Ww: Legends~


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The two magical humans stood at the open gates to their new education center. The female of the pair quickly rushed just inside the gate and set her stuff down to the side so no one would trip over it. The boy, Crow, gave her a confused look. She just waved her hand at him and undid her braided hair and smoothed it out. "What are you doing?" The brother asked his younger sister, Jinx.

"It's something for good luck during our new year," she state as she took a deep breath. Within moments, she began dancing an odd routine similar to a rain dance. She twirled around in circles and jumped around.

Embarrassed, Crow slapped himself in the face with the palm of his hand. "Do you have to do that in public?" Jinx continued on relentlessly. "That isn't going to help with good luck!" Jinx stopped and turned to him with a hurt look on her cute face. Crow immediantly felt sorry. "Keep dancing..." he muttered. Jinx started dancing again as an embarrassed Crow hung back.

(Start posting everyone~ Time to make an appearance!)
A girl walked to the large gates to the academy, talking on a cell phone.

"Yes 'dad' I have everything . . . I know . . . I know . . . I said I know already! . . . What? . . . Okay, love you too."

After Mel hung up, she sighed. It was nice and all that her uncle was pretending to be her dad, but did he have to be so protective! She dragged her suitcase to the gates, only to see a girl dancing. Mel stared as the girl jumped and twirled all about . . . How was she supposed to go around that . . .

She decided to wait until the dance was done and stood off to the side. As her olive green jacket, given to her by her "brother" and still too big for her, slipped off her shoulder, she fixed it.
Daniel Tellores, a young boy from the wealthy and influential Tellores family arrived at the Highland Academy, in front of him was some girl with long black hair (Mel)

walking up beside her, he stood there watching the dancing woman too, he was hunched forward, to help support his large backpack.

"well, here we are..." he let out a long, exhausted sigh... he wouldnt be tired if he had been transported LESS than 5 KM away and had to walk here with this heavy-ass backpack, but at least he was here now.

on his leg, he had his wand secured in a wand-holster strapped to his right thigh, and the wand began to vibrate

"huh, i must be standing on a magical barrier of some kind..."

taking a step forward, the vibrating stopped.

"ah, on the other side... right"

(sorry for the bad post, im breaking out of a case of writer's block)
Mel heard some heavy breathing coming from beside her. She turned to see a boy next to her. He had a raelly big backpack and from his appearance, you'd think he'd walked the entire way. She reached into her bag and produced a water bottle. The young witch placed it in front of the boy before proceeding to watch the fascinating dance.
Leaving the underdark was much like living in it had been for Angafay, though not for her aide. The male had been sworn to her service long ago, to lead her where she needed to go in exchange for lodgings for his family. The Noquiryn family was currently the most wealthy, and one of the most powerful, drow families underground.

"Curse that blasted ball of fire!" he hissed under his breath, half leading, half dragging his charge. It had been decided when she showed signs of prophetic gifts, that Angafay would be sent to the surface, to strengthen ties with possible allies, get her out of harm's way, and for her to learn from the most talented in all the world. The sun was excruciating on eyes that had spent the past several centuries in the dark, and even with his protective eyewear and hood, it still seared his retinas. Angafay was lucky however, her eyes already useless, the sun didn't bother her, in fact it's warm rays were if anything pleasant.

To avoid irritating her lifeline further, the young dark elf kept her mouth shut; it would not be good for one of her kind to get lost on the surface.

"There, the gates are straight ahead, there are other whelps there, they will help you. I shall return before the sun burns me to a crisp lest I make one of these surfacers a snack!" the aide snapped, turning on his heel and briskly striding back the way he came.

Before she could even protest, the male was gone, leaving Angafay to carry her bags alone across an unknown stretch of land. Twice she stumbled over stones before she could hear the others clearly, speaking the surface language she'd spent the past year learning. Tightening her violet blindfold, the girl straightened up to call out to the trio.

