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Active [Worlds Training] Wax on, Wax off

Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau

Watching of Reflection struggled in its fight, though if it felt satisfaction knowing that such struggle was from fighting itself after all, such was hard to tell at all really in the moment. It had not come here bearing any expectations after all concerning whether or not it passed, simply concerning what it felt like for itself after it had gone through whatever this experience was like. It had so far come across in some facet or another as something of importance for these people to have gone through such effort after all to preserve it here. It stared within the eyes of its clone, looking at the expressions it had only ever witnessed and read from the reflections glazed upon those pools of water which it always looked upon. Holding one of it's spine's within its hand, standing there right in front of itself, the anticipation and tension was palpable upon its skin. It rushed forwards, lunging its long arm from the elbow, from as soon of a distance it could as it hand gripped the utter end of it's spine. Attempting to pierce the arm in which its doppelganger held its weapon, using the moment in hopes of putting the doppelganger on its back-foot even if it did not succeed in piercing its arm by briefly letting go of the spine, its hand shooting up to grab the spine further up as it moved into even closer range putting centimeters between the two of them, as it jutting its spine out twice in quick succession in attempt to pierce the torso of its opponents.
  1. Attack [Spine Lunge] - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F, Tail
  2. Combo with Attack 1 - Natural Weapons D, Strength C
  3. Combo with Attack 1 - Natural Weapons D, Strength C
Effectiveness: 4 (Stat C) + 3 (Item D) + 1 (Ability F) + 2 (Multiple Attacks) = 10

  • Regeneration — 0/0
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??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Giftvi Giftvi


Clone Hunter:
1. Counter basic attack
2. Rose flame - (Fighting style) Blight (fire) F- Causes a fire to ignite that causes bad 2nd degree burns. Cool to the touch, but very bright. A pink flame-Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
3. Basic attack

Hunter Hp: 1/2
Watching Of Reflection Clone:
  1. Attack - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F
  2. Combo with action 1 Attack [Spine Lunge] - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F, Tail
  3. Combo with action 1 Attack - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F
Effectiveness: 2 (Multiple Attacks) + 1 (Ability F) + 4 (Stat C) + 3 (Item D) = 10
Watching of Reflection HP: 2/3
Notes: for combos in actions must annotate combo with action #X. If you have to state you are moving that counts as an action, standard melee range is 5 ft unless you have cores that increase it.

Overall Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions. Skips: 2 Hunter. Combat! If you miss a round during combat, you will automatically be hit.
3 Action economy only applies during combat. A= Actions

"Twigs?" Takina responded as she scratched the top of her head feeling her horns and realizing where the name was coming from. "My name is not twings," She responded as the girl stepped out of the hall and back onto the mountain path that lied on the other side. "As I said before most people don't make it," She replied casualing spinning her spear around from the boredom. When Yume wanted to press on she simply nodded her head. "Though I wouldn't recommend it," she muttered under her breath before looking back at the other two. "They are fine see, oh hey you two in the hall proceed up the path until you find stair going up the mountain the last and final trial is there!" She shouted before starting to guide Yume up the path.

Clone Hunter swung his hammer to the side, coming into contact with Hunter's hammer, canceling out the uppercut. When Hunter brought his hammer above his head, the clone swung his hammer up, coming into contact with the flat part of Hunter's Hammer, causing sparks of fire to shoot out. Not seeing another attack coming its way, it took advantage and swung the hammer at Hunter's knees, coming into contact, and the sound of a cracking sound was heard.

For reflection, its clone would wait until the last second of the original's movement as it swung its tail with its spike, piercing the creature's arm and then using the spike to counter the next two oncoming attacks. The clone, after that bout, disengaged back into the mirror, slowly dissipating back into the void from where it had come. Allowing Reflection to proceed to the next challenge.

