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Realistic or Modern 𝐖𝐑𝐂𝐆 — 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭



cheers for spring; for life; for a growing soul

AGE: 21+ (keep in mind these are newly graduated students of NYU)

FACECLAIM: (optional)

PERSONALITY: a paragraph or more
WHAT'S THEIR GREATEST FEAR? a brief explanation, if you have multiple dont be afraid to add those -- there can be more than one ofc.

HISTORY: can be as short or long as you’d like


━━┄ ⠀ ⠀ INERTIA .ᐟ



Coded by Uxie.

... Doomed.

Bring Me The Horizon.



━━┄ ⠀ ⠀ De Secreto.

“ ⠀ You're all vampires﹐so here﹐you can have my HEART . ⠀ ”


Andrea Sofie Ivalu Kidman.


Andy, Furore, Kidman, Half-Pint, Mouse.


Twenty-five years old (16th August).


Unlabelled; she/her, they/them.


Homoromantic homosexual.


Her father is of Danish descent; her mother is of Greenlandic and Danish descent.


Retail assistant and animal shelter volunteer.




Her hair resembles the aftermath of a little girl playing hairdresser with her doll. It's raven black and cut as short as a fuse, not even so much as tickling her shoulders when let down, with either side underneath shaved to the skin.


Slate blue and holds a goggle-eyed expression, as if she is an eternal witness to an unimaginable horror.


She looks like death warmed up, with natural pallor skin, deep purple, and red bags of skin underneath her eyes—giving her what looks like natural eye-shadow—, high cheekbones, and concave cheeks; the pinkish tinge of joy intermittently emerging on her cheeks.


An overactive metabolism and perfunctory dietary choices have led to an underdeveloped physique. At 5’2” (157cm) and 107lbs (48kg), she has angular shoulders that slump forward, narrow wrists, and bony hips; her rail-thin limbs and untamed, darting movements almost bear resemblance to a daddy long-legs.


Bleached eyebrows, alongside piercings through her right eyebrow, the right side of her lip, septum, navel, both earlobes, and left nostril—each one decked with silver jewellery; a dulled, self-inflicted tattoo of the phrase, “Follow the white rabbit” wrapping around her left forearm, and a tattoo on her right bicep of Malcolm Browne’s photograph of the self-immolation of Thích Quảng Đức.


Her clothing has always been a safeguard without the physical need of speech, though the irony of dark clothing is in the attention it picks up. Everything is varying, sombre tones of black or grey, and she habitually wears a child’s sized, distressed tank top; graphic short-sleeved and long-sleeved tops—the printed designs would surely make a Christian Texan mother’s blood curdle—; over-the-top or zip up hooded sweatshirts; further layered by a studded leather biker jacket; and low-waisted slim fit jeans stuffed into moth-eaten combat boots.


Rooney Mara in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.


━━┄ ⠀ ⠀ SAPERE AUDE.

There is a considerable difference between being alone and feeling lonely, the difference between content and yearning. Andy has never felt particularly attracted to society and indeed has less of a disposition for being a part of it; notwithstanding, there are indeed moments of disconsolate desire for relations (as few as they may be), but they are as fleeting as an intrusive thought—never attaching herself to it and continuing life thereafter, as if she had zoned out. The comfort of their own company is not necessarily out of their own volition, but a more defeated acceptance stemming from their ineptitude to relate to those around them; Andy simply isn’t there, and if asked about it, would liken it to being a ghost.

Such an introverted and asocial mien conflates Andy as disrespectful and ill-mannered. Yet talking with her about genuine interests—hers or otherwise—uncloaks a surprisingly avid and open extroversion. Although, perhaps from time to time she is too plain-speaking for her own good; when someone asks you for the truth, you don’t give them an even-handed outlook; you give them what they want as the truth. The artificial methods of neurotypical society are something she has ostensibly accepted (to, if nothing else, provide for herself and her mother) for the time being, but has no intention of employing them to her life.

Inevitably, it has occurred to her that: why would an employer hire somebody such as herself, when they could, hell, hire an inebriate who is out of the game by eight in the evening with vomit trickling down his favourite football jersey, seated in a dilapidated armchair, but can see to every area of work with no sweat. The reason being that most people who can handle every area of work will conduct it with mediocrity. But if appointed a task befitted to her, Andy has a clear-cut imagination and almost sheer magical ability to compile information, reports, and etcetera, from nowhere in half the time it may take thrice the number of people. Her way of working isn’t always conventional, but it yields results far exceeding expectations.