"Uhmm... Goodbye?" she beckoned, hoping she'd chosen the right word for a greeting. Speaking to actual surfacers, Angafay was so frightened it was as if she had hardly learned the language at all; it just would not come to the front of her mind.
A creature,half sea snake,half man,slithered up to the gates,holding a large piece of paper. On this paper was a map. Anaru Tane had travelled a great distance from his home in the murky ocean. Before,he had been content with his life as a hunter for his people. But something changed one day. He was suddenly struck with the irresistable urge to surface. When he reached shore,he found a sealed paper,on it this map,and contained within the folded mass was a letter with his name on it,in hit people's script. Intrigues,he read the letter,revealing some academy's interest in him,and followed the instructions on the map. The way was long,but strangely easy; there were no threats,such as sharks,squid,or barracuda. He had no need to hunt,as there were packages of food along the path,and he always seemed to find them as he grew hungry.

So now,Anaru was before the gates of the academy,as were some other,strange creatures. The elders had stories of them. Humans. As he approached,two others arrived on scene;a young girl,blindfolded and carrying bags,and a man,shrouded so heavily Anaru was left to wonder if he was hiding something. He slithered up to the gates,folding the map around the letter. His scales scraped against the ground noisily,his hardened ventral scales unbothered. Examining the humans,he noticed that the newest arrival was very different; black scales,and a pair of knife-like fins on either side of her head. Anaru slithered near the blindfolded girl,and spoke,his voice deep,yet had a slight hissing quality to it.

"You seem...different from the rest of your assembled kin,human. Were your scales touched by molten stone?"
Daniel accepted the bottle of water gladly.

"thanks" he said, unscrewing the bottle and bringing the head to his mouth, he began gulping it down, the water was icy cold and refreshing, after taking a guzzle, he handed it back to the black haired girl.

"alright, thanks" he said gratefully, the bottle now about 1/2 empty.

after this, he heard a weak, uneasy and heavily accented "goodbye" behind him, looking back he saw one of the dark skinned elf folk, huh, he didn't expect to see a Drow here, they usually secluded themselves underground, ity seemed like she had only recently learned english and she got her first words to english speakers mixed up.

"excuse me" he said to the black haired girl, walking back to the Drow.

as he approached her, he saw a Naga, well this place is just full of supprises then.

he oberheard the Naga's words as he got there.

"No ding-bat, shes a drow, one of the elf-folk, if her skin was touched by molten rock, she wouldnt have skin, it would have melted off..."

he looked to the drow

"are you alright? would you like some help?"
The siren was nothing short of uncomfortable, eyes darting about almost frantically as if to search for the nearest escape. Her body was resisting, struggling in Vaiden's arms as they were locked about her arms and torso, effectively rendering her limbs useless, though her legs still kicked as she was lifted off the floor. The large man had at least a foot or so in height advantage, which of course, resulted in the easy lift off the concrete, much to her dismay. But as Mira Jayne shot a glare towards the landlady beside the large man, the middle aged woman would do nothing else but laugh, perhaps at the silent girl's comical face, or the sheer effort she was giving just because she had no desire to enter her new school.

But of course, her efforts were quite fruitless, because for each forceful kick, Vaiden's arms would squeeze, temporarily stealing away the breath from her lungs. The siren, being 'fragile' as she was, had given up after they entered through the gates. Only as to save herself the embarrassment of having to explain how a human had been able to forcefully carry her to the school, where as the other students seem to just stroll through. Some had even begun to speak to others. Even so, not that she'd admit it but, she could very well break free of the large man's grip. Mira Jayne wrinkled her nose.

"How bizarre..."

Vaiden grunted, his arms unraveling from about her, allowing Mira Jayne to be upon her feet once again. Though his attention was not upon her, he had turned towards his boss questioningly as she stared about her surroundings, eyes of bright hazel holding a slight awe about their luster as her eyes fell upon the creatures upon their entrance. The woman seemed to be excited to meet whatever principal/teacher would be about...

