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Fantasy Wrath of the elements

"two things,one you where about to fly into the crystal dagger if you flew for another five minuts and two the shadow wavern was following you"
azeroth smiled softly "but you can tame it, because i see your energeries calm and spike at the same time when you are around me"
azeroth caught up shortly "you are fast you know that? coming from me thats saying something...i'm sorry i made you cry, i just wanted you to be happy"
"its not that its the dragon shs apart of me but she is my wild part at night when im asleep is when she is a free person i know that sounds weird" synthia said sitting down
"not at all, remember i'm part demon vampire and werewolf, i have thee set conciuosnesses"
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I'm sorry I shouldnt have ran I may be afraid here but this is the only place I can think anywhere else my mind is just fuzzy" Synthia let the water come up to her toes
"then maybe i should move the mansion here or make a place where we both could stay and train" azeroth said
"How about we just get to bed it's late and I'm tired" Synthia got up from the ground and headed back towards the woods

(I have to head to bed soon)
"wait i got an idea" azeroth said with several fluid motions he creates a small house meant for two people "we can stay here tonight"

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"if it makes you feel better i'll sleep outside" azeroth said "besides, i can't sleep"
"no its the all three, my mind is racing right now with good reasons actually" azeroth said opening the door
Well at least you can keep the dragon from coming out or me sleepwalking" Synthia laughed a bit and entered the little house
azeroth smiled softly "the bed room is that door over there, if you want you can have it to your self" he said
azeroth laughed softly then used his powers to turn the waterbed into a serpent that wrapped around synthia as if it was protecting her

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