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What was that word? What did it mean?

Where’d it come from? Can it be seen?

Resonating, like the beat of a drum.

Oppressed, it’s all going numb.

Cast out of the loop.

Outcast of the group.

Hated. Despised. Abhorred. Loathed.

Removed. Thrown out. Discarded. Disposed.


Paraiyar caste in Tamil Nadu.

Pariah state – not me, not you.

Pariah dog in feral conditions.

Pariah group from mathematicians.

Pariah, band of the heavy metal.

Pariah, a play without the petals.

Pariah, character of the comics of DC.

Pariah, game for the Xbox and PC.



That’s what you were called

An outcast

They looked down on you

Because you thought differently


The outcast

The lowlife

The nobody

Every day

Until you died


So low in life

That you were set to die

At sunset

In winter

The snow falling around you


They put your head

Under the blade

Counted to three

Your head came off


The blood tainted the snow

Painted it pink

Your head rolled away

It landed at my feet


You defied the rules

You defied all odds

Landed at the bottom and paid







No One will remember

The boy who defied

The kid who left

Only to lose his own head.

Word count: 121
“Look, it’s him again.”

I stopped once I heard the whispering.

I let the door shut loudly behind me, but the small group hovering at the mouth of the alleyway didn’t seem to notice. Their attention was fixed on a small figure sitting against the wall opposite of me next to an overflowing garbage can. His arms squeezed his knees to his chest. He looked young, but I could never be sure when I couldn’t see much of him past the oversized, baggy coat trying to swallow him whole. He always showed up right after closing time when I was throwing out the leftovers for the day. I shifted the wooden bucket into a more comfortable position in my arms and glanced down at the loafs of bread sticking out of the top. They were so badly burned and hard that rocks envied them. Wedged below them was the remaining paste of expired cheese and cream.

I moved down to the bottom step, pretending not to hear the disgust in her voice. I looked at the boy again, only to freeze instantly. One of the girls must have noticed at the same time I did, because she made a sound that was somewhere between surprise and fear.

He was staring at them, and his eyes were blue.

Even though I’d seen them before, I couldn’t help the surge of revulsion. Blue eyes meant that you were past the point of saving, that the disease had rooted itself so deep into your body that you were a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Everyone who showed this symptom of the disease lived on the outskirts of town, far away from the rest of us.

I watched the group back and quickly hurry off in the opposite direction.
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Why thank you!

So here is my prompt for ya'll. 

Prompt: The apocalypse is here.  The kitten apocalypse that is. 

Word Limit: Less then 1,000 words. 

Time Limit: 77 hours from this post. 

Have fun!!!!
I ran.

I ran and ran and ran. Dark shapes behind me. Breath straining, legs beating, heart panting. I felt like quitting. But no. Under the London cloudy night sky of Great Britain, I kept going. I would be great. And not dead. My bare feet were splitting on the slitting pieces of broken windows glistening in the dark alleyway. Gritting my teeth, I skidded around a corner, and looked left. Then right. I dived through the open door, quietly slamming it shut, knees hitting the cold, hard floor. It was covered in cold, hard cash. I had to listen. Windy wind, spitting rain, but nothing else. I was hidden.

Sitting on that pile of gold, I was stricken. I had a mission. A mission that had driven an unwitting me into this prison. This prison of forever running from those dark, dark deaths. The Forbidden. Only a few months ago, I’d been happily playing badminton with a gibbon, but then they came, unbidden. Those… things. Those villains. Within days, people were submitting, left, right and center, up and down, top and bottom, north, south, east and west… everywhere. It was a thought to sicken. They had risen, transmitting their will in any way permitting, committing acts of pure – And then it dawned on me. Rays of sunlight were piercing through the curtains. The cover of darkness was escaping. A coin glinted in the light. I picked it up. On it, it was written: “Thou shall be smitten.”

The wall caved in. Eyes wide, jaw hanging, my body was already moving. I’d been careless. I’d let my guard down. So it was fitting. I was getting what I deserved. Running, jumping, sprinting. My mouth was emitting a penetratingly squeaky sound. Don’t look at them. Don’t look at them! Bursting out the window, tearing across the square, I knew I had no choice. I had to use my trump card. Earthy-coloured shadows began pouring out between the buildings. I whipped out the Ace of Spades and sliced it at an invisible enemy. I let go. Hundreds of unseen eyes ignored it as it arched through the air. While they were thoroughly undistracted, I conjured up a mitten, arms shaking, legs wobbling. I sensed their approach. I squished it against my fist. My hand wouldn’t fit in. They drew closer. Sweat was stinging my eyes and tears were stinging my sweat. I could hear them. They were almost on me. Yes! It was on! I spun around in a circle, eyes, squeezed shut, brandishing my mitten at the animalistic creatures. They hissed violently. Then I felt a sharp pain in my calf. I’d been bitten! Something furry slammed into my chest. No. No! Not like this! My cheek was being raked by some kind of sharp death-bringer. My eyelids were being forced apart. No! I opened my eyes.

