Worst Roleplaying Experience?

Username said:
I am glad to see people sharing their experiences, because i think it will help me watch out (and be more harsh towards) people who are terrible and will just destroy my roleplay. I must thank everyone who posted in this thread for that.
I'm glad I could be of help... (If you read mine, I dont know)
JujuBee said:
The only other one would have to be those people who just disappear on you for no reason at all.
Username said:
I am glad to see people sharing their experiences, because i think it will help me watch out (and be more harsh towards) people who are terrible and will just destroy my roleplay. I must thank everyone who posted in this thread for that.
Sadly, when I was younger, I was one of those people, but I think i'm getting better!

And I think we are all glad to help our Ogrelord and master, Shrek
Another site, another time I remember being involved in a thread where my partner and I had a awesome time brainstorming about a plot. Like me, they enjoyed romance but preferred it to play out rather than the love at first sight scenario. We even agreed if our characters did have feelings toward one another it would play out over time. When the thread started, their character developed love for my character seven posts in, seriously, even though the two barely knew one another. Not only that, their character had a knack for getting into a ridiculous amount of trouble when it didn't have to be that way. Example:

Character A: We have to find another way, this one is completely guarded.

Character B: I agree.

Character A: Alright, we'll backtrack the way we came-(before character A can finish their sentence, character B has gone the way they were told is fully guarded to try to get through but ends up captured.)
Username said:
As someone who is starting up their first RP soon, i am very concerned about making decisions that may lead to these horrible situations.
Don't worry too much! I've been at this for years and the roughest situation I've yet tone in was one time a new player and an old friend got into it for about two posts and the new one left. Everyone was a little mouthy and it happened way too fast to de-escalate.

My advice is to remember it's your game and you're the GM. Keep an eye out for the sort of characters or players you don't want. Don't be too tender hearted and when someone's a problem, don't be too nice to tell them you don't think they're cut out for this game.
Sleipnir said:
Don't worry too much! I've been at this for years and the roughest situation I've yet tone in was one time a new player and an old friend got into it for about two posts and the new one left. Everyone was a little mouthy and it happened way too fast to de-escalate.
My advice is to remember it's your game and you're the GM. Keep an eye out for the sort of characters or players you don't want. Don't be too tender hearted and when someone's a problem, don't be too nice to tell them you don't think they're cut out for this game.
Alright, thanks.
Some of you guys have some real horror stories! ;;

The worst I've experienced lately was one person in a group I was running who couldn't make a decision without someone else first. Where should my character go? What should he do when he gets there? Who should he talk to? What should he say? What should he do after that? A little plotting is fine, but it was just exhausting! I can't write your whole post for you!
- There was that one time years ago where I somehow ended up in a roleplay with a dude who named both himself and his character - and I quote - 'Darknigger' and who was fairly obsessed with the whole idea of gangster culture.

- There was also one time where some dude kept trying to bend the circumstances to prevent his character from being wrong. Say, he made a plan and someone told him is was a stupid-ass plan, he'd quickly come up with some 'new' information that changed things. When some character then got furious at him for witholding crucial information, he went all indignant and fucked off.

I had my suspicions, but it turned out the player behind it was eleven. Never making that mistake again.
My experience is primarily in one-on-ones, so I don't have too many experiences. The "bad" experiences I know of are vicarious through someone else, and people I've avoided because they rose too many red flags for me to even consider them.

On another website I frequent, there's this dude that is an absolute
legend in the forums. He plays only winged wolves with superpowers, and it's always horrendous one-liner smut within like three posts, right there on the forums. He's been banned over and over for years (I hear they have him on a 'ban on sight' list, although that's a rumor), to which point he has become aforementioned legend. People call him by name and there was a thread sharing stories about their encounters with him, whether they wrote with him, trolled him, got propositioned by him, whatever.

Every time he makes a thread, he evolves. He adds new things—although most of the posts have the same information—and changes around titles and some of the layout so that he can fly under the radar for a little longer. His usernames are always the same, though, and he always puts his e-mail in the opening post. His post style is also a dead giveaway, so he hardly lasts for more than a few days at most. He demands that the mods stop banning him and that people stop reporting him because it's a "pet peeve" he has.

I could go on and on.

People say he's not a troll, but to this day I still question it. I just laugh and call him a "legend".
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Khadame said:
The one time someone RP'd his vore fetish in a pokemon RP. He apparently thought it was some sort of fetish thing, because his first post was about a goddamn Eevee getting raped by her trainer and then the trainer ate the pokemon. If anything ever came close to giving me PTSD, that was it.
After reading this I don't think I can look at Pokemon again.....wow.....
castigat said:
My experience is primarily in one-on-ones, so I don't have too many experiences. The "bad" experiences I know of are vicarious through someone else, and people I've avoided because they rose too many red flags for me to even consider them.
On another website I frequent, there's this dude that is an absolute
legend in the forums. He plays only winged wolves with superpowers, and it's always horrendous one-liner smut within like three posts, right there on the forums. He's been banned over and over for years (I hear they have him on a 'ban on sight' list, although that's a rumor), to which point he has become aforementioned legend. People call him by name and there was a thread sharing stories about their encounters with him, whether they wrote with him, trolled him, got propositioned by him, whatever.