For those who were now on the third and final challenge, the steps would lead up to a large temple, upon the two large doors opening to reveal the center of the temple was open to the sky. The center was obviously used for combat of some sort as weapons lined the edges under shaded overhangs. "You have done well thus far to make it this far. However, you have one final trial to pass before you reach the end of this," Takina spoke as her eyes turned from an amber color to white as her form shifted into that of a dragon. "Step into the center when you are ready," The dragon concluded, though this time it was not word of mouth but telepathy.
Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57

Watching of Reflection bowed towards the clone as it slowly began to dissipate into the mirror from which it came, an unsure nod as the experience had ended and it looked towards it wounded arm. The blood dripping from the wound, where the spine has gashed into the skin, revealing the flesh underneath, though luckily no bone nor thick veined areas pierced. Its fingers tensed up as it reassessed the feeling within its hand, and began to walk back towards its leather satchel grabbing from within a thin piece of blue fabric which had been dyed slowly by washed out blood as it folded and tied it around the wound for now. Putting pressure upon the blood flow, before hoisting itself forward. A brief glance went towards Hunter who was busy fighting their own doppelganger, giving them a nod even if likely they had no eye for anything like such, and began to head to the doorway.

Beginning to once more ascend a staircase, behind the other participant and whomever was guiding those participating in the test at this moment. Overlooking the temple from a different vantage point which is took to greatly appreciate for a moment as the adrenaline began to slowly subside from the experience. Though the pain hadn't subsided at all yet. It hadn't taken a great effort to heal its wounds after all, not knowing what might be ahead of it for now.

Slowly approaching the final steps to one of the higher temple buildings, it overlooked the wide open space which stood before it alongside the two individuals of before, as the transformation progressed Watching of Reflection had an obvious expression of awe as its eyes stood widened from what happened before it. Obviously not having seen such things often. After which it shifted towards Yume instead, grabbing out of its leather satchel a small paint soaked board and wet blue paint with which it began to write. "I'd guess that this will be a test of collaboration? Would you agree?"
The hammer would crash into his knees with a cracking sound, and he would scream. Tears welled up in his eyes and he pressed them shut forcibly. He picked up his hammer, letting the flame reignite again. He would be standing on shivering legs, refusing to look down. His throat felt hoarse. He had never felt so much pain. It burned throughout his legs, his veins felt like they were on fire, a blazing liquid crashing its way through it. He didn’t look down, if he saw his legs he would throw up, or worse. He raised his Hammer and brought it down, letting the force of momentum carry him. He would then continue with a rush of attacks, constantly battering the clone from on side to another. From the left, to the right, then the left to the right.

  • Rose flame - (Fighting style) Blight (fire) F- Causes a fire to ignite that causes bad 2nd degree burns. Cool to the touch, but very bright. A pink flame-Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Basic attack
  • Basic attack
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Yume giggled once Twiggy realized the answer to her own riddle. It was pretty impressive timing, as expected of a wise shrine maiden. "Hmm… but you haven’t told me what it’s supposed to be, so Twiggy it is. Besides, I like your twigs! It’s a bold fashion statement: very earthy~"

Following up to the strange arena-like area, Yume jumped back in shock as the semi-friendly-looking shrine maiden turned slightly less friendly-looking. "Pfhck!" she made a gagging noise that indicated she might’ve spat water everywhere, were she drinking some.

"Twiggy, it’d be nice if you warned me next time you decide to become a Sky Noodle!" Yume protested. And before she could step forward (which was saying something, given how eager she was), the purple thing arrived behind her. "Jeez! Too many surprises in one sitting!"

Despite her eagerness, curiosity got the better of her, and she waited patiently, watching the purple thing write words in clear common. "Wait, you understand words!?" Yume exclaimed before it even finished.

"Yep, probably. What are you anyway? Are you part of the trial? Do you know Twiggy?"

She gave it a few moments, poking around in its head for answers, before she turned to step into the center. "I’m ready! Let’s get going, grape doggy!"

Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial> | [Telepathy]
Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau

Watching of reflection shook it's head towards Yume after she exclaimed that remark, before suddenly as another mind entered its head once more, Yume could see its eyes open up wide out of shock. Yet Watching of Reflection never had conversed before through telepathy, it had just now become an entirely new experience for it to learn, so as that telepathic lingered Yume would hear the following enter her mind unconsciously. It eyes shooting up towards Yume as the sound of her voice rattled through its mind once more without any inflection of her mouth. ["A voice.... It rings. Where from? It's her voice. <Aisea ua i ai i lo’u mafaufau. E mafai ona ia lagona mai a'u? O ai o loo ia tautala ai?>"] It's eyes wandered briefly, to look up toward the dragon which coiled in the sky before them.

It took out this paint soaked cloth from its satchel and a moment before it would have begun to wipe off the paint it glanced up towards Yume, and was obviously with a more observant look now reading her expression. ["<E faafofoga mai o ia ia te au.> Hello... I'm seeking out, this test like you are. I don't know this person."] As it spoke. It was clear from the words, though Yume did not understand them herself that it thought in a form of Bestial? Likely it's home language of all things. Yet the sound of its voice mentally was short, raspy. Like it travelled through a throat like sandpaper. In a far lower tone then one might expect of its size at all. Yet, it was alien in that there was something off in the pitch, that made no clear distinction of gender as Yume could recognise from anyone humanoid.

Watching of Reflection would put away the wooden board and cloth within its satchel once more, and put both of such down onto the ground in the corner of the room, far away from the inner center, before walking over and joining Yume.

??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Giftvi Giftvi


Yume HP: 1/1
Hunter Hp: 1/2
Watching of Reflection HP: 2/3

Overall Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions. Skips: 2 Hunter. Combat! If you miss a round during combat, you will automatically be hit.
3 Action economy only applies during combat. A= Actions

The clone followed the same attack pattern as Hunter, and as the two hammers clashed once again with each other, sparks flew in all directions. Smoke covered the area, and when it cleared, the clone Hunter was gone, leaving him alone in the hall of mirrors, free to continue onward. Should he will to continue on would be able to follow the same path up that the other two had taken to the next challenge.

Meanwhile at the third trial site, Takina simply rolled her eyes at the comment Yume had made. She started to do circles around the fighting area as she was starting to get bored and was tempted to start the fight herself seeing as the other two hadn't moved yet. She watched the two closely as she moved about.
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Hunter would stumble up the path the others had taken. At this point his right let was really killing him. He looked up and tredged up the path, being able to see stairs. He sighed and picked up a nearby stick, trudging across the stairs. His leg hurt, he was pretty sure he had seen one of those people using magic? Maybe they could help him. He sighed and continued his wobbly, awkward walk, adrenaline being his only fuel for the pain that would have left him in shambles. unter thought back to the mirror clone. If he had beat it, did that mean he was stronger than himself? Or how did that work. Either way he eventually saw some people as he arrived at the top. He stretched his hands in a peace sign. "Hey-o!"
Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial> | [Telepathy]
Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57

Watching of Reflection looked towards the last straggler who was approaching the rest of them here, who was looking more hurt then even itself was at the moment as he hobbled on one of his legs, raising a hand to wave towards him as Hunter exclaimed with propensity. But knowing the trial had now begun and seeing the slight tension within the dragon as it moved around it decided that it was time to start things off as quickly as possible. It hadn't a greater capacity for jumping then most other creatures, but rather an uncanny comfort in climbing, so the fact that she was flying at this very moment made it's approach far harder then it wished. But still it would make due.

With a running start and with its own strength, it rushed forwards as it jumped upward, midst its jump in a downward though mostly horizontal thrust it quickly stabbed forward with one of its spines. Attempting to pierce the scaled hide of the dragon, to make any sort of physical contact if it counter attacked or blocked, rather then dodged out of the way. As midst that thrust the moment it could make any momentum to pull itself up and jump as if using it as a pole, and grasp fiercely onto any part of the dragon using its hands and tail. Before in the quickest moment of stabilization it could have thereafter it pulled out a spine from its tail, and stabbed the spine downward towards the dragon's hide. Likely beginning to end up in a laborious scuffle, as its dragon twisted its body around mid air.

