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Community [Worlds Low tier Combat] Bombers or Face huggers?


One Thousand Club
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve whether or not the egg chamber is destroyed and how many participants return alive per faction. Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp. Keep in mind while it doesn't outright say it all parties have started in three separate tunnels.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: SixSense SixSense Elijay Elijay Clyvelle Clyvelle Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi EMIYAman EMIYAman Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
TLDR: A force of PC's and NPCS have entered the bug hive to place an explosive device in an egg chamber of the bugs. They immediately run into issues that need immediate solutions.

The walls glowed faintly with the moss that lined the walls; though compact, there was still some light emitted. The stone floor was damp with various fluids, and the tunnel behind them led back up to the surface, though the] path was littered with dead bugs and some half-eaten corpses from previous extermination groups. Clicking sounds echoed everywhere though no bugs were seen, but the echos of movements were heard, a single mistake here and they would be alerted to the presence of intruders. [D grade Challenge]

Kota and Jerith had been given device the size of a football. They were told once they reached the egg chamber that all they had to do was place it on the egg pile push the activation button and then get as far away from it as possible. Meanwhile, a third party was here to stop the devices from reaching the Egg chamber. [If devices takes too much damage there is a chance it will blow up.]

Further down, the path leads to a large cavern-like room where a path spirals up and down, though the path up is slowly secluded into the darkness from the lack of light, and the same goes for the path that leads down. The chittering and echos of movement have yet to subside; the ahead was uncertain. However by this point the various offshoots they had seen on the way to the chamber seemed to be identical. [D grade Challenge]

Now, they would decide whether to go up or head down further into the hive, as no one had been able to determine exactly where the egg chamber was outside of this area of the large hive.
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Jareth Fletcher
[^^^It's a link to CS^^^]
| Human | Eyeglass Adept | Ryken Adventurer D | Sandman | Mazerunner | Comrade |
Eyeglass Adept - D-grade artisan
Ryken Adventurer D - character knows all the basics, has been on some adventures, and shows themselves to be competent. They are only missing experience and a specialty that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for most standard missions even if just as a supporting role.
Sandman - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
Maze Runner - character has ran for their life in a confusing and trying place and situation. Character is more likely to perform better in confusing settings in the future where passive senses are not sufficient for getting through something under pressure. Increases ability to think on ones feet and improvise. More prone to finding themselves in similar difficult situations.
Comrade - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow him to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.

Jareth's bare feet plodded down the tunnel. In his hands he held the small bomb given him by the ones who sent him here. Carrying this could become troublesome. Parting his cloak, the sandman bared his abdomen.

"Sepulchre yawn thy mouth." [Magic E, Domain Power: Pocket Dimension F (1ft radius)] Jareth muttered as he held the bomb in front of his abdomen. The sand of his body swirled and parted revealing a small entry into a pocket dimension. He attempted to insert the bomb but did not force it if perchance it was too large to fit.

He looked around at the dimly glowing moss, while Okami moved slightly ahead and lit a torch. She would serve as vanguard it seemed. It was plain to see that the stone around them was not natural, but more than that Jareth could not say. He knelt down and placed one hand on the floor, then held his other hand out in front him palm up and called to his companion. "Fleet, what can you tell me about these tunnels? How strong is the stone? Can you sense any cavities around us?" [Fleet has Architecture F, Engineering F, Mining F, and Investigation F.] Jareth would use Tremorsense F with Componentless Magic F to sense his surroundings in a 10ft radius.

Cooldowns: F (Ready), E (Active), D (Ready)

  • Vitality - A
  • Natural Armor (Heavy) C
  • Duration Reduction F
  • Resistance [Physical] E
  • Regeneration D
  • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E

saxon saxon Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai, Delver, Striker, Floating Fox, Republic Adventurer E,
Character Sheet
Mentions: Elijay Elijay saxon saxon

Kota clutched the explosive device firmly within the crevice between his forearm and bicep. The air burned with the stench of decaying corpses both man and bug alike creating one of the foulest concoctions the beast has known. Tasked with quite the important request, failure was not an option and he would press on nonetheless. The kitsune would look towards his partner on the task within John, a rather bland looking individual. Hopefully together they could make some magic happen and escape out of here intact.

The kitsune would make use of his sensory abilities to gather information worth noting before proceeding further. His eyes would flicker a yellow hue as his pupils opened up to let in more light displaying his beastial eyes much more prominently.

1. Supernatural Sense - (Heightened Senses E: Hearing )(Sixth Sense F)(Perception F)(Appraisal E)(Darkvision F)(Survival F) + Delver title Kota attempts to uses his Sensory skills to perceive supernatural and/or non-supernatural entities within his range of ability. Rank E - 1 post cooldown

Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.


E 0/1
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John didn’t really know why he was here.

Well… he did know that there was an ongoing war between the East Empire and the Fae See, and he did choose to help out the Fae See nation in the end, but that was mostly because being surrounded by a bunch of hot Fae babes was the dream of every lonesome man! And no way in hell was John gonna pass up the chance for that! The problem was that he probably needed to succeed in this current mission before being able to celebrate with those cuties. And out of all places, the mission had to be at this dark, gloomy, scary cavern.