Every time he makes a thread, he evolves. He adds new things—although most of the posts have the same information—and changes around titles and some of the layout so that he can fly under the radar for a little longer. His usernames are always the same, though, and he always puts his e-mail in the opening post. His post style is also a dead giveaway, so he hardly lasts for more than a few days at most. He demands that the mods stop banning him and that people stop reporting him because it's a "pet peeve" he has.

I could go on and on.

People say he's not a troll, but to this day I still question it. I just laugh and call him a "legend".
I know who your talking about. I had always thought it was just the same account that somehow avoided getting banned. But now that you mention it the numbers at the end of the name did change. Huh now i feel kind of silly.

I've always wondered like why bother? Even if you're a troll you would think after a few years you would get bored of being a dick.
When you are creating a very lengthy story that is getting better with each post, but your partner takes an ETERNITY to respond back to you, it takes them a few months to finally post back. Then suddenly they no longer do and it's a year longer, but they keep acting as though they want to pick it back up, only to just... not. Without any clarification if they want to continue or not makes me frustrated because I could be spending that time creating and developing other stories if I wasn't so into what I was creating with them. ; v ;
castigat said:
My experience is primarily in one-on-ones, so I don't have too many experiences. The "bad" experiences I know of are vicarious through someone else, and people I've avoided because they rose too many red flags for me to even consider them.
On another website I frequent, there's this dude that is an absolute
legend in the forums. He plays only winged wolves with superpowers, and it's always horrendous one-liner smut within like three posts, right there on the forums. He's been banned over and over for years (I hear they have him on a 'ban on sight' list, although that's a rumor), to which point he has become aforementioned legend. People call him by name and there was a thread sharing stories about their encounters with him, whether they wrote with him, trolled him, got propositioned by him, whatever.

Every time he makes a thread, he evolves. He adds new things—although most of the posts have the same information—and changes around titles and some of the layout so that he can fly under the radar for a little longer. His usernames are always the same, though, and he always puts his e-mail in the opening post. His post style is also a dead giveaway, so he hardly lasts for more than a few days at most. He demands that the mods stop banning him and that people stop reporting him because it's a "pet peeve" he has.

I could go on and on.

People say he's not a troll, but to this day I still question it. I just laugh and call him a "legend".
I know this exact user. I don't frequent Gaia anymore, but your post gave me vivid war flashbacks of this guy. I'd forgotten him; it was probably some sweet memory repression on my brain's part, so hats off to that.

Years ago, when I was a wee roleplayer, I remember seeing him on one account (one, from his post history, that he'd been using for a long while), and he was trying to solicit ERP. He was looking for a 1x1 type thing at the time, and while it was obvious he wanted ERP, he hadn't said anything explicit in his request. Essentially, they couldn't ban him because of that, if I recall correctly.

So little me decided to get his ass banned.

I shot him a PM, saying I was interested in roleplaying with him, yadda yadda. I remember making a winged wolf for this little venture, because obviously he had to have assurance beforehand that my character was sound. I asked him to start, got him to say some explicit stuff, then reported him. Hours later, boom goes the ban hammer.

And then he made another account, a couple days later. Obviously the same guy. I sent him another PM, saying that I was still interested in roleplaying with him, and got him banned again the same way.

After that, I think he caught on to me and blocked me. But I remember having a good laugh for a couple days.
nerdyfangirl said:
I know who your talking about. I had always thought it was just the same account that somehow avoided getting banned. But now that you mention it the numbers at the end of the name did change. Huh now i feel kind of silly.
I've always wondered like why bother? Even if you're a troll you would think after a few years you would get bored of being a dick.

Some people speculate that it's because he's handicapped.

Poe's Law still fires for me.

Nonagon said:
I know this exact user. I don't frequent Gaia anymore, but your post gave me vivid war flashbacks of this guy. I'd forgotten him; it was probably some sweet memory repression on my brain's part, so hats off to that.
Years ago, when I was a wee roleplayer, I remember seeing him on one account (one, from his post history, that he'd been using for a long while), and he was trying to solicit ERP. He was looking for a 1x1 type thing at the time, and while it was obvious he wanted ERP, he hadn't said anything explicit in his request. Essentially, they couldn't ban him because of that, if I recall correctly.

So little me decided to get his ass banned.

I shot him a PM, saying I was interested in roleplaying with him, yadda yadda. I remember making a winged wolf for this little venture, because obviously he had to have assurance beforehand that my character was sound. I asked him to start, got him to say some explicit stuff, then reported him. Hours later, boom goes the ban hammer.

And then he made another account, a couple days later. Obviously the same guy. I sent him another PM, saying that I was still interested in roleplaying with him, and got him banned again the same way.

After that, I think he caught on to me and blocked me. But I remember having a good laugh for a couple days.

LMFAO I don't think you're the only one that has decided to troll him. That "reminiscing" thread had a couple people talking about it.

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