If Yume made any attempt at shooting the dragon with her mana blasts, it would attempt to partially synchronize its moments with any of the distractions she was applying with her attacks.
  1. Movement
  2. Combat Parkour [New Ability] - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Climbing F, Perception F, Tail
  3. Combo with Action 2 [Combat Parkour] (Team-Up) - Natural Weapons D, Strength C
Effectiveness: 4 (Stat C) + 3 (Item D) + 1 (Ability F) + 1 (Multiple Attacks) + 1 (Team-up if Applicable) = 11

  • Regeneration — 0/0
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"Mm, sorry, I don’t speak Bestial," Yume shrugged, in reply to Grape Doggy’s return thoughts. "I think I get the idea, though."

Nodding in its direction, Yume watched as the two legendary creatures clashed in a way that made her shiver just thinking about it. These two sure looked… sharp.

"To your left!" Yume shouted, running up and firing her laughably-short-range mana balls almost as if they were a sparkly melee weapon. She followed up with another, less-coordinated attack of her own.

  • Move
  • Basic mana attack (Team-up).
  • Basic mana attack.


??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Giftvi Giftvi

1. Gold Breath- Natural weapons ???, Magic ???, Magice Range ???, Magic Aoe F - Takina breathes magical flames of gold at ??? range and in a 15 ft area. - Grade ??? - ??? Post cooldown ( ??? STR + ??? Natural weapons, ??? Ability = 9 Effectiveness
2 Block
3 swings at yume ??? STR + ??? Natural Weapons = 7

Yume HP: 1/1
Hunter Hp: 1/2
Watching of Reflection HP: 2/3

Overall Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions. Skips: 2 Hunter. Combat! If you miss a round during combat, you will automatically be hit.
3 Action economy only applies during combat. A= Actions. Team up bonus attack effectiveness: 10. 4 (Stat C) + 3 (Item D) + 1 (Ability F) + 1 (Multiple Attacks) = 9 +1 (yume coordinated attack) = 10

Takina watched as the two finally went into action quickly spewing fire from her mouth the color of gold at the two as they had to move themselves into position, the heat being at hot as a smelter. Then when the two started their attacks Takina brought her arms in front of her and as the two's attacks made impact there was a hissing sound as the spike wouldn't be able to penetrate though the scales but still did some damage.

Takina then looked to Yume and swung its claws at her attack easily breaking through the attack and landing a strike on her. This was around the time when Hunter had finally made it up to the next trial. As yume now lay unconscious Takina would appear before her much like she did to the others. "Now, you may continue on and attempt to fight it again, or you can return to the main temple," she stated as she crossed her legs, resting her chin in the palm of her hand."
Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial> | [Telepathy]
Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57

Watching of Reflection had very little time to relax or think of much else in this moment, it's claw digging into the furred mane which ran down the back of this dragon as the spine crashed into the hardened scale on the hide of the dragon, placed in a smooth texture like a fish might possess yet glimmering as the light hit them. Yet it was this natural armour which it needed to pierce, if that was the trial which this woman had wished to give it of all things. And so it didn't wish to falter, even as it clunch struggled to make a difference to watch the claws slash open the skin of Yume, to the extent of leaving her unconscious from the moment itself even. It's arm ached as it felt the bruise from before. The flesh beginning to regrow entirely anew.

As Takina spewed a breath of golden fire from her mouth, Watching of Reflection lunged out with its spine as far it could from its position towards her mouth, attempting to strike back and withhold Takina from blasting it down for any longer period of time as the fire hits its seared its fun and singed its flesh which was regenerating at the very same time. Hoping that it might stay alive for just the bit more time which it needed.

