World of Roelon *signup*

Should we have Fog OF War

  • Yes. cant see fulll map or enemy movement outside of line of sight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. but spies and infiltrators are stil invisible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Rise Of Empires in the Land Of Nation's

The world map
The Dark green is the lizard people and the gray is unclaimed resources

put a point in the color and spot were you want your first settlement to stand

you cant use Black or any gray scale color

This will only be a rules section and sign up. hope fully it will be kind of easy to understand

YOU my friend is a god

you are the one controlling a nation in the World of Roelon

you might have your own wishes and goals but that is not what our story is about.

This story is about the people you have created and guide thru the era's

(the reason you are a god is because you will follow your people. but you will never die no matter what happens to the ruler)

Signup sheet

name of ruler:

(name of the ruler. this will be the one that is your puppet)

your ruler is not a important part of your nation. he will not be used as they are in normal rp's. he is just a figure of which you control the nation of your creation

name of nation:

(Pretty straight forward. what your nation is named)

political system:


(I will only add a different systems to chose from for now)

You may suggest your own

Democratic: this will give your people the most power were as you will only have a little bit of superficial power (good for people who aren't good at micro managing)

Constitutional Monarchy/Imperial Republic

the King or emperor have given there people a chance of minimum democracy and but the ruler them selves stay in complete control in the end


a sole ruler either fought them selves to power (emperor) or was born to do it (king)

(the god will have to make there nation do everything by them selves)

(advices only for people who likes to micro manage)

NOTE: A democracy can become a Empire if the senate choses to make the "puppet" a Emperor


(here comes something special)

you will first create a species such as Elv

they them have sub races of high elves and wood elves

the wood elves have two sub groups

they being Pine elves and oak elves

so one and so forth

NOTE unless specified otherwise. one species CAN'T make viable offspring with another

Other note: you only start with one species no sub races this will change over time

-edit- if this is not understandable please tell me


(general appearance of your SPECIES Not your ruler)

this might change in sub races but then you just specified


(your peoples motto, or words to live by)

Species powers


how hard hitting your species are

toughness OOOOO OOOOO

how much natural defense your species have

intelligence: OOOOO OOOO

how smart they are and how fast you grow in technology

the more Intelligence you have. the faster your nation grows into a new era

strength: OOOOO OOOOO

Physical strength. how much they can lift

survival OOOOO OOOOO

how well the survive in dangerous areas or different areas to that of there homeland also the new virus or infection resistance

the more survival you have the faster your species evolve

speed O O O

How many hexes your species move a turn

lets use damage as the example the same thing for toughness

you will have 50 EP to start with you might be granted more later

(note this amount is likely to change)

ØOOOO OOOOO costs 2 EP (evolution points)

ØØOOO OOOOO costs 4 EP (for a total of 6 EP)

ØØØOO OOOOO costs 8 EP (for a total of 14 EP

ØØØØO OOOOO costs 16 EP (for a total of 30 EP)

ØØØØØ OOOOO costs 32 EP (for a total of 62 EP)

ØØØØØ ØOOOO costs 64 EP (for a total of 126 EP)

ØØØØØ ØØOOO costs 128 EP (for a total of 254 EP)

ØØØØØ ØØØOO costs 256 EP (for a total of 510 EP)

ØØØØØ ØØØØO costs 512 EP (for a total of 1022 EP)

ØØØØØ ØØØØØ costs 1024 EP (for a total of 2046 EP)

(prices are the same for all the powers exept for speed)

What a point gives

ØOOOO OOOOO 1 damage

ØØOOO OOOOO 2 damage

ØØØOO OOOOO 4 damage

ØØØØO OOOOO 8 damage

ØØØØØ OOOOO 16 damage

ØØØØØ ØOOOO 32 damage

ØØØØØ ØØOOO 64 damage

ØØØØØ ØØØOO 128 damage

ØØØØØ ØØØØO 256 damage

ØØØØØ ØØØØØ 512 damage

speed O O O


Ø O O costs 4 EP

Ø Ø O costs 256 EP (total 260)

Ø Ø Ø costs 2048 EP ( total 2308)

special ability

you can ask the gods for a special ability

but it will never come cheap

Here is a couple examples

Flying 3000 EP ( really expensive casue it makes the walls and terrain in effective)

