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Finished [Worlds Training] Wax on, Wax off


One Thousand Club
New Eris.png

??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57


Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions.
Worlds training temple .png
Tucked away far in the mountains stood a temple that had stood the testament of time. Many travelers would make the trip to the temple with the chance to seek knowledge or train with the temple's inhabitants. The path to the temple is a long arduous road, many monsters reside on the path going up the mountain. Many travelers meet their end, or the lucky ones pay for protection to make the trip. If the rumors are to be believed, the monks of the temple have been said to harbor secrets and knowledge that rivals even that of the gods. With this rumor for centuries, the area has been well-traveled, and many have attempted to gain the fruit the temple has to offer. However, even fewer have ever been able to obtain it.

Now, the path up to the Temple is deep in the mountains. Occasionally, ropes are placed on the path's edges to prevent people from falling off. Some parts of the path are so steep that a rope has been attached to the mountain to help ascend it. There is also the occasional grave site with no name written on the stone. Upon reaching the first summit, the travelers are greeted with the main temple grounds. Monks are training in the courtyards with staves and various other weapons. The sounds of their striking echoed in the courtyard; some sat in the shade, meditating or playing a board game of some kind.

The travelers were slowly gathering in the center of the central courtyard, where an elevated platform had been erected. A woman with brown hair, amber eyes, and horns stood on it. She held a spear in her left hand as she waited for the pilgrims to travel. "Welcome to Hang-Yu Temple, if you are here to say you made the trip, please head to the buildings on your right, lodging will be provided for you while you stay. For those who are looking to join the temple please proceed to the courtyard on your left," She pointed to each location as she spoke and the crowd filtered to either direction leaving two individuals left, Yume and Hunter standing in front of the platform.

The woman on the platform gave the two a confused look, "Did you come in late or are you here to attempt the trial of knowledge?"



Questions: are there any wall-clip strats I should know about? What about movement tech? Is the random number generator deterministic, and if so, have we developed a method to crack the seed yet?

The scene was truly serene. A peaceful, quiet place to stop, meditate, and ruminate on the many mysteries of life. Into this picturesque wonder of spiritual tourism, a young lady barreled down the path, her spring-like hair bouncing wildly. "Hi, excuse me, sorry! Oops—I hope that monk stick thing wasn't expensive—I'll pay you back later!" Yume's running grew more tired and frantic, but she kept up a surprisingly fast pace for how exhausted she looked.

Upon reaching the central courtyard, she impatiently danced in place, her weight shifting from one foot to the other every second as she waited for horn-lady to finish speaking—gah, she talked so slow!! Finally, the crowd of SLOW people moved SLOWLY out of the way, allowing Yume to push through and seize horn-woman's hands.

"Hi, yes, trial of knowledge, me—" short pause to breathe "—let's go!" she sputtered out, practically vibrating with impatience. "Are you coming, pointy-ears?"

Hunter had headed up the mountain, slowly trekking. After his last escapade, he decided that he would probably need to train to get stronger. The tension between the fae see and the east didn’t particularly help his situation either. He had started getting death threats and more and moire angry or disgusted faces pointed at him, some even outright refusing his services. And that’s when the bad news had come. His manager had sit him down in his lone office, the fan above them moving slowly and rickety. He had said some stuff that he didn’t really pay attention too, until he said a sentence that would haunt his nightmares forever. “We need to let you go.” He had begged and begged and begged, but his manager had an iron fist. This would mean the only way he could get cash were private smithing services (he didn’t know anyone) or, start monster killing. And if he needed to kill monsters, he needed training. And here he was. “Uhh, the trial of knowledge? I think that’s what it’s called.” He frowned a bit at the girls rude nickname for him "Delighted to meet you too."

saxon saxon Tau Tau
New Eris.png

??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57


Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions.

Takina watched as the girl with tornado hair called the other individual, taking the trail of pointy ears. There was some confusion for a moment in her eyes as she brought her hand to her chin. Letting out a sigh she tapped the butt of the spear against the ground three times as a large gust of wind came down from the mountain blowing cold air into the faces of Hunter and Yume. "Follow me for the trial of knowledge, let me warn you now that it is not for the faint of heart. Many have tried and failed some it even cost them their lives," She explained before motioning for the two to follow her as they moved across the courtyard and over a bridge at the far end that led to a large wooden gate.