Whilst Watching of Reflection was by no means seeming rabbid or driven by sheer sense of preservation to extreme lengths, but understanding the assignment given and the seriousness which this woman treated it as well as not understanding fully yet the fact that Yume was for the most part alright in this moment as she was reached where it could not see or hear a thing. Following up on its strike, attempting to thrust down upon the scale which it had targeted so far, to pierce down into the softer muscle and fats. Not knowing whether or not any of the surrounding allies may still stand up or approach in time to assist it as it. And then for a second time striking downward. Hoping that any attack striking from another individual could distract or withhold it briefly enough to assist it.
  1. Counterattack (Team-Up) - Natural Weapons D, Strength C
  2. Narrow Impetus [New Ability] - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F
  3. Combo with Action 2 [Narrow Impetus] (Team-Up) - Natural Weapons D, Strength C
Effectiveness Counterattack: 4 (Stat C) + 3 (Item D) + 1 (Team-up if Applicable) = 7-8 (depending on circumstances)

Effectiveness Combo: 4 (Stat C) + 3 (Item D) + 1 (Ability F) + 1 (Multiple Attacks) + 1 (Team-up if Applicable with Yume) + 1 (Team up if Applicable with Hunter) = 9-11 (depending on circumstances)

  • Regeneration — 0/7 - Health Points = 3/3
Apologies for the wrong effectiveness on the previous post there, it had been written with a bit too much expediency apparently that caused me to overlook well basic addition of all things.
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Yume leapt up to her feet in the strange dream room, glancing around before her eyes settled on the throne. "It?" she repeated with an amused look. Stepping closer, she poked the lady on the cheek playfully, "Twiggy, you shouldn't call yourself an it! You're a beautiful lady sky noodle, not some object!"

Leaping back, Yume held her arms behind her, giggled for a moment, then ran for the door. "Teach me how to make this dream room when we're done, okay? That sounds like my kind of magic~" she called behind her. "Maybe I can learn your real name, too~"

Startling awake, Yume groaned for a moment, then scrambled to her feet, aiming her wand at the feisty sky noodle and channeling a big ball of mana. She waited for her to get close, then quickly unleashed it, adding another two in quick succession to boost the first.

  • Stand up
  • Magic Attack
  • Basic mana attack (combo)

Expected Effectiveness: 3 (INT stat) + 3(2) (Catalyst Item) + 2 (Ability) + 1 (combo attacks) = 8

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Hunter would wave his hands, trying to distract the enemy. He'd rush in, swinging a hammer at the things jaw and hide, trying his best to wound it. "I'll distract it, you guys get it!". He'd jump back to yume to breath a little, and breathing heavily. As the spell would be fired he would swing his hammer with the same speed beside the blast, planning to let the explosion enhance his blow, if even by a bit.

  • Rose flame - (Fighting style) Blight (fire) F- Causes a fire to ignite that causes bad 2nd degree burns. Cool to the touch, but very bright. A pink flame-Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown Team up Atk effectiveness: 8
  • Basic attack (combo)

??? Grade Character

Titles: ???

mentions: Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Giftvi Giftvi


Yume HP: 1/1
Hunter Hp: 1/2
Watching of Reflection HP: 2/3

Overall Notes: Welcome to worlds speed run! Ask any and all questions. Skips: 2 Hunter. Combat! If you miss a round during combat, you will automatically be hit.
3 Action economy only applies during combat. A= Actions. I encourage you to use all three of your actions or face the consequences. Once you grab your scrolls, you are free to sign up for worlds since this rp will probably not have a grade out for a bit.

After the oncoming attacks, Takina shot up into the sky, "Stand together, and all shall crumble. Continue toward the final gatehouse, and there you shall find scrolls. Take them and return to the main temple." Takina responded as she disappeared into the clouds, leaving the group to push forward. The door on the right side of the courtyard opened up, revealing a long road bridge that led to another gatehouse. Which would lead them to the scrolls they were intended to retrieve, which would grant them the knowledge they were potentially seeking.