Gills "underwater breathing" free if you don't have lungs

Gills and lungs. 500 ep

Gift of Tounges: 250 ep

ask and you will be told what it will cost

name of ruler: Arial Nátal

name of nation: Kingdom of the ice

political system:

: Elv

apperance: a tall magnificent sight to behold. there long soft hair and long ears makes then standout in the world. they are 2 meters or taller on average and slim of build

Motto: Knowledge is power


Species powers



toughness ØOOOO OOOOO

intelligence: ØØØØO OOOOO

strength: ØOOOO OOOOO

survival power ØØOO OOOOO

speed Ø O O

Also i would advice you to read this

(signup sheet v1.2)

Ruler Name: Frond

Nation Name: The Republic of The People (Capitol City: Haven)

Political Agenda: Imperial Republic. There is a Senate and an Emperor. The Senete defers to the Emperor,who has absolute power. In small matters,the Senate is the governing body. In larger matter,the Emperor has veto. (Short story: People have a say,Emperor has final say)

Species: The Fairy People

Appearance: Three feet tall. Pale green skin. Pointed ears,slim build. Bone nubs on shoulderblades suggest that the race used to have wings. Fiery personality.


They will be added. There will be many.

Motto: "We live"

Species Powers

(EP Used: 50/50)

-Damage: ØOOOO OOOOO (2 EP)

-Toughness: ØOOOO OOOOO (2 EP)

-Intelligence: ØØØØO OOOOO (30 EP)

-Strength: ØØOOO OOOOO (6 EP)

-Survival Instinct: ØØOOO OOOOO (6 EP)

-Speed: Ø O O (4 EP)

Start Location: Zoom in until you can see the orange dot.
Ruler name: soran (so-ran)

nation name:Ausrotten (capital: Orca)

political agenda: absolute manarchy. there is one king that has absolute power to rule his people. his power is not bound by anything it is absolute.

Appearance: six feet tall, white eyes,pointed ears, muscular build, tan coloured skin


Motto:where there is a will there is a way

species power:

-Damage:ØØOOOOOOOO (6ep)



-Strength: ØØØOOOOOO(14EP)

-Survival Instinct:ØØØOOOOOO(14EP)


start location:


im the red dot in the north

Both approved .. your nation resources will be uploaded soon

Riddles nation

Ruler Name: Frond

nation Name: The Republic of The People

Political System: Imperial Republic.



500 Fairy People


-0.5 consumption


2 fruit


-No income


4 wood

1 stone


50 obsedian axes




non so far

Dreads nation

Ruler name: Soran

nation name:Ausrotten

Political System: Monarchy



500 ancients (+1 food consumption a 1k)

double food consumption caused by the arctic weather and not having housing with heating


-1.0 consumption


4 meat


-No income








non so far
Name of ruler - Synth-Kas~Ka-Ro (Kas~Ro for short)

Name of nation - Lizard People

Political system - Tribal Anarchy

Species - Lizard People

Appearance -

Lizard people are Bipedal Lizards that stand at about 2 meters They are a strong looking species, with long thick tails, and short but sturdy claws. The average Lizard people is a light green gray to a dark green gray.

Motto - "Plants are what food eat"


Race - Riff Raff

Numbers - 10.000


Toughness - ØØOOO OOOOO

Intelligence - OO--- -----

Strength - 00000 00000

survival power - ØØØØØ ØOOOO

(- can't survive in cold areas)

speed - Ø O O

appearance -

About a meter shorter than their ancestors.


