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Writings of a Fruitcake.


First, I'd like to apologize in advance. I kinda like this prose, though I'm damn near certain it's cliche. It's a bit emotional, and I might've went a little overboard, but, here goes. c: Thank you for reading.

Already Gone.

To this day, I’m bewildered.

Whenever you were around, you jump-started my heart, and your very presence seemed to make the air around you so, so much sweeter; ironic, given you were the antithesis of candy and sugar.

You were

You’d melt my morals and bend them to your bidding. At the time, I didn’t mind – my foolishness and fixation blurred my senses and left me bereft of any feeling whatsoever that you wouldn’t give me. In my eyes, you were divine. You were my only solace from the numbness you wreathed me in.

I was

But how the hell could flames freeze? You were a contradiction wrapped in rough skin, all hate and love, hope and fear, joy and sorrow.

Only you could electrify my skin.

Beneath your touch, my nerves would hum, and I swear, just for those moments I’d feel myself fluxing, almost like I was on the brink of regaining my humanity. Only you.

Then, you departed.

I know I shouldn’t miss you because of all the hell you put me through, all the doubts you’d given me, all the tears that were spilled over my eyelids by your hand. Despite the dejection and rejection, I cannot lie with the tongue you once touched.

still thawing.

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