Serious-minded, individualistic, principled, reflective, self-aware, thorough, methodical, diplomatic.


Mistrustful, perfectionist, aloof, tense, resentful, pedantic, self-doubting, guarded.


Failure to achieve her idea of fulfilment in life; capitulating to the ideals and standards of general society; forever lacking a solid support system.


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), iron deficiency anaemia, clinical depression, nicotine dependence, pollen allergy.



TW: Mention of suicide and death.

Andrea Sofie Ivalu Kidman (born 16th August 1996) was the youngest of three, five years her brother and sister’s (Victor and Karla, who were fraternal twins) junior. They originally lived with their mother, Alma Kidman, and father, Malthe Kidman, in an impoverished suburb on the outskirts of Copenhagen—living off food stamps and private insurance fund reaped benefits—before moving to the city Odense by the time Andy was four years old, when her mother was fit to work again after having given birth to three children.

Soon after the twins turned nineteen, Victor, who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia the preceding year, overdosed, and drowned in the bathtub of their house. His death shattered the family like a bullet through glass.

Death was not a particularly foreign concept, but unaccustomed to Andy nonetheless; except for when she had a pet goldfish at four years old—as a celebratory present to comfort her in their new home—and overfed it on accident, but her mother urged it was sleeping and flushed it down the toilet with the promise of returning it to the deep blue.

Yet she hadn’t cried then, and she didn’t cry now. Although, an overpowering sorrow encased her—a rage rather than sadness. One she never learned how to express.

When he was of legal drinking age, Malthe (whose father had been a vicious, splenetic drunkard) had vowed an oath to himself to never even so much as sniff a glass of liquor—the Devil’s Piss, he would always call it. After Victor’s death, Malthe began drinking like a horse, eventually drinking himself to death two years afterwards.

Karla had already moved to a university in the United States by this point. And Alma, now without a husband and son, became reclusive—seldom leaving their house aside from buying essential items when Andy wasn’t available—with Andy tending to her as a helper, halting her life for the following years until eventually joining her sister.


(Mother, fifty-five years old, alive.)

(Father, passed away at forty-six years old; cardiac arrest.)

( Brother, passed away at nineteen years old; suicide. )

(Sister, thirty years old, alive.)


━━┄ ⠀ ⠀ Galeria.

Coded by Uxie & Image PSD by Avenoirpsd.
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chester finch

everyone's favorite hater and resident shitposter

♡coded by uxie♡



eat your heart out.

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains.

  • requisite.

    full name

    chester finch


    twenty-three (august 1st)


    male, he/him


    bisexual, male leaning


    part-time editor for a sleazy playwright, full-time broke boy with expensive taste


    accountancy (he hates it as much as you do)





    hair colour

    sandy blonde hair that he often keeps rather short, long enough to frame his face. there was a time where he rocked a shaggy look because he wanted to feel like bowie. yes, it was dumb child shit. no, he doesn't want to talk about it.

    eye colour

    he insists his eyes are grey but with the time he spends in the shaded areas rather than the sunlight, everyone says they're black. they also probably tell him that to see him angry.


    skin and bones underneath his voluminous layers of clothing. a lot of leg and just not enough muscle.

    distinguishing features

    despite the endless debate on his eye color, the windows to his snarky little soul are his most distinctive feature. less for their grey-black tone and more for the constant *look* in them; the way they hold critical observation, boredom, and amusement all in one go. there's a contradiction of intensity and somberness that fester within the pits of his pupils. other than that, well. he also has his long ass fingers. but people seem to appreciate those.


    mix the pristinely expensive clothing found in uptown and ratty charity shop garments in earth-tones and you got yourself chester's closet. he enjoys the lavishness he once had but settles for the unique finds he could mangle now. more can be found here.


    charles de vilmorin

♡coded by uxie♡
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𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡

𝑶𝑪𝑻𝑶𝑩𝑬𝑹 𝟗𝑻𝑯, 𝟏𝟗𝟔𝟏.









Deep brown to black. Honestly, it just depends on the light. He usually lets it grow out to shoulder length before he even bothers taking scissors to it in the mirror and just randomly cutting it down until it looks passable.

Dark brown.

𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐬
Save for your basic lobe piercing in each ear, he doesn't really have much money to shell out for body mods. Though he would probably get a stick-and-poke in some rando's basement if it's free and he's drunk enough.

𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦
Keanu Reeves.