Race - Drergurnions

Numbers - 10.000


Toughness - ØØØOO OOOOO

Intelligence - OO--- -----

Strength - Ø0000 00000

survival power - ØØØØØ ØOOOO

(- can't survive in cold areas)

speed - Ø O O

appearance -

Are bigger and more threatening visually


Race - Lizzrites

Numbers - 5.000


Toughness - ØØØOO OOOOO

Intelligence - ØO--- -----

Strength - Ø0000 00000

Survival power - ØØØØØ ØOOOO

(- can't survive in cold areas)

(-can't live in areas with a humidity less then 80)

Speed - Ø O O

Appearance -

Scales remain similar to the environment (Environment makes scales look similar to the surroundings it was born in)


The land I own ---
JimmyRigon's post

Ruler name: Al'kila

nation name: Galpolta (Capital: Huna)

Political agenda: Democracy


species: Elves

Fast is strong, strong is fast

species power:

Damage: ØØOOOOOOOO (6ep)

Toughness: ØOOOOOOOOO (4ep)

Intelligence: ØØØOOOOOOO (14ep)

Strength: ØØOOOOOOOO (6ep)

Survival Instinct: ØØØOOOOOOO (14ep)

Speed: ØOO (4ep)

2 Evolution points free

Position on the map

Ranmyakki is of cause accepted :)

Ranmyakki's nation

Ruler Name: Ranmyakki

nation Name: Lizard People

Political System: Tribal Anarchy



10,000 Riff Raff (+0.5 food consumption a 1k)

10,000 Drergurnions (+1 food consumption a 1k)

5,000 Lizzrites (+1 food consumption a 1k)


-20 Food consumption

21 Fish a turn

all in all

21 food a turn


Infinite Tar

Infinite Methane

Almost infinite Obsidian




2.500 Obsidian Long Axe

15.000 Obsidian Short Axe

10.000 Obsidian War Club

1.000 Fire Pots



- Pointy stick

-Simple weaponry's and tools

- Simple language (- note only Lizzrites can speak)

- Beaver dam

- Fire

- Methane


but jimmy you need to find another photo i cant open it
yup its fine and danty

--- Merged Double Post ---

also jimmy you are accepted as soon as you changes the photo in your signup :)
Name of Ruler: Belial

Name of Nation: Raymoor

Political system:



Nocturnal creatures that are non-social able, unable to create the normal friendship or acquaintance with each other until necessary. Even then, they work more like a machine finishing every last meticulous task.


Dark tinges of Indigo skin cover most their body, including their human-like limbs’ while a darker exoskeleton protects the weaker parts of their frame. Their heads are narrow to match their slender bodies, and an ivory mane descends from a far-back line. Big eyes like mirrors are placed in portion to the plane where a nose usually rests, instead of their sharp plateau. Antenna stick out from the back of their head, and are able to hear as well as ‘touch’.

Motto: Cope and Adjust.”

Species powers: (50 EP)

Damage: ØØOOO OOOOO (6 EP)

Toughness: ØØØOO OOOOO (14 EP)

Intelligence: ØØOOO OOOO (6 EP)

Strength: ØØOOO OOOOO (6 EP)

Survival: ØØØOO OOOOO (14 EP)

Speed: ØOO (4 EP)

On the map:

[NOTE: I wasn't sure if you were allowing people to live on mountainous terrain, so i drew up a second point on the map labelled '2' in maroon. THE STAR IS MY FIRST CHOICE THOUGH D'8] <-the pink thing!

name of ruler:


Name of nation:


political system:




-You know the ones, live in a city deep underwater, raising to the surface for a chance to drown someone foolish enough to enter their waters.




Bubble or Bust

Species powers

damage OO--- -----

toughness OO--- -----

intelligence: ØØØOO OOOO (14 eP)

strength: ØØOOO OOOOO (6 eP)

survival ØØØØOO OOOOO (30 eP)

speed Ø O O (4 eP)

How many hexes your species move a turn

special ability

Gills and Lungs (500 eP)

10 left over.
Kagura is accepted

But esme speed is 4 ep not 2

Re do it and you will be accepted

edit apparently the photo is gone O.o

could you find it again esme?
and now i can say that esme is accepted :D yeah~

--- Merged Double Post ---

Jimmyrigon's nation

Ruler name: Al'kila

nation name: Galpolta (Capital: Huna)

Political agenda: Democracy



500 Elves

all resources are controlled by the public

Kaguras Nation

Name of Ruler: Belial

Name of Nation: Raymoor

Political system: Monarchy



500 Ovidius


-0.5 consumption


2 shrooms


-No income





Esms nation

name of ruler: Mare

Name of nation: Neloaquis

political system: Democracy



500 Sirens

all resources are controlled by the public

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