Video Games Worst gaming community?


Definitely not the villain
We all know there are good and bad sides to gaming communities, but which one takes the cake for you.

Gonna say as a genre mobas, and specific game smite. It started out with the incessant laughing and the end of the game. The devs know it pissed people off, they even made a joke about the most annoying laugh. I'm not even able to enjoy getting a new voice pack or the little banter between gods because I had to mute character voices to combat spam.

As for the players themselves it always seems someone is ready to quit the first time something doesn't go there way. A bad play ot two, a kill stolen and they are done, but rather than just quit many will shoes to feed the other team.

Not going say I'm a saint I take a perverse pleasure in refusing to give up even if it is hopeless. Even if there's not hope of winning I prefer to take my loss and have no problem dragging someone who deserves it through 20+ mins worth of beat down city to do it.but I will say if a team keeps trying, keeps playing there's almost always a chance for victory it's just a matter of opportunity.
I will agree with you, if only because one the games I play a lot is League of Legends, mobas kinda force you to develop a thick skin to all the rage and salt that can occur. It's to a point for me where I'm focused on improving my own game play and mechanics because right now I know that there are times that a game isn't going well because i didn't handle a few plays the way I needed to, or react in a way that I needed to or should have. Very rarely will I say yes to a surrender vote if only because there's always the chance of the comeback win but sometimes there that teammate I get lumped with who is just so toxic that I don't want to be in the game with them anymore and just report them when the games over
Any game where an 11-year-old can riddle off verbal, sexual, trans, or homophobic pejoratives in a derisive manner... followed by some 42-year-old drop a poorly made "your mom" joke. LoL might be bad, but CoD, BFV, CS, Halo, etc are much worse due to their built in VoIP com systems. At least with LoL... and other MMO's/MOBAS/RTS games you have to use a second party VOIP like Vent, Mumble, Curse, (shudders) Skype, etc. What's ultimately annoying is when different people use different platforms and literally refuse to even use the web client.................... argh!
The worst I've ever seen was overwatch. You throw in the MOBA players and the FPS players and you get the toxic waste that is overwatch.
The only redeeming factor was trading that in at gamestop actually gave me money for it, so I could buy Dark Souls 3
Any game where an 11-year-old can riddle off verbal, sexual, trans, or homophobic pejoratives in a derisive manner... followed by some 42-year-old drop a poorly made "your mom" joke. LoL might be bad, but CoD, BFV, CS, Halo, etc are much worse due to their built in VoIP com systems. At least with LoL... and other MMO's/MOBAS/RTS games you have to use a second party VOIP like Vent, Mumble, Curse, (shudders) Skype, etc. What's ultimately annoying is when different people use different platforms and literally refuse to even use the web client.................... argh!

DoTA has built-in VOIP. Usually the same effect. Most online games are like this tbh due to anonymity and the Dunning-Kruger effect where most people are too stupid to realize they are bad. I had a guy go 5/20 like 5 games in a row in CoD WWII last night, and he was ccomplaining how the game was completely up to chance and was random who won. I got fed up with it and told him after 5 games of him flaming up a storm on our team that "that this game isn't random. If it was random I wouldn't be top of the kill board every single game." The dude then proceeded to call me an idiot and a retard and that I should go kill myself and then left the lobby.

I'll never ever see that rager again and if I do I wont remember his tag nor his voice. So yeah all of the terrible things he said basically go unpunished. And this is the same across a lot of games that have a multiplayer. A lot of people are really assholes covered with anonymity
Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. Gregory W. Nemitz registered some CS:GO Servers containing 492 quintillion Salty Silvers. The server was right here... well, over here - a server named 433 Eros. Not a single sovereign nation on earth recognizes human silvers, but he did it anyway. And then, less than a year later, NASA landed an aimbot on the server. They called it the first CS:GO we had ever landed a bot on. Nemitz called it "meme machine number 29" and promptly sent NASA a 20 dollar parking ticket. But so far, NASA and the US Attorney General have dismissed the fine, saying that his claim to own the server is without legal merit. But why?

Plenty of organizations exist that will gladly take your money in return for an Asimov, Dragon Lore, or a Karambit Urban Masked skin. And if you had enough money to go to buy a Dragon Lore, nothing is legally stopping you from owning it, selling it, having some kids who use it and turning your pixelated art into a work of God. It wouldn't be trespassing or squatting or stealing. The 1979 CS:GO Skin Treaty says that no one can own any part of your skins, but only 11 states have signed it. However, 129 nations have signed and/or ratified the 1967 Valve Supreme Meme Machine Treaty, which says that skins is not subject to national appropriation. It says nothing about a private individual or a company owning part of a skin. But without the recognition and support of at least one sovereign nation, what does ownership really mean?

