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Fantasy Wrath and Glory Lore


Guppy Franz

Guppy was here!
Eswen Lore
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Born from the fires of civil war, Eswen was once known as the kingdom of Altair, ruled by the tyrant king Lucious Jager. The nation of Altair had ruled with a cruel and merciless fist, seeking to gain power and crush its foes before its might at any cost. This led to the people of Altair being abused and used as tools, nothing more than pawns for the nobility to string along. Within this oppressive kingdom lived a young soul named Rupert Godfrey, a common man born to a family of carpenters. Since a child, he had witnessed many of his fellow citizens mistreated and abused, being drained dry of a coin, thrown out of their homes, forced to sleep on the streets, beaten and jailed for unfair charges, and even dragged away to join Altair's armies. It was a cruel and unfair rule he lived in.

As years went by and Rupert continued to watch the cruel abuse of his people firsthand, he would soon reach his breaking point at the age of 19 when the neighboring kingdom of Chiren erupted in a brutal civil war, dragging several other kingdoms into the fighting, including his own. A mass forced recruiting washed across all of Altair, taking the young and old away from their homes to fight in a war that was not their own. When the time came for the recruiters to come to his family his father refused for his sons to be taken away to war. For such a display of refusal, Rupert's father was struck down before the entire town to see, used as an example for those who resisted. Enraged and heartbroken for his loving father's unfair death, Rupert lashed out at the soldiers who had killed his father and killed the officer who ordered his death. This show of defiance lit a fire within his fellow villagers, encouraging them to take up whatever arms they could muster and fight back. From there Rupert would go on and raise a rebellion of their own within Altair.

As the rebellion progressed word of these rebels and their young leader spread like wildfire not just through Altair, but to the other nations of the West. More souls flocked to his cause and even set off a chained reaction within several of the other neighboring kingdoms who were unhappy with their current rulers, uprisings sprouting from kingdom to kingdom until half the western side was engulfed in a frenzy of civil wars. It was a bloody time for humanity that has still yet to fully heal to this day.
Six long years passed, the fighting only growing more brutal and desperate until finally, Rupert's great rebel army marched onto the very last fortress ruled by the Tyrant king of Altair. King Lucious refused to leave his throne, claiming he would throw every last man woman, and child that lived behind his walls into the “filth that dared defy him”. It was this promise that finally broke the will of the last loyal soldiers in his ranks. Wishing to protect their families from the mad king's defiance against Rupert, the king's soldiers opened the gates and bound the king in chains. The final battle of the Altair uprising would shed no blood that day, all on both sides having grown too tired of killing their countrymen to continue. With King Lucious finally defeated the civil war in Altair would come to an end. Surrounding their nation, however, the many kingdoms locked in their civil wars would suffer a few years longer before the last rebellion in Chiren was snuffed out by its original rulers. A few nations had succeeded like Rupert and his armies, overthrowing their oppressors, but many met a similar, if not worse fate than the Chiren rebellion.

The fate of King Lucious Jager had ended with him locked away in the capital's dungeon where he would take his own life from the madness of defeat that took hold of him. Rupert would go on to take the role of the king himself, his ideals and goals for the future having grown in the past six years of war. As he was crowned King Rupert spoke to the people, promising that his rule would not be an easy one, but one where the people and land would flourish and thrive. Not only did he make this promise but declared that there will be a great change in not only their kingdom but throughout all of the West and Melveir itself. Before he took the throne Rupert pledged to open their land to the world and all who would accept it as their home, promising safety for all races, religions, and cultures and shedding the kingdom of the name Altair, renaming it to Eswen as a show of taking the first step to change.

As most of the West slowly began to mend its wounds from the bloody fighting, news of this new kingdom rising in Altair's ashes spread across the West. Many scoffed and laughed at the young king's promises, thinking little of it being a boy's foolish dreams. Other larger nations however seemed to have mixed reactions. Some were intrigued by the idea of allowing the other races to enter the West as settlers, and some were outraged that anyone would allow such a thing to taint the Western nations, but one Kingdom that towered above all in the West cast a cautious eye upon this new Kingdom. The Papal States of Wriehin.

