Wonderland Reborn [Inactive]


Queen of Butterflies
PrincessKarai8 submitted a new role play:

Wonderland Reborn - World divided, War raging. Can we save our world?

In a world divided among itself exist four Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Clubs, the Kingdom of Hearts, the Kingdom of Spades, and the Kingdom of Diamonds. These four kingdoms signed a peace treaty, The Contract. The kingdoms followed The Contract for several years until. . . The ruler of the Heart Kingdom disrupted it all. . . Now, the kingdoms are all at war and a struggle for power is being fought. Each kingdom wants to be the head of the Contract, but only one can have that title. Who will be the...
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Blood. . . Blood shed everywhere she looked. . . Leonora was in the middle of a raging war. . .

Sword gleaming in her hand she rushed forward, charging at the soldier with spades all over his armor.

Without hesitation, Leonora thrust her sword into the soldier’s chest, pulling it out and going for the next soldier. This one had diamonds on her armor.

Show no mercy! Leonora thought to herself, slicing at the woman warrior’s arm.

The diamond warrior counter-attacked by slicing at Leonora’s head.

Leonora grabbed the warrior by the arm and yanked her down, using the bunt of her sword to hit the warrior in the head.

The warrior struggled with her for a few moments before getting free and slicing a huge gash down Leonora’s forearm.

Leonora, enraged for a moment, rushed the woman and kicked her feet out from under her, slicing the diamond warrior’s throat.

“The Club Kingdom will not be easily defeated!” Leonora shouted, her sword pointed down at the woman warrior just before the warrior closed their eyes and death took them.


Athalia Rye Crimson sat on one of the wooden benches on the garden just behind their mansion. It was one of her favorite places, because all there was in the garden was nature, no artificial things. She was peacefully watching birds create a nest on the branch of one of their trees when she heard metal clacking on the grass behind her.

"Rye," Thear Crimson, one of her female siblings, spoke behind her with a stern, disappointed voice. "You aren't joining the war again? You know that the Kingdom of Hearts would need you more than they do to us."

Rye, with a face as calm as her mood, stood and turned around, facing a serious sister, all dressed in full, metal armor, ready for battle. "Oh Thear," Rye muttered with a little smile, already used to her fellow sibling's seemingly-never-changing tone. "Wars are endless, until someone and everyone stops doing them. And I have other things to fulfill."

Thear knew that whenever Rye said no, she meant no, so the more disappointed warrior simply stepped out of the garden, sheathing her sword and getting ready to strike by the raging war.

Rye looked back to sit on the lovely bench, hoping that none of her other siblings would come to bother her again. There were times when she would join the wars, and most would ridicule her for wearing only leather armor, but never would anyone even dare to defeat her. But soon enough, she didn't want to join anymore, unless ordered to. She found them as a waste of time.

"Rye?" Another voice called out, but this time, Rye didn't hesitate to stand and bow to her loving mother. Arianne Crimson walked gracefully by the stepping stones which whistled as one walked towards the garden. "Still won't join this war, are you?"

"No, mother." Rye said pleasantly and sat once more, offering a seat for her mother. "It's rare to see you here." She said curiously, wondering if she was needed to be on some mission again.

Appreciatedly, Arianne Crimson sat beside her daughter, and opened her palm to reveal her aura, shaping a dagger, and soon holding it within her hand. "Well, if you have the time, you'll be learning about auras today."

The young girl almost jumped in excitement upon hearing this. It was promised to her that she would learn about auras and how to manipulate them, and she'd always liked that. But for now, all she knew was her aura was of a dark shade of pink, that would sometimes change to be lighter or a whole lot darker.
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Lucius stared at the board carefully, his hand on his chin and his mind focused as it's ever been. He moves forward the last of the pieces representing his troops and groans as his opponent's face breaks out into a grin. The child was still young, but had become rather adept at a game known as "Total domination" and had been thrashing Lucius in it for the past hour or so; taking over the map faster than the man thought possible and always being at least three steps ahead. He gave a resigned laugh and leaned back in his chair, "Jeez, kid, I swear you need to start handling this war stuff instead of me. How many times is that? Two? Four?" The child responded with laughter and by holding up five fingers that soon formed a upturned palm, his way of saying "Pay up".

Lucius could only roll his eyes and get up. The child had been very specific as to what he wanted, not diamonds, jewels, gold, because all of those could simply be plucked from the walls here; no he wanted what everyone here traded: favors. This particular favor would be... well, two. Which was actually a mercy considering how many times the child had beaten him. The first was an honorable mention in one of the more prestigious schools of the city. Personally Lucius disliked the idea of separating people's education based on money or selective interests, but it wouldn't do to stifle people's ideas. It was as simple as signing a sheet of parchment, with the name of the school included, another thing about the school he disliked: the name. "Black Diamond school for the advanced arts".... he retched a little bit and sighed nostalgically for the old years before the first war...

