WW Signup!


Four Thousand Club
for veterans of Ggnaruto, you already know about WW

so, since this is a new site, i thought i would give Ww a NEW begining!!




Family Status:


Personal trinkets/pets

talent for magic:




this is mine.

Name: Marco Highland

Age: 12

Family Status: supreme upper-classs

Personality: unquestionably loyal, somewhat sadistic and corrupted (like his father, Artemis)

Personal Trinkets/Pets: his ferret/familiar "Cirino" and a necklace from his now-dead mother, Kiki

Talent for magic: medium-high


Biography: bieng raised single-handedly by his father, after his mother was killed by the sinister "Nightrise" Corporation, Marco was trained in the art of magic, as well as having several protective shields cast on him by his father.

even though he is mostly a good guy, Marco's true strength is in the banned art of "blood-magic"

this has given him extra power, in return for having to injure himself beforehand.

Name: Shun

Age: 12

Family Status: Upper Class

Personality: Despite how many people depict rich people as being stuck up, snobby and all around stick-up-the-bum people, Shun is quite opposite. He's willing to sacrifice any monetary amount just to help someone, and would very well give his life for someone he cares about. He trusts people quite easily, which sometimes leads him to troubling situations.

Personal trinkets/pets: Has a small hawk that he was given to as a present for his seventh birthday. The hawk is a dirty brown, and isn't really special or different from any other hawk, save for the bandages on its right wing from being abused before given to Shun. Normally carries a stuffed animal underarm that seems to look like a big headed cartoon tiger.

Talent for magic: High.



Biography: Shun was orphaned at age 5, his parents dying while he was asleep one stormy night (Corny, huh), inheriting his family fortune and being placed in one of the most prestigious foster homes. When he found out about his real parents and their fate, he ran away from his foster home to discover their killer. During his travels as a young 10 year old, he was soon found by a young member of the school for Wizards and Witches, who allowed him to stay at his house as he told him stories about the school. Now Shun thinks each day about how the school can help him in his travels and discovering the murderer.

Speciality in magic: Electricity

Name:Alec Deathlind


Family Status:Middle Class

Personality: Headstrong, stubborn, slightly a loner like her mother. Loud, a bit of a joker like her father. Protective of her friends. Hates being called a freak.

Personal trinkets/pets: a single dangle earring her brother Xavier gave to her when they were both really little, a photo album, and a locket that belonged to her mother. Her pet is a small crow she calls Zek.

talent for magic:Medium High.


http://media.photobucket.com/image/vampire witch/wolfsrain246/vampire and demons/keeper_lukien.gif?o=5 (just in case it doesn't show) skin isn't gray, its a light tan colour.

biography: Daughter of Corono and Yumi, younger sister of Xavier. Born with a weaker version of her mothers 'cursed' family magic called Miedo(Fear) that revolves around bringing to life fears of others in return of facing her own. This also meant that when she was born she was covered with markings, her marking never faded though, and made Alec hate herself because people would always call her a freak. For a time period, she had run away and joined a circus, learning odd trades from other performers, till Yumi came and brought her back home. After,she was taught about that side of her family, so that she would appreciate her 'curse' a little more. After that, she was told about a school that she would end up being put in.
Name: Xavier Deathlind


Family Status:middle class

Personality: Xavier is something of a hot head. He has a very short fuse. The only thing that calms him are his family. He is nice to those he can trust.

Personal trinkets/pets: A necklace his sister gave him when they were very young.

talent for magic: High

appearance:http://www.freewebs.com/kikiros_hiei_gallery/Demon Hiei.jpg Xavier is a young demon in transition to adult hood.

biography: Xavier was the first born child of Yumi and Corono Deathlind. He was the result of the Wind god enchanting Yumi's pregnancy and in turn Xavier was born a demon. Xavier was still accepted however he has always had a immeasurable taste for blood and a sky high anger. Xavier has killed before and no one knows when he could do it again. Xavier is more intuit with magic than the average human so as a result when something in the balance of things goes wrong Xavier feels it.
Name: Daelyn Revlorn

Age: 12

Family Status: Lower Class

Personality: Energetic, dramatic, clumsy, laid back

Personal trinkets/pets: A completely black mouse named Briar that she saved from a pond and a home-made bracelet she made when she was seven and a small stuffed multi-color bear.

