Ww: Legends~ Sign-Up and Info!


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Sign-Up and Info for Ww: Legends~

Come one~ Come all~ Sign up for the Witches and Wizards: Legends! What is it you ask? Well I'm going to tell you anyway even if the answer was "no I don't really care." :'D Some of you may know of Witches and Wizards that has had MANY seasons (and by many, I mean A LOT) which was started by Xlorrguss way back in ancient history.


ANYWAY, even if you aren't all too informed with this role play, YOU can still sign up and enjoy yourself. In Ww: Legends, the slate has been cleared. All new characters and all new plot; although, the old seasons and lore are still there as a reminder of their history. You get to attend a magical school and be involved in your own little adventures that you may find yourself involved in. As long as they are PG-13, it shall be a grand time.


And now, a word from Bettsy:

"It has been over a century since the acts of Ww Revelations, where after wars after war, disaster after disaster, it all ended in a climax which has changed the face of the earth as we know it, in the century since the last series, non-human sentient and non-sentient creatures not of earth have adapted to a new life on earth alongside humans. Humans number over 2.5 billion, non-humans number 3 billion now, The cities of old have mostly been restored to their former glory from the ashes of disaster and are now inhabited by people of all different human and non-human races and backgrounds. We are at the decorated and famous Highland Academy of higher magical studies where people of all "races" (IE: human and non-humans) have come together to learn and foster stronger bonds between our peoples through educating the young together.

However, all is not well in the world, dark forces lay dormant just waiting to be awakened, enemies of peace work in the shadows, and its only a matter of time before Highland Academy is in their sites, and when that day comes, will the students and staff be ready for what awaits them? will they be ready to take their place... as Legends?"


Sign-Up Sheet Below:


Age: (11-14 please~)


Race: (Witches + wizards (aka humans), faeries, elves, demons, spirits, ect.)

Appearance: (Picture or description will do)


History: (Optional: But if you do fill it in, don't be incredibly simple and acknowledge the lore that Bettsy provided above)

Personal Items: (Could be pets, magic related things like wands, or ect.)

Name:Evelyn Reed

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Spectral Spirit, otherwise known as a Ghost


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Personality: Passive, a bit morbid with jokes, distant.

Personal Items: Nothing.

Name: Theodore (Theo) Lancaster the Third.

Age: 14


Race: Wizard


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Personality: Hot headed, protective, and slightly cocky.

Personal Items: A locket that hangs down towards his neck. Holds Evelyn around him. 13 inch wand, cherry wood, core of a raven's heart string.
Name: Daniel Tellores

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: human Wizard, 1/8th elf.

Appearance: http://silverinessimage.webs.com/photos/anime boys/boy10.jpg

Personality: Friendly, can be cold, doesnt show emotions.

History: Born into the Tellores main family, an influential but not too powerful family in the magic world, rumor has it that the Tellores clan are descended from the legendary Highland clan and the Deathlind family indirectly, however only the abnormally high concentration of magic and "nack" for blood magic is the only proof of their connection to the Highlands, Daniel was raised in the main branch but was by no means sheltered, being the youngest in the family to show signs of an affinity for magic, he has lived under the expectations of his family, often being pushed to represent his family at gatherings of influential families, competing under his house's banner.

at the age of 13 Daniel has won 1 such house gathering, and came in 3rd in the other two that he has competed in, he was enrolled at age 11 at various academies, however he has been switched around many times, going from one academy to the other, however he has been sworn in to the highlandAcademy for the rest of his academic life, and his little sister who has just started attending another college has taken his place at inter-family events.

Daniel is a driven student with a passion for magic and martial arts, he is trying to find how he can use the spell "eternal flame" like his (supposed) ancestor "Marco Highland" however he is nowhere near the prodigy that Marco was.

Personal Items: wand (http://www.eyesmyway.com/assets/images/Swords/PotterWand1.jpg) clothes, books and his laptop.