That puzzled John. Why not a bright and sunny beach, or a cozy and warm inn? John frowned to himself. Strange clicking sounds could be heard in this gloomy place, causing John’s eyes to dart around warily in fear as he stuck close to his partner. Thankfully, he was not alone in this place, and working together with him today was a fox guy. “Geez, this place is depressing! Sooooo, what’s the plan Mister Foxguy?” John whispered in a hushed tone. Taking a look at his partner, John realized fox guy was trying to get a sense out of the place. “Getting a feel for the place, eh? Good idea.”

Using his own [Keen eyes], John peered into the darkness all around him to get a good idea of what he was dealing with.

1. Talk to fox guy
2. Watch surroundings with [Keen eyes]

[Keen eyes] - insight F, appraisal E, energized E - user watches their surroundings with keen eyes - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
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"Urrrggh, I hate bugs!" Eeriel stuck out her tongue in disgust when she saw the damp environment of the cavern. She was considering to simply nope away right here right now but ultimately she decided to go through with the plan.

"Get in, do it, get out. Get in, do it, get out. Get in, do it, get out."

She needs to end this mission as fast as possible, but she also didn't want to run into danger this early. Chanting a spell in beastial, the cat casted [Bagworm] on herself. A gentle shimmering light enveloped her briefly before it hides her figure from vision. Next, she needs to know which direction she should go as there's two branching path in front of her. The cat tried to use her acute hearing to figure out which path has more bug activities.

1) Use [Bagworm] Magic E, Spell Duration F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized E - Coat self in a magic layer that distorts light. Turning invisible for up to 1 hours. Perceptive people might see the distortion around the user. Grade E, 0 turn cooldown.
2) Use Enhanced sense (Hearing) F to determine which path has more bug activity

E: Occupied

This situation was less than ideal.

Well, truthfully, she didn't expect anything close to ideal. But The Wolf was expecting to go to war alongside trusted comrades. She understood the threat that these insects posed. It was enough to force both The See and The Empire to put their differences aside long enough to join forces in pursuit of its eradication. She could not be with her comrades in body, but at least she could fight alongside them in spirit and purpose.

And, she understood her role in this expedition.

Jareth was to protect the bomb until it could be delivered unto the eggsacks of their enemy; going so far as store the weapon in a pocket dimension to ensure their success. Beyond that, he possessed a plethora of useful abilities to aid them in this journey. The Sorcerer had queued her into his many talents- his and his ghost's- long before they'd arrived at the tunnels. As far as Okami was concerned, keeping him alive and safe as they advanced through the hive was her top priority.

The Ronin took lead in the party; just ahead of Jareth and his intangible companion. A torch held high in her left hand would illuminate the way ahead. As Fleet studied the environment with a keen eye and Jareth made use of his tremorsense, Okami would survey the paths ahead with [Appraisal F] in an attempt to assist them both in finding the information they needed to choose the correct path.

Actions (1/3):
1). Use [Appraisal F] to survey the area for information and assist both Fleet and Jareth in identifying the correct path to take.

saxon saxon Clyvelle Clyvelle
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve whether or not the egg chamber is destroyed and how many participants return alive per faction. Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp. Keep in mind while it doesn't outright say it all parties have started in three separate tunnels.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: SixSense SixSense Elijay Elijay Clyvelle Clyvelle Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi EMIYAman EMIYAman Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
TLDR: A force of PC's and NPCS have entered the bug hive to place an explosive device in an egg chamber of the bugs. They immediately run into issues that need immediate solutions.

Sandman would attempt to put the device into his pocket dimension; however, when he tried to push the object that would fit through the hole, it was repulsed back. So at least for the time being, he wouldn't be able to store the device. As the three man group reached the chamber that led up and down, Appraisal wouldn't help much in this situation and would come back with no relevant information other than the mucus and slimes that were on the ground. Fleet appeared before its master, "The rock has some cavities however explosions could lossen the area around the rock. Thus any thing of that nature would be advised against. As for the tunnels themselves they are not natural by nature and were dug out by the bugs."

for the two man group, Kota wouldn't sense anything in his immediate area as of yet, and Johns attempt to use his eyes would have little effect due to the darkness that enveloped the tunnels. Had they used a torch or something to light up the area perhaps that would have given a little bit more information. But thus far they were not in any danger yet though that could change at any moment.

