

New Member
I didn't see a 'introduce yourself here' thread (though there is always a great chance that I simply missed it) so I felt inclined to make one of my own. Go-go rocket-post!

That is, er, Hi! I'm Synthessence, and despite the mechanically inspired mentality of my name, I assure you that I am NOT a bot. I'm an avid Role Playing enthusiast, especially Exalted, and I am looking forward to rocking some pbp with my contemporaries. Glad to be aboard! :D
That's because you criticaly failed a spot check there.

Poll: Newcommers, second thread in Temple COurtyard. Welcome to crazyland by the way. Please check your soul and sanity at the entrance.
Welcome welcome... I trust you DID read the e-mail I sent and didn't skim it with regards to passwords? :lol:
Narp, my password is all nice and changed now. I'm working on getting a pic set up and what not, that way you guys don't think I'm a very clever bot in disguise...

Also! I'm reading over the 'status' page for the games, and it looks like the vast majority of them are closed. :'(
Oh, yeah, pics, I should get one of those...

Hello new person! Welcome! You are one more person newer than me! Yay!
Glad I could help someone move up the totem pole.

Edit: Upon looking at the page, it seems that other than the brawl and volley ball threads (volley ball?), that ALL of the threads are closed. So, what, no new games going on right now?
I probably should also do forum work and clean up stuff like moving dead games and updating the status page... :oops:
Alchemicals, you say? Would you recommend I get it? I've been eyeing it up for a while and I'll have a chance to get it in a week or two, so advice is welcome.
I highly suggest it. The Alchemicals are wonderfully different from all the other Exalt types, and the setting is really unique. Totally worth it.
Now, let's see.

I like steampunk, robots, magic, communism (if we didn't have to run it with people) and dystopias.

Right, it looks like I may be able to make a character to go with the name Knightly Arbiter of Righteous Law...
Synthessence said:
I'm working on getting a pic set up and what not, that way you guys don't think I'm a very clever bot in disguise...
>>Clever bot in disguise

>>Avatar is GIR

What you did there.

I see it.
MorkaisChosen said:
Now, let's see.
I like steampunk, robots, magic, communism (if we didn't have to run it with people) and dystopias.

Right, it looks like I may be able to make a character to go with the name Knightly Arbiter of Righteous Law...
Yes I have a copy on hold for myself, just haven't been able to clear the funds for it ;)

It's very cool from what I've browsed.


Yes! Yes yes, the book is amazingly epic. I love how their charms are completely different than every other Solar. Charms are actually implants...so cool.

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