Being the home of humanity's strongest of faith and largest of armies, Wriehin saw these new kings' actions as a potential threat that could infect the West with heretical ideals. Many of Wriehin's figures of power urged Pope Julius the Fourth, Patriarch of the faith to brand the newly founded Kingdom of Eswen as a land of heathens and allow the church's armies to wipe them from the map. Before a final decision could be made a representative of Eswen had arrived at Wrehins capital, one of Rupert's most trusted of companions having been sent the day the Tyrant King Lucious had been captured. The young King Rupert knew his goals for the future would threaten the strongest of nations in the West, so he entrusted his most trusted friend, Diliana Callrow, to represent Eswen before the church before it took action.

As Diliana stood before the Grand Pope and the Church of the Divine, she ensured that Eswen would not be a threat to the faith and that King Rupert would be a loyal subject of the church when the time came. Days of promises and debates passed on, seeming endless until finally, Saint Julius came to a decision. Along with the promise of remaining a loyal subject of the church, Saint Julius ordered that a grand church be built and regularly attended by the people. To ensure this a trusted member of the faith would be stationed at said church and send yearly updates of Eswen's situation. If any sign of defiance or heresy is to be seen amongst the human population of Eswen, then it would become an enemy of the West and an enemy of God. Diliana would have no other choice but to accept these terms.

After receiving the blessing of the church and completing the demands of the Pope, King Rupert would begin reaching out to the other races and allies, sending diplomats in all directions of Eswen. Among the fellow human kingdoms in the West, he would gather a handful of allied nations that were sympathetic and interested in his goals. To the north, his diplomats would speak with both the Beastmen and Dwraven leaders, offering land and safety for those who voluntarily made the journey to settle in Eswen. The same offer would be made to the Elves and Fae to the East. Many representatives who interacted with the Dark Elves or Southern tribes were lost, only a handful returning claiming any talks were a lost cause.

After a year of rebuilding and extending a hand of invitation to the other races, the first settlers from the Northern Dwarven kingdoms arrived. Some of Eswen’s people were still hesitant of allowing the other races to settle on their land, but with the aid of Dwarven's engineering and crafting skills that helped progress the rebuilding of Eswen, many had begun to warm up to the idea. After the Dwarves, the Elves, and Fae arrived, many of them were of youthful ages and curious about the world outside the great forest. The Fae’s magical abilities far surpassed humanity's magic, bringing life back to the countryside withering farms, and restoring destroyed woods brunt from the wood. The Elves, though many of them young compared to others, were perfect additions to Eswen’s armies, training its soldiers and helping guard the borders against danger. Finally, the Beastmen were the last to settle within Eswen.

With these five races finally together under one banner, Eswen would go on to grow as a nation, building up its land, defending its borders, and thriving as one. Four decades have passed since the birth of Eswen and both it and the people continue to grow. Allies not only from the West but North and East now contribute to its growth through a steady line of trade. King Rupert still rules at the age of 65, unquestioned and beloved by his people. The past of Eswen has been filled with blood and fire, but its future seems bright and hopeful for all. Along its borders to the South and South East however creep ever closer, a threat yet to be seen that will soon be cast over all of Malveir.

The Eight Faiths:​

1. The Church of the Divine:

Founded over a thousand years ago by man, the Church of the Divine houses humanity’s faith in a single nameless omnipotent God that created the earth, sea, and sky to keep at bay the evil deities that plagued the realm beyond the mortal world. The immeasurable magics used to create all life are what linger in the world today. Believing firmly that humanity was the most favored of His creations, those of the faith believe the West is holy ground created solely for them while the other races have been cast from the land for their imperfections or heathenism beliefs and that it was humanity that was tasked to keep these dangers of the faith at bay. Some of the scholars within the church however believe that the West was not Humanity’s original home, but that it was the now desolate and dead Southern wastelands. From past records of expeditions into the south, it was written that the armies of the church stumbled across ruined buildings that resembled temples or homes similar to human architecture. It is said that the hordes of migrating Orcs and Ogres that spilled into the south from distant lands brought along the influence of the devils and dark gods, corrupting the land and forcing humanity to flee to the unclaimed lands of the west. Any official concrete documents or record of this event however has yet to be discovered, resulting in centuries-long debates amongst the faith of reclaiming the “Holy land”.