Meanwhile for the cat, as they moved they would be suddenly picked up by an also invisible entity. "Looks like you made it down here good, the rest of the team is spread through out the tunnels, stick with me and we will attempt to figure out which tunnel's the group are going to take," The voice said, as for Eeriel her sense would tell her that there was bugs in every direction but the tunnels that led deeper down have more much activity than the ones that stayed on this level of the hive.
Jareth Fletcher
[^^^It's a link to CS^^^]
| Human | Eyeglass Adept | Ryken Adventurer D | Sandman | Mazerunner | Comrade |
Eyeglass Adept - D-grade artisan
Ryken Adventurer D - character knows all the basics, has been on some adventures, and shows themselves to be competent. They are only missing experience and a specialty that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for most standard missions even if just as a supporting role.
Sandman - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
Maze Runner - character has ran for their life in a confusing and trying place and situation. Character is more likely to perform better in confusing settings in the future where passive senses are not sufficient for getting through something under pressure. Increases ability to think on ones feet and improvise. More prone to finding themselves in similar difficult situations.
Comrade - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow him to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.

"Hm...it refuses entry." Jareth said as he pondered the bomb's refusal to enter his pocket dimension. What sort of contraption have they sent with him...? Not being able to store it in the pocket dimension will increase the risk immensely. "Things...will be more dangerous for us." He said, tucking the bomb under his arm, while looking at Okami, the beacon of her torch illuminating the space while casting harsh shadows. "Not that they weren't already."

Jareth didn't seem to mind as his bare feet perched on bug carcass and stone floor--perhaps even drawing satisfaction in stepping on the former. As he moved through the tunnel, his hand dug into the moss on the wall, gathering as much of it as possible and tucking it into a pouch on his waist. Passing a bug carcass, he stooped down and visibly searched and felt for any gaping wounds. Either finding an open wound or else making one with a mana attack [Componentless Magic F, Magic F], he would proceed to pull out whatever pulp/liquid was within and smear it on himself.

"I've been in a labyrinth before. (Maze Runner title) We'll need to mark the paths as we go to show our way back. We can use the moss for that or perhaps etch into the walls if we can do so without drawing attention. Additionally, a basic hunting trick is to mask our scent, so this bug pulp should do the trick. I can't be sure this will work in our favor though. This technique has just as much chance to excite their hostility as hide us."

Finishing with the bug, he would stand next to Okami, gesturing for her to lead them further in. "Fleet says the tunnels are fragile. Explosive force could cause a collapse or at minimum some unpleasant shifting in the rock. Also, apparently there's a large empty shaft through the wall back there. We'd have to break the wall to enter it, and there's no telling how far down it goes."

1. Gather moss and move | 2. Locate/make wound in carcass | 3. Smear pulp and move to Okami

Cooldowns: F (Ready), E (1/1), D (Ready)

  • Vitality - A
  • Natural Armor (Heavy) C
  • Duration Reduction F
  • Resistance [Physical] E
  • Regeneration D
  • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E

  • E-grade slot perma-locked
  • Vitality - B
  • Feature: Amorphous - Creature is composed of a malleable substance such a liquid or gas and can change its form freely.
  • Change State E (21) - Limiter 1: Permanent - The skill is always active in an ability at all times.
    Character can change their state of being to a different state of matter for a limited amount of time. While changed, they may ignore certain physical requirements like breathing or eating. When they turn back into their regular forms, any damage or fatigue accrued that has not been resolved will impact the body.
    • Change State F - can change into a liquid. cannot pickup solid objects. Cannot apply force greater than a gentle wave. Takes half the damage normally incurred as appropriate by narrator.
    • Change State E - can change into a gas. cannot affect things with more than a gentle wind. Is only minorly affected by attacks that don't affect the entirety of the character as determined by narrator.
  • Architecture F - Character has knowledge of construction methods, architectural drafting, and more. A successful use of this Skill can also find weak points in constructions.
  • Engineering F - The use of scientific principles and experimental data to design and build equipment, structures, and useful devices.
  • Mining F - The knowledge of the processes and techniques to extract minerals and gemstones from dense rock formations.
  • Investigation F - The talent for detective work – searching around for clues and making deductions based on those clues. Includes spotting the location of a hidden object and discerning from the appearance of a wound what kind of weapon dealt it.

saxon saxon Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
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Realizing that it was far too dark for his eyes to spot anything, John took out a box of matchsticks from his pocket, which were a part of the fire starter kit he had on him. Using his sense of touch to feel his way around the box, he took out a matchstick and struck it against the side of the match box to light it up. Once the matchstick was alight, he’d turn to Kota. “Well then, shall we get moving?”

Making his way down the cave, he made use of [Energized Appraisal] to appraise whatever enemy was hiding in the shadows.

  1. Light up matchstick
  2. Head down cave
  3. Use [Energized Appraisal] to scout out the area

[Energized Appraisal] - appraisal E, energized E - user appraises whatever enemy/object they come across- Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

"I suppose I'll keep our torch then," The Ronin replied, "Probably best not to bring it near a live bomb."

Ideally, Okami would've preferred to let Jareth carry it from the rear and leave both her hands free for combat, but she could make due with one.

And as her partner prepared for the journey ahead, The Ronin merely watched him with a slowly furrowing brow. As he gathered moss, she would keep her hand free to draw her blade as needed. And as he smeared insect guts all over his body, a light smirk spread across her lips alongside her still furrowed brow. He would find that she would, once again, not follow after his example. But she would take a moment to
[Appraise] one of the corpses to see if she could learn anything about their foe.