I was smitten by the kitten.
"Hey, Bones, stop picking through junk we already cleaned out," one of the men said.

"Alright, I think I found something," Bones replied. She pulled out her hand and pulled up a silver bell. She examined it and tossed it aside. It clinked on the floor and rolled around. She was after real treasure like canned food and water bottles to bring back to the bunker. "Yeah, Jules there's nothing here."

"Yo, lets bug out then," Julian stated, "its getting dark, they like to lurk about then."

"Roger that." Bones got up from the ground and picked up her Smith and Wesson Revolver. Then its shiny coat glittered, and it caught the attention of something. A light tapping and few things could be heard being knocked over. "Holy s*** what was that," she exclaimed. Bones scanned the room with her revolver, Julian did the same. The same tapping could be heard again and the duo turned swiftly, only to find a rat scuttling through out and around the room. The two were relieved that it wasn't what they thought it was going to be.

Then out of nowhere, BAM. A kitten tackled the rat down and took a big bite out of its neck. The rats blood spewed all over the floor, and the two now on full alert began running. The kitten noticed them and began scurrying after, only to be met with a door slammed in its face. Julian and Bones slid down the apartment's stairs and onto the ground floor. After busting open the door, expecting their ride to be there, they were horrified as the vehicle was now full of nothing but kittens.

"S***. F***, dammit, " Julian spouted, "we'll just have to take the long way." They had no time to mourn the loss of their friends. Running was the only option. The pair ran down an alleyway, up and over garbage cans and fences as fast as they could to reach the bunker. From above, the kittens were watching their every move, keen on the next moment to strike, as they leaped from fire escape to fire escape chasing after them. Soon they could see the bunker, but it was too far off, the kittens were catching up and there was no way around it.

"Jules, go I got this," Bones told him. Julian acknowledged her wishes but had no time to say his last words as he kept running. Bones turned around and faced the large horde of kittens. She raised her gun and took aim, knowing she could only take down so many before she had to inevitably take herself out. A kitten jumped out, Bones put it down with extreme force, blowing it to bits with a single shot. She turned around and took down the next one. Three more jumped up to try and take her down, but Bones' aim was deadly as she knocked each one of them out of the sky, then turning the gun on herself.

Julian was so close to the base. He heard 5 shots, but didn't hear the 6th. "Dammit, Bones," he said to himself, knowing what probably happened, "they're too cute, even for your hard a**." Julian was now in a full sprint as he was about to get to the bunker. As he was opening the door, a kitten jumped out at him and he threw it down. Julian then managed to open the door and get inside, locking it behind him. Outside he could hear the meows of the herd of kittens wanting him to be outside. He was glad he made it, but he slammed the door once more, feeling bad that Jerry, Gutter Man, and Bones were gone. He felt a slight pain by his side and put his hand on it, When Julian lifted it up, he noticed it was covered in blood, "oh no no no no no no no no no....."

"Hey, Julian, oh my god, are you okay," Sharon asked. She walked towards him, noticing that he was huddled in a corner by himself. 

"Nyaaaa.....,"  he purred. She screamed, but soon everything went silent. All that could be heard now were more kittens going about their way.

Word Count: 700 
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Okay.Times Up. It has been 77 hours since the post. We only had two entries which sucks cause they are both SUPER SUPER GOOD!!!!I loved both of them so much. I really don't want to choose. But sadly i must. Every time i get close to choosing one, I find a reason to choose the other. In the end the person i am choosing it: @IctoraPost 

@TPBx Yours was fantastic as well. I loved it. But sadly i had to choose. 

if either of you would like to know more in depth thought and what i did or didn't like about your story, feel free to pm me. Again they were both fantastic and i loved them both. Thanks friends!!!!!!!
The small child peeked her head out from the tube, as she searched for the seeker. Nearby other children were hiding. Lucy, unlike others, had chosen the tube for her hiding place. As she looked for the seeker she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“ Well Hello there. “ The man said. “ Would you like some ice cream?”

As most children would, Lucy said yes and followed the man.