But Mira Jayne was not.

Stiffly, she waved her hand about before Jenna's face, as to grab the female's attention. Though, she had to pause long enough for her to register that the movement was from the small girl. Jenna almost laughed to herself at just how much of a daze she'd fallen into and gave a soft smile at Mira Jayne, who, of course, had begun to grow quick concerned at the woman's lack of response to the illuminated words the hung in the air between them. The middle-aged landlady's eyes drifted over the words, eyes squinting only as to make out the tiny scrawl that was Mira Jayne's hurried writing.

"I'm here now. You can leave."

"Trying to be rid of us so soon?" Mira Jayne shuffled in discomfort as she shot a glare at Vaiden, who chuckled, ruffling her hair with his great hand. Though, her message was clear. Mira Jayne did not want them about anymore. Not while she's in school. Jenna nudged her assistant/janitor, her smile slightly wavering, but still adorning her wrinkle free face. And instead of patting her already disheveled sea-green tresses, as the small girl was expecting, Mira found herself in the arms of her former boss, within a tight embrace that she was quite unused to. A type of contact she had not encountered ever since the separation...

A motherly embrace...

(I sincerely apologize for such a crappy post. >.<" I had... No clue what to type.)
Mel took the bottle back cautiously. She didn't exactly want it back . . . she thought that was obvious by the fact that she gave it away in the first place, but she but it back in her bag anyway. When she looked up, she saw a drow and a naga approach the gate. Her eyes lit up. She had always been locked up in her house, so she had never seen the many races of magical folk she read about in books. And now there were two of them in front of her!

When she had heard the naga's words, she got even more excited. Nothing she read about drows said anything about them being fireproof! Could this girl be an evolved species?! But then she heard what the boy with the backpack large enough to have its own gravitational pull said. Immediately she was a bit saddened, but then perked up again. This was a good time to make those "friend" things she had read about. She began searching her pockets for an offering to give these people.
"Take a good look, Evee..." A soft voice said, gazing out at the place that would hold the lives of a few children for mere years before unleashing them upon the world, "This is where we will lay our stepping stones." An old smirk split across pale lips as the young teen adjusted himself, crouching on the top of the high stone fence he was on, a bag next to him. The chain around his neck that held a locket against his heart glinted in the sun.

A disembodied voice was what replied, curling and wrapping around him in the air like a haunting whisper in the dead of the night,
"Better than the grave yard, Lancaster?" In a swirl of soft smokey mist, a girl formed standing next to him, grey scaled even when the transparency stopped. Something about her seemed old, despite the youth, a faint smell of must,earth and em bombing fluid hung ever so slightly in the air.

Theodore Lancaster and Evelyn Reed, the grave yard duo, the dead twins, a lost story on a blank page. The former stared across the campus from his perch, heart beating fast and true with every high part, and booming with excitement at the thought of everything beneath the ground. The latter folded arms behind her back, taking in those below, with all their excitement and chit chat, with a sort of disdain that refused to show on the stolid face. A pair who'd never had much luck but what they could make, seemed perfectly at peace in their fifteen feet gap from the ground, a set of loners that completed the other in a manner that seemed perfectly in tune to the school that had accepted them into it's grasp.
Elikutia, or as she was better known as Claws, stretched as she got to the front gate with a wide smile on her face. She had asked her mother to drop her off a little farther away and had run the rest of the way here. Claws loved to run even if she was in her human form at the moment. She was still fast and able to go a good long while before she had to stop.

She made sure her backpack was still on and headed into the school area. As she walked someone passed her, bumping into her. Lukas did not look back and hurried on and Claws frowned. Someone people were just rude!