"Do you believe the stench of bug innards potent enough to drown out the scent of our torch's smoke. Or its light? Or its growl?"

Perhaps Jareth's mucus coating would aid in concealing him from the insect horde. Perhaps it would've been a good idea for her to mimic if they both could see through the night as many beasts could. It made perfect sense. But, so long as she held an open flame to light their way, she saw no point in dirtying herself in an attempt to hide. And, if his actions did leave him unnoticed in a confrontation? All the better.

As far as The Wolf was concerned, keeping Jareth alive and well to deliver the bomb was top priority, anyway.

"The moss is a good idea, though." She gestured for Jareth to follow and began to advance down the descending tunnel ahead, "Come. Let's get moving."

Whether or not it was the right decision to make would become apparent in due time.

Actions (2/3):
1). Use
[Appraisal F] on a bug carcass to study it for information.
2). Keep torch held forward to light the way.
3) Advance down the descending spiral tunnel.

saxon saxon Clyvelle Clyvelle

"You buggers! I thought you are all already dead!" She hissed at the invisible figure that picked her up before squirming her way out of the grip.

"Anyway. Let's do this quick. I sensed more bugs from that direction." The cat pointed at the tunnel that leads down, though it didn't take long for her to realize that her paw was also invisible. "I mean, let's go down. There's more bugs there, which is more likely to lead us to the eggs."

Without waiting much further, the cat quickly descend into the dark cavern below. Her vision was limited here so she must rely more on her ears. As she walked through the path, she would let her body graze the fluids on the floor. Now she's an invisible silent cat that smells like random cave gunk. Just great.

1) Use Enhanced sense (Hearing) F
2) Night Slink - Fast F, Speedburst F, Stealth F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized F - Move quickly and quietly across the terrain. Grade F, 0 turn cooldown
3) Night Slink - Fast F, Speedburst F, Stealth F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized F - Move quickly and quietly across the terrain. Grade F, 0 turn cooldown

E: Occupied

saxon saxon

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai, Delver, Striker, Floating Fox, Republic Adventurer E,
Character Sheet
Mentions: Elijay Elijay saxon saxon

Despite no imminent threat, Kota would remain vigilant. Noticing John lighting the match, the beast would instinctively protect the bomb for his ally. He’d utilize his sensory abilities once more to make out a path within the caves.

“We need to know how to Find our way back, the tunnels are expansive and confusing. Sense alone wouldn’t be enough.” Kota would reach into his Survival Kit and pull out a sharp knife, great for butchering animals and monsters alike.

The kitsune would cut off the legs of a nearby insect corpse, collecting the parts as knife was now covered in the insect liquids. He would then follow behind John, doing his best to keep quiet and light on his feet.

1. Supernatural Sense F - (Heightened Senses F: Hearing )(Sixth Sense F)(Perception F)(Appraisal F)(Darkvision F)+ [Delver] Kota attempts to uses his Sensory skills to perceive supernatural/non-supernatural/ entities and make out the environment within his range. Rank F - 0 post cooldown

2. [Survival F] Use knife to remove insect legs from carcass.

3. Move quietly with John towards spiraling down tunnel way

Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.


E: 1/1
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve whether or not the egg chamber is destroyed and how many participants return alive per faction. Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp. Keep in mind while it doesn't outright say it all parties have started in three separate tunnels.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: SixSense SixSense Elijay Elijay Clyvelle Clyvelle Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi EMIYAman EMIYAman Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
TLDR: A force of PC's and NPCS have entered the bug hive to place an explosive device in an egg chamber of the bugs. They immediately run into issues that need immediate solutions.

Sandman and Minashigo, having reached the chamber without any difficulty, heard screaming coming back from the path they had walked. That was the point in time when they noticed it they were a man down and that he was probably getting ripped apart in some dark corner or deep hallway. Then there was silence as the sound of chittering was now getting louder slowly signaling something may be coming from that tunnel. The two, however, would have little issues cutting into the bugs. There would be some force required, but it was manageable. Now, the two were going to have to make some quick decisions if they didn't want to get caught up in a fight. Minashigo's appraisal would note that the carapace was hard, and there was a skill labeled as acid-resistant.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the tunnels, Jay's appraisal would turn up much the same as Minashigo's. This could be helpful but might not, depending on the person. Kota wouldn't notice any creatures in the tunnel; however, the sounds of chittering were ever-present. His knife would easily detach the bug legs at the joint. There were only three ways to go: up, down, or back through the tunnel. Though there was no telling how far down the spiraling ramp would lead them though one thing was certain there was patches of light glowing moss here and there but even that so far down didn't give them a great view.