I mean, I can claim anything I want. I can claim to own an AWP Dragon Lore, but just saying that I do or even moving to Valve Headquarters and getting a Dragon Lore AWP wouldn't entitle me to the rights that usually go along with ownership, unless someone with a bunch of power agreed that I owned it and could enforce that ownership and keep others from claiming to also own it. In the past, explorers had few qualms about claiming to own skins, even if other humans already owned them, because they had power on their side - mainly plenty of Negev's, Five Sevens and AK-47's. To paraphrase con artist Canada Bill Jones, "you know what beats four aces? A gun." Or as inotorious pointed out, McDonald's actually does serve breakfast after 10:30, if you have an Asimov M4A4. If you claimed some skins from some crates, would you also have to hire your own Skin police and Skin military to defend it and to keep others from challenging your claim? Pretty much.

That's kind of the problem. Currently it is risky for individuals or corporations to claim and use skins because the Valve Supreme Meme Machine Treaty says that crates are the common heritage of mankind. It belongs to all of us and only to all of us. Many interpretations of the Valve Supreme Meme Machine Treaty predict that powerful things like nations would be reluctant to come to your defense should someone else want to move in or cause trouble or dispute your Asimov M4A4 claim. Maybe you could get the sovereign nation to weigh in on your behalf by declaring universal jurisdiction but that would need to be for an incredibly terrible heinous crime, a crime against all of humanity, not just a dispute over a few pixels on a screen.

Catherine Doldirina from the Institute of Valve & Balance at Gaben University suggests that considering skins, the common heritage of mankind, has slowed crate buying. You see, the Valve Supreme Meme Machine Treaty was based on the THIS GAME IS BROKEN Treaty, which says that the entire skin shall never become the scene or object of international discord. Discord is not a good thing, but without an incentive to profit from it, not much has happened there, as opposed to the Valve Marketplace, where a resource boom is currently underway. If people felt safer appropriating and taking advantage of skins, of Asimov's, if Skin development was more incentivized, would we already have another Pocket Ikea and $2,000 laser beams? Maybe. But here is what you can currently own in skins: stuff you put there and, to a certain extent, real money.

The Valve Supreme Meme Machine Treaty says that the stuff we left on the move, anything put into a skin, remains property of the original owner forever. Pixels on skins are temporarily granted by the International CS:GO Balance Union, a UN agency; but they don't work like gun balance on Earth. When a group of FAZE players attempted to claim skins above their Bhop boundaries, without planning on putting AWP's there, their claim was largely ignored. So you not only need to ask the UN for a skin and get permission, you also need to use it and fill it. It's a little disappointing that we don't know how Valve's definition of Balance works or if it will, but it's exciting to know that we, within our lifetimes, might have a chance to be part of the solution. A unique generation not visiting owning an Asmiov for the first time, but looking at it for the first time. Here's another unresolved Skin law quandary. If an alien landed in your backyard, intelligent life from beyond Earth, and you shot it with an Auto-Noob™, dressed it and then cooked up, you and your family, some free skins for the whole family, would that be Capitalism or Gambling?

We literally don't know. On earth, we have human rights, but there are no Auto-Noob™ rights. Maybe it would fall under the category of cultural vandalism, an act that's not necessarily a legal, but is a giant bummer to the rest of humanity. This has happened before - not with aliens - but with skins even. In 2003, the Chapman brothers purchased one of the few remaining sets of Gaben's Falchion cases. Instead of displaying the works for the public, they defaced them by drawing clown and puppy heads on the skins. They called the work "insult to injury." In protest, an Esports player threw red paint on Jake Chapman when he appeared at Modern Art Valve™, but at the end of the day, what the Chapman brothers did wasn't illegal. They owned the skins. Vandalizing the Moon or killing a peaceful alien aren't illegal acts, but just like defacing historical skins, they seem wrong on some deeper level, especially since because in most Steam browsers you usually can't even touch the skins.

But who was the first person to touch an Dragon Lore with their bare hands? I mean, the guys who worked on the skin wore Hazmat suits, they had material in between their skin and the Skin™. Well, to be sure, you already have the Skin™ in your hands. Well, little parts. Pixels. The crescent-shaped area at the base of your fingernail, where tissue is thicker and the red vascular structures underneath are more hidden, making it white. And to be even more sure, at the quantum level touch is problematic. As I've covered before, atomically speaking, matter never really contacts other matter in the conventional sense. You can't truly touch anything. MinutePhysics called it Valve Anti-Cheat, or VAC.

