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Realistic or Modern Ww3 rp


New Member
In the near future, north and South Korea have unified to become the country it once was heavily through Russian influence. Russia and Korea has taken over most of the European and Asian continents. They now set their sights on the rest of the free world. The last line of defense is the united efforts of both North America, South America, Canada, china, and Japan. The countries are at a boiling point and nuclear war is imminent. The worlds economy is rising at a horrifying rate and the corrupt governments of the world are being revealed daily. What will you do when all hell breaks loose? Fight for your freedom as a human being?? Or give in to the enemy and become sheep to the slaughter.

Bio requirements:




Place of birth:



Skill type: (will be explained read further)

Appearance: (through either a realistic/modern game pic or discription)



In this scenario you can be one of many skill types.


"wars come and go but my soldiers stay eternal" tupac

you have military training in any of the armies of the side of your choice. You're weapons must also be based on the military style you have chosen.

Survivalist: "in order to survive you just be able to learn the path" unknown

you have the instincts to know how to survive in the wilderness. You can wield most weapons civilians are allowed to use in your respective countries. You also have extensive knowledge of nature, especially around your local area.

Hacker: "technology is the way of tomorrow"

You have Extensive knowledge of code and technologies of the modern era. With equipment specific to your sect you can hack and decode anything dealing with a monitor and a keyboard. As well as decode cyphers found around the world.

Theif: "a theif is a theif whether they steal a diamond, or a cucumber." Indian proverb

Thieves have an uncanny ability to tell if something is of value to their victim. They can easily sneak into any compound and do whatever is necessary to get the job done quietly and unnoticed. They have access to any fear that helps them become invisible and unnoticed by their enemies electronic devices. As well as equipment that makes breaking into physical locks a breeze.

Assassin: "listen to me: a family man is not entirely a family man. An assassin is not entirely an assassin. They play a role you understand. While a dead man, he is really dead. To be or not to be right?"

Jean-Paul sartre

Assassins are some of the most deadly people in the world. They have some of the best stealth techniques, martial arts styles, can kill at one moment, and be gone the next. However they are more suited for killing a specific person, and can only take out a small army in a smaller group. They have the equipment set that any of the secret service can give them.

Weapons in the world:

Any modern weaponry can be used.


Modern tech (applies to all parts of technology. Computers, phones, cars, etc..)


1. semi lit

2. No god mode, we're all humans here.

3. If you have any ideas for the story line ask me or an admin for the rp before going through with it IF IT CHANGES THE ALL OUT PLOT of the story.

4. Oc's only. But you can use pics for realistic type games to depict your characters looks.

5. No supernatural influences!

6. Have fun

Welcome to world war 3!
Brandon was hunkered down in a building, he had sent a request for extraction awhile ago. The battlefield was ablaze with bullets, explosions and loud tank movements were all around him. He was scared, but his cool head and quick wit was saving his panda ass right now. He had his silenced sub machine gun cocked and ready as he heard voices approaching the room. 'We sent in a field agent to get you out of the hot zone. Agent shadow will be their momentarily. Is the package secure ap?' Brandon had heard of shadow before, he sighed "yeah yeah it's secure." In both releif and a bit of aggravation, the attack was supposed to happen AFTER he acquired the codes. Not before, not during, AFTER.
Brandon9387 said:
Brandon was hunkered down in a building, he had sent a request for extraction awhile ago. The battlefield was ablaze with bullets, explosions and loud tank movements were all around him. He was scared, but his cool head and quick wit was saving his panda ass right now. He had his silenced sub machine gun cocked and ready as he heard voices approaching the room. 'We sent in a field agent to get you out of the hot zone. Agent shadow will be their momentarily. Is the package secure ap?' Brandon had heard of shadow before, he sighed "yeah yeah it's secure." In both releif and a bit of aggravation, the attack was supposed to happen AFTER he acquired the codes. Not before, not during, AFTER.
Agent Vaslilisa or Shadow, made her way through the chaos, keeping to her namesake, the darkness between buildings, and down alleys. Her two .35 mm pistols were drawn, cocked and loaded, aimed in front of her as she turned down dark streets, and into a building. This was the extraction point, so where was the man whose ass she was saving this time? She kept her pistols ready to fire at any minute, in case there were any threats around. "Brandon.... Panda." She called, just above a whisper, thinking an enemy might hear her.
ShadowQueen91 said:
Agent Vaslilisa or Shadow, made her way through the chaos, keeping to her namesake, the darkness between buildings, and down alleys. Her two .35 mm pistols were drawn, cocked and loaded, aimed in front of her as she turned down dark streets, and into a building. This was the extraction point, so where was the man whose ass she was saving this time? She kept her pistols ready to fire at any minute, in case there were any threats around. "Brandon.... Panda." She called, just above a whisper, thinking an enemy might hear her.
Brandon cocked his sub machine gun and slid to the door. He hit his communication device on his ear. "Is that you shadow?" He whispered as he peeped out the window seeing three men of the order. 'Geez they can't let a panda go can they?' He thought to himself as he knelt down, he would confirm that the Russian with the admittingly seducive Russian accent was shadow first.
Brandon9387 said:
Brandon cocked his sub machine gun and slid to the door. He hit his communication device on his ear. "Is that you shadow?" He whispered as he peeped out the window seeing three men of the order. 'Geez they can't let a panda go can they?' He thought to himself as he knelt down, he would confirm that the Russian with the admittingly seducive Russian accent was shadow first.
"Yes, this is agent Shadow. I'm here to extract you." Her voice came over his com.
Brandon smiled, "I'm on the third floor. Be careful the order is all over the place." He whispered as he kept occasionally checking on the three soldiers on his floor. "I have three on my floor, no doubt looking for me." He whispered as one gets closer, he crawled from one desk to another, then another. Until he was at the closest cubicle to the elevator.
Vladimir entered a building where he heard a foreign language. He pretended to be mentally sick in order to get info about enemy.

"I like walls and he red water!"Vlad exclaimed as slithered his way to the top floor

"Hi I to eat carpets and drink Red water"Vladmir stated proudly as he saw a a enemy with a smg.

"That enemy is a double agent he boldly said stomping his feet on the ground as he stood up.

(Guys mentioned @Brandon9387 )
Brandon9387 said:
Brandon smiled, "I'm on the third floor. Be careful the order is all over the place." He whispered as he kept occasionally checking on the three soldiers on his floor. "I have three on my floor, no doubt looking for me." He whispered as one gets closer, he crawled from one desk to another, then another. Until he was at the closest cubicle to the elevator.
"Copy that, Panda, on my way." She whispered into her com, aiming her pistols in front of her, as she made her way to the elevator. She kept on high alert, as she searched for enemies.

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