The third group, which was moving stealthily through the tunnels, continued to press on. "What do you mean we died? We thought you were dead, we have our people spread throughout currently." The man responded as he looked down at her as she wanted to go down further into the nest. Though stealth was going to be of the essence. [D grade challenge]
Jareth Fletcher
[^^^It's a link to CS^^^]
| Human | Eyeglass Adept | Ryken Adventurer D | Sandman | Mazerunner | Comrade |
Eyeglass Adept - D-grade artisan
Ryken Adventurer D - character knows all the basics, has been on some adventures, and shows themselves to be competent. They are only missing experience and a specialty that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for most standard missions even if just as a supporting role.
Sandman - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
Maze Runner - character has ran for their life in a confusing and trying place and situation. Character is more likely to perform better in confusing settings in the future where passive senses are not sufficient for getting through something under pressure. Increases ability to think on ones feet and improvise. More prone to finding themselves in similar difficult situations.
Comrade - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow him to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.

Jareth did not react to whatever sounds might be made by the dying creature back in the tunnel. The individual was barely noticeable when present. Were they ever really there to begin with?

What did matter to Jareth, however, were the bugs now drawn to their location by the faceless dead's noisy final moments. If his sole intent was to throw himself to the beasts, he could have had the courtesy to do so quietly.

"If the clicking hadn't clued you in, we're moments away from unwanted company." he murmured to Minashigo, who was leading them with her torch. "Looks like it's up or down. I say down, but you make the choice. I'll follow. We should look for a place to hide. Killing them might attract more if they die as loudly as that person just did. That said," Jareth says while turning back towards the entrance where the clicking sounds were coming from, "nothing wrong with riling them up a bit."

Drawing his golden needle catalyst, Jareth would begin working his earth magic. "Sepulchre longed to consume them but wished to savor the moment. Thus he held them in his mouth." A magical trap is placed at the mouth of the tunnel as it joins the chamber Jareth is in. Upon a hostile stepping in the zone, the ground will become soft causing them to partially sink and force them to use extra movement to escape the zone. After which, Jareth will follow Minashigo's lead up or down.

[Note: The way I understand the scene is that Minashigo is ahead of Jareth, deciding to go up or down. Jareth is turning around and aiming spell in complete opposite direction of Minashigo at the orifice of the tunnel they just came from, where, as I interpret the narration, bugs are about to emerge. In no way should it be interpreted that Minashigo is in Jareth's line of fire.]

Spell Components
  • Magic D
  • Magic School D (Meta Magic: Duration F (1 hour), AOE F (15ft radius), Range F (30 ft))
  • Magic Domain F (Spell Mastery: Trap F, Tangle F)
  • Affinity (Element [Earth] D, Irritant F)
  • Focus D

Actions: 1. D-grade Ability | 2. Move | 3. Move

Cooldowns: F (Ready), E (Ready), D (Active)

  • Vitality - A
  • Natural Armor (Heavy) C
  • Duration Reduction F
  • Resistance [Physical] E
  • Regeneration D
  • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E

  • E-grade slot perma-locked
  • Vitality - B
  • Feature: Amorphous - Creature is composed of a malleable substance such a liquid or gas and can change its form freely.
  • Change State E (21) - Limiter 1: Permanent - The skill is always active in an ability at all times.
    Character can change their state of being to a different state of matter for a limited amount of time. While changed, they may ignore certain physical requirements like breathing or eating. When they turn back into their regular forms, any damage or fatigue accrued that has not been resolved will impact the body.
    • Change State F - can change into a liquid. cannot pickup solid objects. Cannot apply force greater than a gentle wave. Takes half the damage normally incurred as appropriate by narrator.
    • Change State E - can change into a gas. cannot affect things with more than a gentle wind. Is only minorly affected by attacks that don't affect the entirety of the character as determined by narrator.
  • Architecture F - Character has knowledge of construction methods, architectural drafting, and more. A successful use of this Skill can also find weak points in constructions.
  • Engineering F - The use of scientific principles and experimental data to design and build equipment, structures, and useful devices.
  • Mining F - The knowledge of the processes and techniques to extract minerals and gemstones from dense rock formations.
  • Investigation F - The talent for detective work – searching around for clues and making deductions based on those clues. Includes spotting the location of a hidden object and discerning from the appearance of a wound what kind of weapon dealt it.

saxon saxon Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
"Good to know that we're so invisible we can fool each other. Heh," Eeriel snickered at the thought that they almost missed each other because they're all going invisible.

"Tell me the intels we have on the other groups." She whispered. Her ears were perking up as she tries to detect her surrounding as they move stealthily across the tunnels. They had no business fighting the bugs so its really best for them to avoid one.

1) Use Enhanced sense (Hearing) F
2) Night Slink - Fast F, Speedburst F, Stealth F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized F - Move quickly and quietly across the terrain. Grade F, 0 turn cooldown
3) Night Slink - Fast F, Speedburst F, Stealth F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized F - Move quickly and quietly across the terrain. Grade F, 0 turn cooldown

E: Occupied

saxon saxon

The sound of insects approaching from behind grew ever-louder as they entered the chamber.


The Sorcerer quickly revealed another one of his many spells; preparing a trap to catch their foe off-guard and slow down their pursuit. Good. Might've caused a commotion behind them and drew some of the insects away from them as they tried to locate the egg chamber. Okami expected to run into resistance at any moment, and getting surrounded down here was less than ideal.