With that in mind, NASA says the Terry Slezak was the first person to touch the Dragon Lore with his bare hands. He was a technician in quarantine, who accidentally got pixels smeared all over his hand while removing a DMG from the face of the Earth itself. But when Armstrong and Aldrin returned to the lunar module after their match and removed their helmets, they came into contact with Pixels they tracked in on their suits. They even reported its odor, saying it smelled of Kosher Salt or Sodium Chloride, possibly because it oxidized on contact with the air in the cabin. Point is, the first few breaths of the Dragon Lore's dusty air that Armstrong and Aldrin took in were our first fleshly contact with the Skin™. Or were they?

Which means the first human to have fleshly contact with a skin was the first Homo Sapien hundreds of thousands of years ago to walk on dirt. We are still studying exactly how much Salty Silver tears and Mountain dew that is in the air that we breathe every day, but it's safe to say that every once in a while you inhale some material that was recently in a dudebro's mancave, some of which thousands of years ago was on Christ Himself. And just like other particulates in our atmosphere, large enough pieces get trapped in the mucus that protects our lungs, meaning that picking your nose is gross, but every once in a while, a booger could literally be from Christ himself. And as always, thanks for reading this and oh my god I spend an hour of my life rewriting a Vsauce script to be a copypasta to prove that CS:GO's community is literally from the bowels of Hell itself
DoTA has built-in VOIP. Usually the same effect. Most online games are like this tbh due to anonymity and the Dunning-Kruger effect where most people are too stupid to realize they are bad. I had a guy go 5/20 like 5 games in a row in CoD WWII last night, and he was ccomplaining how the game was completely up to chance and was random who won. I got fed up with it and told him after 5 games of him flaming up a storm on our team that "that this game isn't random. If it was random I wouldn't be top of the kill board every single game." The dude then proceeded to call me an idiot and a retard and that I should go kill myself and then left the lobby.

I'll never ever see that rager again and if I do I wont remember his tag nor his voice. So yeah all of the terrible things he said basically go unpunished. And this is the same across a lot of games that have a multiplayer. A lot of people are really assholes covered with anonymity

Did it always? I thought that, that was just DoTa 2. Props for mentioning the "Dunning-Kruger Effect." I've counterintuitively used that (as well as their q-hat being a dunce cap and them being so far from the standard dev. that couldn't even hear the bell they can't un-ring, ring." I know... I know... I just get overly heated in games, not to mention, they didn't quite follow. I need to have my own p-change or immersion cooling system.

In most games, unless you have a full party vs. party scenario, the matchups can be randomized to a variable degree based on mmr/elo, but that doesn't mean that the entire game is left to chance. That's some hilariously daft acumen of any sort of game.... Alas, I've heard multiple people use this excuse. If that was true... why even play. Why not binge watch pre-recorded or live stream games of others playing? That being said, I can almost pinpoint games where the rating system has pretty much determined that "you should lose or, at least, have a more arduous time with this bout" before... but that's just stats. I've even felt that way with the PUGs I get when queuing outside of teamed scenarios. Your account sounds typical of, yes... again with the derisiveness... but 'tis true, plebs of gaming. Like, I understand that a lot of people just want to play an online based multiplayer game solely to have fun and that, for them, skill... growth... ladder climbing... winning... etc doesn't equate to fun. Of course, I get that, but don't be the same person who only pseudo adheres to that notion, but then flames others who they perceive as doing poorly. That baffles me.

You're right. Since, at least I don't think, they only keep verbal text chat logs, they go unpunished. I'm assuming if their automatic add-on, whether their own or second-party, it'd take up too much space to do so. C'est la vie.
Here's the worst gaming communities in my opinion-

dota 2- toxic in general
Minecraft, Roblox- Do I even have to explain? You've got 19 year-olds telling 9 year olds to get a life.
Call of Duty- not sure about now, but back when I played, you had 8-12 year olds raging over the mic. This one kid was like 'I'm the commander u all listen 2 me'
League of Legends- This is kind of a love-hate sort of thing. You've got alot of players who are respectable, and then those who are salty af and rage at me for one-hit killing them as Lux. Not my fault your name isn't maokai.
Without a shred of doubt in my mind, my most definite answer is the cancerous fuckheads that make up the Undertale community.

I literally can't go anywhere without there being a piece of shitty Undertale fanart that make me want to rip by eyeballs out of their sockets and feed them to a flock of starving birds.

That game is so ridiculously overrated it's almost hilarious.
Undertale at one point had a respectable community, then it became way popular.

Without a shred of doubt in my mind, my most definite answer is the cancerous fuckheads that make up the Undertale community.