Name: Dali Ak-Ikmaj

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Race: Earth Spirit

Appearance: (normally, not nessecarily in these clothes) http://safebooru.org//images/700/18493262bf09ef29e9a32d0a9dac7a3c3669dede.jpg?705979 (in her "power form" used for larger spells and battle) http://safebooru.org//images/230/2cfc3c843681d7d04d76e8b25becbf8250e02a9b.jpg?229714

Personality: playful, Cheeky, friendly and very, VERY annoying.

History: Bought into this world by the Orcish hordes which have now occupied certain areas in southern russia, middle of africa and were recently driven out of Saudi Arabia.

The earth, sea, air, light, darkness and space spirits are worshipped by the Orcs as part of their religion, and through a combination of their worship and the blood sacrifices by their shamans, the spirits one by one came into bieng, Dali came into being after the blood sacrifice of 20 captured human female virgins, 100 human men and one orcish shaman, after coming to this world, normally a gentle spirit, she was apaled by what the orcs did to bring her into being, wishing she had never been born, Dali abandoned her orcish worshippers and took on a human form, she doesnt hate orcs though, because put simply, she is incapeable of truly hating someone, she just dislikes Orcs.

Her orrigonal purpose was to mold the earth and allow the orcs of south Russia to push into India and western china, without her help, the Orcs still attacked, they werent slaughtered, they fought well and killed many, but ultimately the Orcs just lacked the tactical sense of humans and were outsmarted and outmanoeuvred.

Dali wandered this world for 12 years, eventually coming across Highland Academy and she decided it was about time she started learning stuff instead of just experiencing what its like to be alive.

Personal Items: Her spear which can dissapear and be summoned from this air at will, it holds the power of a minor god. http://img.costumecraze.com/images/vendors/fashion/50149-Indian-Spear-With-Feathers-large.jpg (this is clearly just the end)

and a mask which you can see in the second picture
(Sorry, I'm new to this so I may not know all the rules and such. But I did skim through old WW posts to familiarize myself a bit. I still have others to go through.)

Name: Melidianna Lecarde (goes by Mel and sometimes "You")

Age: 13

Gender: female

Race: witch

Appearance: (I got the pic)

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Personality: Mel is a bit strange, often saying or doing things that don't really make sense. She hates working in large groups, often feeling like the others are using too much oxygen. But she's also afraid of being alone.

History: Mel was born the youngest of three daughters in the Lecarde family, very influential in the human world (money) but no power in the magic one. When she showed an ability for magic, it was suspected that the mother was having an affair (funny story, Mel is the only legitimate child). They kept her locked away, and kept her existence a secret. With nothing to do, Mel spent her days sneaking books out of the library. Her favorites were ones about magic. She spent all hours of the day studying magic, she soon learned some ice and water manipulation, as well as a low-level physical boost spell for her legs. One night, she decided to try blood magic. She was successful in summoning a low level demon, but she couldn't control it. It went about the house, killing her immediate family and some odd servants. It was later claimed to be the work of a wild animal. She still has her uncle, who told everyone that he was her father to protect the family reputation, and a cousin, whom she calls her older brother, both non-magical. Before coming to the academy, she was trained in music, dance, and self defense, all things an heiress should know.(If this is no good, I can change it.) Now, she's a bit hesitant to learn magic but her uncle insisted that she learn to control herself better. (I'm hoping she can learn more about blood magic but it'll be fine if it's not okay.)

Personal Items: (sorry there's a lot)
a black choker, violin, cane sword, tarot cards, a doll named Vash (it's a larger version of a sack child from Little Big Planet), olive green jacket from her "brother", and an armband (extra points to those who can tell where it's from)
Name: Lola Isle

Age: 13

Gender: female

Race: Human (witch)



Personality: Lola is very kind and willing to help another in need. Also very ambitious, which sometimes results in rebellion.

History: She came from a higher class family, but that never affected her kindness, even though it has to her other family members. She always had a love for animals and the wilderness, and would go into the forest every chance she had. There, she discovered her powers (Earth, Healing, Communication with animals, knowledge of any and all fauna and flora.) Her parents never understood why she would wander off into the forest, let alone her "strange" kindness. Once they had found out about her abilities, they had put her up for adoption. She was adopted by a man who was a former wizard who helped her build her abilities, as well as discover more. Now that she is older, she is willing to build her magic somewhere else.