She still smiled though. She was excited.
Jiro's long journey actually turned out to be worth it. For he finally made it to his destination, the magic academy that his sensei told him so much about. He had a perfect view of the gate, just about thirteen feet away from it and from the other strangers who were hanging around here. He took in a deep breath, and calmly let it out. Well, this is it.. Jiro thought to himself, scratching the back of his head. He then started to move closer to the group of people, while carrying his backpack. But as he moved closer, he began to feel a painful burning sensation on his right arm. He gripped his arm, and then sighed. It was Daichi, Jiro's demon. This painful burning sensation is a sign of Daichi getting pissed off for what ever Jiro was doing that seemed wrong. But Jiro didn't care about this, he just kept moving towards the group. As he walked over to the group, Daichi decided to speak to the boy through his mind. 'You really think that this school can help you, Jiro? Look at all of them, they look pathetic. Such worthless creatures.' Daichi heartlessly said.

I'm no different then.. Jiro thought to himself, as he continues to walk towards the group. He was now standing about a couple feet away from them, and watched as a girl here was dancing around. He then turned his view towards another girl with a blindfold over her eyes, and a scaled looking creature who stood near the blindfolded girl. Jiro wondered who else was going to join this group. Then, he watched another man come up to the girl with the blindfold on, and started to answer a question that the scaled man had asked. Jiro didn't pay much attention to what the man was saying. But what Jiro did hear from the man was that this girl with the blindfold on IS a Drow. Amazed, he then examined the scaled looking creature to see what type of species he was, and noticed that this man is a Naga. Jiro was very surprised that a Drow and a Naga was here amongst them. He had heard of these two creatures before, from the stories that his sensei would share with him. He always loved those stories that the old man had. He told them with such great detail, which is why Jiro was able to easily figure out what species the scaled man was from.
Suddenly the blind girl was being crowded, and the notion was disconcerting. With so many people surrounding her, Angafay tried not to make a mistake with her next comment.

"... Yes, thank you?" she asked, hoping that she hadn't misunderstood the surfacer. It was one thing to learn words in practiced lessons, and another altogether to put it into use whilst the others spoke so quickly.

This place would certainly get exhausting if this pace kept up. Already two people were in her vicinity, and two more yet approached. A feeling of dread washed over the drow though, something dark approached. The sounds of others were about though, making the ebon-skinned darkness dweller uncomfortable. In the underdark she had never dealt with so many others at once, and the situation was overwhelming. Fingers drifting to the violet silk band across her face, Angafay tightened it reflexively, a small stroke of comfort to hold back the tide of discomfort.
Daniel saw the discomfort on the Drow, deciding the best thing to do right now would be to take a step back.

"hmm, ok lets give her some room... excuse me" he said politely as he walked away a bit, turning around, Daniel came face to face with a mean-looking guy (Jiro)

"uhh, hi!" he said, smiling and trying to be friendly, Daniel wasn't good at these kinds of things, meeting new people, but after he got to know them he was alright with them.

"so... a sword, huh?" he said, trying to make conversation as he pointed to Jiro's dragon sword by his side "uhh, the Brochure said that weapons are forbidden on the grounds, unless its a magic-channelling weapon, where they'll put an enchantment on it to make sure you can't use it to cut anyone..."

Daniel was the kinda guy who would read the Brochure...
Lukas did not stop to chat with anyone. He just wanted to go to his room and get everything ready. Besides he had no time for socializing anyways and he knew no one. Until he could get a better grasp on people through classes he was fine with staying away for now. Lukas made it to where he would be staying and dropped his things. He sighed deeply. He looked out a window and then back to his stuff.

"Let us see how this year goes," he muttered to himself.