For the moment, he left her with the decision of choosing which path they'd take. She didn't have much to work with to make that decision. The only thing she could do was assume that these bugs behaved just like their more familiar counterparts and organized their homes in a similar fashion. Not because these insects were anything like common ants...

...but because it was the best logic for her to lean upon in a situation like this.

"Come. We descend."

She would gesture for Jareth to follow, then take the descending path down into the nest.

Actions (2/3):
1) Keep torch held forward to light their way as they descended.
2) Move down the descending path.
Clyvelle Clyvelle saxon saxon

Hearing what Kota had to say about finding their way back, John rubbed his head sheepishly. “Ah right, I didn’t think of that.” He’d then observe on as Kota cut off the insect legs. “Using the blood of the insect legs to leave a trail, huh? That might work, but I do worry if the scent of insect blood draws more of those buggers to us, and if there are any unwanted guests who happen to come across our trail. Eh, whatevs! I’m sure we’ll be fine. Let’s keep moving.”

With his main concerns laid out, John headed down the spiralling cave, leading the way with his matchstick. He’d keep his [Energized Appraisal] on to scan the area of any new enemies.

  1. Discuss with Kota
  2. Head down spiralling cave
  3. Use [Energized Appraisal] to scout out the area

[Energized Appraisal] - appraisal E, energized E - user appraises whatever enemy/object they come across- Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai, Delver, Striker, Floating Fox, Republic Adventurer E,
Character Sheet
Mentions: Elijay Elijay saxon saxon

Using his Dark Vision, Kota would sink his knife into the insect's leg just enough to draw essence from its carapace before marking the cavern's inside with a symbol pointing towards the exit. The sound of chittering kept him alert and on his toes however, he ensured to make a large enough symbol in case a hasty retreat was necessary. The kitsune would turn back as he was faced with a decision, since they had just gone down, going up didn't seem like a good choice nor did going back the way they came. Down seemed like the best decision given the circumstances. Kota would use his Heightened Hearing to discern which direction the chittering would be coming from. He would point downwards to John signaling for him to go first. In the meantime, Kota would tuck the Insect leg into his Bag and put the knife away, giving him a free hand if anyone dared to greet them.

1. Supernatural Sense F - (Sixth Sense F)(Perception F)(Appraisal F)(Darkvision F)+ [Delver] Kota attempts to use his Sensory skills to perceive supernatural/non-supernatural/ entities and make out the environment within his range and listen for the direction of chittering. - 0 post cooldown
2. Mark their location with a large symbol with the insect's blood
3. Move down the descending path
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve whether or not the egg chamber is destroyed and how many participants return alive per faction. Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp. Keep in mind while it doesn't outright say it all parties have started in three separate tunnels.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: SixSense SixSense Elijay Elijay Clyvelle Clyvelle Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi EMIYAman EMIYAman Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
TLDR: A force of PC's and NPCS have entered the bug hive to place an explosive device in an egg chamber of the bugs.

Sandman and Minashigo, descend down circular ramps for some time. Not long after, Jerith heard some screech from above them, hinting that the bugs had activated his trap. Eventually, the two went as far down as they could seeing a few other tunnels along the way, coming to the end of the ramp, which leveled out about 10 feet, and then fell into the chasm. There was a single tunnel on the wall to their left, still covered in the slime and goop that they had found in the tunnel they had entered through. Though there was a strange weight here compared to the upper levels, the air was far more moist; if anyone had been wearing glasses, they would have fogged up at this moment in time. The torch, however, was slowly eating away at the material, signaling that it would eventually go out.

The tunnel looked identical to the other one in terms of design, though they would note that there was the sound of chittering coming from the tunnel. However it didn't sound the same as the others now if that was going to be a good thing or a bad thing was to be determined. Seeing as they had two options search another tunnel further up the ramp or make their way through the tunnel in front of them. However, due to the echoing of the tunnel, the sound of something heavy moving was heard.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the tunnels, As Kota and John descended further down, Kota would hear the sound of chittering coming from behind them, though it was still some ways off. As the group descended they also saw several other tunnels as they came to the bottom of the ramp to a similar tunnel, the air felt heavier, the humidity was up and the sound of something heavy was now heard descending down the ramp from above, the two would have to make a quick decision either try and hide or move further in, in the hopes that they would move in a direction going away form whatever was making the noise (D grade stealth or movement challenge]

The third group, which was moving stealthily through the tunnels, continued to press on. However, it was evident from the occasional rumbling that something was going on deeper in the hive. The Eeriel and her small group would move past the bugs though slowly as they were almost caught from slipping on some slime. "Well we haven't spotted them yet but if you want we can attempt to find a group, we think we are close to locating the egg chamber but we need a little more time," The man stated.

As the duo descended deeper into the tunnels, they reached the bottom at last. The air got humid, signalling that perhaps they may be closer to their end goal than they thought.