Personal Items: Chained bracelet her father gave her after their Bond. Also has a puppy named Jirou. Jirou considers Lola as his "mommy"/best friend.
Name: Elikutia "Claws" Degeers

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Race: Werewolf


Wolf form: http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk164/Nesfy/Werewolf.jpg (but smaller)

Personality: Claws is a hyper and friendly girl. She is very loyal to those she becomes friends with and to her family most of all. When upset or threaten she can be somewhat violent. Claws is reckless always trying to prove that she is not afraid.

History: Elikutia was born into a small family. Her mother was a witch where her father was a full werewolf. Both claimed that they could have small parts of either. When Elikutia was young she showed signs of both sides. Her magic is not as strong though because of her lycanthropy though. Elikutia's nails are sharp and claw-like which earned her the nickname Claws. She goes by that most of the time.

Personal Items: Claws wears a collar around her neck that was given to her by a friend she had lost. http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff422/chinacollar/dogcollar-1.jpg

Name: Lukas Cauthon

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Race: Human


Personality: Lukas usually keeps to himself but he can be friendly if he tries. Lukas has a taste for shiny objects and can be somewhat greedy but he also enjoys being outside.

Personal Items: http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h282/KingBrian77/Wand.jpg
Full Name: Count Ambrogio Alessandro (Means "Immortal", "Protector of Mankind")

Nickname(s): "One may call me Eli." (When around humans, he is known as "Elijah")

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Race: Vampire

Appearance: http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/9820c225f288902a3c9aba4707bb632a/http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss159/333666/Anime-Vampire.jpg

Personality: Eli is rather enigmatic, he is witty and sarcastic although he definitely has a sense of humor. He had snide or sarcastic response for almost every topic, including serious or offensive ones. He has the tendency to "tease" others. No one is ever sure if he is serious or not because of how he usually acts. Eli is either insane or gutless, because he isn't afraid to do anything if he is dared. Sometimes Eli creates words and sayings that aren't exactly real, but he "likes them" so they exist. Underneath Eli's obvious personality, he is caring and loyal, which is where he got the name "Alessandro" from his clan. He is quite the gentleman, and often "tips" his hat to someone for doing something "remarkable" or rather amusing.

History: Being part off the Silver Moon Clan, Eli had never known his parents nor did he care much. The Silver Moon Clan is a clan that is a refugee for vampires, lycans, and many other species and mixes. Eli, being a vampire, has the sign of the Silver Moon Clan in which are white, silvery wings that are similar to those of an angel.

Eli is transformed vampire, which means he is not naturally vampire but was bitten to become one. Eli's case is rare because he has a weird "disorder" in which his human side is more dominant allowing him to age and makes him mortal (mind you, this disorder does not affect Eli in any way of it being a "bad" thing). Instead of being raised by his parents, he was raised by Lord Lucien, a vampire leader, and the rest of the Silver Moon Clan including Madam Lupin, a Lycan.

Despite Eli being a vampire, he had childhood friends in which were humans in which gained him the title of "Alessandro" or "Protector of Mankind". Eli is said to be skilled with a sword, but doesn't usually resort to violence.

Personal Item:
His top hat, cape, and a sword with the title of "Umfredo Vesepera" meaning, "Giant Peace" and "Evening Star".

(Hope Eli isn't terrible, just getting used to this site, lol.)
Name: Anaru Tane

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Naga (Think sea-snake person. Wizard is not a race,last I checked...)

His scales are blue-green,like the ocean from whence he came. His back sports a spined fin,which is a shade darker than the rest of his scales. His body is long,at eight feet,with the tail being just under five feet. His head is long and flat,much like a snake's. His eyes are orbs of pure black,with no visible iris or pupil. Anaru's hands are four membered and webbed,and end in small claws. His mouth is full of fangs,as befitting of a predatory snake-person race. His teeth make it impossible to chew;he must swallow food whole.