Claws looked around ready to interact. She could see a number of people near a student and heard something about a drow. She looked at the girl in question interested by the prospect of her being a drow but not moving towards her. She seemed to have enough people crowding around her. Instead Claws looked around to find someone else to talk to before she headed inside.
Mira Jayne felt only a light relief over the fear of interaction with other students as the landlady and her giant body guard turned back towards the beat up pick-up that Jenna insisted on keeping. And she could still see the tiny waving speck that was Jenna's hand as they continued to wave goodbye to each other, before the large cress of the nearby hill swallowed up their image. Vaiden had caved into her request when words began to explode into his vision in Mira's frantic attempts to have Jenna exit once again, seeing as the woman was quite hell bent on finding the nearest teacher, as if could do something with the siren's utter anti-social manner and order teachers to have classmates talk her up. Thankful for the large man, as he'd tugged the struggling woman back into the truck, she'd left with him one of her music books, to which she'd filled with song lyrics and music sheets she had long since forgotten, he did love music very much.

Mira Jayne stood by the side of the gate, peering about with the worn out bag Jenna provided for her held close to her chest, arms tight about it's leather figure. The siren's eyes flickered to the ground almost as soon as she felt the gaze of others turn towards her, even if their intentions were not towards her. She could almost feel the annoying tick of the clock, even if one is not near her at the moment, mocking her, as if to taunt that she would be about this place as opposed to the quiet room she spent most of her sleepless nights back in the inn.
Mel had heard what the boy had said about weapons, she nervously tucked her cane to her side. It did channel magic but she was sure it could still cut someone . . . She immediately perked up when she found some candy in her pocket. She looked around. The drow seemed a bit nervous around people. The boy from earlier was talking to another one with a sword by his side. And the naga seemed . . . scary.

Then her eyes fell upon a girl with long green hair (Mira) who seemed to be alone at the time. Mel ran toward the girl and held out her hand full of candy. "I have given you an offering of sweets. Are you my friend yet?" she said with a straight face. (Sorry if this makes her seem weird.)
"Hello kind traveler." Jiro said to the man that came over to him, then bowed. Once he was done greeting the man, Jiro heard him say something about his sacred dragon sword. Jiro just let out a slight chuckle. "Well, channeling magic IS what this sword was designed for." He told the man. Jiro never really knew there was a Brochure. But before the stranger could say anything, Jiro then went on to continue explaining. "You see, I have a demon in me. This demon is... special. During a battle, I can harness the demon's magical powers and fuse it with this sword, along with a demon arm that forms from my left hand, all the way up to my left shoulder. The sword also helps me when I use my abilities. Besides, this sword appeared the moment this demon choose me, so I don't think it'll be possible to get rid of it." Jiro finished explaining, as he looks down over to his sword on his side.

"I mean, why would I even go running around swinging this sword at my allies?"
Jiro said, laughing a bit. Although, if the people here would take his sword away, it would only anger Daichi more. Jiro then looked for something else to talk about. "So, I wonder how things will be like over here." He said, staring at the gates.
Being one of the later arrivals of the school, Lola had gone through the gate, toting all of her luggage across the campus. She tilted her head up and looked at the huge crowd of people here, and they were only outside! She still had some ground to cover before she made it to the entry, and still had a ways to go before she reached her dorm.

Inside the pet carrier, her puppy, Jirou, began whimpering. "Mommy, can I come out now? Jirou whined.

Lola sighed. "I can't right now, Jirou," Lola replied. "I have all of this stuff to carry, and there's too many people. You'd-"

"-People?! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Where are they? Where are they?!" Jirou started yapping. He began to maneuver his paws of the cage door and nibble on it.

"Shhhh!" Lola hushed Jirou. "Stop it, you're making a scene!" Lola told him, now quick to hurry to her dorm before anything happens.
As his sister danced with glee, not noticing the students that were slowly making their way to the gate just as they had. It was apparent that she didn't plan on stopping any time soon. Instead of standing there like a fool alone, he decided to make his way over to one of the cute girls he say from the corner of his eye. One in particular snagged his interest. She was odd, but not in any noticeable way. She seemed a bit grey, but yet completely normal. Maybe she was a witch in need of a tan.

