Would anyone ever want to play an Ironclaw Game?


The Side with the Best Artillery
Exactly what it says on the tin, I'm curious if anyone would want to do something chat and RP heavy using the Ironclaw RPG system. If you don't know of the system, I don't blame you given its obscurity, but basically:

"Ironclaw is a Furry fandom fantasy role-playing game published by Sanguine Productions, in which players take on the roles of anthropomorphic animals. The game is set in a Renaissance-inspired fictional world, on a continent called Calabria. The primary theme of the game involves four noble houses embroiled in political hostilities, with players taking the roles of citizens and adventurers." Read more about it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironclaw there. I'd be willing to do whole full alterations to other systems or other things if people were more interested in sci-fi or modern, but I'd need some sort of evidence of want!
Well shee-yut, I had a setting just like in concept this called Furrica, only it was set during the Age of Discovery.
My hope was really to do something character based instead of NBRP, to be fair.
I didn't bring that up. Furrica had an emphasis on nations, yeah, but all the character I made for it were made to represent their nation in some manner.
Hello, just found this thread and signed up to post. It's actually kind of hard to find an Ironclaw game and just wanted to post interest in it. I've got all the books and have even pledged a bit towards the kickstarter for their new expansion, The Book of Jade.

For those wondering, it's quite a bit different from D&D, in that rather than being a d20 system, its based off of how many successes you can achieve vs 4 on a varying array of dice. For instance, hitting someone in combat, rather than being d20+mod, is a combination of factors that give you 3d8, and each of those d8's that score 4 or better is a successful hit. The person uses their defense dice, and for every roll they have higher than one of the attacker's dice, they successfully defend against that hit. Skill checks work in the same fashion.

There also is no HP system involved. If you inflict 5+ points of damage on something in a single hit, its dead. Each point of damage you inflict in a single turn, actually inflicts a status effect, some of which cause you to take more damage per attack.

I probably made it sound more complex than it is, as in play its actually quite simple to understand. But yeah, Ironclaw is a fun game.
Hey, I'm actually running my own Ironclaw game on Fridays. I only have three players, I keep finding new people who are interested in playing a tabletop RPG, but every time I tell them it's Ironclaw and not Pathfinder or something they completely lose interest. This drives me insane because Ironclaw is one of the greatest systems I've ever played, far superior to any version of D&D. Based on the multiple rejections I've gotten I doubt you'll ever get enough people to play, but if you do count me in, I'd love to try it out, and I've got the main book so you won't have to spend time getting me sorted out. Again, doubt it'll happen, but if it did that would kick ass.
Talked to the one good player in my group. She's interested in playing a decent game too. So count that as two players for your game. *salute* hope this happens.
I just made this right now xD ...was wondering if it was too late to join in... been searching for a game, and got to the point where I'd join a game in a random forum.

I also have the iron claw and jade claw book so yea xD fun stuff...
I haven't heard from CeeJay, but with my player, myself, and you (Mr. Giggles) we'd have three. If we can get two more together I think we'd be good to start up a group.
That sounds great, just now we have to wait for 2 more xD unless you know who anyone else who would want to join.
Actually I do have two more that are willing to play. Unfortunately they're the reason I'm looking for another game to play in. Out of the five players I started with one left, one doesn't do anything, one is awesome, one does things that are stupid, and one I actually had to remove from my game because he simply made the game entirely unplayable. Just an absolutely awful player. It doesn't look like CeeJay is going to be a fourth unfortunately...I'm kinda new to tabletop RPGs myself, what kind of a story/gameplay thing do you usually like for a game?
lol umm For a bit of history (hurray) I've done a variety... I've gone from traditional DnD to playing in Giantitp.com then found out about iron claw... so me and a few people who are unavailable atm decided to start playing it... have a traditional ironclaw in like the middle ages and what not... decided to make a spin off of a space marine expedition called the adventure of the odyssey... ummm I've done a couple xD .. iron claw... but yea usually stick to iron claw/jade claw books for play... I can also show you the character template I use as well... one of my friends made it, and it actually works fantastically.

As for what I like in the game... As long as it is roleplayed I'm usually happy... plus I like the idea of trying to figure things out for ourselves while working with other characters skills and weaknesses to figure something out.

*edit* just leave an email address and I'll give it to ya.. its a word document xD but for some reason it wont let me send on this forum.
Sure, it's Penguinsentry@aol.com Althought I have 400 unread messages currently, so I wouldn't recommend sending me anything unless I'm expecting it, like I am now. Right now all my players sent me something on Excel, so I'm interested to see how your friend did it. If you have aim and I'm on feel free to send me a message if anything's up, probably easier than playing messenger tag.

*edit* Thank you! This actually looks really good! Much better than what we're using now!
it has been sent =) and is awaiting your overview =D.

it would seem that the rolls in the forum are evil when it comes to the 1s xD

I also sent you the character I was planning to use for this campaign.
Errr....I just checked your character. There seems to have been some sort of mistake. I don't recognize a large portion of what this is. After a bit of digging around I think I figured out why that is. My guess is that you're talking about playing this game http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironclaw.

On the other hand the game that I and my group have been playing is this one.


I suppose if we get enough players we should probably figure out witch one to play. If we go with the one that you're using I'll probably need to learn a different system and get the book you have. I learned about Ironclaw from Iron Liz (an RPG reviewer) and this one is the one she presented, the systems seem quite a bit different based on the sheet. Several skills are different and there's a flaws section here that aren't in my book.
o you have the newer version, o..k.. hmm the combat system and the roll system are identical the only changes that are really big are.. flaws they dont exist in that version... and when rolling to hit for combat... if it succeeds then it counts as damage if i remember right... magic is ready aim fire... and I go with the general set up of having 18 points to spend on the asset points aka race/career/body/mind/speed/will and 20 points to spend on skills... if you want me to change things around then I dont mind just gotta ask around for the new book xD ... if you want i can send you my books... might be hard though.. they be on pdf and are huge xD
No worries, Skype is perfect for sending large PDF files. If we do manage to get a game started I'll send you over the book. The character creation system (At least in my book) is fairly simple, picking a race, profession, extra gifts, then assigning skill ranks and body/mind dice. I'm pretty sure you can recreate your character quickly using this one. Yours worries me though, I see torture listed as a skill...I hope that's not a major part of the game.
Haha xD don't worry I just listed it, he has no points in it... plus it doesnt have to be, I'm making the character a jack-of-all-trades as you can see xD . someone who can let the bigger angrier man with a big club into the building by picking a lock for instance.

*edit* And just to make it more clear... the character I made is going to be somewhat goofy anyways so someone else would have to tell him to do it.

*newest edit* July 6th --> I have just acquired the new iron claw books and I shall design a new character for it... I gave that one as an example... it seems there are quite a few things to be changed... Also, as for the character sheet.... I'll ask my friend to create a new one of it... make it simpler and easier.

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