Personality: Anaru is a predator by nature,and as such is very competitive and blunt. He's by no means unintelligent,though. Surviving the unforgiving ocean has made him clever and wary. In such an informal and safe environment,he is extremely awkward and uncomfortable.

Personal Effects: Anaru keeps a bracer on his left arm,made from a shell fragment of a kraken,with a large pearl inset within. It pulses with magical power.

History: Anaru is very tight-lipped about his past,and where his people are from,aside from "The ocean". What is known is that he has shown a knack for hydrokinesis and magnokinesis.
Name: Angafay Noquiryn

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Race: Drow


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Personality: Mostly quiet, but when driven by her visions, she can only be described as zealous, determined to see them through (so to speak).

History: Angafay was born without a vital skill in her home of the underdark, sight. Without one of her primary senses, the girl was a target of many other denizens, born into a noble family as she was, Angafay was an easy target with great rewards. The very first time an attempt was made on her life, she discovered another sense, something that told her where danger was and when, the signs of her gift of prophecy. Her gift far too precious to squander, and was sent away by the noble house of Noquiryn to learn more where she would be welcomed, and safe from harm.

Personal Items: Angafay often finds her blindfold makes it easier to "see", and takes excellent care of it.

(While she may have the gift of prophecy, Angafay can only sense immediate danger to herself, and even then not perfectly; at least as of yet. Aside from that she may have a sudden vision in her dreams, which are always cryptic at best.)
Name: Mira Jayne Lera

Age: 13

Race: Siren (Though she comes by as mute, though figured out a way to write words in mid-air and using powers of a mage rather than her voice. She uses magic to shape shift parts of her body as well, though the most complex shift she can manage is a part of wings, bat, butterfly, raven's... All of which come out black for whatever reason.)

Gender: Female



She stands at 4"8, quite short, she has eerily pale, lavender eyes that people find themselves staring into at times, only because of its ghostly appearance. And her shirts and jackets always have sleeves, as her ink stained arms, she finds, are something to hide because she has the tendency to draw upon her skin.

Personality: Mira Jayne is very timid, and though the way she dresses suggest one with very loud opinions, she still keeps quiet. Her "disability" was pitied by others, even if it was her choice never to use her voice again, and getting quite sick of this, she began to gather books to learn magic of humans. Since then, she had been drawing swirl-like patters upon her arms as if they were symbols for spells. She'd never specify exactly why she does this, even with her air-write way of speaking.

History: Mira Jayne as a child loved to sing, admiring birds as they flew by, carrying her songs with them in cheerful chirps and whistles. She'd whistle or sing, then they'd pick up and sing her songs. Of course, this was only when her mother had decided to begin hunting on human grounds, away from the shores of the ocean she was used to. Her mother and her had been together for almost longer than one siren mother would be with their own child, but even that will not last. For when Mira Jayne gained knowledge of what they did for a living, having grown attached to humans and their songs, she broke off with her mother. Since then, she'd been fending for herself. Until, of course, she met a land lady that owned an inn which the woman had offered to lend her a permanent room if she worked to clean, wash and tend to the guests. But even before she'd met the woman, Mira Jayne had sworn off using her voice, for fear that she might hurt humans like her mother had done.

Personal Items:
Even if she'd broken off with her mother, she still kept one thing from her. She kept a necklace, which many suspect has magical properties, though she will not say-- ahem write what it is.


(I'll have more characters later on. >.<" I just can't think of any right at this moment.)
Name: Jiro Mitsoyu (His demon's name: Daichi Achimu)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Demon

Appearance: http://images.plurk.com/e955d4de289184faa08cbe80001fe02b.jpg

Everybody will notice the change that happens when
Jiro and Daichi switch persona's. For instance, Jiro's eyes are blue, and he doesn't act hostile towards his friends. But when Daichi takes over, his eyes turn dark red, and his voice sounds very tense. Jiro also has a dark marking that starts from the palm of his right arm, then crawls up all the way to his right shoulder. This ONLY appears when he is in battle using Daichi's demon arm on his left hand, or when ever Daichi takes control of Jiro's personalities. This mark is very noticeable unless it is under clothing.