"Once you pass through the gate the trial will begin with the first trial right on the other side. Should you wish to remove yourself from the trial let me know and someone will guide you back to the temple here. Now, if you will follow me once again," Takina stated as she walked toward the gate; as the trio approached, the doors slowly opened, revealing a smaller courtyard that was maybe 20x40 ft in size. In this courtyard stood several striking dummies, some of them looked like they had seen better days. Once the group was through the gate the doors slowly shut behind them.

"This is the Trial of prowess probably the most simple and straightforward of the trials. Simply channel mana, strike a dummy with your strongest ability, if you strike true the dummy will glow green signaling that you have passed and then we shall move onto the next trial further up the mountain ending all the way at the building at the top," Takina explained as she waited for them to begin the trial.



"Aww, no nickname? Have some imagination~" Yume giggled at the elf guy. "Ah well, nice to meet you too— anyway, let's go!"

Yume followed the horn lady uncomfortably close, hoping that her abundance of impatient energy would push her to move forward a bit faster. "Wait, it killed people!? What kinda wisdom is this!?" she answered. Once they'd reached the gate, Yume gulped, pausing for the first time in several minutes, before steeling herself and charging in.

"Okay, got it! Sounds easy enough," Yume spoke quickly, nodding, and whipping out her wand. Holding it forward, she unleashed a flurry of raw magic blasts at the dummy. "Show me the green, dummy!"

  • Magic - Magic E - (Single skill ability) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Basic Catalyst attack (combo)
  • Basic Catalyst attack (combo)

“Shu! Shu! Shu! Am I late for the tour…? Sorry, the wind shifted on me halfway up!” A young Aerial girl alighted in the inner courtyard, as oblivious to the walls and gates as she had been to the perilous climb and ground-bound monsters that had plagued the others who had made the journey to the temple.

“Oh, no wai! It's an interactive experience?! Neat!” She bubbled as one of the other tourists began abusing a training dummy with magic strikes.

We get to wail on real practice dummies used by real monks!?? Too cool! Miiya thought.

“Yeah! Yfretting kill that guy, blondie!” She cheered on Yume. “I heard him say somethin’ mean about yer momma!”

Noticing the tour guide giving her a dour look, Miiya blanched. “Shu! More punching, less talking, right? Okay! Here goes!!” She crowed.

Miiya engaged one scuffed dummy with a crescent kick followed by two rabbit punches, darting in for a knee to where a human groin would be, followed by a front kick to the chest that saw her use the momentum of the attack to backflip away, opening range between herself and the dummy.

Miiya's wings snapped out and she drove in with a gusty flap, punching the dummy mid-face with a closed-fist strike intended to break noses and liberate teeth.

Miiya launched skyward with a powerful flap. “Yah!! Take that yew sack of evil burlap and wood! Just try to give me carpet burn and splinters while I'm up here! Haha!” she shouted from on high.

Action 1: Combo Attack F - Natural Weapons F, Strength E, Acrobatics F, Linked(+1) 0 Round Cool-down
Action 2: Thunderpunch F(Energized) - Natural Weapons F, Strength E, Flight F, 0 round cool-down.

Attack 1 [F] 1+2+1+1(linked)
Attack 2 (Energized) [F] +1
Effectiveness: 6

Movement 3(Energized): Flight F - up 30’, 0 round cool-down

Movement 3 [F] - Attempt to fly 30 feet in the air.

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??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Irihi Irihi


Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions. Skips: 1 Hunter.

Irihi: You base effectiveness: Grade of item (natural weapon F +1), Grade of stat (Strength +2), Grade of ability (F +1) = 4. Energized and link do not give you effectiveness increases Also you need at least 2 weapons for linked to work properly. Linked increases the damage dealt by +1 on a successful hit. to add effectiveness together, the attacks need to be combined by stating they will follow in tandem in your actions. If you use a skill by itself, that does count as an action. So you went over your action economy by 1 since your attack two would have costed 2 actions.