2. The Immortal Lord:

600 years ago an ancient and mysterious figure, the Immortal Lord, was a great warrior from a distant land that brought all of the tribes in the south together under one banner, displaying supernatural strength and magic that drew every Orc and Ogre to his armies. Alone the Immortal Lord would take on entire armies on their own, recorded by the other races as a living demon that would not die. With such great power, the Orcs and Ogres revered him as a living God. Depictions of this Immortal Lord were of a hooded man with no armor, bright burning red eyes, and massive horns that wielded a massive battle ax with one hand and conjured storms of fire from his other hand. Even if he was no Orc or Ogre, the tribes flocked to him and worshiped him as their God, believing he was the one to lead them to new fertile land to settle in. Under his rule the great tribal army of the South pillaged the world, pushing deeper into the upper lands and conquering all. For a hundred years, this great plight infested the land, driving all into their own corners of Melveir. However, as the Immortal Lord announced a great raid into the eastern forest, he mysteriously disappeared from his war tent, never to be seen again. With the loss of their Immortal Lord, the great tribal army fell apart. The races took their chance and went on the offensive that would drive the Orcs and Ogres back into the south. The tribes would once again separate into multiple tribes, returning to their warring against one another for resources and land. Many of the tribes however believe that their Lord will return one day to lead them from the south and into the rich lands above them.

3. The Drow Goddess Lethina:

Once a great Queen of the Dark Elves, Lethina was blessed with magical abilities that rivaled the Fae and Elves combined. Even during her rule, her subjects saw her as a superior being that was unique throughout their race's history. She waged war against the Fae and Elves, her cause to reclaim stolen land and return the Dark Elves to their rightful home. Even with such a cause behind her actions, she held no hate or venom for the Elves or Fae, instead believing they were in need of a true ruler to lead them onto the right path. In fact, her heart belonged to an Elf named Eithern, a childhood friend. As children they would sneak away to the borders of both kingdoms and meet one another, playing or spending as much time as they could together. As they grew their friendship grew into a pure and unconditional love toward one another, both never wanting to be away from one another and were even tempted to run away from the wars their races waged against one another. However Lethina’s great magical gifts were soon discovered as she came of age, she would be forced to take on responsibilities beyond her original position as princess. When her mother would die in battle against the Elven King Merith Aeyra she would be fueled with grief and anger, taking the throne as Queen and leading the Dark Elven armies. After a hundred years of war her love, Either, would return as a deserter of the Elven kingdom, claiming that he longed to be with her again. Their love would be reignited, the memories and feelings that still remained burning ever brighter in her chest. A few years would pass, the two lovers alongside one another while the wars raged on, becoming more brutal and damaging to the forest itself. One night when the two would fall asleep in each other's arms, Either would retrieve a hidden silver dagger and plunge it into Lethina’s chest. As the Queen's guard rushed into the chambers Lethina wailed for them to sheath their weapons, but her orders would go ignored as they cut down her love before her eyes. Nearing her death with a bleeding heart, unanswered questions, and a war left unwon, Lethina would summon every ounce of her magic and shroud the Dark Elven kingdom with her magic, putting up a dark barrier that would strengthen her people and keep the looming armies away from her borders. Upon her death her subjects grieved from their Queen's cruel death, their hatred for the Elves growing and remembering their great Queen as an example of the Elves' cruel tricks. With Lethina’s great magic still lingering across the Dark Elves kingdom to this day, the Drow people believe their Queen remains with them and has transcended to become a Goddess that continues to watch over their people.

4 . The Infinity Lake:

Though the Elves have no official faith, they do have a place of worship for their fallen kin called the Infinity Lake, the final resting place for all Elves. A large, and crystal-clear lake with seemingly no bottom is located at the center of the Elves' capital Ollran Aiqua, fallen Elves whose immortal lives are taken from them are returned to these waters, their bodies gently lowered into the lake where they would sink into the endless bottom of the lake. As they sink their souls would separate from their physical bodies and drift through the waters gracefully, flowing peacefully with their fellow fallen souls. Elves will pay tribute and respect to this lake, visiting the final resting place of their ancestors. The Fae tends to this lake, pouring their magic into the lake and connecting with the souls. The Fae do not speak much of what is shared between them and the resting souls, but they promise they are at peace and in good hands.

