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Fantasy Wrath of the elements

"im still very impressed but why are we hear" Synthia thought she has a house and couldn't they just meat at the place with the light to train Synthia is always curious about everything.
"i know what your thinking, and whats going on is that when the light from the elemental gate shown you and every one else who was attracted to it was practically forgotten until the time when we reveal ourselves"azeroth said walking in the stone mansion
Synthia followed "ok but why are we here this is your place isnt it, and since this is your place what are we doing here plus im afraid to touch or lean on anything here"
"no my place is a cave in the woods, here i made for every one else *i curl my tail around my waist and turn around*
wait so your not staying here" I thought. he made it he should at least stay here i knew he was complicated but not staying at a place you made that is just crazy.
"i didn't make it for moe, i made it so the others and you have a place to stay, i'm part werewolf and i prefer to stay in my humble cave" azeroth explained
well ok oh and just to let you know if you see me out in the woods in the middle of the night dont worry about it" Synthia smiled thinking Azeroth is so nice to let us stay here
No not werewolf" Synthia giggled a bit "let just say I'm some other creature the has a unique talen. And if you see me by the ocean asleep don't worry about it."
"now that i can understand, i'll just drag you back here ok?" azeroth said opening up to synthia
"hmm, oh yeah just a fly, things like landing on my ear" azeroth explains then starts to lead synthia upstairs
Ok" Synthia followed Azeroth up the stair the more things she saw the more she didn't feel safe she always lived in an old rusty barn and now she is in a Manson .
azeroth felt synthia's unease "if it makes you feel better i could let you stay with me in my den not far from here" he offered
azeroth nodded then said "well here are the bedrooms, each one has a personal bathroom"
"hoky smokes is amaz..." Synthia was overwhelmed she started to feel light headed " you know what i will be back im going to get some air" Synthia headed outside toward the water.
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Synthia followed Azeroth up to the roof she didnt really have a choice to go back now cause he already grabbed her by the hand leading her up.
once up on the roof azeroth released syntia and pointed to where the ocean was "do you see it?" he asked
" yea i do" Synthia used her powers of water and she watered the plants she usally loved pulling pranks but she decided to use her powers for good Azeroth was changing her for the better.

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