Takina simply nodded her head as Yume spoke. She found no reason to really answer the additional questions as the trial was straightforward. She watched as Yume struck the training dummy with three successive attacks. However the dummy didn't turn green at all not in the slightest. "If you wish to continue on the path you are going to have to use your strongest ability. We can't just let everyone on the path think of all the deaths that might occur," Takina stated as she started to strike the air with her spear.

Then came the new arrival, who had flown down from above. She watched as the winged woman started to strike the dummy. However, unlike Yume's, her's would turn green. However the moment she tried to go up into the air, she felt a sudden sickness and couldn't get off the ground. She would start to feel as if she was going to puke, as it seemed she exhausted herself. "Take care not to tire yourself too much yet, the next trial will be in the Hall of Mirrors; proceed up the path to the tower up the path and the next trial will start. Be ready, for only you know your worst enemy," She concluded.

Takina then turned to Hunter who was still just standing there. "Are you having second thoughts now?" She inquired, looking at the other fae that had been here from the start. There was still much to do and if he was going to quit now, now was the time to do so.

When Miiya entered the Hall of Mirrors, she noticed a distinct lack of mirrors except for one on the far wall. The wooden tower's beam shot up to the roof, and if she looked up, she could see the wooden beams that decorated the ceiling above, revealing that there were more floors above her.



Yume glared at the dummy as it failed to light. It was obvious what was needed, but she loathed it. "Fiiiine," she groaned, stepping forward and circling around to the back of the dummy, pressing her palm to it and channeling the curse. She then gave it a couple, disgruntled punches for good measure.

  • Memory Sink - Stealth D, Telepathy F - Yume exits public view and attempts to erase any memory of her existence from those in conversation range. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Basic attack (combo)
  • Basic attack (combo)

  • E: 1
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saxon saxon Tau Tau Irihi Irihi

Mana. He didn't use it a lot, but he knew his hammer had mana..Didn't it? He didn't wanna embarrass himself or anything and-. Hunter snapped back to reality as the tall woman asked him the question. He sighed "S-Sorry. Old habits die hard I guess." He Charged at the dummy, igniting his hammer and swinging at the dummy's head with full force, his muscles clearly bulging. He then kicked it in the chest, before hitting it in the head with the hammer once more. "I-I hope that was enough.."

  • Rose flame - (Fighting style) Blight (fire) F- Causes a fire to ignite that causes bad 2nd degree burns. Cool to the touch, but very bright. A pink flame-Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Basic Attack

Miiya staggered back from the training dummy as she felt a twinge in her chest. Musta misjudged something she thought as she folded her wings and straightened, pressing a hand over her palpitating heart. The climb up the mountain and getting overexcited had caused her to overdo it. It wasn’t bad, but she knew pushing herself further could deepen the slight arrhythmia she was feeling, and prevent her from completing the tour. “Yeah, thanks.” She said to the guide, who was encouraging the drill-haired girl and the other tourist to get their dummies to light up.

Despite her little foul-up, Miiya was feeling kinda proud that she had been the first to get the practice dummy lit. Taking a moment to recover, she took a pull from her water skein and closed her eyes, feeling her heart settle back into a normal sinus rhythm. Then, she followed the horned tour guide’s instructions to proceed up the path and into the tower at the end.

“Trial? Hall of mirrors? OMG this is so awesome! Miiya whispered to herself, bobbing on the balls of her feet and trying to restrain her enthusiasm.

“I mean, there’s a mirror and a hallway.” She consoled herself upon reaching the Hall of Mirrors “So it’s not, like, a misnomer or anything.” She said. “It’s probably hard, even for badass fighting monks, to haul mirrors all the way up here without breaking them.” She reasoned, imagining the steep mountain trails to the temple being littered with shards of broken glass and bad luck. That thought made her giggle, and she strolled into the tower in a buoyant mood.

“My own worst enemy?” Miiya repeated to herself as she inspected the ornate woodwork on the pillars and beams of the hall. As she wandered the hall, she hummed absently and murmured a few snatches of a popular tune she sometimes performed at the market.