However, just when John foolishly believed that nothing could go wrong, something heavy descended the tunnels behind them. It sounded fast… Perhaps too fast for John to outrun. “Damn it…” The villager cursed under his breath. Seems like their luck had finally ran out.

“Go on without me! I’ve got this.” John whipped around to face the impending threat coming for them. Truth be told, he didn’t once believe that he could take the approaching monstrosity on. His legs were quivering like a leaf, his eyes darting around the darkness in fear. After all, he was just a mere regular villager! With no armor nor weapon on him! All he had was a slightly more durable body than normal, which wasn’t all that helpful. Someone like him was standing up to an unknown threat, like a fool trying to play hero.

But still, this was probably the best chance they’ve got. Kota could probably outrun the monster with his agile speedster build, while John would only get caught by the beast eventually. Therefore, it was best for him to face it head on than to turn and flee like a rat. At least he could buy some time this way…

“Well then, let’s see what you’re made of, big guy…” He raised his guard, taking a stable low stance as he waited for the beast to show itself. He would also peer into the darkness, trying to appraise the beast too.

  1. Raise guard with [Guard II]
  2. Repeat [Guard II]
  3. Use [Energized Appraisal] on the incoming threat

[Guard II] - athletics F, fighting style F, energized F - user raises their guard up - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

[Energized Appraisal] - appraisal E, energized E - user appraises whatever enemy/object they come across- Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
As she moved quietly through the tunnel, the occasional rumbling that could be heard forward worries her. Her ears twitching uncomfortably whenever she heard it. What kind of creature made that sound?? Regardless of what she think, the cat press on with her careful yet quick advance deeper into the tunnel.

"Let's focus on reaching the chamber first then. If we can arrive there before anyone else then we will have advantage."

1) Use Enhanced sense (Hearing) F
2) Night Slink - Fast F, Speedburst F, Stealth F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized F - Move quickly and quietly across the terrain. Grade F, 0 turn cooldown
3) Night Slink - Fast F, Speedburst F, Stealth F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized F - Move quickly and quietly across the terrain. Grade F, 0 turn cooldown

E: Occupied

saxon saxon
Jareth Fletcher
[^^^It's a link to CS^^^]
| Human | Eyeglass Adept | Ryken Adventurer D | Sandman | Mazerunner | Comrade |
Eyeglass Adept - D-grade artisan
Ryken Adventurer D - character knows all the basics, has been on some adventures, and shows themselves to be competent. They are only missing experience and a specialty that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for most standard missions even if just as a supporting role.
Sandman - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
Maze Runner - character has ran for their life in a confusing and trying place and situation. Character is more likely to perform better in confusing settings in the future where passive senses are not sufficient for getting through something under pressure. Increases ability to think on ones feet and improvise. More prone to finding themselves in similar difficult situations.
Comrade - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow him to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.

The distressed cries from behind and overhead did not cause Jareth to turn, but his eyes shifted momentarily to the side from which the sounds came. A success, it seemed. Now if they could just continue having these small victories until the bomb could be planted....

As they descended, putting some distance between themselves and the insects behind them, Jareth became aware of the widespread goop on the floor. With what the torchlight could show, his bare feet were almost completely blackened with the stuff. It occurred to him that this material--instead of the insect innards--may have proven more useful as a camouflage agent. Jareth realized that the reason he had taken notice of the stuff was because it had somehow gotten wetter as they traveled downward. The ooze had become thicker here in general, causing it to shine more in the torchlight.

"You are running out of torch." Jareth said softly. He wasn't sure if Minashigo had more on her or not. Things will get interesting very fast if that was her only one.

Up ahead, the sounds of a heavy creature could be heard. Not only that, but there was more chittering. Although this brand of the insectoid sounds presented differently than what they had heard before. It was apparent there was at least one large/heavy creature ahead. If they moved to engage whatever lurked ahead, would it alert those behind them? Alert more elsewhere? Could Jareth and Minashigo strike quick enough to dispatch one side before they were surrounded?

"Let me see what I can sense." Jareth volunteered as he moved ahead of Minashigo. Having no stealth, Jareth moved as cautiously as he could into the path leading to the left. Without entering the next chamber where the heavy sounds and chittering were coming from, Jareth would kneel in the tunnel and press his hands to the floor.

"Tremorsense." He said activating his supersense.

Spell Components
  • Supersense [Tremorsense] E - 100 ft radius
  • Energize E

Actions: 1. Move | 2. E-grade ability | 3. --

Cooldowns: F (Ready), E (Active), D (1/2)

  • Vitality - A
  • Natural Armor (Heavy) C
  • Duration Reduction F
  • Resistance [Physical] E
  • Regeneration D
  • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E

