Wonderland Reborn

I have changed my mind. cx I'll create a character that's not a ruler, and just serving one of the four main kingdoms. c:
My character's weapon of choice. The Scythe of madness!

sent from the mind of a Mad Prince!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/uploadfromtaptalk1387268644237.jpg.10caac76c2a9acd1879db06194ff3b44.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/uploadfromtaptalk1387268644237.jpg.10caac76c2a9acd1879db06194ff3b44.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'll also be needing

BlackRoseWitch's approval, since she holds the Kingdom of Hearts.


Rye, the little thief.


Rye, the Crimson.


Rye, the disguised.

Name: Athalia Rye Crimson

Age: She's sixteen years old.

Bio: As a young child, Rye had been already travelling from kingdom to kingdom with her parents She only called them her mother Rina and her father Lee. The girl's parents didn't even bother remembering their last name to add to their daughter, so they would have less chances of having their identities found out. Rye was only called Rye, and it wasn't so long until she knew that her parents were two of the most wanted thieves in every area. It wasn't so hard, though. All she had to see was one poster saying "Wanted", showing her parents' latest disguises in a picture, and seeing those very parents change into their disguises right before her eyes. So, she ran away from bad people, and lived happily, right?


Unlike any other fearful children, Rye accepted that her parents were like that. In fact, she thought it was cool. She had watched her parents do their thing as a normal child, at times. And eagerly, the seven-year-old Rye wanted to do what her parents did. It was quite a surprise to her parents, but they knew that bringing around a helpless child with them all the time was always added to their worry, and someone who could inherit their abilities that they were to teach was a great thing. It always meant continuing the dynasty of the world's most mysterious thieves. Even with a bit of hesitation in themselves for raising someone like them, Rina and Lee slowly taught Rye about the life of a thief. Every single knowledge, idea, detail that they knew, they told their daughter. And that was the first training for Rye.

About two years later, nine-year-old Rye knew almost everything that was in her parents' minds. She was taught about the horrors, regrets, fears, doubts, and disadvantages of being a thief like them. Everyone knew that thieves would be remembered and hunter forever, especially as long as they wouldn't stop doing their corrupted deeds. But of course, there was heaven in stealing for those who were born-to-be thieves. Well, the guilty pleasures of having anything you want is probably the best feeling for thieves. Now that the first training--knowledge and all that--she had to choose: Keep that information and continue living as a not-so-innocent girl, or continue on with the second training. Just like the curious girl she was, off she went, picking the second choice.

The second training consisted of disguise, stealth, agility, and all those physical abilities that a true thief held. It took her a little more than two years to learn about the basic, and medium-level steps and lessons. It was up to her to pick which other skills to hone or master in the future, but they all knew that it would take her a lot of time. The very same day she ended her training, just when she's arrived at their hideout from a very successful mission, she witnessed a fleeing person, but it wasn't just a person. It was a heavily-clothed and covered man, who was holding a gun in hand. Their hideout was far and hidden from people's reach, so it was normal for gunshots to not be heard by anyone.

Rye hastily ran into the hideout, and she saw what she prayed she wouldn't. Her parents lay on the floor, and they weren't moving. For the first time in history, someone would actually kill them. She spent minutes trying to help them live again or get their breath once more, but nothing worked. They had no pulse, no breath, they were
dead. For the first time in her lovely life of thievery, Rye didn't know what to do. It seemed that she was panicking. After quick self-calming in a matter of seconds, she knew that staying with the corpses wouldn't do anything. She ran to where they slept, and took the one and only, big backpack that the three of them used. Everything essential was there, and she just had to bring it... and what was she to do next?

It was stupid, she knew, but she followed the track of that man. After a few minutes of sprinting around the forest where their hideout was concealed, she found the man again, hastily making way through the thick trees and shrubs. With a final goodbye, Rye ran out of the forest to watch that man burn their hideout and flee. She followed that man, wherever he went, and made sure that she wasn't too suspicious to others. FInally, days of travelling later, the murderer arrived at some big abandoned warehouse and just when Rye went inside as well, it turned out that she was an expected guest. It was an ambush. She managed to fight off about half of them, but she couldn't fight anymore. It's been hours, and tons more were coming. She was taken advantage of, having landed a few kicks and punches.

And just before Rye thought that it was the end of her life, a group of people a little past her age with very weird abilities came to her aid. They didn't have to wear their bodies too much, and all they did was move their bodies, just a little. They were doing all kinds of what people call magic, and confusion was the only thing in Rye's head until she fainted. Soon enough, she was brought into the Kingdom of Hearts, and Rye couldn't believe that she actually followed a man without taking notice of where she was already. Last time, she was in the Kingdom of Diamonds... or at least, that's what she remembered. The big mansion of the Crimson family, one of the most powerful and wealthy families, stood in front of Rye, and she stayed there while she was being tended. Rye told that woman her story, even if that woman knew already. The beautiful woman introduced herself as Arianne Crimson, the current heir to their abilities and necessities. The woman also told Rye that the group of people who just saved her were only adopted by that woman. Little did Rye know that the woman wanted to adopt her as well.