“...don’t lemme get mee…”

She looked up and considered flying to one of the upper floors. “Mm… better not.” Grounders sometimes thought it was rude when you didn't take the stairs. “Build a big yfretting atrium and then don’t let anybody fly around in it.” She groused, remembering a certain unfortunate experience in a fancy hotel in Okiro and keeping her wings tightly folded.

“...I’m my own worst enemy…”

“...I wanna be somebody else.”

“Frett! Now it’s totally stuck in my head! Thanks a lot, horny lady.”
Miiya groused to herself without any real vitriol. She liked the song, and it seemed appropriate, though she figured she’d better not go “fight a war the mirror,” like in the song. “After all, they’ve only got one![/i]” She laughed, picturing the look on the tour guide’s face if she broke the only mirror to make it up the mountain intact.

“...Never win first place…”

“...Don’t support the team…”

Miiya approached the mirror, but gave it a wide berth. She really didn’t want to accidentally break stuff and get in trouble.

“Ohmigod, what is taking the rest of them so looong?” she grumbled quietly, preening a little in the mirror. It’s three people. Does the tour take, like, six days when there’s a group of twelve? Miiya wondered to herself.

“...hmm hmm--direction, and my socks are never clean…”


Action 1: Movement: Miiya enters the Hall of Mirrors

Action 2: Miiya inspects the ground floor of the structure.

Action 3: Miiya judges like aways admires her reflection in the mirror.


??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Irihi Irihi

1/2. used Combo Attack (F) - 0 Cooldown - Fighting Style F, Flight F, Acrobatics F, Linked F - Miiya can chain strikes from her fists, palms, elbows, knees, wings, and forehead. None of them are particularly powerful, but in rapid succession they are disoriented and painful to an adversary. Base Effetiveness: 4
3. Thunder Mach Punch- Fighting Style F Acrobatics F, Energized F - Miiya punches a lot harder than you'd expect from someone who weighs a buck, soaking wet. Jumping up into the air using the momentum to strike at her target. Base Effectiveness: 4

Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions. Skips: 1 Hunter. Surprise Combat!
3 Action economy only applies during combat.

Takina watched as the Yume attempted to get the dummy to glow, which this time it did glow green and when Hunter struck the dummy it also turned green. "Please proceed to the Hall of Mirrors, the next trial will be up there. I will guide those that pass the next trial upon their exit from the hall." Takina stated as a cloud of mist blew in front of her and she did appeared from sight of the last two at the first trial. They would be able to head up to the next trial in the hall.

As Miiya wondered around the hall and eventually up to the mirror, the reflection waved back at her for a moment before stepping out of the mirror. Taking shape, and an identical likeness to the real Miiya. Then without warning the clone use Combo attack and quickly followed up by jumping into the air and attempting to bring a punch down at the real Miiya.

I've seen--and been in--enough plays to know what this is. Miiya thought. “Yer my evil doppelganger, right?” Miiya tried not to act as freaked out as she was.

As she backed away from her advancing image, she stammered “Y-your shoelace is untied.” Miiya pointed, as did Mirror Miiya… Mi… Miirror? Miirrorya? “Shu… frett, is it really?” She glanced down, falling for her own stupid trick, and then Miiror was on her.

Miiya didn't have much of a defense against someone as small and quick as herself, but she attempted to dodge the strikes of her doppelganger nonetheless.

“Every day…geh!”
“I fight a…hup!”
“War against the--yikes!...mirror”

Singing helped set her at ease. It was, after all, only her. I shouldn't be so hard on myself, Ha! She dodged the down coming thunderpunch--or at least tried to.
Her defense wasn't perfect and it would leave her a bit battered.

Tasting blood and tonguing a loosened tooth, she growled:
“Cant take the person staring back at me”

So saying, she launched a retaliation with a series of strikes, hoping that--like her--the doppelganger had overdone it and would be too tired to dodge.

“Cuz I'm a hazard to myself!”


Action 1: Dodge: Dodgy F, Acrobatics F, Deflect F, Speed F
Effectiveness 2+1(Deflect)=3?

Action 2: Dodge: Dodgy F, Acrobatics F, Deflect F, Precision F
Effectiveness 2+1(Deflect)=3?