Standing at 6'1", long-legged Heritage possesses an oddly feminine softness to his conventional good looks. Long lashes frame dark eyes set under a sharp, slim brow. A multiracial background lends itself to a clear complexion that tans easily with just the right amount of time in the sun, but pales quickly under overcast gloom. The guy moves pretty fluidly, weaving through busy crowds and packed kitchens with the focus of somebody who lives a pretty active lifestyle outside of work - a thrillseeker that enjoys cliff-diving and racing around. His physique, while lean, is decently well-formed as a result.

Heritage prides himself on maintaining his zen under pressure. No stranger to life and all of the entitlement and confusion that comes with it - he begrudgingly keeps to "the customer is always right" in his professional life; but while he's good at saving face for the sake of it, he heavily values keeping genuine peace between others. Drama is a killer and he goes to great lengths to avoid it, which may mean at times that he'll completely step away from conflict if he thinks he's given it his best shot. He's good at turning on some superficial flattery and charm when he has to but doesn't lead anybody on if they'll end up getting hurt by it. Riling him up is easier said than done.

He considers himself friendly with most everyone, but genuine friends with very few. When you live the kind of transient lifestyle he does, it doesn't do well to form any sort of particularly strong bond. Can't take anyone with you when the walls start closing in and the town begins to choke you out. When it comes to strong negative emotional outbursts, he can be a bit awkward with trying to calm the distraught party down enough to talk. If you're looking for somebody to talk you down and rationalize, he's your guy. If you're looking for somebody to cry with you... best he can offer is a shoulder to cry on.

His biggie is probably lapsing into the usual 9-to-5 life. A full-time job, a cookie-cutter suburban household with a wife that's beautiful but devoid of any personality, a couple of kids and an office cubicle waiting for him, etcetera cetera. Waking up every Sunday at 9AM to attend a church service then returning home to mow the lawn and invite a couple guys over to watch a football game, pissing contests over how much they hate the wives that they chose to marry. It honestly puts a lump in his throat just considering it. He values his freedom too much.

𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠

𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭
Can roll the best J to ever grace your lips. Don't believe him? Join in for a smoke sesh.

𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞


❝Honestly, I think all of that lead paint on my sippy cups must've given me some kinda brain damage.❞

Heritage Sr. would probably admit to his kid being a surprisingly quiet toddler. If there was ever a tantrum thrown, he certainly wasn't there to see it - though he did have a problem with the strange fact that he was never really referred to as "dad". Spending his early childhood picking out wrenches and fiddling with the transistor radio when the old man was busy under a lifted hotrod, Heritage's very first memories are coated in grease - and more than his fair share of frustrated curses. Mom was never really around. Call it arrested development or something, but it seemed she never really grew out of the fast life. Yeah, she was there for a bit, lifting him up into her arms and dancing about the scrapyard boldly barefooted to The Monkees. Stuck around long enough to give him a lil' bro as well. Doesn't really matter why she took off, but she did, and his father - a usually gruff, conservative, pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps kinda guy never really got over her.

Other than that? Yeah, his childhood was pretty run of the mill. Puppy love in elementary school, a roughhousing routine with the other boys in his Podunk midwestern town. Christ, the place didn't even have a dollar store. Just a small family grocer and a broke-down gas station with pumps that hadn't been upgraded since WWII.

❝Wanna hear about my teenage years before or after I discovered Richard Hell and the Voidoids? 'Cos those are two completely different kids.❞

He grew a bit more rebellious into his Sophomore year of highschool. He wouldn't call it rebellious, really, more like just bored out of his gourd. His school attendance was pretty grievous - though you can get by with anything if you're a good enough bullshitter, and his memory was just sharp enough to regurgitate all the right answers back onto a standardized test. His time was often spent about thirty minutes outside of town with a few other kids from school - beater car idling, doors open to let the sweet sounds of KDXX-FM! blast. Skinny-dipping in the lake, laying back over the hood with a lazy smile below his sunglassed eyes and a joint in his free hand. Sounds real cool, right? Like he'd be the guy people pass in the hallway and offer high-fives to? Honestly, he was a bit of a geek. Lanky and too reserved for his own good. These moments were only attended with by a small circle of close friends. Suppose even then he didn't really like to spread himself too thin.

September '78. Sweet sixteen. Heritage was elbow-deep within the bowels of a totaled '65 Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am, across from him stood his father. Overbearing as always, barking orders at him between the cigarette in his teeth. He can remember even then what was playin' on the radio, even. Surrender. Cheap Trick. Seemed to be the perfect backdrop to his father's insistence to grab something good while he was in there. Sometimes the parts are worth more than their sum.

