought joy and laughter now only brought depression and frustration.

Benny moved away from fireworks and took to researching ways to help prevent such a tragedy from happening to his family again. Living in Malakoff, Taxas, and working with the FBI, he provided them with new research and methods to help detect and prevent IEDs from being used.

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