Her family looked everywhere for her for days that lead into weeks. Finally a month later her older brother returned to the tube. When he looked inside, he saw Lucy’s body there.


Exactly 100 words. I’m definitely expanding this out though.


She was trapped and she didn't know how long it had been. It could have been hours, it could have been days. Her panicked breath fogged up the glass so she couldn't see the dark room outside. How long had she been kept here? Long enough for the mud under her nails to crack and the blood dirtying her skin to be dry instead of sticky. She whimpered. All she could taste was her own acidic salvia. She could smell the urine she was standing in. Tears rolled off her nose and hit her cold, bare feet. 

Steve, Chad, and I looked at our finished work. Days spent working on this beauty from coding and webpage design. We put our entire lives behind this project. We quit our jobs and used a garage as our office space. It was innovative. A place where everyone could share their lives.

"Hey Steve, so all we gotta do now is give it a name."

"Chad, any ideas?"

"Its personal, you, me, something... Jawed I got nothing."

I picked up a cardboard tube, stared down one of the ends, and imagined filming this very moment with a camera. "I know," I smiled.


Word Count: 100
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Whoops, completely forgot about this. Sorry, everyone!

And the winner is... @jinkx! It had absolutely nothing to do with tubes, but I liked it anyway. Over to you!
Holy crapsicles, um, thank you. I was not expecting a win. 

Lemme see... 

How about everybody writes exactly seventy four words? 

And the prompt word is... DELIGHT. 

I'll judge them on Monday :3 
Whoops, completely forgot about this. Sorry, everyone!

And the winner is... @jinkx! It had absolutely nothing to do with tubes, but I liked it anyway. Over to you!

TILTED. *insert inside joke/meme about TPB's losing streak here*

Also @jinkx still a great piece though.
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  The morning star shone bright and true against blooming highlands. You stand by your lonesome on a high-pitched balcony. No distractions. No disturbances. Just you and nature. As a white feathered albatross makes a fly-by just overhead, you concentrate on the wind against your skin and the smell of life wafting in from all direction. Free from all obligation and responsibility. It is then, and only then, shall you understand true delight.

[SIZE= 1.3rem]Word count: 697 * 10[/SIZE]7 [SIZE= 1.3rem]words.[/SIZE]

@TPBx Personally, I just write to write. I don't really care about winning that much
@Dullahan Shinigami

 Its a running joke with my friends irl. In Overwatch I went on a terrible losing streak and fell from high plat to mid gold. It also ruined my winrate on Zenny so FeelsBadMan. Now whenever I go on a losing streak, its called TPB's or Photon's (B.Net Name) losing streak. The meme has recently evolved into the "Photon Barrier" with Symmetra's reworked E skill. 
The light was shining bright on the fields of delight.

The bait was right there. It wasn’t up for debate.

The fence was the thing that served as defence.

The K on the wall was a sign of decay.

The picked spot, however, was hard to depict.

The feet of the kitten were furious with defeat.

The bunk to be used as a leg-up? Debunked.

The meaner cat scoffed at the other’s demeanour.
Man, sucks that only two people posted.

Because I'm feeling spontaneous, the prompt is this song.

Here are the lyrics

Does it feel good, knowing you tried
Knowing that all that remains
Is the slow, cold, brutal death
Of the fools that will all die in vain?

How does it feel
Knowing your efforts will fail?
All that you've built will be torn down
The hope of your people assailed

Send your guardians, they will fail
Legends and heroes will crumble and fall
You will not prevail

When allied together, a threat men display
Divide them with doubt, it will all wash away

One spark can incite their hope
And ignite the hearts of their weary souls
I will extinguish their flame

Form your armies, dream your dreams
Make your plans and plot your schemes
Send your fighters one and all
Then in battle watch them fall

It was you who ended their lives
Made them to dig their own graves
With your dark, sick, cruel design
Convinced them their world could be saved

Have you no shame
Signing them up for your war?
Train them to fight what they can't beat
Your sins are what they'll pay for

Sacrifice them for your needs
Slaughter is coming, the end drawing near
You'll regret your deeds

Legends and fairy tales scattered in time
Maidens and kingdoms wrapped up in a lie

These children you mislead
You'll watch them all bleed
Strength will not bring victory

Divide them, tear them apart
Sever their trust, it will strangle their heart
Inside them, plant seeds of doubt
Hope will be smothered, they'll turn on each other

Hatred will sprout suspicion and doubt
Friendships deny while allegiances die
The taste will be sweet when you get what you've earned
And I'll watch you burn

Time - 72 Hours

Word Count - Nil

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