He made his way over to her and another guy, slowly and surely. Crow brushed some of the red hair of his out of his face smoothly, revealing his green eyes that had no boundaries. "Hello, there," he yelled as he came closer to the girl. He gave a small half smile while staring up at their perch on the fence. "Is it alright with you if I enjoy your company? My sister over there," he points to the lunatic dancing away, "seems to lack interest in keeping eyes off of her. I'm Crow. And you are?" he asked smoothly and confidently with that same smile while holding out his hand in greeting, even though they were on top of a fence.
Danile listened to Jiro's explanation

"aah a demin inside you, eh? my cousin married a demoness recently... funny story, she burned their honeymoon suite to ashes when they got frisky, my cousins alright, but they had to pay for the room"

Daniel chuckled nervously, in this world, things like inter-species relationships were pretty common, Elves with Orcs, Humans with Demons, Naga with... you get the picture.

when jirou asked why he would swing his sword at his allies, Daniel shrugged "i dunno, i guess we can agree that some people are just pricks who'll use weapons to bully people and all that, not like i'm saying you might be like that! its just... they exist"

he scratched his head nervously, well, he and this big scary guy made quite a pair, looking up at the school with Jiro, he couldnt help but smile and agree.

"yep... unless i missed my guess... we're in for one wild ride"
Jiro chuckled a bit to the man's story about his cousin. "Hope the room didn't cost too much. But me and my demon.. we're like brothers. Even though it doesn't seem like it.." Jiro told him. It was true, way before Jiro ever set foot in here, Daichi's intention on being inside of Jiro was to kill him. But over the years as their friendship grew stronger, the black-hearted demon decided to not kill the boy, and accept him as a "brother". Jiro then listened to what the man had said about people using their weapons to bully others. During Jiro's journey to here, he had seen many events that were similar to what the man had told him about bullying. "It's alright, I understand what you mean. You are right, actually. But one who is completely connected with life around them would do no such thing." Jiro told him. The man then stared at the gate along side with Jiro, and said that they were in for one wild ride.

"You bet we are." He said, smiling. Jiro knew that he shouldn't be afraid of what life this place will give him. All Jiro had to do was to keep moving forward, with the help of his new allies. He then turned to where the man was at, and gave out a hand for the man to shake on. "My name is Jiro Mitsoyu, by the way." Jiro kindly said as he greeted him.
Daniel shook Jiro's hand

"Daniel, Daniel Tellores, nice to meetcha"

he shook Jiro's hand firmly, then let go, his eyes went down Jiro to the sword at his waist

"hey,if you dont mind, would it be ok if i had a look at your sword?"
As her eyes moved over the crowds of living that kept growing, more jovial spirit and excitement getting thrown into the air, her eyes locked onto a boy. A red haired, green eyed boy who had escaped her sight long enough to be standing below them and actually speaking. She looked over at her partner in crime, who's eyes had also gone to the other male, hand stuffing the necklace into his shirt in a fluid motion.

"If you can find a way up, you can join us." He stated boredly, an accent rich in his voice though not clear as to where. "And we might just tell you then who we are." From the other, a faint smile was hidden behind a hand that had pressed itself against her lips, in an almost thoughtful fashion.
After greeting Daniel, the man asked if he could take a look at his sword. Jiro didn't mind if somebody wanted to check out his weapon, it was Daichi who would mind. It WAS technically Daichi's sword. And Jiro instantly knew that Daichi will say something to him. And just as Jiro had expected, Daichi began to speak to Jiro through his mind. 'You're going to let HIM touch MY sword? Jiro, I thought I told you that NOBODY had ANY privileges to touch my weapon!' Daichi yelled at Jiro. But his voice started to sound more calmer now.

'I'm.. sorry for yelling, Jiro. I guess I'm just overreacting too much over a damn sword. If you would want the man to take a look at the blade, then you have my permission..' Daichi said, then his voice started to fade from Jiro's mind, meaning that he has nothing else to say for the moment. So with this, Jiro turned to Daniel. "Sure, I don't mind at all." He said, handing Daniel the sacred dragon sword for him to take look at.

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