(So basically, if the marking shows when
Jiro is not in battle, then it's Daichi you are talking to.)

Personality: Jiro is a friendly guy. He loves the company of others, as well as to help them whenever they need it. But he would sometimes prefer to be alone. He is respectful towards his allies. He can also be very serious at times. But during a battle, he will stop at nothing to defeat his enemies. And he would often hear Daichi speak to him through his mind. Now as for Daichi, his personality is much more "tougher". He hates being around humans sometimes, and he always taunts at his enemies during battle. But Daichi and Jiro are very intelligent when it comes to fighting, so Daichi tries not to overwhelm his enemies. He is also cruel to people IF he wants to. He also hates it when Jiro refrains from using his demon powers during battle, or when Jiro doesn't allow Daichi to control his body. But beyond Daichi's black heart, he is also respectful towards his allies. That is, if one of Jiro's friends is worthy enough to earn Daichi's respect.. If he trusts someone, then they're good. But besides that, Daichi is always listening to his master, and over the years, he decided not to kill the boy, which is the reason why he likes Jiro as a "brother", even if it doesn't seem like it.

(Keep in mind, Jiro and Daichi are ONE. Daichi is not a separate character, or in a different body. Daichi is just a demon within Jiro, making him have double-personalities. And he helps Jiro during a battle as well. Although this personality switching doesn't happen that much, so it'll be easy to see who's who. In Jiro's dreams when he speaks to Daichi, the demon is often in the form of a large dark-horned dragon. The demon IS a dragon, but he will never be active as his original form OUTSIDE of Jiro's dreams.)

History: Jiro lived a normal life in his village. He was so connected with the village's forest. Life seemed peaceful.. Until Daichi came along.. It was a normal day, every villager doing their daily routines. And then suddenly, a large dark crystal appeared in the center of the village. Everyone gathered around it, but nothing happened for a while. It just stayed there, silent. Then moments later after it's appearance, Jiro made it back to the village from visiting his grandmother not far from there. But, when he made it to the center of the village where everyone was at, the crystal glowed. It glowed brighter every time Jiro stepped towards it. Like if it wanted him. As soon as he came within reach from the crystal, he felt a painful burning sensation on his right arm. He gripped his right arm and yelled in pain as the villagers watched. Jiro then stared at his arm, noticing that black markings that looked like a dragon started crawling up to his right shoulder. He then yelled some more in complete pain, and watched as the crystal in front of him cracks open. As the crystal opened, a large dark shadowy figure raised up into the air, then came down and entered inside of Jiro's body through his chest, making the boy fly back onto the ground.

Soon after the incident, his leaders took him into a house in the village, and helped him to recover as they examined him. A demon was in
Jiro, and nobody knew what to do to take this demon out. Their village's "wise woman" was able to figure out whom this demon was. Once Jiro was feeling better, a couple of hours after the incident, the woman called him over so she can see who this demon was. As she moved her hand and hovered it over Jiro's forehead. Then, she quickly backed away, terrified. She kept yelling "The bringer of Death!" at Jiro. Then the woman yelled out the demon's name, and quickly ran away. Daichi Achimu was the demon's name. The bringer of Death. Jiro's leaders then decided on an agreement. They banished Jiro for holding such a dark creature, and told him to never return to this village, even in the next life. So Jiro left, he lived on his own, and was able to train himself into the skills of a swordsman. As well as trying to harness his new demon powers. Which both of these skills that he has still needs improvement. So after a couple of years after his banishment, he made it to the academy to hopefully improve his skills, and to tame his demon.