talent for magic: Medium

appearance: http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm197/xXxSasimexXx/Anime Girls/?action=view&current=catgirl.jpg

biography: Her father left her and her mother when she was seven so it was just them two living off of whatever money they could get from selling the flowers they grew in their garden. After many years of pondering what to do about her slight magic ability, she decided to have her go to a school for it. They argued about it for days until Daelyn finally gave in and agreed to go to the school.
Name: Vayne Steelhorn

Age: 12

Family Status: Middle class

Personality: Kind to his friends, unmerciful to his enemies; likes to fight stronger opponents; can get tongue-tied/nervous when being with a girl...especially a cute girl

Personal trinkets/pets - A grey pendant with a black stone...this stone has engraved upon it the word "7th Requiem," although Vayne has no idea what this could possibly mean...

Talent for magic:
High when normal, unpredictable if fighting a girl

Appearance: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/N/NI/NIN/NINITSUBASA/1225693379_7481_full.jpeg

Biography: Vayne is a typical, average boy in all regards except for three things. For starters, he has the ability to manipulate gravity all around him...he also has this uncanny shyness/nervousness for girls that causes him to do unpredictable/stupid things while around them...as a result, Vayne never had any friends that were girls...the last thing is that sometimes in his sleep, Vayne dreams about a dimension that is parallel to the one he lives in...nobody knows why Vayne has these dreams or what the significance is...
Name: Adelaide

Age: 13

Family Status: Middle class

Personality: Ade is a very quiet girl, she prefers to sit in a corner and read a good book rather than go out and be a social butterfly. She is very intelligent and studies hard in magic. Ade hates it when people judge her for the size of her parent's pocket books.

Personal trinkets/Pets: She has a simple wand made of dark red mahogany, the only adornment is simple carved runes for luck and happiness.

Talent for magic: She has a talent for studying and practical magic. Mostly she has a large store of magic available to herself and has trained to be able to control it well. Because she studies a lot she strives to make sure she has a vast repertoire of spells open to her.


Biography: Ade was born to her parents, who are Middle-class Wizard and Witch. Her parents have worked hard to give her the best life possible, but they failed in some areas. Though Ade doesn't blame them; she is extremely happy they're allowing her to go to this Magical school. She can't wait till she gets her hands on the school's library.

Name: Kyle Henderson (I forgot Knite's last name, so we'll go with this ^^')

Age: 11

Family Status: Middle class

Personality: Chivalrous, honest, a little bit dumb at times, and often too trusting.

Personal trinkets/pets: None majour

talent for magic: Low

appearance: http://heartsteal22.deviantart.com/art/Myself-with-colour-this-time-151580117

(As a teenager. I drew this a pretty long time ago, but it aught to do.) (My character is basically just me if I could use magic this time, and considering that, he towers over average people his age by an extra foot or so. The only difference is my character has complete heterochromia instead of semi-heterochromia, one eye brown, and the other green.)

biography: Kyle was always "that big kid" that everyone decided would be a great person to beat up, just because he didn't start fights. Thought gentle by nature, Kyle quickly got tired of people wailing on him senselessly, and eventually started to fight back, and getting into trouble. When he got in trouble he used to get angry and start fights, descending to everyone else's level. Around his seventh birthday, Kyle learned about martial arts and other forms of self defense. He watched alot of chinese martial arts films and such, deciding to learn the things people did in those movies, he followed a quote he had invented on his own before all the fighting had started... Learn when to use a weapon before you learned how. From his quote, Kyle built a pile of moral values, and taught himself how to be a better person, before he learned how to fight and defend himself properly. By the time he was ten, Kyle had mastered nearly a dozen different martial arts, and was on his way along in several others.
heartsteal22 said:
Name: Kyle Henderson
Age: 11

Family Status: Middle class

Personality: Chivalrous, honest, a little bit dumb at times, and often too trusting.