Action 3: Combo Attack - well, same as that bitch from the mirror’s, am
irite? 4
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Nodding in satisfaction, Yume gave the green dummy one last slap on the 'head' for good measure, before her attention was called to the lady doing spooky ghost stuff. "Huh, Twiggy never struck me as a ghost... and it's crazy ghosts don't even surprise me anymore. Anyway, thanks if you can still hear me," Yume turned to the stairs and bolted up into the hall of mirrors.

"Hey Birdy, you know this isn't a singing competition, righ— oh no, there's two of them!" Yume lamented, watching as the one took a swing at the other. Noticing the mirror, it didn't take long to piece together what was going on. "Oohhh, I think I get the picture. Bet I can beat up my mirror clone first~" Yume taunted as she ran up to the mirror, but was caught by her own reflection.

"Wow, I keep forgetting how beautiful I am. On second thought, wanna team up, Mirror Yume? It'd be a waste to destroy something so pretty~" Yume said, preening in-between the mirror and the feisty birdgirls.

  • D: 2
Hunter would pump his fist into the air with a silent celebration. He would see the dummy turn green and smile. Hunter would then turn to the stairs, looking at the girl running to the hall of mirrors. "Hey, wait up! I don't want to go alone!" He'd rush behind her, following her to the scene of the two bird things fighting each other. He would look at the mirror, before looking at the clone. "I-Is that her reflection!?!?!" He would look at the mirror, seeing his own reflection in there, before turning away. "Come on! Snap out of it! If we're obviously gonna fight our reflections, we might as well break the mirror before it even has a chance to come out." He would Hold his hammer in his fists, gripping it and aiming it towards the mirror.


Basic attack

??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Irihi Irihi

Clone Miiya:

notes: Dodge ability is 2 A, one to use the ability and Deflect adds another action.
Miiya HP: 0/1

Clone Yume:
1-3. Basic Mana attack effectiveness: 6 per attack
Yume HP: 1/1

Clone Hunter:
1. Used Rose flame - (Fighting style) Blight (fire) F- Causes a fire to ignite that causes bad 2nd degree burns. Cool to the touch, but very bright. A pink flame-Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown Effectiveness: 8
2/3 Basic attacks Base effectiveness: 7
Hunter Hp: 2/2


Overall Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions. Skips: 1 Hunter. Combat!
3 Action economy only applies during combat. A= Actions

Mirror Miiya's strike landed the combo strike, punching Miiya straight in the chest with her fist. The force of the strike caved in her chest, causing Miiya to drop to the ground unconscious. When she was knocked out, the mirror version of Miiya disappeared shortly after Yume and Hunter approached the mirror, and the now-unconscious Miiya behind those closed eyes started to have a dream.

Takina appeared before her on a throne of gold. "Fear not; you are not dead yet; however, you are unconscious. The hall of mirrors, as you saw, created a copy of yourself. Now, you may continue on and attempt to fight it again, or you can return to the main temple," she stated as she crossed her legs, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

The clone Yume started to mimic the real Yume's movement before it decided to strike at pulling out the copy wand as she pulled it out and pointed it at Yume. Mana consolidated at the tip as three balls of mana were shot at Yume from point-blank range.

Then came the hammer, as it made impact with the mirror, it stopped as it was about to come into contact. The reflection of Hunter then came out swinging the hammer using Rose fire. Which then was followed by swinging the hammer toward Hunter two times.
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“Um… yeah, yfrett this shu.” Dream Miiya said. “Your tour sucks ass. I’m out.” She felt terrible. She was weak, she was trash, they would have their way with-- no! Not this time! Nope. Not going there. Yfrett these arflines and their yfretting bullshu temple. Maybe someday she’d have power over them, but that day was not today. There would be a better way; a way that didn’t see her… I’ll send someone stronger to yfretting fucking burn your temple to the ground, and I’ll yfretting fucking laugh as you beg for mercy; I’ll dance on your yfretting fucking graves, you yfretting fucking worms!

Miiya clutched her chest as the afterimage of it collapsing under her own weak strikes struck home. I’ll find someone stronger, and they will yfretting fucking end you!