Personal Items: Jiro keeps his "Dragon Sword" with him, for he is skilled with swords. His left arm will turn into a demon arm when in battle. And if Jiro so chooses, he can use it. During a battle while he is using the demon hand, you will sometimes hear him yell out "Boost!" This is a special technique that enables him full power on his demon arm, allowing him to use powerful blows that is being harnessed from Daichi's demon powers. Now, this ability has a limit during each battle. Every time he uses it, he only has four attacks to "spend" the ability on an enemy. So if he uses it all up, he cannot use it again in the same battle. This is why he needs to time this wisely, because it would piss off Daichi if Jiro didn't put it to any good use.

(If there's anything need fixing, I'll be happy to do so! ^^)
Name: Crow Pierce

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Wizard

Appearance:http://s1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/DasKt-/Roleplay Characters/?action=view&current=1694941.jpg

Personality: Crow is a mischievous young wizard who excels in illusion spells. He is not only reckless, but he is also devious and rebelious. He can be surprisingly calm in a tough situation (unless it involves his sister), but his lazyness often prevents him from doing anything.

Personal Items:

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Name: Jinx Pierce

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Race: Witch

Appearance:http://s1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/DasKt-/Roleplay Characters/?action=view&current=Dgirl.jpg

Personality: Jinx is a young witch full of curiosity who excels in transformation spells. At first glance she seems like a sweet girl; although, upon further inspection you may see that she is incredibly nosy, short-tempered, and over dramatic.

Personal Items:

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Esme: Approved

Bettsy: Approved

Amdreams: Approved

Marira: Approved

Legendless: Approved

Cynder: Approved

Riddle: Approved

Hearts: Approved

Evangeline: Approved

Darksoul: Approved

Kt~: Approved
Actually, Jirou died as a puppy. He was a runt, which explains why he was given a second chance in the first place. If you're talking about the fact that Jirou was a puppy in the previous roleplay, Lola was seventeen in that roleplay as well (she hadn't played a significant role in that roleplay since I disappeared. We talked about it already.) So if that was what he was talking about, it would seem much more logical to deny me because of Lola's age instead of Jirou's. But if that explanation isn't good enough, I can simply get rid of the whole pet thing.
Name: Inali Esarosa

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Naga

Appearance: Ivory white skin with dark cherry brown hair that reaches the small of her back. She has a mirage of various green scales and an ivory underbelly that had a gold shine to it. She has blue eyes that create a animalistic gold sheen in certain lights, as for her upper half she prefers vests, normally either black or brown.

Personality:Inali comes from a long line of protectors of temples or people to even deities who slumber in their temples, so she comes by her protective nature naturally. She has a short temper when it comes to certain situations, but other then that she's patient and only wants to help. She's independent and curious to a fault. She likes to adventure, but is equally apt to settling down with a book and a warm beverage. She has a slight addictive personality (ever since she came across coffee ). Inali is not used to the social norms and ethics which has a habit of getting her in trouble.

History: As a child she grew up in a temple of an old forgotten god that the nagas protected in the Desert next to her fathers tribe, the Zuni. She's grown up learning about many cultures, and gods, and societies always hungry for more knowledge. She didn't leave the temple until most of the naga had either gone away to protect newer gods or just plain disappeared.

Personal Items: Around her neck she wears a small brown leather pouch and a couple silver bangles around her wrists.

(If there's anything that needs tweaking or changing just tell me and I'll get it done as soon as possible =] )
Name: Nova Upton

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Race: Cyborg (Human, but some parts of her are built in)



Nova’s hair is a dark bluish-black color, almost like a pure ultramarine while her eyes shine a bright purple. Both of her hands are robotic, cutting off her complete wrist on her right side and up to her elbow on the left. She is also missing her whole left leg (up to her hip), while some parts of her body are infused with wires that help run the technology along with metal plates to protect the semi-damaged areas. The girl is 4’1” in height, and has fair skin that contrasts with the dark color of the metal.


Nova is socially awkward, and comes off as guarded and hard-to approach; the girl is rather friendly though, and sympathetic towards all those that she lends an ear too. The girl suffers her own bouts of depression whenever she remembers her accident and it’s moments like these she’s completely antisocial. Despite she herself being reassuring towards people, she is usually the one needing reassurance. The girl is stubborn when angry, although she usually sticks to being flippant about things.


