Other Worst Pain You've Ever Felt

when I was drinking coffee with an undiagnosed stomach ulcer.

or when i had all four wisdom teeth removed at the same time.

ah, a cracked filling that led to my tooth dying also hurt pretty badly, but i have a shiny new fake tooth to make up for it.
when i discovered i could eat too much fiber for my stomach to handle, spent a few hours with the worst cramps i've ever experienced. Or when I suspected a case of having an ovarian cyst, felt like something was fucking stabbing my uterus.
When i got mauled by a Great Dane and it took a chunk of flesh out of my right arm, someone at the hospital told me that the bite was literally inches away from an artery, and if it had burst, I would have died, well at least for a second time.

I don't remember the first time I died very well, but i was like almost four years old.

It was a house fire, and my lungs inhaled too much smoke that my heart stopped beating for only God knows how long. Apparently, when they did CPR to try and bring me back, I eventually went around telling everyone I knew about Heaven.

I was only four years old, and there i was describing a place I had never even known of before in great detail.
The hemorrhaging that took place after having my second daughter.

I wasnt clotting correctly and my uterus needed to be cleaned out. It was painful. More painful than giving birth. My doctor explained he had to get all the clots removed so I could start healing properly.
I remember screaming and begging my doctor to stop, tears rolling down my face as I used the heel of my foot to press against his forarm to try and get him from touching me. My husband had to hold my arms to try and get me to stop fighting it. At that moment, all I knew was pain. That didn't last long, my doctor stopped and left the room. I remember getting meds and was told we were going to have to try again, and then I blacked out. Everything is still a little fuzzy. Apparently while I was in this state I still cried out in pain. My husband said it was pretty bad.
The next thing I knew, I was awake and saw my husband with our daughter in his arm, talking to a nurse. I asked where Tim, my doctor, was and was told he left. I was confused. I asked if we were still going to preform the (essentially) manual D&C. The nurse laughed and said we had already done it.

My husband later explained I was out for two hours and they had to feed my daughter a couple of drops of formula (she was only about 10 hours old) because I was so unconscious that I couldn't feed her.

I was the wrist thing I had ever been through. And while I don't 100% remember how it exactly hurt, it's pretty traumatizing.
In my house the kitchen separates the dining and family room. There is a path to the side and a counter with automatic lights on one side. In the corner, we keep a cup of pens and pencils. When I was a dumbass four year old, I wanted one. I pulled up a chair, climbed on top and reached over. I don’t think I was wearing a top, because, again, dumbass four year old, and I burned my stomach on one of the lights. It was awful. I had the scar for about ten years. It wasn’t even a cool looking scar. It was just a circle.
A little gory, so please bear with me

A while back, 2016 to be exact, I was at my grandmother's house with her cousin and my sister and I asked if I could go get my scooter and whiz around while he and his wife sat outside. Dumbass 11 year old me forgotten my helmet cause I was a daredevil back then. You could all guess what happened. At her house is a giant driveway with a sidewalk branching to the front door and a small dip where the yard begins. I made to sharp of a turn and lost control and hit my head sharply on the concrete; all I could remember was turning. I had to sit with ice on my head for four hours and I couldn't get up to go somewhere cause I would probably blackout. It was bloody and bruised so much that I still have the bump to this day if you rub my forehead really hard. Did I learn a lesson? You bet, I'm not going anywhere on my scooter or bike without a helmet that fits.
Lesson learnt: never, ever, try to smell any chemical compounds and follow the lab rules. Always
Amen to that!!

I always use Windex for my grandmother's windows, and smelling the strong stuff give me a headache, but after doing it for a bit (like staying at her house and working on five windows inside per day, and five outside per day), you get used to it/ since it's not that strong.
I was at music camp, when I was seven years old. Playing tag with a couple friends outside. Well, it had been raining, and my genius self decided to sprint across a bridge full speed. Fell straight back and landed on my ass, shattering my tailbone. Thing is, I was with my aunt, who didn't think much of it, so I never got any kind of treatment. I couldn't sit down for weeks, still can't sit straight in a hard chair.
I ended up writing way more for this thread than I had meant to lol. I've bolded the section that is the direct answer if you just want to skip to that part. Don't mind me, just oversharing here.