She said none of this, but the vow was etched on her overstressed Aerial heart, nonetheless. I will find a way to burn your shu shit to the ground. And you will never see it coming. A few bitter tears dotted the dust at the door to the hall of mirrors. The girl who shed them didn’t seem like much of anything; just another stupid, weak, unprepared pilgrim turned away at the gates of hell.

Except she had already been to hell.

And returned, surviving.



Miiya gives up worlds training.
Who she sends in her place, someday, will be much, much worse.

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"You gotta pick up the pace, elfyboy!" Yume called back, turning on her heels and smiling back for a brief moment as they ventured up the stairs. "I have people to support, and I have to get combat ready, yesterday!"

Once in front of the mirror, Yume nearly shrieked as the elf showed a shocking capacity for physical violence. "H-hey! Look what you did! You made her mad!" Yume panicked, scrambling to point her wand and fire back at the assailant's attacks. The knocked-out bird lady behind her only served to elevate her panic.

  • Basic Mana Counterattack
  • Basic Mana Counterattack
  • Basic Mana Counterattack

  • D: 1
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Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Mentions: saxon saxon
The critter trudged resolute as its steps took it one small advance at the time, staircase steps not made for its small stature were either hopped, or as the winds beat against the mountain with ferocity it would begin to hold itself through its clawed hands, slowly attempting to rather climb the steps which it had to take. It hadn't chosen to head this way for any sense of purpose to seek strength, nor out of an ideology of faith. No out of simple curiosity. Certainly it had heard of the test of knowledge, through simple yet very comforting small talk with the understanding indigenous folk around the mountain whom made it a spiritual if not religious journey to make their way up the mountain to see the temple. Talks of strength or else how.

Battered by the winds it stood resolute, and continued onward yet still, it's curiosity deigned to see new horizons which it could only have imagined so far after all. At certain points clambering and climbing upon the ropes themselves, as with its steady grip it attempted to sprint a given distance. As it clambered upon the final odd steps it looked back, its body moving alongside it, to witness the path it has taken so far. A moment of proud joy for the challenge it has endured there coming all the way here now. As it looked around, seeing some monks move about, it stepped further up through the thoroughfare, and began to write upon its small wooden board in a palish green colour dye with its fingers the words "Test of Knowledge". And held it close to its chest, curious to simply wander forwards itself, yet also not wishing to disrespect this place. Given the tone of sanctity the people it had met spoke of it.

A well groomed, very simply dressed, pigkin stepped forwards. Their monk garbs ridding them of any individual expression through fashion, yet adorned still long earrings of beads which dangled from his ears. Their size standing to be over 6 feet in height, and their broad stature intimidating. Yet the soft kind expression on his waxed any sense of danger away from the moment. As the man lowered himself to be closed to the head height of the strange purple creature, though he still needed to look downward. "Come right this way, it must have been quite the journey. Take a short breather. I'll lead you along to where you're meant to go." There was a nod from Watching of Reflection, as it wiped away the watery paint from its wooden board, and began to walk behind slightly to the side of this man. Not asking any questions, as it simply appreciated the sights. Going through the well maintained courtyard and crossing over the bridge to the wooden gate. The man pulled on the doors as they slowly opened, waiting until both has entered to close them once more. "A simple test, a trial of prowess, channel your might and may you strike true."

Watching of Reflection deigned to linger for a moment of the man's face. Though no expression told of why that was. Before grabbing a hold of one of its tail spines, slowly pulling it out of its tail, a thin cord of flesh still connecting the two. As it stood at the ready, it sprinted with quickly movement the distance between it and the dummy. The dummy itself standing taller then it, and so using the momentum its arm moved forwards, lunging with the spine like a spear in an upwards motion to stab it within the abdomen below where the rib cage would be on a person or other creature.