Personal trinkets/pets: None majour

talent for magic: Low

appearance: http://heartsteal22.deviantart.com/art/Myself-with-colour-this-time-151580117

(As a teenager. I drew this a pretty long time ago, but it aught to do.)

biography: Kyle was always "that big kid" that everyone decided would be a great person to beat up, just because he didn't start fights. Thought gentle by nature, Kyle quickly got tired of people wailing on him senselessly, and eventually started to fight back, and getting into trouble. When he got in trouble he used to get angry and start fights, descending to everyone else's level. Around his seventh birthday, Kyle learned about martial arts and other forms of self defense. He watched alot of chinese martial arts films and such, deciding to learn the things people did in those movies, he followed a quote he had invented on his own before all the fighting had started... Learn when to use a weapon before you learned how. From his quote, Kyle built a pile of moral values, and taught himself how to be a better person, before he learned how to fight and defend himself properly. By the time he was ten, Kyle had mastered nearly a dozen different martial arts, and was on his way along in several others.
APPROVED lets rp!!!!
Name: Rafael Vainte

Age: 14

Family Status: Low-medium Class

Personality: Clumsy, Kind, Slow

Personal trinkets/pets: A Necklace of Michi's

talent for magic: Potions and Healing medium Power med-high control

appearance: Twin to Starr more masculine

biography: (With Starr Vainte's Bio)


Name: Starr Vainte

Age: 14

Family Status: Low-Medium Class

Personality: Cheerful, nature loving, sympathetic

Personal trinkets/pets: Raizik, brother to Konn's pet Sol (look http://ragnarok.asiasoft.co.th/microsite/episode112/images/card/dolor_of_thanatos_t.gif )

talent for magic: Uncontrolled Necromancy (Konn's family Curse) -- Dark Elements Powerful and less Control

appearance: Twin to Rafael more feminine

biography: Starr and her brother Rafael were young when Michi died, since then they rarely saw Konn due to taking a job during the day and disappearing at night. They got through everything though and Konn brought them both to the Wizard Academy a little while after it being rebuilt.
ranmyakki said:
name: Rafael vainte
age: 14

family status: Low-medium class

personality: Clumsy, kind, slow

personal trinkets/pets: A necklace of michi's

talent for magic: Potions and healing medium power med-high control

appearance: Twin to starr more masculine

biography: (with starr vainte's bio)


name: Starr vainte

age: 14

family status: Low-medium class

personality: Cheerful, nature loving, sympathetic

personal trinkets/pets: Raizik, brother to konn's pet sol (look http://ragnarok.asiasoft.co.th/microsite/episode112/images/card/dolor_of_thanatos_t.gif )

talent for magic: Uncontrolled necromancy (konn's family curse) -- dark elements powerful and less control

appearance: Twin to rafael more feminine

biography: Starr and her brother rafael were young when michi died, since then they rarely saw konn due to taking a job during the day and disappearing at night. They got through everything though and konn brought them both to the wizard academy a little while after it being rebuilt.
Name: Jimmy Sunday

Age: 13

Family Status: Low class

Personality: Clumsy, slow no thinking just doing.

Personal trinkets/pets; A metal yoyo, padel ball

talent for magic: Minor elemental spells, like fire bal, ice ball, lightning, etc...

appearance: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e155/inusailoralchemist/AnimeBoy26.jpg?t=1274298354

biography: Jimmy is always in trouble no matter what every day, either with his parents or superiors.

jimmy was only 6 when he was kicked out of his house to live in the slums. jimmys dream has to become a master Mage. That failed, he only now minor elemental spells. He is a lot better at fist fighting then anything else, because of the slums. He has never gone to school, or had any friends. He was always...stupid to other people.
Argro Silverstream

Name: Argro Silverstream

Age: 20

Family Status: Ancient Nobility (Fallen Upper Class)

Personality: Cold, somewhat stingy, but very reliable when needed.

Personal Trinkets/Pets: A necklace with an odd blue crystal on it, it hums with magical energy

a old wand that's been an old family possession (he keeps it on himself, but never uses it)

A staff, made of weathered wood which has glowing blue vein-like markings going up the length of the shaft

Talent for Magic: Extremely high



Wears A dark robe with a blue inside lining. eyes glow in the moonlight (Silverstream trait).


He was born into the fall of his clan. Raised in his family mansion where he learned the secrets of his family's blood, and how to "See" traces of magic reflected by moonlight. He went to the school, back as a student when he was younger, and there met the once great Professor Woodwind. Woodwind was the old Charms teacher of the school, but his makeshift body was finally starting to fall apart. He took Silverstream to his lab, and there, Silverstream learned the powerful art of Charms and Enchanting beyond the academic level, and when Silverstream finally returned to his home, many years later, he was a VERY formidable Mage. Argro is now searching employment in the school as a teacher of charms.
Name: Flynn Coast

Age: 12

Family Status: Lower Class

Personality: Eventhough he was raised in a poor environment he was still taught to cherish and appreciate life as it has been given to you. But that you must also try and grasp the stars in the sky. Leaving no chance uncaught.

