

The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin
A dark cloud spread all over the world as time seemingly froze. From place to place, select people could move, though they would see no one, except for the beast that is. A mere glimsp of the dirty fast moving matted fur thing and a voice would pipe up, from no where and yet ever where.

Come with me, I have something for you to see...Just follow the hare, he'll take you there.

With the voice whispering in harmonizing tones for you to go, you follow agaisnt your free will, your feet no longer listening to you as they carried you. As the beastie moved faster, your body did as well, and slowly, you started slipping away from yourself, everything blended together to a mesh green and brown from the towns and cities you had been pulled from. Until...

You fell, down a rabbit hole it seemed. And as you fell, it grew dark and cold. Roots snagging on your clothes, tearing at your skin and hair, cool dirt crumbing down with you as you try to grab onto the walls to help you.

The dirt and roots soon gave way to a few shelves, then the addition of a few clocks, then wall paper, a grungy green, followed. A faint music sound, like that of an elevator, could be heard, till suddenly, you hit a bed, and bouncing from it, hit the floor. Looking up, you would see nothing but absolute darkness. In front of you, a single door, to msall to walk through sat wide open, on the inside, the rabit sat, foot pumping up and down in impatience.

"Your very terribly late you know..." It said, in a warped voice dark enough to send chills down your spine. It's teeth sharp and yellow, eyes blood shot and deep red, utterly disgusting in it's position. It took off down the hall, leaving you to follow the sound of a ticking clock, loud in your ear like your very own pulse.

Crawling through the door, you find yourself in a hallway, with thousands of doors of various sizes on either side with only one door on the end, that was the one the beast went through. Moving towards it, a sense washes over you, making you happy despite the strangness of it all. Giddily laughing, you have to pause, finding yourself at home in all the insanty you had gone through, and with an odd conviction you go through the door.

In a room with only a table, and doors leading from all over, with one large wooden carved door at the the very head of the room, you stand. Seeing others standing up all around you before a voice went laughing into your head, as it's words filled your mind, you learned many things, of the dangers you will face, the deceit you have to be afraid of, the treachery of the world that has now become yours...and most importantly, the vial.

As you reach forward, the others mimicing you as if it was a mirror protecting different forms of your very own self, you take hold of your vial, not understanding a thing going on. As the voice in your head went silent, you look at every other face in that room. Before the doors to the large door opened. Stepping forward, it seemed to stretch, allowing all through at the same time as you walked in a row. Passing through it, it slammed shut, and faded into the area around you, making you very unsure that it had been there at all. As you looked around, you realized you were in a place that one could only think was a dream, but it wasn't, and here you were.

In Wonderland.
John looked at his vial, then looked around in wonder. His eyes narrowed at all of the brilliancy of the new land. "Man...Where the hell are we? This seems like a bad acid trip."
zack heard the boy beside him say it was like an acid trip all that was going through his mind was what was the last thing he ate and what was in it! he stumbled about and looked around the vast area of this place they were now in.
Caleb heard the boy say it was like an acid trip. "So any Idea why we came here?" Caleb looked at Zack and John a bit confused. He clenched his vial because it was so important. Caleb was walking around everyone to get used to the surroundings.

As Gill uncontrollably moved in the direction of the table and grabbed the vial with an inkblack substance in it, he felt like he had just took hold of an insane convict's mind. His eyes started to water as he laughed uncontrollably, shaking and contorting his body he couldn't stop laughing while he moved for the door. Gripping the doorknob he suddenly returned to his senses and stopped laughing, terrified by what just happened he looked at the vial. The substances seemed smaller in quantity than it had been when he saw it on the table. He paid little attention to it though as he passed through the door and look around to see a dreamlike park.

With flowers in every color, hegges the size of houses and carved bushes to resemble animals as large as castles seemed to glare faceless at the new visitors of Wonderland.

Shaking his head with his eyes closed he tried to wake up. Opening his eyes again, the rabbit from before suddenly stood inches away from his face. Gill stumbled backwards in fear and surprise and fell on his ass as the rabbit came closer yet again, with his disgusting eyes rolling around in its socket and blood dripping from his large watch.