5. The Elements:

Fae are natural creations of the magic that flows through the Great Forest, born from nature with the natural instinct to nurture and protect life. The Fae have no god but believe the spirits of the natural elements are the origin of their creation, Magic, Wind, Fire, Darkness, Ice, Water, Light, and Earth. Magic represents the very construction of the world, the birthplace of the other elements. Water and Wind represent the flow of the world. Fire, Darkness, and Ice represent the cycle of death. Finally Earth and Light represent the renewal and nurturing of life. Fae tends to be able to use two or three of these elements, but there are some who can master all of the elements, becoming the representatives or mutually agree upon leaders of the Fae.

6. The Mountain Gods:

For the Dwarves of the high north, it is believed that all of the grand mountains are the remains of an ancient race known as the Fjall, the original inhabitants of Melveir. Enormous and powerful beings, the Fjalls were great titans that towered amongst the clouds. For unknown reasons, the Fjalls faced a mass extinction that would soon end their very existence, but with the last of their forgotten magics, they poured their magic into the land, spreading life to all corners of the world and even going as far as to give their very bodies to the world, becoming the very mountains themselves. The Dwarves take advantage of this selfless act from the Fjall, mining into the mountains and giving thanks for the almost limitless resources offered by the mountains. Amongst this faith, however, the Dwarves are divided amongst believers of the Fjall and non-believers, leading to heated debates and frustrations. Those who don’t believe in the Fjall believe the faith slows the progression of Dwarven, slowing their advancement in construction and technology.

7. Ymir, Spirit of the Herd.

Celebrating and worshiping the land, the Beastmen tribes believe in the great spirit of Ymir, a spirit that has followed the tribes for ages and guided their once nomadic race to new fertile, and thriving lands. The great Shamans of the tribes are given visions and signs of Ymir’s directions, being the connection between the tribes and Ymir. Great totems and shrines are erected to both honor and celebrate Ymir and the land they guide them to.

8. The Eternal Phoenix

Just like any other race, the Xin worship their own deity that they believe rules over seemingly everything and protects their people. The deity that they worship is that of a giant phoenix that is said to be able to blanket the entirety of the sky with just one of its wings. It is believed that the feather of this phoenix is capable of healing any wound and curing any sickness if one could ever be found. One feather from this legendary creature is said to be the size of a full-grown Xin male which could be nearly 6 feet tall. It is actually believed at the altar that resides in the center of their hometown that holds the 'Eternal Flame' is a fire that was once lit by the legendary deity ages ago, hence the reason why it continues to burn to this day and has never shown signs of dying out and as to why it is capable of creating a child/baby from it.
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1. Humanity:

The sole rulers of the West, humans are the most basic of races and second most populated of the Melveir and most populated within Eswen. Diverse in many fields humanity has secured the West with an iron grip, relying on drilled tactics and thorough training of its troops. Another strength humanity processes are their heavily armored cavalry and their Paladin forces, blessed by the church and given holy magic. Besides the extensive military drills and unique units, Humanity has shown great courage and stubborn defiance against their enemies, forever at the ready to stand against the looming dangers that threaten their lands.

Throughout all of the western nations humanity worships a single religion, The Church of the Divine. In the Divine church, humanity worships the One God, the creator of all who blessed the land with life and magic. Humanity believes the One God graced the West to humanity, making this land their rightful home. Meanwhile, the other races were forced to fight and claw against one another for survival as punishment for past sins. Many have pointed out the irony of such a thing considering humanity's wars, but are silent with threats from the faithful of the church looming over them. The home of this religion resides in the Papal States of Wriehin, the home of the Divine Pope and the birthplace of the Church. With the aid of the endlessly faithful masses, Wriehn has secured itself as the strongest nation in the West. With boundless power, their influence has spread throughout the entire West.

For centuries humanity has been stuck within an endless loop of war between not only themselves but the world around them. Few souls have made attempts to end this loop but had failed, their deeds and goals either fading through time or passed down as stories and tales of fallen martyrs. Many fight for freedom, wealth, faith, fame, or justice. But even though they lack the brutal strength of the Orcs, the immense magical powers of the Fae, or the ingenious ingenuity of the Dwarves, Humanity has always risen to challenge and has survived for centuries through pure determination or courage.

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2. Orcs:

The most populated race of the Melveir and the south, Orcs are a brute fighting force. They lack magical and ranged abilities compared to other races, but make up for it with their brutal strength and natural beast-taming skills. With their large numbers, Orcs can be a relentless force, fighting in mass waves with little strategy behind their methods of battle.