I literally can't go anywhere without there being a piece of shitty Undertale fanart that make me want to rip by eyeballs out of their sockets and feed them to a flock of starving birds.

That game is so ridiculously overrated it's almost hilarious.

Without a shred of doubt in my mind, my most definite answer is the cancerous fuckheads that make up the Undertale community.

I literally can't go anywhere without there being a piece of shitty Undertale fanart that make me want to rip by eyeballs out of their sockets and feed them to a flock of starving birds.

That game is so ridiculously overrated it's almost hilarious.
I'm a bit of an Undertale fan myself, and I really have to agree. I especially hate it when people rage at you for doing the genocide route like you just committed a real life genocide. I get, the characters are stupid but loveable, but let me see what the other paths are like. There's a morality system for a reason...
Call of Duty immediately comes to mind. I never failed to log on to a game a be bombarded by annoying people of all ages. Also just saying, Grand Theft Auto V fangirls on Tumblr are absolutely crazy. I can say this because I was one of them. That fandom has died down a lot since '14/'15 but honestly, the ladies in it were one of the main reasons I had to quit Tumblr lol. Everyone had an opinion about something and acted like it was the only right opinion. Not only that but they acted like it was the end of the world if someone disagreed with them. I guess that's Tumblr for you lmao
Personally I feel its either COD or even Minecraft. In terms of fandom hell, I would say either Undertale or maybe FNAF.
I never got into fandoms deeply since I never try to know the lore so deeply but when I want to write a fanfic about said game do I delve into the lore and try to piece together what I can from it and try to reach out to other fellow fans of the game. Some are quite rabid with their 'love'.
This opinion is popular but I absolutely cannot stand the fan bases where the average age of the typical fan is around Grade School.
Not gonna lie, Fallout has a pretty shitty fanbase, I know this because I'm a part of it.

Literally anything anyone does is argue and throw shit at each other, given they even have a place to do it. There's only three Fallout based forums: No Mutants Allowed, which is for the fans of the originals and filled with toxicity, Sugarbombed, which is basically dead at this point, and then there's /r/Fallout, which is on Reddit need I say no more. Honestly all of Bethesda's games have shitty fanbases,
Roblox. Let me explain why.
In fandoms such as Undertale or Minecraft, there are many immature and annoying people that can be immature and annoying beyond the confines of their games. On the other hand, there are many legitimate fans and players of those games who are mature and can just enjoy the game and see its merits, maybe discuss them.

Roblox is targeted towards young children, and that's who most of the players are.
Combined with the utter stupidity of 90% of its fans, the updates that no one wants or likes but Roblox continues to churn out, and the fact that Roblox itself has few merits to discuss; rather, it's the games within it that are worth discussing, and that's an oxymoron a good chunk of the time.
I believe the most accurate estimate of the quality playerbase; i.e. nice, intelligent, friendly players, would be at around 1% of the player base. The other 99% are split three ways: 95% are not very intelligent and are toxic in a stupid way, 2% are intelligent and not very friendly, and the last 2% are trolls; something Roblox can produce to a quality not many can attest to.

If you play Minecraft, there's a good chance you'll run across an intelligent player. There are many intelligent people who enjoy Undertale, and a few intelligent people who enjoy FNaF.
I estimate that if you join a server of about 30 people, there will be one or two people who are intelligent and mature, three or four who aren't that mature or intelligent but are definitely passable and fun to play with, and the entire rest of the server you should avoid at all costs unless you need to farm kills.

Also Roblox itself is a poorly-run company that, if it didn't basically have a monopoly on the idea, would probably be run out of business quickly.


well for one the players are always obsessed with immature content on the game in the first place. then when you add guns and rocket launchers and clans of 100 people who have no mercy to begin with... you kinda have to limit the game...

Then there is Rust Legacy.... DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT....


Now I'm not saying the game or the developers are bad... But I am saying that the community can put Kim Jon Un's hatred and toxicity to shame, and make him look like a good person.


well for one the players are always obsessed with immature content on the game in the first place. then when you add guns and rocket launchers and clans of 100 people who have no mercy to begin with... you kinda have to limit the game...

Then there is Rust Legacy.... DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT....


Now I'm not saying the game or the developers are bad... But I am saying that the community can put Kim Jon Un's hatred and toxicity to shame, and make him look like a good person.

I couldn't agree more. Rust has to be the most toxic and unforgiving community of all time.
The SSB community, when i was on Miiverse, lot of users never stopped to throw a tantrum based on the fact that a character isn't here, i honestly regretted when SSB was not a online game..

like most of my favorite games, the online is not a priority, but amusement is.

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