Personal Trinkets/Pets:

Pet: An imp that he learned to appreciate after the imp ' Juggler ' saved his life on one of his expeditions. The imp is able to transform into any object, animal or person albeit always with his own powers. He will never have the powers of the original creature/item/person, just his own magic. Juggler tends to say the wrong things at the wrong time so Flynn usually keeps him in a necklace-form.

Trinket: A ring that can open portals to other dimensions, although Flynn can't control it yet, so he never knows where he'll end up. He only uses it for fun expeditions, nothing too serious.

Talent for Magic: High







Born in a latin environment he was raised as a poor boy, playing on the streets and parks during the day with his friends. Hardly ever going to school. But it all changed when he was out in a park and found this special golden smaragd ring, with a letter inscribed in the smaragd. He could feel a surge of power flowing through him and suddenly he was able to understand the basics of mago and by self-study he got to where he is now. Although he got shunned by his former friends and family he hasn't regretted his choice. After all, he was raised to grasp all the stars he could find, how convenient it was for him to find an object that allows him to do just that.
carl said:
name: flynn coast
age: 12

family status: lower class

personality: eventhough he was raised in a poor environment he was still taught to cherish and appreciate life as it has been given to you. But that you must also try and grasp the stars in the sky. Leaving no chance uncaught.

personal trinkets/pets:

pet: An imp that he learned to appreciate after the imp ' juggler ' saved his life on one of his expeditions. The imp is able to transform into any object, animal or person albeit always with his own powers. He will never have the powers of the original creature/item/person, just his own magic. Juggler tends to say the wrong things at the wrong time so flynn usually keeps him in a necklace-form.

Trinket: A ring that can open portals to other dimensions, although flynn can't control it yet, so he never knows where he'll end up. He only uses it for fun expeditions, nothing too serious.

talent for magic: high







born in a latin environment he was raised as a poor boy, playing on the streets and parks during the day with his friends. Hardly ever going to school. But it all changed when he was out in a park and found this special golden smaragd ring, with a letter inscribed in the smaragd. He could feel a surge of power flowing through him and suddenly he was able to understand the basics of mago and by self-study he got to where he is now. Although he got shunned by his former friends and family he hasn't regretted his choice. After all, he was raised to grasp all the stars he could find, how convenient it was for him to find an object that allows him to do just that.

approved, just go easy with the ring
Name: Ricardo Maximilian.


Family Status:Upper Class

Personality: Respectful, kind, sweet, and charming and clumsy. Protective of those he cares about, rarely ever turns down a fight. Can get rather smart(remark wise) and has a slightly Cocky attitude. Likes books.

Personal trinkets/pets: A strange rose that changes colour depending Ricardo's mood its also what he uses as his wand.

talent for magic:Medium-High.

appearance:http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss243/AsherahEir/45t.jpg minues the white hair....

biography: Being Born to parents that grew up in different countries but were constantly moving from place to place gave Ricardo's child hood an interesting twist. He got used to being ignored by his parents, unless they were lecturing him on how to run his family's company when he got older and was often out on his own, just trying to be a normal kid, till he found out about his magic powers. His parents where shocked about it and started planning to use it too help them get more money of their own. They did a little research and found the school and quickly sent him out to become a full fledged wizard.
esme said:
name: Ricardo maximilian.

Family status:upper class

personality: Respectful, kind, sweet, and charming and clumsy. Protective of those he cares about, rarely ever turns down a fight. Can get rather smart(remark wise) and has a slightly cocky attitude. Likes books.

Personal trinkets/pets: A strange rose that changes colour depending ricardo's mood its also what he uses as his wand.

Talent for magic:medium-high.

Appearance:http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss243/asheraheir/45t.jpg minues the white hair....

