Other Would You Date Your Original Character?

Peacemaker .45

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Awhile ago I was asked by someone that, if I were single, would I date my character for my RP (I only had one at the time).

I responded by saying, “oh hell no. They’re like my child.” Not only that, but given my character and who she became at the time in the story, and for numerous other reasons, I just couldn’t be with someone so dark.

Sooooo my question is for y’all. If you were single and your original character(s) were a real person, would you pursue a romantic relationship with them? Why or why not?
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If I wasn't married... it would depend! I have some characters that would be too much of a handful for me personally (good luck everybody else!) but then I have others that are my darlings. Funny enough, I used to think of this question back in the day. Lol
Well, most of my character top at the age of 10... so probably not. In fact the few that don't tend to be monstrous in some way, male, animals or some over variety of "not quite fit for dating"

That said, there ARE quite a few I would date too.
I apologize for the lack of specifics, but I'm the kind to make a new OC for every RP, so I have a lot
Oh shit I forgot to check back on this thread between practicing math and being sick.

Interesting to see some of the answers. I wondered if anyone actually would or wouldn’t.

My only character right now... okay while yes they’re like my child and creation, actually looking at what she’s been through and done.. I don’t know.

It’s, like, so, like, complex. Like OMG
I have created exactly one female character with a fully fleshed-out backstory and personality. Still wouldn't date her, though, since I pretty much have zero interest in starting a relationship and prefer to stay single. Also the fact that she's almost ten years older than me.
My first OC was a bat-shit crazy man who experimented on people to figure out why everyone was so different. An unfeeling being whom didn't understand why they always screamed. I wouldn't date them, but I would definitely grab a drink with them. My OC was how my brain worked at the raw age of 13, but he was for a short story I wrote. Not necessarily an RP character. But my first RP OC was a vampire man who could use his blood as a weapon. He would simply bite into his own flesh and create blades that could do some serious damage. He was a loving and kind man. A man with the utmost respect for humans, because they could live a life he could not. This man, I would date. A man with a soul so deeply locked away is rivaled my own. We wouldn't last long though.
Nope. The point of an OC is to help create an interesting story... so they're generally prone to a lot of tension and conflict. It's great for roleplaying, but I wouldn't want to deal with that in real life.

Plus, all my OCs are either:
a). Non-human entities that have significant biological and cultural differences


b). Some form of antagonist... such as a serial killer, murderer, or sociopath.
Depends. I'd date most of my OCs, but there's this one good boy I couldn't even begin to date.
he's my son i'd protect him with my life
One or two of them, I guess. A lot of them are too old or young for me... Or just terrible people XD.

I think of them more as friends than lovers or children.
Probably not. I mean, I've just never made a character who I think would be a good match romantically for me. I would be friends with some of them, though.
I mean, I was going to type "yes" since a lot of them desperately need someone to love them- but at the same time as the person who made them I'm kind of like their parent?? And that would be weird...
Theres a lot of my OC's I wouldn't mind having a romantic relationship. (some i might even bang who knows.)
The ones I can definitely see myself dating are
Spencer Univerzum (The God of Space)
Rydian Behemoth (A Fallen Angel)
Considering I usually play guys, no. And I don’t quite see them as my children, but it makes me slightly uncomfortable knowing I’m literally their creator. Most of these characters have some minor semblance of me in some shape or form.

If I had to take it from an outside perspective, taking away gender and my own bias, there are a few I would have considered to be attractive in a sense. Starting from my earlier characters leading to current ones:

- Cyrus Weylain: Battlemage with a specialization in pyromancy. He was compassionate and charismatic, but was intent on trying to hide his flaws from other people.

- Xander Cerwyn-Spyre: Illegitimate child of an influential family. He was head-strong and had a sharp tongue, but was always somewhat of a goodie-two-shoes that didn’t want to break any rules.

- Emil Bautista: Badass space pirate. He did things on his own agenda and was usually very prideful, even arrogant. A troublemaker and a real headache to anyone he didn’t have absolute respect for. He doesn’t sound so great, but he’s the closest one of my characters get to playing one of your typical “bad boys”.

Yeah, out of my thirty or so saved characters I only picked out three haha. Reading through it all, all of them had at least like one trait they shared with another one of my characters, so it was an interesting read!
I would totally date my favorite OC, Harvey. That is, if I wasn't 13 (he's 27) but other than that yeah. Also Kaden, but again, age man (he's 30).
The one I use for RP? Hell no, main part of personality is too alike and we would quarrel horribly.
I mean, I have OC's that I would date, but I don't really use them for roleplay.
I believe I’d marry one of them. After all, I have no luck anywhere. Why not try? I already know them since I created them. Could be fun
I'd'marry 2 out of 3..
One is an inmate. so... no thanks..
The other 2 are pretty darn dateable. Too bad they're not real..
The only of my characters I'd date are the ones I make SPECIFICALLY for romance reasons or a supporting character with a crush

There was Alison, who was a maid to my main character who had a big crush on him, but a bigger one on his wife
Right now there is Eliana, who I won't be able to date because she's a lesbian and an oracle
Thinking about it though, there was Luke Cross, a guy with powerful hacking skills and computer-based magic. He was pretty great

No other character of mine would I date. Either I feel like they're my children or something about their personality, or the fact that they're nowhere near human
I would never wish that fate upon anyone that I know, let alone something that I myself have created. No but seriously I have a shit self-esteem and a crap ton of problems, no one could ever find a way to stay with all of this *Gestured to self*

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