" We have to hurry... " He spoke softly but hearable to anyone and suddenly smiled widely. The gums of his teeth were rottenyellow and infested with small white maggots, crawling around.

Gill crawled back from the rabbit who turned around and hopped away in the direction of god knows where.

Breathing heavily, Gill stood up, shaking on his legs and trembling all over his body he turned to face the others.

" Wh-wha-what is that thing?! "
John blinked at the furry white creature, then scratched his cheek. "Y-yep. Definitely...A horrible acid trip." He looked at the man named Gill and extended a hand to help him to his feet. "My name's John. Do, uh...Do you know where the f*** we are?" John tried masking his worry and fear, but there was no sense in foolish bravado now.
Gill took hold of John's hand eventhough he already stood up, he was still in pretty big shock of what he saw and where he was without knowing how he got there or what was going on.

He stared at his hand before realizing he had been shaking John's hand for a while, he let go as soon as he came back to his senses.

" Oh sorry, I'm a bit out of sorts. I'm Gill and sorry but I have no clue where we are or what we're doing here. "

He started staring again, this time at the road that lead into the garden. Turning around to see if they could get back out the way they came in he saw that the door and house had vanished and only trees so close to eachother that a normal build boy would have trouble passing through. The trees seemed to go on 'till as far as he could see.

Gulping he tried to find another way out, but all he could come up with was obeying the grotesque rabbit and follow him, hopefully to home.

" Let's go down that road, we'll find a way out somehow. " He said with a reassuring tone although he was scared out of his wits.
John was so transfixed on everything around him, he hadn't realized the man had all ready gotten to his feet. He looked around in wonder as he spotted some flying creatures that resembled no bird or insect he'd ever heard of. John looked over at a beautiful flower that was a mix of gold, red, and blue. He wanted to touch it, but decided against it when it started rolling around to reveal a floating eyeball in the middle of it. He shook his head, as the man he tried to help to his feet spoke. Not knowing what exactly they should be doing, he followed Gill.

"S-sure. Anywhere but here..."
Looking around, not sure at all what had happened, the redhead Jenny Marxs clutched her vial tightly, which had barely anything left at all. Looking around, everything made her head spin, her stomach sick, and as she stumbled forward, she heard nothing from around her.

But something was pulling her left, towards the giant flowers, as she started laughing, fingers twitching, body jerking a bit like she was off her rocker.
zack listened to the people noting everything they said and did. he moved about trying to analyze what might kill them or eat them seeing as the area didn't seem like a nice place for them to wonder. he seemed more spacy then usual and felt alittle sick moving so he decided to sit on what looked like a normal bush and listen to what everyone's thoughts were
Looking around to see what the others were doing, more out of fear from being too alone on his journey home than anything else, he noticed several of them were acting strange. Looking sick, acting floopy, staring, ... This was beyond a reaction to the position they were in, as horrible as the situation was. There was something else going on. He had no clue what to make of it but he felt like they needed to stick together if they wanted to make it through this.

" Is everyone ok? "
John worried about this land. He'd been in similar situations before, but nothing that could even begin to compare to this. He began biting his nails, a habit he did only when the stress levels were way too high for him. The last time he'd done that was when he was still in Basic Combat Training. He'd made it through until then last week, then somehow broke his ankle. He'd been forced to have surgery, and the doctor's messed it up to the point of no repair. He'd been cheated out of his dream, but he still retained the training's knowledge. But...He had no idea on how to challenge this. Just then, he realized that his hand was bleeding. No, his finger was. He'd chewed off most of the nail and now was biting into his own skin without even realizing it. He half heard the question that the man beside him asked.

"Yeah...Yeah I'm okay."
Pausing as someone spoke to them all, Jenny frowned. Looking back at the man, fingers tapping rapidly agaisnt her pant leg, she stared at him. Though she knew what he said, her face held a look of confusion. Why would some one ask if they were okay? Clearly they were, were they not? If they weren't okay someone would be screaming, or crying, or laying on the ground in a bloody heap that would be beyond repair. Or they would be running away, attacking each other, biting down into the flesh and clawing their eyes out. Wouldn't they?

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