Before it attempted to hold onto the motion, it moved to the side, to pull out the spine from the dummy whilst still moving. Its eyes globally reading where this dummy which had seen better days looked the most worn and torn, as to once more pierce into it. Balancing itself if it had to in an awkward angle through the use of its auxiliary muscled tail.
  1. Movement
  2. Attack - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F,
  3. Attack [Spine Lunge] - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F, Tail
  • Regeneration — 0/0
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??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Giftvi Giftvi


Clone Yume:
1. Mana Attack- Effectiveness: 8
2-3. Basic Mana attack effectiveness: 6 per attack
Yume HP: 1/1

Clone Hunter:
1. Used Rose flame - (Fighting style) Blight (fire) F- Causes a fire to ignite that causes bad 2nd degree burns. Cool to the touch, but very bright. A pink flame-Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown Effectiveness: 8
2/3 Basic attacks Base effectiveness: 7
Hunter Hp: 0/2

Watching Of Reflection Clone:

Watching of Reflection HP: 3/3


Overall Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions. Skips: 2 Hunter. Combat! If you miss a round during combat, you will automatically be hit.
3 Action economy only applies during combat. A= Actions

For Reflection, the dummy would glow green on its second attack the Monk would then motion for the dragon-like creature to follow the path up the the hall of mirrors to begin the next challenge. Meanwhile on Reflections way up to the hall, it would see a bird lady being escorted down back to the main section of the temple. The Hall of Mirrors, it would notice a distinct lack of mirrors except for one on the far wall. The wooden tower's beam shot up to the roof, and if it looked up, she could see the wooden beams that decorated the ceiling above, revealing that there were more floors above it as well as individuals fighting what seemed to be copies of themselves.

Hunter seemed to be dumbstruck as the copy of himself landed a concrete blow knocking him out and he too started to dream just like Miiya had done. Takina appeared before her on a throne of gold. "Fear not; you are not dead yet; however, you are unconscious. The hall of mirrors, as you saw, created a copy of yourself. Now, you may continue on and attempt to fight it again, or you can return to the main temple," she stated as she crossed her legs, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

As for Yume, the mana blasts would meet one another and cause a small explosion. When the smoke had cleared, the clone quickly started another attack as it leveled the wand toward Yume. The first blast this time was much stronger than the last one and quickly followed up with two other blasts.
Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau
Watching of Reflection had already seen the multiple floors and gargantuan size from the outside as it walked through small courtyard, yet still seeing such sizeable buildings, it had a curiosity for every detail which had gone into it like such. The sight of the simplistic yet often detailed interiors. the decorations or sometimes in build artwork at display in such places. Though quickly the little critter's attention had waned elsewhere, as its ears rang from the small explosion inside, its eyes sneering as it witnessed an individual fighting one which was exactly like themselves. Before slowly drifting across to the mirror which stood at the end of the room.

Taking it's time to inspect was in front of it, to understand what was going on. Even if it wasn't difficult to puzzle together witnessing the others. The first test had been a test of physical prowess after all. And in front of it stood another who was fighting their reflection. Yet, perchance it was a little curious if it could have had any other interaction with it's own reflection. It shook it's head. Putting down the small bag which had been slung across its shoulder to hold its wooden board and other belongings, to put down upon the floor. It's thumb already thoughtlessly running across its spine as it approached, a firm grasp.

Taking a detour to avoid the conflict which happened between the other participant and their reflection, It stood in front of the mirror, close enough that the reflection now stood to be at the same height as it, rather then how it had been in the distance. Waiting for the reflection to take its own steps out of the mirror, and be able to move away from the mirror, in it's desire to not accidentally damage what it thought to be a prized possession of this place.

As they stood there together, it rushed to take initiative, and determine the pace of this battle. In this small distance between each other, it lunged forward with a right step, its body weight flowing along with the spine, and using its tail to support what had otherwise been an unbalanced pose. Lunging towards the left side of the doppelgangers abdomen on its right hand side. Anticipating that it would dodge this blow, and that the doppelganger would take a step to its right to move its abdomen away, as such it quickly maneuvered its position after the arm had lengthened entirely, pulling back its right arm and putting weight on its left foot as it rotated 45 degrees to the left.

Once more lunging forward with its spine in a slightly upward trajectory, rather now to pierce where the chest met the clavicle, close to the heart yet so if the blow was off target it may potentially pierce the left shoulder of its doppelganger. Yet it wasn't finished, if it had pierced its doppelganger, rather then pull out the spine it would remain within the wound knowing its own regeneration, and use its left hand which had been used for balance and no more to pull out another spine from its tail, striking toward its doppelgangers right hand knowing it had little time to make any significant blow, instead to hopefully keep it on the back foot and refrain it from making an easy blow in return.
  1. Attack - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F
  2. Attack [Spine Lunge] - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F, Tail
  3. Attack - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F
Effectiveness: 2 (Multiple Attacks) + 1 (Ability F) + 3 (Stat C) + 3 (Item D) = 9 (?)