The religious faith of the Orcs is seen as primitive and heretical by most. Worshiping an old figure known as the Immortal Lord, an ancient warrior that once ruled all of the tribes of the south and sought to raid and pillage all of Melveir for eternity. This Immortal Lord ravaged the lands with his great armies of the south, bringing nothing by tyranny and chaos. One day however before the great raid of the eastern forest, the Immortal Lord disappeared from his war camp, never to be seen again. To this day the races of the south await for their Lord to return so the great era of raids can once again commence.

The origins of the Orcs are unknown, the first tribes migrated from foreign lands to the southern deserts and wastelands of Melveir many centuries ago. As time went on the tribes grew and separated, resulting in hundreds of different tribes, making the need for resources dire for all in the south and leading to constant warring against one another. The stronger tribes near the edge of the wastelands and deserts raid northward, attacking human, Elven, and Fae nations.


3. Dark Elves:

Quick and agile, the Dark Elves are masters of manipulation and stealth, but are still a deadly presence on the battlefield. Experts in skirmish fighting, Dark Elves can maneuver their forces for lethal hit-and-run attacks. Like the Elves and Fae, Dark Elves find a steady magical source from the forest, just simply being surrounded by a woodland environment their agility and fighting power increase tenfold.

Worshiping the Drow Goddess Lethina, Dark Elves believe they are the rightful rulers of the Melveir, proclaiming it was stolen by the Elves and Fae before they allowed the other races to simply settle in without a fight. Their Goddess was once a great queen of the Dark Elves, blessed by great magical powers that helped keep the Elves and Fae at bay. She fought desperately against the invading Elves but was betrayed by her lover Eithern, an Elf that claimed to love her more than his people and who had been at her side since childhood. One night when they were together he drove a silver dagger through her chest, just barely missing her heart but leaving a fatal wound that soon would take her life. With the last of her strength, she cast an incredible spell that would drive their invaders from the last of the Dark Elf cities and protect her people from complete annihilation.

Ruled by a long-lasting matriarchy, the Dark Elves believe themselves the most superior race of Melveir, forever waging a war against the savage animals that stole their lands. Large cities and fortresses exist on both the surface and underground, great caverns spreading throughout their territory and giving them access to neighboring nations. They are a proud race with a nearly unbreakable sense of duty and honor for their race's dignity.

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4. Elves:

Masters of the bow and sword, the Elves are skilled warriors with centuries of experience under their belt. Though they have the ability of high-level magics, the Elves rely on their Fae allies in that field. Though their armies are feared in significant battles, the Elven race population has been on the decline thanks to centuries of unending conflicts against both the Undead and Dark Elves, resulting in their armies being spread thin and condensed in numbers.

The Elves have no official god but do worship the bottomless lake of Infinity, the final resting place for the fallen souls of their people. Featureless spectators of light endlessly spiral downwards, their souls resting after their eternal lives were taken from them. Elves are immortal people, but no God or Goddess has ever revealed itself to them. The closes thing to Gods and Goddesses are the allied Fae that lives alongside them, protecting and tending to the Infinity Lake in the center of their outstanding capital.

Like their counterparts, the Dark Elves, the Elven race are a proud and dignified people, determined to protect their home and culture. They do not have a kind view of the other races other than the Fae, but they do not wish them ill will. The Elven armies will not march outside of their territory and remain within the east. However, over the years groups of Elven settlers have traveled to the West, answering the call for unity from Eswen. Because of this trade between Eswen and the eastern nations has begun to slowly grow, improving relationships between the races.

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5. Ogre:

Large and terrifying creatures, the Ogres are the heavy hitters of the South. Though most Ogres lack intelligence, there have been a handful of them that can be dangerously cunning and can rise to be war chiefs of tribes. Reaching heights of nine to ten feet, these creatures are difficult to miss. Immensely strong and durable, Ogres are challenging to defeat, but not impossible if outnumbered.

Like the Orcs, Ogres worships the Immortal Lord and strive to become as fearsome and unkillable as him.

Ogres tend to live alongside Orcs, fighting for whatever tribe seems worthy enough of their strength. These massive creatures would be considered just beasts, but have been shown to have their independent minds, even with the lack of intelligence. In a few cases, Ogres can be smarter than the average Orc or Ogre, speaking fluently and even taking the spot as a war chief, becoming a menace to all who oppose them.