He's not sure what exactly it was about that seemingly average day among many. Maybe it was the looming threat of living a slow, boring life. Living with his father until the guy's old enough to forget his own name. He was already little more than a pair of hands anyway. What would change if he kept giving jack shit?

*record scratch* ❝Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation... and I'll tell you exactly how. I literally just cannot fucking help myself.❞

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© weldherwings.
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NAME: Dole Copper
D.O.B: June 9th
AGE: 24
GENDER: Male/He/Him

APPEARANCE: Dole is a white, fairly pale lad with freckles and bright red hair. He stands at 5'9" ft andis fairly thin. His eyes are mint green just like his father. His cheekbones are high and his chin comes to a point like his mother. His hair is very short. About an inch long and neatly combed to the right and a clean shaven face.

PERSONALITY: Dole is a friendly lad. A bit awkward and has poor social skills. He spent most of highschool and college studying which didn't leave him much time to develop many friendships. He also has an awkward wheezing laugh and is sometimes slow to react to jokes or will laugh at his own jokes even if nobody else is.

He can also be a try hard when it comes to stuff he cares about which leads to him being over critical and a bit insecure or nitpicky. Dole is an easily confused man other times. He over thinks situations quite a bit or occasionally gets stick on random details.

His greatest fear is failure. He strives to achieve his goals and becomes stressed put and self conscious when he fails. Doubting his decision making and general capabilities. Which only grow worse when he fails multiple times.

HISTORY: Dole grew up in Cut and Shoot Texas. His father was a butcher working at a deli and his mother was a clerk at a gas station at the same store. Dole grew up in a regular public school. He was poked fun at for valuing grades more than sports. He was on the junior high basketball team as well as cross country. Arguably the best at cross country in his school. However his true achievements were his academic ones. Because of his high grades, he also ran a study club to help his fellow strugling high school students. His grades were top of the class. Graduated highschool as valedictorian. He still kept in contact with a few of his friends via email as he gave them tips and advice during their time in college.

He went to college on full scholarship, everything paid for, and he worked his ass off to prove he deserved it. His folks were surprised he'd be traveling so far to go to college, but he did great. He had sent all sorts of letters to his parents. His parents sent him all sorts of stuff from home, bringing a little bit up texas up north. He enjoyed his time in college. He wasn't valedictorian of his college year, but he was close! After graduating from college, the devil went down to Georgia and he was looking for a soul to steal he agreed to go down to Georgia with some friends he met in college. This seemed like it would be an interesting trip.
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Claire Everett

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© weldherwings.

The Serious one(Final touches)
loner fc.gif Name-Issac Price
Nickname-None that he accepts(But his friends call him Zac)
Date of birth- January 9th

Personality-Issac is a straight laced man that seems to avoid fun. He tends to be quiet only giving his input when he's absolutely sure of things. He isn't averse to social interaction but he also doesn't actively seek it so he comes across as cold if not antisocial. He values discipline, he's the type who needs things to be done in a methodical order which sometimes leads to him clashing with the other more carefree members. He is easily annoyed when people don't show up on time or when things don't go according to plan.

Due to his straight laced attitude he tends to be blunt and to the point choosing not to ramble on. If he doesn't like someone he'll say it to their face. But when he's with friends he's slightly more sociable, he may even laugh at a few jokes. He cherishes his friendships but he'd rather keep that to his self.

Greatest fear- Coulrophobia(Fear of clowns)-At some point in his childhood his older siblings had taken him to watch a horror film, he was about 6 at the time and the movie had left an impact on his psyche. Since that day he's had occasional nightmares involving clowns invoking primal dread as he wakes up profusely sweating.

History-Issac price was born to a pair of workaholics. Due to his parents prioritising work over him he does resent them a bit, though it's not something he brings up often.He's had experience being alone enough so that he doesn't mind it as much anymore, on the contrary he feels calmer when alone.

As a student he was above average as he put in the effort when needed as he knew to get things done on time. His social life was dull as he wasn't much of a fan of socialising and small talk, he would show up for group events all alone which led to his current friends getting curious about him and reaching out.

Due to his nature his friends had to take some effort in convincing to tag along but as you guessed he eventually yielded. He's looking forward to the trip to Georgia even though he doesn't outwardly express it.



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birdie gish-sato

a game of kitsune with a defrosting wooly mammoth

♡coded by uxie♡


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