The Upton family is a rather famous family in the magical world, not because of their money or their skills but rather their self-taught aspect. The lineage hasn’t shown many great wizards or witches in the past, and instead of learning the bare minimum in school, the passed on the small amount of knowledge they shared.

Most people, after learning that Nova was from the Upton family, think that this explains her accident as a fluke spell. The truth was that the girl was on her way to becoming one the most gifted witch of her family, once she became of age. Her accident was cause in a rather humane manner, or…to her knowledge it was.

She still remembers the day that she was sitting in the stuffy basement, on a timeout while her mom was out for a moment. Maybe she should have noticed the smell, but it was probably the heat and the loudness of her dryer that got her distracted. It was almost done anyways, so she travelled up to the landing, where the two machines sat side by side.

Remembering that it was the blanket that usually rested over the couch, she yanked it from the dryer hearing a crackle. A familiar sound of a static shock, but she didn’t expect it to be such a shockwave into the next event. It was like the small spark was emanating slowly outwards, and the moment it touched the gaseous air it ignited. Nova was caught in the middle of a gas explosion; some wards in her house had kept her from completely dying and she was referred to as ‘lucky’.

The seven year old didn’t find herself lucky at all, as now metal replaced most of her limbs and she remained scarred forever. Not only her, but her mom who had come back from the walk was caught in the front doorway, leaving scarred tissue. Due to Nova’s stronger affinity to magic, as well as the new conduct she has to pass it through, she was the first of the Upton’s to be sent to magical schooling.

Along with this, she has to go to scheduled maintenance to get parts replaced as she grows and deal with the rumors of how people thought she got her mechanics. In truth, some of the elders of her lineage think the gas line to be tinkered with.

Personal Items: A basic repair kit in a trinket bag, and a very small bottle full of ashes, used as a pendant to a necklace.
Hina (KT) asked me to look over your sign ups and make the decision.


Name: Arianna Everton

Age: Fourteen

Gender: Female

Race: Headless Knight

Appearance: Arianna has long strawberry blonde hair that comes past her shoulder blades, her bangs a shaggy one length, nearly hanging in her eyes. Her eyes are a bright blue color, and her skin is a little on the pale side since she's, ya know, DEAD. She still wears her armor and cloak to this day and hardly ever takes it off.

Personality: Arianna tries her best to get along with everyone in the school, but doesn't go out searching for people to talk to; she will speak if spoken to, though. She's very creative and usually shy and kind. However, contrary to her sweet outer appearance, she has a short temper, especially when people talk ill of the original Headless Horseman. She becomes more social if you know her well, and she is often seen hanging out with her own horse, reading, or drawing pictures of her and the Headless Horseman.

History: Arianna was raised in a medieval town, and was trained to be the first child knight. She idolizes the original Headless Horseman and has a passionate, caring crush on him, trying to model herself after him best she can. She was the best knight in the town despite her age, but she was ruthlessly bullied in her school. In an accident trying to fend herself off from a bully in her class, she fell off a bridge with her horse Dixie and died instantly. Her classmate tried to hide her body or cut it up so it would be harder to find, but she came back from the dead, her head only severed. She never did kill her classmate, but instead enrolled in the WW school to become like the Headless Horseman.

Personal Items: She has a sword, axe, and her dead Palomino mare Dixie.
Name: Saiful Impendium

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Half human, half demon

Appearance: Black hair falls about his head, less prepared than the meticulous black suits he likes to wear. Standing tall for his age, with yellow pupils, and a typical contented look of superiority mixed with a mischievous grin often gracing his facial features,

Personality: Relatively calm and confident, but in an aloof and removed manner. Has a mischievous side, and can be somewhat stubborn and hot-headed.

History: Prefers to be mysterious, not telling anyone about his past ventures, other than to notify them about his family's status as noble and highly regarded.

Personal Items: All items he owns can be summoned to his person, so he generally doesn't carry any on him.

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