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6. Undead:

The Undead realms to the east are a mysterious and deadly foe, some would even say they are a plague to Melveir. Masters in the dark arts and armies of unknown thousands of cursed monsters, the Undead Litches and Vampire counts have brought decay and ruin wherever they have walked. Through unknown means the Undead forces have threatened all races, popping up in the west and north to infect the mortal races with their corruption while continuing to pick away at the Elven and Fae defenses.

There are a variety of Undead Lords and Counts in the corrupted eastern forests, so there is no one true faith that can satiate their dark needs and desires. Several dark gods, spirits, and deities are praised. Be they for death, pestilence, lust, or war, as long as they offer them power then they will be worshiped. There are a handful of Vampire counts however who praise nothing, simply basking in their immortality and seemingly endless powers.

Through eternal life gained through dark means, Undead Litches strive for more power, to become themselves a god, or to serve their dark lords as faithful pawns. Unlike Litches however, the Vampire Counts seek to mold the world in their image and succeed in their own goals. Even though these two dark forces have different ends or goals, they tend to work closely together since their wants and needs tend to align with one another.

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7. Fae:

Though the Fae are not meant for frontline combat, they make up for this flaw with pure magical talent. Born through the seemingly endless amount of magic from the world, Fae can cast immense spells of all categories ranging from summoning large thunderstorms that strike lightening down on their foes, towering shields to protect from attacks, and saintly healing powers that can bring many from the brink of death in a moments notice. The possibilities for their powers seem endless, but like many other creatures the more they grow, the stronger their powers become.

Born from nature itself the Fae can take on many shapes and sizes from birth, believing the Spirits of the Woods lets their souls freely form on their own. These Spirits of the Woods have no official names, simply being referred to by the elements that flow through the world. As they are born all Fae have a natural sense of protecting and preserving life. Unfortunately in this world filled with conflict, young Fae must learn that to protect and preserve life, they must at times aid in the natural cycle of death.

Fae can be a diverse race, all having their unique appearance can also lead them to have their personalities. At times Fae can be mischievous, playing light-hearted tricks on passing travelers or playing through the forest. Because of their natural sense to protect and preserve life, Fae can be kind-hearted beings.

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8. Giants:

The largest and by far the mightiest of races in Melveir, the Giants can turn a hopeless battle into a victory. Reaching monstrous heights that can tower over trees or even look over fully built walls of fortresses, the Giants are perhaps the most imposing foes throughout all of Melveir. Luckily for many, the tribes of the Giants do not often interact with the races of Melveir, keeping to themselves and rarely taking part in Melveir’s wars.

Not much is known of Giant's religious beliefs, their race isolated, and their language foreign to many. There have been small discoveries however from large slaps of boulders that hold unique carvings of symbols and figures. Scholars of many races have theorized that whatever faith they worship involves two massive figures dragging both the moon and sun across the skies, bound in chains.

The culture and habits of the Giants are still not fully known, only the daring and bold foolish enough to approach the massive encampments in the southern wasteland. What has been discovered though is that Giants seemed to have a particular interest in foreign objects or relics, seemingly curious about the outside world. Many find this odd with how isolated the Giants behave but simply breathe a sigh of relief to see how neutral they are. There have been times though when few Giants stray from their tribes and often join the Orcs and Ogres in their raids and battles. Many shudder at the thought of an entire army of Giants marching against them.

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9. Dwarves:

Crushers of stone and Fathers of black powder, the Dwarves are a race of engineering and solid defense. Using both their might and creative machines of war, the Dwarves are always the loudest force on the field. With finely crafted armor and weapons the Dwarves are a solid frontline force, able to hold the line against hordes of enemies for a long time. Along with their mighty fighting force, the Dwarves have a plethora of war machines and weapons. Examples of these achievements in engineering are their fleets of airships carried by hot air balloons, the mighty cannons, the devastating rifles, and steam-powered chariots that run down droves of their enemies.

