World Makers and Reality

I always got the impression that initially in the war the Primordials went after the Dragon Kings, since they were wiped out so utterly and not mentioned much in the writings on the war. Perhaps it was because they didn't initally consider the exalts to be dangerous because of this limitation on humans.
Of course, I could be badly mistaken.
I can't remember if they were betrayed by Gorol or if that was something else, but a great massed force of Dragon Kings were ambushed and obliterated with Malfeas' Radiant Fury Dissolution, wiping out a huge amount of their souls. The Dragon Kings were staunch and powerful allies to the Exalted during the war (of which there isn't much information to begin with).
I'm not sure where I remember it from, but I think it said somewhere that the Primordials were also afraid of the possibility that the Dragon Kings could have their own exaltations and that was part of the reason why they were wiped out in such numbers.

I mean look at the humans, they were comparatively weak and serving the Dragon Kings for the most part before the first age, if exaltation could make them that kickass, think of what an exaltation on one of the Dragon Kings that ruled them would be like.

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