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private roleplay between me and EclipseRising

name: Ivy Luanna

age: 24

Personality : striking, fun upbeat personality. Sometimes reclusive once under pressure and/or hurt. Never relies on anyone, only herself. Trust runs thin with anyone she meets.


Getting called up from NXT was exciting for a certain raven haired girl. Tonight would be her first televised match and she was a little nervous. She steered clear from almost all of the Diva roster. Most weren't welcoming just by the looks she received. There was one who was super sweet but to trust completely she could not just yet. Like usual in the locker room, she kept to herself. She paid attention to some of the matches given whilst fixing herself into her gear. By the time she finished lacing up her over the knee boots, her opponent, Paige made her entrance. It took a minute for Ivy to check herself in the mirror and make she looked good. And in another minute, she was out on the way to the ring.

The match lasted a bit longer than the usual five minute match they were allowed. It was a back and forth match, offensive looking good on both sides. And after a high reverse heel kick, Ivy got the win. It was surreal how she finally called into the main roster and won her first match. A smirk given to the other raven haired girl who finally came back to her senses while she headed backwards on the ramp. She'd always been more of a heel than a tweener. After a long minute of just staring back at her opponent again, she walked out to the back and fixed her hair. Some superstars congratulated her and she gave a small smile their way. But what made her stop was noticing The Viper, Randy Orton having been at a monitor focusing in. Ivy bit her lip hard and tried to not to look like a hardcore fan girl around him as she started to head back to the locker room slowly.
It had been a pretty quiet day for the The Viper, Randy Orton. Not many matches so he was taking things slightly easy for the time being, his attention was glued to the monitor as he watched the recent match between Paige and the new Diva from NXT Ivy. As the match ended he turned about to head back to the locker room but stopped instantly in his tracks when he felt someone brush against him obviously trying to get past as well.

He turned slowly to face the person but only found himself looking down at thr woman he'd just been watching. "Ivy right?" His cold but blank stare locking directly on her eyes as he turned around completely to face her "You did good." He wasn't one to freely give out compliments unless they were laced with bitter sarcasm, but since she was new he'd go easy on her..for now at least.

He turned to face one of the clocks, looking at the time he had to get ready for his match against Golddust (don't knownif he's still active but hell why not). Turning quickly he headed off down the hall without another word towards the locker room with his plan running through his head over and over again making sure everything worked out perfectly.
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The raven haired girl bit her lip more as he spoke to her. Her stomach did cartwheels as she stood next to him. Him speaking to her almost left her without words. She nodded lightly before offering a small smile, one with redness reaching her cheeks. "T-Thank you.. I gave it my best.." A long sigh followed once she saw something divert his attention and just like that he was gone. It was disheartening indeed but she should at least be thankful he acknowledged her and complimented her. It seemed genuine in her mind but she could not let herself get too carried away.

Ivy made her way back to the locker room to get out of her gear and fix herself. And by the time she was done and outside with her bag, Randy's match was on with Golddust. She walked backstage to the biggest monitor available and stood, apparently the only one left really focusing on it. As always, she silently rooted for him. Always had she admired the man, not only for his looks but his in ring ability was something no one else can too in her eyes. A small smile lit her face, watching the TV. The veteran waited at the ring for his opponent, main eventing once again in what had been a long time...

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