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Languages: Common | <Bestial>

Watching of Reflection struggled in its fight, though if it felt satisfaction knowing that such struggle was from fighting itself after all, such was hard to tell at all really in the moment. It had not come here bearing any expectations after all concerning whether or not it passed, simply concerning what it felt like for itself after it had gone through whatever this experience was like. It had so far come across in some facet or another as something of importance for these people to have gone through such effort after all to preserve it here. It stared within the eyes of its clone, looking at the expressions it had only ever witnessed and read from the reflections glazed upon those pools of water which it always looked upon. Holding one of it's spine's within its hand, standing there right in front of itself, the anticipation and tension was palpable upon its skin. It rushed forwards, lunging its long arm from the elbow, from as soon of a distance it could as it hand gripped the utter end of it's spine. Attempting to pierce the arm in which its doppelganger held its weapon, using the moment in hopes of putting the doppelganger on its back-foot even if it did not succeed in piercing its arm by briefly letting go of the spine, its hand shooting up to grab the spine further up as it moved into even closer range putting centimeters between the two of them, as it jutting its spine out twice in quick succession in attempt to pierce the torso of its opponents.
- Attack [Spine Lunge] - Natural Weapons D, Strength C, Perception F, Tail
- Combo with Attack 1 - Natural Weapons D, Strength C
- Combo with Attack 1 - Natural Weapons D, Strength C
- Regeneration — 0/0
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