Biography: Being born to parents that grew up in different countries but were constantly moving from place to place gave ricardo's child hood an interesting twist. He got used to being ignored by his parents, unless they were lecturing him on how to run his family's company when he got older and was often out on his own, just trying to be a normal kid, till he found out about his magic powers. His parents where shocked about it and started planning to use it too help them get more money of their own. They did a little research and found the school and quickly sent him out to become a full fledged wizard.
ugh... Fine, fine ur approved, dust dont make him a cocky little bastard
Name:Conner Adam


Family Status:A pretty normal family.... Until he found out his mom was a witch. She kinda kept it hidden until his own powers slowly emerged. His dad pretty much laughed it off, and agreed he should go learn to better use them. Which he should. Because he's really irresponisble..... He's essentially a bad role model for his younger brother, but they have a really tight relationship.

Personality:REALLY irresponsible. Like, he'll do the first thing that pops in his head if he feels like it. Apart from that, he's also really laid back, and pretty much your old-school definition of cool. He's pretty much a jock... A super team-player. He can get along with pretty much anyone, and makes a point to try and solve any conflict that he actually gets into through words first. But he can fight if neccesary. Oh yeah.

Personal trinkets/pets:He has a bit of sports equipment that he brought with him, like a hockey stick, a baseball bat and ball, and football shoulder-pads. His wand, which pretty much became a part of him once his powers emerged, is actually a piece of thousand-year-old ironwood (which is pretty much as hard as metal) that he and his mom carved together. It doubles as a beating stick. Hehehe.

talent for magic:Medium, but is pretty proficient in buffing-style magic. Strengthening/toughening himself or others. Kinda relates to the whole team-player aspect. Apart from that, he can use basic elemental magics and the like.

appearance: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/319/8/a/smoking_hot_anime_guy_by_tomtom1691.jpg

biography:Had a pretty normal life for a guy.... Not much worth mentioning. Liked sports, his favorites being martial arts, at which he excels, and violent ones like hockey and rugby and football. YEAH! But anyways, he only discovered his powers slowly emerging around two years ago, and now his parents want him to learn a bit of responsibility towards his gifts. His mother can't teach him, being away A LOT, and his dad is just a normal human. He was just kinda... Graciously discharged from the last magic school he attended. Meaning he was kicked out. He is VERY irresponsible. (He doesn't like to talk about the incident.... lawl)
Name: Steven Adams.

Age: 13.

Family Status: What family? Assumed to be impoverished.

Personality: Cold,blunt,mistrusting,observant. Will,however,assist those he deems either innocent or,by some miracle,"Friend".

Personal Trinkets/Pets: Instead of a right hand,there's a wand. This is the only possession he deems important enough to protect with his life. To the casual observer,it looks like a stick of white cedar is lodged in the stub.

Talent for Magic: Remote manipulation;Prodigal. Visual Illusions;Highly skilled. Everything else;Catastrophicaly inept(Think "Big boom.Big bada-boom."). Has very little control on his magic.

Appearance: Ragged blue jeans and plain (what used to be) white t-shirt. Lean with wiry musculature. Has a messy black mop of hair that reaches his shoulder blades. Has dark circles under his mossy green eyes,which are always squinded and observing all details around him. His right hand is missing,and in its place is a white cedar "stick". Furthermore,he has a scar running from the top left brow,center of nose bridge,to left side jawbone.

Biography: Steven was born to a rape vitctim. He never knew his mother,who died in childbirth,nor his father,for obvious reasons. At a young age in the orphanage,strange occurances began happening which could only be described as "Supernatural". Nightrise agents took immideate notice and started to observe the area. They made their move when Steven was ten years old;in the dead of night,a squad of Nightrise agents moved in and began to eliminate all individuals and set demolition charges. Steven,who was awake,heard muffled cries and bootsteps. Sensing something was up,he ran. He clambered out a window on the ground level and made for the hills. For the next three years,Steven ran from town to town,always with Nightrise at his heels. During this time,he grew to learn that he was magical,but he barely had a handle on it. During one eventful day,he was cornered by Nightrise agents. He needed a way out. He knew he was magic. He decided to conjure a fireball...Which promptly exploded in his face,completely removing his right hand and and atomized the agents. When he fell,his bloody stump landed on a stick protruding from the ground,which plunged into his radial artery,sealing it and saving him from bleeding out. Today,he's STILL hounded by Nightrise,and he's been staying in Chicago lately...

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