  • E-grade slot perma-locked
  • Vitality - B
  • Feature: Amorphous - Creature is composed of a malleable substance such a liquid or gas and can change its form freely.
  • Change State E (21) - Limiter 1: Permanent - The skill is always active in an ability at all times.
    Character can change their state of being to a different state of matter for a limited amount of time. While changed, they may ignore certain physical requirements like breathing or eating. When they turn back into their regular forms, any damage or fatigue accrued that has not been resolved will impact the body.
    • Change State F - can change into a liquid. cannot pickup solid objects. Cannot apply force greater than a gentle wave. Takes half the damage normally incurred as appropriate by narrator.
    • Change State E - can change into a gas. cannot affect things with more than a gentle wind. Is only minorly affected by attacks that don't affect the entirety of the character as determined by narrator.
  • Architecture F - Character has knowledge of construction methods, architectural drafting, and more. A successful use of this Skill can also find weak points in constructions.
  • Engineering F - The use of scientific principles and experimental data to design and build equipment, structures, and useful devices.
  • Mining F - The knowledge of the processes and techniques to extract minerals and gemstones from dense rock formations.
  • Investigation F - The talent for detective work – searching around for clues and making deductions based on those clues. Includes spotting the location of a hidden object and discerning from the appearance of a wound what kind of weapon dealt it.

saxon saxon Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

The sound of violence echoed through the halls behind them. The sound of a new threat grew ever-louder ahead. The torch in her hand grew weak as it neared its end. Whatever time they had was running thin. There certainly wasn't enough to backtrack and go searching through all the tunnels.

"Best we keep moving, then."

Jareth extended his supernatural senses to try to find their target down in the depths of the nest. Okami would continue to do what she had been doing until a threat presented itself.

With her torch held forward and high to help her see clearly, she would advance into the tunnel on the left at the end

Actions (2/3)
1) Keep torch held high to light their way.
2) Move into the head of them, to the left.
saxon saxon TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai, Delver, Striker, Floating Fox, Republic Adventurer E,
Character Sheet
Mentions: saxon saxon Elijay Elijay

The chittering from behind had felt like a troublesome event to occur,the chance of returning back to the surface becoming all the more difficult. Kota would push this thought to the back of his mind as he clenched the bomb in his hand and continued forward.

As they moved further down, the heavy steps would startle the two. Indicating something was approaching and fast, before Kota could speak up. John would take the initiative and tell the fox to go on without him.

Though the beast was about to speak up in objection to the idea, the human man seemed steeled in his resolve. Ready to face the outcome even if it meant certain death, Kota would nod his head painfully. “I believe in you John, may we cross paths again soon.” The Kitsune would then use the insect legs' bodily fluids to mark the location of the center most path utilizing his sensory abilities.

Kota would head down the center path, levering his ability to his advantage to put distance between himself and the large thumping. He’d have to locate the chamber now with haste and not let the opportunity John presented go to waste.

1.Supernatural Sense F - (Heightened Senses E)(Sixth Sense F)(Perception F)(Appraisal F)(Darkvision F)+ [Delver] Kota attempts to use his Sensory skills to perceive supernatural/non-supernatural/ entities and make out the environment within his range and listen for the direction of chittering.

2.Mark his location with the fluids from the insect leg.

3.Use Speedboost E to move down the center most tunnel, being careful of the slime on the ground - Speed Boost (Fast E)(Special Movement F (Speed Burst 3x) (Acrobatics F) Kota enhances his movement capabilities for a brief time, granting him extremely fast mobility options. E grade ability 1 post cooldown
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve whether or not the egg chamber is destroyed and how many participants return alive per faction. Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp. Keep in mind while it doesn't outright say it all parties have started in three separate tunnels.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: SixSense SixSense Elijay Elijay Clyvelle Clyvelle Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi EMIYAman EMIYAman Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
TLDR: A force of PC's and NPCS have entered the bug hive to place an explosive device in an egg chamber of the bugs.

Sandman and Minashigo, Sandman's tremor sense would feel the vibration of bugs being drawn away by something, though what that something was was unknown. But he could also sense footsteps from further down the tunnel hinting that there were more tunnels that fed into this section meaning it could lead somewhere important. As far as he could only tell, the bugs further down the tunnel were moving away, and a screech echoed. As the two pushed forward, further down the tunnel, they noticed a sticky goop-like substance. Further ahead the sound of footsteps was heard as they came to an intersection the footsteps stopped immediately however there was nothing in sight.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the tunnels, As Kota and John (D grade stealth or movement challenge (Failed)] John was now left in the dark now that he didn't have his tailed companion to help guide him through the tunnels. The sound of the heavy thud stopped for a moment as the sound of chittering was now louder and the thudding became thunderous in the darkness. John would feel an arm as he was thrown against the wall.
[John Heavy armor 2/5, ?x ?? attack grade]

For Kota, his approach wasn't stealthy, though, unlike John, he could at least see as several of the bugs were sleeping in the tunnel and now waking up. However, he would notice some sticky-looking goop along the way that might be used to attach things to, hinting he might be getting close. However, with the bugs waking up, they were now moving to impede his path. [3x E grade attacks]

The third group, which was moving stealthily through the tunnels, now with the sound of screech, the man invisible man and cat picked up the pace for a bit however, they came face to face with a man and a woman holding a torch and would have to think quickly on what to do or attempt to further hide their presence and hope they could remain hidden.
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