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World of Darkness

Changeling is the only one I have any lore knowledge of, really. (I've been reading lore books for it for funzies)  In Changeling you're a human who's recently escaped from the slavery of one of the True Fae.  Now you're a Changeling, a faerie-ish being whose Durance in Arcadia has warped you physically and psychologically, and the game partly about readjusting to your new life.  You can't return to your old one because your Fae Keeper left a Fetch, a being made of scraps and a piece of your soul, behind to replace you. Also, there's politics involved because of the various Courts that govern at different times based on seasons, area, etc. 
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Changeling is the only one I have any lore knowledge of, really. (I've been reading lore books for it for funzies)  In Changeling you're a human who's recently escaped from the slavery of one of the True Fae.  Now you're a Changeling, a faerie-ish being whose Durance in Arcadia has warped you physically and psychologically, and the game partly about readjusting to your new life.  You can't return to your old one because your Fae Keeper left a Fetch, a being made of scraps and a piece of your soul, behind to replace you. Also, there's politics involved because of the various Courts that govern at different times based on seasons, area, etc. 

There's a bunch of the Rule/Lore books at that site if you're looking for a bunch of pdfs.

Lads, no, we can't share that here; against site rules.
There's a free quickstart rule set that comes with a pre-written scenario on DriveThru, but I'd definitely recommend the basic nWoD Mortals blue book for everything you need to start playing.
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If we're talking Vigil I may be in.  If Reckoning, I could be persuaded. 
Is that old vs new?  Because I know there's a bunch of versions of WoD at least

Basically.  Vigil is new, and very tightly constructed, so I'm almost instantly onboard with that.  Reckoning is classic and most of what I know about it is second-hand.  I imagine Darkfeather is thinking new, though, based on the suggestions made. 
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New World, yeah. Except for Vampires, I prefer the New World of Darkness, because someone at White Wolf decided that Malks didn't need to be a thing in the New World. And, well...

Fuck. That.

So, yeah. Looks like we'll be going Hunters: The Vigil.

Y'all do some research and start putting together some characters, and I'll get to work on setting up a few possible story trees and such.
Can I bother one of you fine gents to link me some reading material here or through pm? I'm a quick study I assure you :3
PM is optimal.  I can help you out tomorrow if no one beats me to it.
@ All here that I will not link because troublesome

Thanks for the overwhelming responses. I'll get to reading within the hour and should have character ideas by the time we start rolling for stats(if we are) :3
So, after reading through character creation and going through the steps, I have to ask; how are we organizing as Hunters?  Are we all in the same cell or seperate?
I'm going to leave personal and group back history up for you all to decide. I only deal with the now and future story of my groups.

I find it helps people get into character if they have total control over who they are and where they came from.
I'd like to suggest we're a recently active Cell - maybe haven't known each other terribly long by the start, but by no means total strangers.

I have found trying to bring a group together can be really rocky and kill the momentum of a forum game. 

Coincidentally it has taken nearly two months to get the main cast in one of my games in the same room.
So at least first name basis among most of our chars? In that case should we at least post our names and basic backgrounds(age,profession/schooling) here so we can later tie-in relations with each other?

By which I mean our normal lives and not our paranatural ones. Very slim basics that you'd maybe divulge to someone you've known on a first name basis.(like earlier stated) Either way I'm fine with a recent cell. 

That okay with you guys?
Sure.  So far the character I'm making is a mechanic, went to trade school.  I haven't thought of a name for him yet, though.

I was figuring that one night after shift he was on his way home from work when he passed by an alley where a couple of werewolves (or vampires if that fits better) were on their latest meal.  After stepping in to fight them off, he now works to protect his part of town.  
I technically don't have enough posts to make a Hosted Project, but... I still have one left over that was pulled over from the old site from the Pathfinder game I was running that died after I fell off the world for a little bit.

I'm converting it for this, just to keep things easy to keep track off. Invites incoming.
I was thinking along the lines of an out of work actor(29) who found a new demographic to exploit by Vlogging on 'youtube'. He's fairly active and did some crazy shenanigans to please his audience and increase viewer count (not in the millions but a few thousand).He's not poor thanks to having a sound business acumen and approach but sadly only mediocre acting chops.

So Physical>mental>social(More online presence than in real life).

On one such event he gets caught on a 'poll-decided' dare to spend a night in a cemetery where *Insert common threat* is observed. Shocked he forgets to capture it on camera and bolts. Becomes a bit paranoid but once he gets over it he tries to actively seek the paranatural on camera but begins to lose viewers who think he's lost his marbles.

Name kinda still settling.

He's therefore in line with the thinking of one of the major groups(Network zero) about 'exposing' the truth so he might be heading towards there but nothing set in stone for him. This is just a rough idea of course.

Feedback on this would be awesome if any. :3 
I don't see any holes.  The stat priority is a nice touch.

I'm pondering and can't promise I won't make a police detective. 
I don't absolutely need, but would appreciate some kind of ballpark for character creation.
Like, country of setting and year would be a great start. Anything off limits, or idea of power scale?

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