Hmm, this one's kinda tough for me. I've dealt with a lot of physical pain throughout my life, as many of my medical problems have gone undiagnosed for years at a time.

I had undiagnosed nerve damage in my right wrist and left elbow for about 8 years before I lost all feeling in my hands for two weeks. I had to be rushed into surgery for my wrist and then I got a month to recover before I had to rush in for my elbow in turn.

I had an undiagnosed bone disorder in both of my feet for most of my life up until two years ago. Now I have two orthotics in all of my shoes and take a daily anti-inflammatory supplement to combat the constant pain I live in.

I suffered from two severe migraines a year throughout college when I first started using the Depo-Provera brith control injection and had no idea that migraines could be a side effect. I've been susceptible to headaches all my life and didn't realize what was causing my migraines until they suddenly became a daily problem for me late last year. A number of other factors can cause migraines for me, but the root cause was the birth control I was using. I switched over to an IUD and now just have to be aware of what can cause my migraines to avoid getting any. I still sometimes get very minor migraines, but have prescription medication and my anti-inflammatory supplements to mitigate the pain.

Before I managed to figure everything out with my migraine attacks, I had one that was so severe I was considering calling an ambulance because I was going in and out of consciousness due to the amount of pain I was experiencing. I ultimately forced myself to sleep it off because I feared the financial burden that I would bear if I called an ambulance for myself. That attack kept me from being able to eat for three days straight because of how upset my stomach was. I had to nibble on saltine crackers until my stomach was functional once more.

I also had undiagnosed astigmatisms in both of my eyes for most of my life. Finally got that diagnosed and got fitted for glasses part way through my college life. Luckily, I'm far-sighted with those, so I can do most things without my glasses on. Thanks to my susceptibility to headaches, glasses can cause those for me since they have to fit your head and all.

Oh yeah, and I managed to sprain my left wrist a couple weeks back. It's unusual because my wrist feels fine most of the day and only causes severe pain when I push off of that hand. Like, if I were to do a push-up motion. No idea what exactly I injured in it, but I can't even get it seen until April 15th because of the coronavirus situation. All elective treatment has been delayed until then in my state.

And then to top it all off, I've had many ankle sprains throughout my life and apparently one of those dislodged a little bone fragment in my right ankle and now I can't get the diagnostic injection I need to start my treatment process because it's also considered elective treatment. So, I get daily aching and then throbbing pain in my ankle. I even woke up the other day and my ankle had completely locked up until I took a warm shower to help the muscles relax. I ultimately will need the surgery to remove the bone fragment, but they have a procedure to follow and we can't skip the injection step. Bleh.
Worst pain? Well, I mean, it's not the worst pain I've been in . Although, seeing trolls on forums tends to make me want to projectile vomit. I suppose that can cause some pain. Yeah, because you know I get thinking about how sad and bored they must be. Then I wander into thinking about how they were raised. Then I start thinking about how painful their life must be and how many people have abandoned them that they have to turn to trolling around on internet forms. I mean that brings a lot of pain to me.

Other then that I would say I haven't experienced a pain that was not manageable yet but I would say spasms are pretty horrible. I feel you on that. I've woken up out of a dead sleep with one.
Sometimes I’m lucky and don’t feel the amount of pain that I should. However, I recount my first and ever only kidney stone (at a young age due to severe dehydration) to be probably the worst. You can’t get comfortable and it doesn’t stop. Then the vomiting comes and there’s no warning or end even when the acids gone from your stomach and your nose burns like satans favorite chamber. Mine was right in between my back so there was no relief, no way to stretch, it just escalated. But because I have a high tolerance to medication, the pain meds and sleep fumes they put me on to knock me out gave me about 3 seconds of unconscious relief before I was awake again.