Between the three Dwarf Kingdoms' religious beliefs have been divided among believers and non-believers of the Mountain Gods, the Fjall. In the many tomes that speak of the Fjalls, it is said that the mountains themselves are the remains of the world's first inhabitants before mysteriously dying out. Before their death though, the Fjalls cast ancient and forgotten magics that would breathe life into the world, ensuring that those who were to come after them would thrive and prosper from their final selfless deed. Followers of the belief treat the mountains with care as they mine through the mountains, giving thanks to gold, silver, iron, coal, and even the stone itself as they build their kingdoms in the very corpses of their selfless Gods. Those who do not follow the faith however view it as nonsense, believing the faith slows the progress of their kingdoms and add only more challenges to their struggles in the warring world around them. This difference in beliefs has become a heated subject among the three kingdoms, leading to many debates and arguments between the nobility and the peasantry.

Prideful and efficient, Dwarves are a hearty race that has become master craftsmen and unique inventors. With their great kingdoms built into the very mountains themselves, the Dwarves have an almost endless source of raw materials, ranging from metals, gold, diamonds, and stone itself. With these materials, the Dwarves construct stronger buildings and defenses while their brightest minds create inventive designs. From machines that mine deeper and faster into the mountains to weapons that spew flames and metal.

10. Beastmen:

Strong and wise, the tribes of the Beastmen have always been home to Melveir’s most talented warriors. Techniques of the way of fighting are passed down from generation to generation to hone and master. With iron-like honor and unwavering spirits, the Beastmen are counted as one of the more noble of races. Their strongest fighters are those of the Centaur and the Minotaur lineages.

Shrines and totems have been erected throughout all of the tribal villages of the Beastmen as an act of worship and praise for the land and rivers that sustain them. The waters of the river that quenches their thirst, the lush valleys that offer plenty of food and natural medicines, and the trees that shelter and warm them at night, all are to be appreciated and worshiped amongst the tribes.

One of the original inhabitants of Melveir, the Beastmen tribes have existed since the Elves and Dark Elves waged war against one another before the other races began to slip into Melveir. Once a nomadic people the tribes would finally settle within the north, living in the many vast valleys that ran through the mountains of the Dwarves. Relations between the two races once were a neutral peace, the Dwarves digging the mountains while the Beastmen lived quietly in the valleys below. However, as the Dwarves began to grow and build, the leftover waste and minerals would be dumped from the mountains, polluting the land, rivers, and air of the valleys below. From there the Beastmen would bump heads with the Dwarves until eventually, it would lead to many years of bloody and spiteful conflict between the two. Small clashes and disputes still occur to this day, but both sides have attempted to tend to their own business.

11. Xin:

Skilled users in fire-based magic and talented masters of the blades and bows, the Xin are a talented force on the field, even though they are a peaceful race. Most if not all Xin are highly skilled warriors in multiple arts of combat ranging from melee all the way to ranged weaponry. Because of their natural ability to conjure flames from the palms of their hands or anywhere on their bodies, they tend to enhance their combat and weapons with their own flames They lack the understanding of more modern technology and weapons, becoming a great weakness to them against the more tech advanced races. Another natural weakness will be ice magics or elements, taking as much caution as they can to avoid such things.

Worshiping the Eternal Phoenix, the Xin believe in reincarnation, but only after the death of old age. If Xin is to die of other causes, they will not be reincarnated and cease existence. It is believed in their faith that the Phoenix rule all of creation and is what protects the Xin race. To the north in the western valley, there is the Xin race's single settlement, home of their holy altar that holds the Eternal Flame lit and left behind by the Eternal Phoenix ages ago. The flame still burns bright and strong to this day, even giving life to new members of the Xin race as within the flames is where all Xin are born from.

It is unclear as to how long the Xin have existed due to their secluded nature. Though it is rare, from time to time the Xin does interact with other races, it is to perform trading such as medicine that they may be unable to produce on their own or food that they may not be able to grow in their territory. Because of their seclusion from other races, it is rare to find Xin fighting an individual from any other race unless it is out of self-defense. They tend to distrust the other races, believing they are too self-destructive or dangerous to rely on as allies.
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Malveir Environments:​

  • The West:
Made of wide open plains, rolling hills, and swamps, the West is a vast section of Melveir. The wide open plains stretch for miles upon miles to the point where none would be able to see its end. All of this flat landscape offer perfect soil for farming, giving its human occupants an abundant source of food and plenty of space for cattle or horses to graze and roam. Scattered through these open plains are rolling hills with large mineral deposits buried within them, providing a source of raw metals. Along the edges of the west are several forests, marshlands, and swamps, used for lumber and hunting.