  • Regeneration — 0/0



Yume frantically waved her wand through the air in return, channeling a strong burst of magic, then another two smaller ones, orbs of sparkling mana flinging through the air to match the clone’s. "I know I said pick up the pace, but th— wh-what in the world is that thing?" Yume interrupted herself as the thing ran past. "Twiggy, you didn’t mention there’d be giant, purple monsters!" she protested.

Even if she wished to run, she couldn’t, as Mirror Yume would obliterate her with her own magic the moment she tried. With the elf and bird both down, her own future was looking a bit shaky. "I thought that death comment was you exaggerating!"

  • Magic Counterattack - 1 post cooldown
  • Basic Mana Counterattack
  • Basic Mana Counterattack
Hunter would stand there, ready to hit the clone. But then, he would flinch. He hadn't actually hit another person yet, just monsters. The blow would knock him clean out, him being honestly surprised that's all it did. He would see the woman on the throne speaking and would hear his options, before screaming. "Take me back!"

??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Giftvi Giftvi


Clone Yume: retreated back to the mirror

Clone Hunter:

Hunter Hp: 2/2

Watching Of Reflection Clone:
  1. Attack - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F
  2. Combo with action 1 Attack [Spine Lunge] - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F, Tail
  3. Combo with action 1 Attack - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F
Effectiveness: 2 (Multiple Attacks) + 1 (Ability F) + 3 (Stat C) + 3 (Item D) = 9
Watching of Reflection HP: 3/3
Notes: for combos in actions must annotate combo with action #X.

Overall Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions. Skips: 2 Hunter. Combat! If you miss a round during combat, you will automatically be hit.
3 Action economy only applies during combat. A= Actions

As the magical attacks clashed again and a plume of smoke once again was created. As the smoke cleared Yume would find herself alone as the clone had disappeared and the door leading out of the hall would open allowing her to move onto the next trial. At the exit Takina was standing off to the side of the path. "Seems like so far one has passed the trial," She stated.

Hunter, after shouting, would wake up on the floor with his clone standing a few feet from him, eager to go another round. Occasionally striking the hammer to its palm in anticipation of what was about to happen next.

The reflection clone quickly counter-attacked, swinging and using the same part of its body to counter the original. The sounds of the two-fighting echoed in the hall as sounds of spikes breaking and clashing. At the end of the first engagement, the two creatures were pushed back a little by the force of their impact. The clone Reflection watching in anticipation for the next volley of attacks.
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Hunter hyped himself up, he had a second chance. "Hell yeah!" He picked up his hammer in his hand, dragging it along the ground and making sparks in an attempt to intimidate his enemy. As he approached, he raised his hammer to give the clone an uppercut, but he wouldn't be finished. He would snap his elbow back, gripping his hammer and rotating his body to let his hammer smash into the enemies skull, a trail of pink flames being left in it's trail.

  • Basic Attack
  • Rose flame - (Fighting style) Blight (fire) F- Causes a fire to ignite that causes bad 2nd degree burns. Cool to the touch, but very bright. A pink flame-Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown



Yume panted heavily, only barely relaxing as the smoke revealed an empty room. Even then, she whirled around, convinced her copy was pulling some trick, but once the door open, she finally recognized the truth.

Approaching the door, Yume crossed her arms. "Jeez, Twiggy, this is too hard! Two of them died! …or maybe they just have concussions, I didn’t really get to look, but they could be! And what was with the purple monster thing!? What wisdom does that teach me!?"

Taking a moment to calm herself, Yume pointed a finger at Takina. "And don’t you say it! I’m going to pass this, no matter how hard it is! So… on we go, I guess. Just maybe call a healer for them or something?"

Looking Twiggy in the eye for a moment, Yume proceeded through the door and onto the next trial.

  • E: 1

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