Once they reached the gatehouse, the doors swung open, revealing three podiums, each with a scroll on them. Pillars shot up on either side on the creating a path for those to follow. On the side of the room a zen garden was set up as the stone and sand had patterns drawn on them. Though no one could be seen a harp could be heard getting plucked.
“Zen garden! I love those!” As hunter would stroll to the place he would calm down. He felt his shoulders finally sag. This was awesome! He finally felt so much better. As he walked over to pick up his scroll, he felt the pain come in full force that adrenaline had allowed him to shrug off. He dropped to the ground holding the wax paper with a hiss and looked down. Flesh and blood were mixed together, muscle being visible. A jagged white thing jutted out of his leg, it’s real color almost indiscernible thanks to the crimson life liquid running along it. He really did not want it to get infected ya know. He looked at watching of reflection with teary eyes. “Yeah there’s no way I’m going back on my own. Could I, ya know… possibly hitch a ride?” He didn’t know if she would take offense to that or not. Frankly, he was unsure whether she could even fly.



Yume slowly relaxed as she realized she'd claimed victory: slaying a divine sky dragon with nothing but an enchanted wooden stick and some friends as far as anyone else knew. "Hey, you still have to teach me that spell! I want a dream throne too!" Yume shouted into the sky.

Following the others across the rope bridge, Yume approached the fancy pedestal to claim her scroll. Opening it, she read the contents and smiled quietly to herself, before rolling it back up. "It says, 'Remember to take the fork out of the microwave before turning it on,'" she lied with a smirk. "That's a good wisdom, right there!"

With a shrug, Yume shook her head. "Nope, sorry. I don't give free rides." She knew full-well she wasn't the one Hunter had spoken to, but made a point of answering instantly, before anyone else could. "That looks pretty bad, though. I think some of the monks here are healers, maybe ask around for someone to help?"

Yume gave the purple thing a quick pet on the head on the way out the door. "Anyway, I really have to go right away, but thanks for joining me on this journey. It was fun. Maybe we'll meet Takina again and have a rematch someday." With a wave, Yume head out the door and ran off to the main temple.

Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial> | [Telepathy]
Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57

Watching of Reflection hopped off of Takina as she had begun heading up, looking upward to see her disappearing into the soft white clouds above which mingled with the cerulean blue skies and the mountains whose peaks pierced ever higher. For.a few moments it stood there, the only sound being the loud noise as it breathed through its nose. It's head swerving to look downward at its own wounds for a moment. Before its head shaked to and fro, and it moved to pick up its leather satchel once more. Moving alongside, though a little behind the other two who held great enthusiasm at this moment. Slowly crossing the jump bridge, and staring down the view below and alongside it, whereas the others had focused so greatly on obtaining the prize as one might say from the short test now behind them.

Leaning on its tips of its toes, its hand reaching upward to grab the end of one of the scrolls which laid there now for the three of them. Prepared for each of them. Yet, keeping it sealed for the moment, as it looked towards the other two for a moment. The eyes of the critter as Hunter looked into them were soft, yet seemed filled with a soft tension, it nodded its head towards him. The closest semblance of agreement it could so quickly express. Feeling the hand patting it on the back, there was no immediate recourse from Watching of Reflection, yet neither did it seem to lean into it at all. As Yume walked away, Hunter was the only one able to see the tension beyond those eyes spike for a moment before vanishing once more.

It wrote no words, nor waved Yume goodbye, as it with haste began to escort Hunter back with it towards the main portion of this temple. Even offering Hunter a piggyback for a small portion, its muscles supporting the weight of Hunter with ease, even if its size was unbecoming of it. Attempting to find him help for the wounds which he had sufferred there, as its slowly began to heal on their own. Though a small part of the tissue on its arm, where the fur had been singed away the wounds still showed, till the fur whenever it will have grown back to cover over the scar. The little critter would look towards Hunter as it wrote down something on its wooden board in the last moments together for now, the sun having begun to set as the afternoon slowly was to wane, "Best of travels to you, wherever the land will take you." Wiping away the paint with expedience, before waving for a moment and then beginning the long journey down the mountain as the sun was setting. It's stay already over for this place, as its journey furthered it, to everforward to the south, to the lands of Ryke and further beyond.
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