  • The North:
Rich with stone and minerals, the towering mountains that spread across the north are a Dwarfs playground. With a seemingly endless supply of metals and raw treasures, the mountains of the north are a source of great wealth for those who claim them. Below the mountains, however, are wide and lush valleys brimming with life. The rivers that run through them bring life to both the lands and creatures that dwell within them.

  • The East:
Though long ago the Great Forest was full of life and magic, the recent centuries have divided the land into different environments. To the north and West of the Great forest, the fluent magic that breathes life into all things remains, lush and healthy trees filling the land with many exotic plants and animals. To the far East of the forest decay and corrupted magics twist the land into desolate and rotting areas, the trees either dead or sickly looking. Finally, to the south of the Great Forest, the land seems to have a lingering shadow cast upon it, the forest alive but dark and gloomy with nocturnal types of plants and fungi filling the woods. Scattered along the southern forest floor are large entrances into the earth leading into massive caverns filled with a similar, yet unique environment.

  • The South:
Barren and scorching conditions of the South have left the land nearly void of all life, with only the strongest of forms of life able to live within the harsh environment. Seemingly endless lengths of sand and cracked earth fill the South. Scattered along these dead lands are graveyards of bones from long-dead beasts, pools of tar, craters of magma and fire, and ruins from an unknown era.
Main Npc list

  • General Carter 2.jpg
    General Renold Carter

    One of many generals within Eswen, Carter is a seasoned fighter and natural leader with decades of experience within the military. Born to a family of nobles with a long history of service in the military Carter had a very early introduction to the lifestyle of the army. His father, a renowned officer in the service of the late tyrant King Lucious, had intended for all his children to follow in his footsteps to serve their king. However, at the age of 12, Carter would watch his father ride off with his men to confront the newly rising rebellion led by Rupert Godfrey. Three years into the bloody civil war, Carter would receive news that his father had fallen in battle against the rebels. Carter felt the loss of his father, grieving like any son would for a lost parent, but felt no anger or resentment towards those who had slain his father. Taught at an early age by his father himself, every man who takes up the blade and marches to battle wavers their life, knowing full well that death would linger and strike at any moment. That same lesson would apply to the rebels themselves, all knowing they risked their lives wagging this war.

    After another three years of war, Altair and the Tyrant king would finally fall, finally ending the long and bloody war. At the age of 18, with his family's household being claimed by the new ruling power, Carter would go to the newly captured capital and witness the new King Rupert give his speech to the people before donning the crown and taking the throne. The new Kings promises had intrigued the young Carter. Among the first wave of recruits to enlist in the new Eswen army, Carter began his career as a soldier. Throughout his service Carter shined amongst his peers, always gaining the trust of his fellow comrades and earning the respect of his officers. Decades of service resulted in him rising through the ranks until he was made an official general at the age of 41. By this time Carter had been recognized as a hero of Eswen, his deeds and achievements being known throughout the West as a brilliant and bold leader.

    However, 6 years into his role as a general, Carter would be faced with his most major of battles against the invading forces of Dullhorn. Being the closest army to intercept the invaders, Carter marched his troops to meet the Dullhorn army. Though Carter and his army were well equipped and seasoned in battle, the Dullhorn had the overwhelming superiority of numbers on their side. Forced to lure the invaders into a nearby marshland and fortify themselves, Carter would send word for the closest armies to give them aid. His messengers would return however with unsettling news, stating that the closet generals refused to reinforce them, claiming to be guarding other possible attack points. Carter knew this was just an excuse, knowing some of his fellow generals had disliked him and would take any chance to be the ones to clean up after his failures. Carter knew this battle was near impossible to win with the difference in numbers, but if allowed to pass by him and his army, Dullhorn invaders would wreak havoc across the land before another force was able to stop them. There was no running from this fight.

    The battle was brutal, lasting from morning to sundown with Carter and his army barely pulling off a victory. His losses were devastating, the scar left behind by that battle forever heavy on his shoulders. Though they were victorious, he received backlash from those in power, claiming he was too prideful of a leader to join his fellow generals who had already set up a defensive line further in Eswen. Many urged King Rupert himself to strip Carter of his position as general, but to most surprise the King allowed Carter to remain in control of his forces. Though he was able to keep his role in the military, Carter’s reputation remained stained.

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