It was so small. But the kidney was so incredibly inflamed. And I had this really nice Asian doctor just being so nice to me and dragging me around on a bed while I went in and out of machines and he just kept joking with me but I was like “haha ok you’re funny Mr Man but IM DYING”
When I was a little girl, my mum took me to the public toilets in my small town. My sister was there too and my mother took her eyes off of me for a second to help my sister and I had the most horrific pain of my life.
I had only gone ahead and rested my little hand on the edge of an open door. A lady came in, entered the stall where my fingers were and proceeded to slam shut the door on my fingers. Well the door wouldn’t close. So she continued slamming. My fingers were jammed.
At this point I was shrieking, my sister was screaming and my mother was threatening to knock the woman out if she didn’t stop trying to break my fingers.
Finally I managed to get my fingers free ( miraculously not broken. ) and my mother marched me straight to the town hospital where I would refuse to even let someone look at my fingers until I was coaxed with a lollipop. I can’t remember what they looked like, but I do know it was supposed to be nasty and a miracle they weren’t broken.
Every month I have to experience the worst pain I could ever know. A stomach cramp feels like a mix of a heart attack, and child birth.
I've had some reasonably painful experiences due to a career in the Army. A notable one was developing osgood schlatter syndrome in both shins - basically, the patella tendons in my knees were ripping bone off the tops of my shins. I was diagnosed with this AFTER completing a 40km pack march. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.

The worst by far, though, was just bad luck. I got a really severe ear infection, and the doc decided to put a grommet through my ear drum to stop it bursting. That hurt, but not nearly as much when they pulled the grommet out two years later. No anesthetic because it was supposed to be painless. It would have been, if not for the ball of congealed blood attached to the back of it. They pulled this little stone-like ball out, about the size of the tip of my thumb, through my eardrum. I've never felt anything even remotely close to that level of physical pain.
I have a few, actually, and I'm gonna list them all because atm I can't really decide which of them was the worst.

When I was in the 8th grade, I was riding my horse bareback. I dismounted badly, and I fell and hit the small of my back on the corner of the giant concrete base of a telephone pole. It actually didn't hurt that much at first, but in the days following it was so painful I couldn't walk. It also messed my back up pretty badly because I didn't get any sort of therapy for it (I have pretty bad sciatica as a result). I've had several falls off of horses since then where I've broken ribs, but the worst fall I actually had was last spring. I fell off my horse when he had a bad spook and landed flat on my back. I hit my head so hard that I had a concussion even with my riding helmet on. The fall made my sciatica flare up pretty badly, and what's worse was that the week after my fall, my family and I went to Disney World for a week. The pain was so bad that we debated renting a wheelchair just so I could get around. I ended most nights sobbing while trying to crawl into bed.

AND THEN, this past winter I slipped on some ice leading horses out to pasture, fell badly, and shattered my left wrist. The ride from the barn to the hospital over bumpy roads was excruciating. I actually had to have surgery to have a plate put on my wrist because of the severity of the fracture, and even my post-op pain was NOTHING compared to the hours directly following the break. Awful stuff.

So, moral of the story is don't work with horses, I guess.
One time i was playing catch in middle school or my first year in high, and i was pelted in the chest with the behind me because of my awkward movements tryng to catch it. So o get it, yknow? I turn quickly and my foot was caught on a root and with a slip in the mud, i dislocate my knee with a crunch. I cried because it hurt and everyone was looking. I ended up having to be carried to the clinic in a golf cart and wheeled in with a wheelchair. So my mom is called and comes in and gives the whole "poor hunny bunny" thing, which is my weakness. So she parked in front of the school, she having to help me in. We drive to the hospital and im wheeled in. Before theg give me xrays and shit, my mom began teasing me, taking pics of me with filters on for her FB. It was embarrassing then but i learn to appreciate it now lol
Probably the worst pain experience I have ever had was right before my appendix was removed. I went to drink with my best friend of the time, since I just turned 18 (legal drinking/bar age in my country). We drank tequila and other strong shots and drink, went to home and everything was fine. Later we ate some noodles (5 am or so) and went to bed.
After this I felt nauseous and my stomach was hurting badly. It was weird since I do not get hungover like, ever. Anyhoo, I threw up for 10 hours straight, all the nice liquids out of my stomach what burned me from the inside. Went to our local health center and they thought I was just hungover, even tho it was over 10 hours ago, and it was not normal. After few test they sent me to a hospital 2h drive away, got some strong painkiller and still it hurt so bad that I couldn't breathe. It lasted till next morning till they operated me and pain was gone. My appendix was about to blow up and I couldn't even imagine it anymore. So many hours, huge pain. I just cried the whole time.
I've got a reputation among my friends for winding up getting hurt-- I've passed out from hypothermia, starvation, and heat stroke, gotten stitches without anesthetic, had a major surgery that prevented me from lifting my arms for weeks (and kept working through the recovery time, like a fool), wound up in the hospital with an eight-hour-long convulsive seizure, gotten a third-degree burn, been attacked by a nest of wasps, been lightly electrocuted, the whole nine yards. I've gotten to a point where I just went ahead and learned to remove sutures myself instead of going to the doctor in an attempt to avoid the copay.