Being that she had no choice at all except dying, she accepted it on the spot. It took only weeks to fix her adoption, and soon, Arianne Crimson gave Rye a new name, Athalia Crimson, and let her keep the name "Rye" as her second name. They even held a party welcoming lots of rich families only to introduce an addition to the Crimson family. Now, all Rye is is a normal rich girl who stays at their mansion every time. Every now and then, a few friends or even suitors would visit, and Rye wouldn't mind, but she couldn't get too close to people, except those who knew who she really was. Just when she celebrated her grand twelfth birthday in the Crimson mansion, her new mother decided to teach her all about magic. At first, it was unbelievable, but Rye knew that it was amazing. She spent four years at least in just knowing the basics of alchemy, sorcery, necromancy and enchanting. At the age of sixteen, a close friend of Rye's mother came to visit them and invite Rye to join the Kingdom of Hearts's army. It seemed that the Queen of Hearts knew who she really was, and knew that her abilities would help their kingdom.

Knowing that this kingdom is now her new home, Rye accepted and went every night to where their army would always meet. The people there couldn't believe that such a fragile young girl could take on what they did, but Rye proved them wrong. She passed all initiations and granted multi-roles in the army. She was one of the very few, actually. And until today, the seemingly-innocent Athalia Rye Crimson trains in magic with her mother in the morning, and trains again and goes on missions at night.

Daughter of: [The past] a very infamous family of thieves, whom no one knew would bear a child such as Rye. Therefore, nobody knows about her parents, family, or origin, at all. She is, though, an exception. [The present] the Crimson family, one of the Kingdom of Hearts who adopted Rye.

Weapon: Rye uses a necklace, in which its pendant can change or shift into many things. Most of the time, Rye makes her pendant change into potions, a dagger, or a staff, all enhanced by magic. This was passed down from generation to generation of the Crimson family, and only the living heirs can touch it. Anyone else who dares to, would only be feeling an acid-like solid. To avoid any people noticing her important accessory, Rye casts a little, daily spell that made it invisible to others' naked eyes.

The question, how did she become a blood heir if she was only adopted by the Crimsons?

The answer: At the age of twelve, right after her birthday, Arianne and Rye had a blood pact together, bound by magic and blood, joining their bloods together. It's some kind of ritual that Arianne does to every adopted child who wishes to learn about magic.


Rank in army: Rye has many roles in their secret organization in the Kingdom of Hearts, being that she is an experienced user in the field of magic. She can be a healer, when someone needs it. Or perhaps, a spy for infiltrating other kingdoms.

Relationships: Aria Frost Hellstorm, (BlackRoseWitch's character)- You could say that they're acquaintances, and often partners when given missions in the army.

Other: The only people who call her Rye are the members of her family, no exceptions. The others don't even know that Rye's her second name. The rest call her Athalia, or miss Crimson, etc. Also, she loves disguising. The only reason how people from the army recognize her is her young, favorite disguise whenever going to their place. (See third appearance picture above)

Woo! Took me a lot of time for that o: I'm gonna go to school now. cx

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Yay :) Once you post then we'll be able to start. I've been waiting for the last kingdom to be taken and now that it has, we can start :)
NAME: Lucius Gerund


BIO: From a young age, Lucius knew that he was not a politician. He watched and heard of the events occurring in other kingdoms when he was a boy, and each time he was baffled as to why anyone would want to spend their time arguing and fighting with words and the lives of others instead of deciding the outcome with a brawl. As he got older, though, he understood more. He understood that the conflict of the kingdoms was the result of politics, and that the people who decided when to go to war, what to produce, what the laws are... the people who decided all these things were either fighting for the good of their people or were simply hungry for more of what they had: power. When he was young, the kingdom of diamonds was hardly a kingdom. It was a mine with a village near the entrance, a massive village, a village whose population could, in fact rival that of neighboring kingdoms. But there was no castle. No king or queen. The decisions were made by elders who expired at the first sign of true conflict. By now, Lucius was grown and strong. And while he was still not sure about politics, he knew his people and he knew that they needed a leader for the bloodshed that would come. He took up this mantle, effectively becoming the first true King of Diamonds. He arranged the entire village to move into the mines and they forged a new home, a safer one, with the remnants of their old lives left standing as a marker to travelers. "When you see the ghost town, the glittering kingdom of diamonds is within reach." Now Lucius lives in relative peace, his people demanding that he keep the throne. He is a kind leader, a strong leader, a man that leaves his home open to common folk and youth. He is the king of Diamonds. He rules the city of diamonds. And like the jewel they are named after, they sit beneath the ground peacefully until they are dug up.


6'4", wears a leather breast plate into battle and a simple tunic in the city. Goes shirtless when doing field and mine work.

Eyes: golden with flecks of brown

RULER OF (if applicable): Kingdom of diamonds

DAUGHTER/SON OF: A pair of average villagers

LOVE INTEREST (optional: None at the moment

WEAPON: http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/14/10727000/ngbbs453d792ce40f2.jpg

RANK IN ARMY:General. Fights on the front lines as a warrior.

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;~; ...Everyone is making awesome first posts and I can't come up with nothing. DX

Curse the evil Writer's block!

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