Other Would you want a superpower in real life... If it also comes with responsibilities?

Warrior Spirit

Junior Member
Here's what I mean...

If you are offered to gain superpowers that will make you the most powerful human in the world, would you take it even if it means you now have the burden of watching out for other humans? Never victimizing any of them, always upholding justice, et cetera...

I personally would gladly take it, as long as I'm allowed a two-week vacation every year. Otherwise, that superpower can kiss my rump.
would be a superhero till i get drained, maybe after that i’ll turn into a villain to make a hero out of someone else
It depends on how strictly enforced and by what/whose standards that would be. Some things are just impossible no matter how powerful you become.
By virtue of existing in a society we theoretically already bare responsibilities towards our co-patriots so what is the difference between having powers and not having powers? Are you referring to whether or not we are doubly expected to serve our respective Nation-State by virtue of being super powered like the Watchmen?
By virtue of existing in a society we theoretically already bare responsibilities towards our co-patriots so what is the difference between having powers and not having powers? Are you referring to whether or not we are doubly expected to serve our respective Nation-State by virtue of being super powered like the Watchmen?

I think the standard interpretation is basically superhero duties: You have to go out of your way to spend at least a significant portion of your time actively if not doing good at least preventing harm, by whatever standards of justice are nebulously implied.
I think the standard interpretation is basically superhero duties: You have to go out of your way to spend at least a significant portion of your time actively if not doing good at least preventing harm, by whatever standards of justice are nebulously implied.
The thing is that the responsibility of the superhero, as written during the classic golden age of comic books isn't really out of reach of a normal person. Especially understanding they are written to entertain and captivate children and teenagers and because of things such as the Hays Code pass on social virtues particular to the period (New Deal/Great Society). Which just loops back to what I said: we all hold responsiblities and stuff like buying a homeless dude coffee is something we all share an equal burden of doing. We may not all do it, infamously so. But it is the Spiderman way for ten year olds
I write villains in stories, roleplays, poems, etc as if I was the character (since I just love villains ahahah). My POV. As much as heroes sound good, I'd love powers for the opposite reason.
Naw I don't wanna be some beacon of hope for society.

Bruh. I Just wanna get PAID by society!

Sooooo like you want SuperBoo to get your cat outta the tree? K sure. How much a fire fighter get paid? Oh wait! Banks getting robbed again? How much do police get to deal with the robbers? Giant sea monster just absolutely wrecking the harbour? How much equivalent payment to fishermen would it be for takin in a catch the size of that Kaiju Lobstrosity?

Wait you wanna eat it too?! Welllll c'mon down to Casa de la SuperBoo! Resos only, tip your waitstaff and pay for you meal like erybody else! Ooooooh... You gunna love it here so pls don't forget to leave a Google review too!

Know how Superman has a S on his chest? Well my S has a vertical line through it! $uperBoo what! Oh and pls don't forget to check out my merch store seasonal line up: 'Pay up $ucker$!!'
I'm absolutely the best possible person to get superpowers and rule over everyone trust me, yeah I take the responsibility
I wouldn't want superpowers even if they didn't come with responsibility.
I would have a similar discussion at my former job all the time, I would prompt my coworkers by asking "If you were a superhero or villain, what would your power be?". It was really fun hearing all their ideas, especially the ones I didn't know very well. It evolved into all of us making up superpowers related to our work, which was a doggie daycare and hotel. I was the supervillain known as Biscuit Breaker, because I have the bizarre ability to break eight jumbo doggie treats into halves at a time, four in each hand, and I'm a gal that doesn't have the biggest hands in the world. Other people typically can only break ONE treat at a time using both hands.

So to answer your actual question, I think I would indeed take up your offer, BUT I would definitely ask for more than a two week vacation per year! That's crazy! I'd ask for at least a month per year off.

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