I think the most stand-out pain that I've ever had, though, was when the stitches reattaching one of my nipples to my chest scabbed over and a nurse had to sit there and yank them out of me. Maybe not the worst physically, but something about the sensation was so viscerally wrong that she had to stop and let me retch. It's weirdly satisfying getting to shake hands with the surgeon who stitched your nipples back onto you, though, so I'll call it a net positive experience?
Yo! Just recalled being stung on the back seven times by a wasp. It got stuck under my shirt and I flipped out trying to get it out. To this day, I'm terrified of them. I got one tattooed on the back of my right arm and could only imagine a whole swarm of them all the while it was being tattooed. Damn near had a panic attack.
When your knee hates you and dislocates.
But also when you have to pop it back into place if it doesn't go in right away (not punching it into place like I saw some idiot soccer player do)

Also Menstrual cramps for me are the absolute worst, used to be real bad, was medicated for it but then they took me off and now I am feeling the pain again.
Me, being a dummy...
When I was 9, I decided to show off to a boy I liked by balancing on the back of a bench thingie and I fell on my wrist. It hurt. I cried. He laughed and drew a pp on my cast. Great times.
On the day Ghostbusters 2 came out and I was supposed to go see it, I winded up snapping both bones in my forearm playing relay races. I tagged the wall too hard, lol.
On another thread I had already mentioned how I had managed to cut my hand open like a hot dog.
Akirah said:
Story time ~

Well, for stupid accidents -
It must have been when I was about... Seven or eight, maybe; my parents and I were on holiday somewhere in Switzerland (I think?) and there was this quarry where you could rent hammers and chisels to dig for actual fossils. So cool.
We all had a blast, all three of us being quite interested in paleontology.
My father was somewhere at the other side of the quarry, my mom a little more nearby and I was just making my way towards that big ass ammonite fossil-
And trip.
Enter the rock in front of me, chiseled and hammered into a blade comparable to a freakin' razor blade in all its savage sharpness.
So I fall with my hand right onto that rock and cut it open deep enough to make it look like the top of a bread roll.
Got a beautiful scar across my hand as a souvenir and problems with occasional pain in my hand.
Great day, great day...
Time to continue that story here-
So after it happened I immediately felt my hand feeling cold and wet. Knowing that I faint when I see blood, I stumbled to mom, hand pressed to my thigh, and showed it to her like "Mum... Did I cut myself or something?"
Her response was a Juicy "Holy fuck!" and then she ran to get my father to the car. After she had applied a pressure bandage (hand cut open like that bleeds like friggin heck, I learned that day), we drove off to find a doc as my hotdog-hand clearly needed stitches. Well after seeking for what felt like ages (and me panicking for hours straight), we finally found one (don't ask me why we didn't head for a hospital, I have no idea).
Now this... Man, well, let's say his practice was closed but he opened it for me, so that was great. What wasn't great was what followed-
You see, normally, when you inject the local anesthetic, you kind of... Go around the injury with multiple little painless insertions. Not so this man, who rammed the needle right into the injury and turned and twisted the needle around in there.
My father later told me he could hear me scream on the road in front of the building.
At that moment I at first saw nothing but black and white spots before it kind of just... Shoved me into an out of body experience. I couldn't control my own body anymore, I was numb and unable to move and still I felt the metal ripping through my flesh.
In the end he stitched it up and everything healed just perfectly but it left me with a trauma and fear of doctors and syringes.
I've suffered through numerous things with limited to no anesthesia - childbirth, twice, meningitis, tooth extraction, various treatments for cancer, a marrow sample, a whole slew of terrifying things.

I do think, though, that bone pain - from anything - is the worst in my experience. Which makes no sense as bones technically don't have pain receptors? Maybe that's why it hurts so bad, the other stuff around it just radiates so bad.

Tooth pain is a close second, though, since its so close to your brain and you definitely get sympathy signals from your sinuses, jaw, throat, etc.

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