Just as he had handed the child the parchment someone dressed in soldier's garb ran into the room, out of breath and holding a letter out to Lucius, "King, a letter from the border. " He thanked the man as he read it, a frown forming on his face as his face when he discovered that war had spread into his area. With a sigh he looked at the sword he had taken up when he had first become king and led his fellow villagers into battle, and the armor he had dawned. "It would appear that unrest really is inevitable int this never ending world of politics.... to war again. never a good thing."
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Nirvain watched at the sight of the war take place. He chucked as he hovered over the war in his cloud of vapor. "Yes! Yes! The madness is wonderful, if they keep fighting like this soon there would be nothing left of all four kingdoms leaving nothing but the madness kingdom in there place!" He looked down at the blood shed with excitement as on of his royal advisers approached his cloud of mist! "Aaaaah oh dear dear DEAR! Look at this play out! My my, the mad hatter would be disappointed by your part in this young prince!" Nirvain laughed at his remark! "The mad hatter was a fool, using his madness for the good of a human girl Haha all for nothing! That girl, is probably dead!" He looked down again at the beautiful madness the destruction was causing! "But master madness, this isn't you! The cat said their must be a balance in all of wonderland.....even in madness!" Nirvain paused before scolding the little man! "Mind your own business this is my kingdom and you work for me! See that down there? That was caused by me! Silly fools! Do they even know why they are fighting? Hahahaha!" The advisor slowing walked away as Nirvain laughed! "Even the red queen couldn't have seen this madness coming with that large head of hers!"

The mind of a Mad Prince!
Christopher sat stiffly in the plush chairs; a taunt wire pulled in his chest, threatening to snap, as his father paced the War Room. The king's voice grew more anxious at each turn as he compiled a list of faulty plans. The news of a war between the Club kingdom and Diamond kingdom spread throughout the castle when the messanger let the words tumble from his lips. Foreboding sat upon the wire, but his father's denial masked a tight smile on the Prince's face. Who says that the Spade kingdom was next? Maybe the other two were falling out of it faster because of what happened to the Border. No. His father knew better than that- they all knew better than that. It was inevitable. Chris's men would soon find themselves in the grim arms of war and bloodshed.

Chris sighed and looked out the window. The room was positioned to look above their stunning kingdom, but all he could see was the bloody sunrise that drenched into the clouds. Funny, he could almost hear the metallic slice of a sword running through a soldier and the splatter of blood against the battlefield.

"...Prince? Prince Christopher?"

"General!" The first call of his name unfazed him, but his father's stern shout shook him awake and alarmed.

"Y-yes your majesty?" Chris cleared his throat; cursing himself for the stutter. He looked up to his father's harsh glare and then down to the large table. In front of him was the map of the four kingdoms. Spade warriors were strategically placed around an imaginary battlefield. Ah, now he understood. They wanted direction from the General himself. The prince narrowed his eyes, analyzing each man on the map; moving a few men here and there. When he looked up, he could see a pleased smile on his father- no, the king's face. After all, hiis general was protecting his kingdom after all. "Prepare my men. We ride in 10 to the Kingdom's protection line. From there, I will take my best soldiers to survey the battle and see if we can not stop the Club and Diamonds in their place." It was a faux sense of victory spilling into every word. Politics has corrupted every man into wanting to be a conquerer- to be the one that ruled them all. This war was the prime example of it. Ever since the Hearts disrupted the Contract...

Christopher sighed once more and stood; the wire being welded together as he shook hands of the advisors and bowed to his father. Wonderland is in for one heck of a ride.
“Queen Leonora!” Her head battle strategist called out as soon as the young ruler entered the gates of the castle.

Leonora, taking the white cloth held out to her, wiped the blood off her sword, returning it back to its holster on her hip.

“What’s the news, Meredith?”

“The Spade Kingdom and Heart Kingdom armies have surrounded our borders. It’s evident the Heart Kingdom is trying to overtake us, but the Spade kingdom have yet to reveal their reasoning.” The tall woman had short, black hair and spoke in a military-like tone.

Leonora began walking towards the castle, a serious expression on her face.

“So, seems my dear cousin still hasn’t given up.” Leonora sighed before continued. “It saddens me to fight against our fellow Wonderland people, but we can’t just sit back and allow them to destroy everything we have created. We must fight!”

Leonora paused, her eyebrows creasing.

“Meredith, send troops to the Hearts border. Then send archers to the Spade Kingdom. We must show them, the Club Kingdom is not one to mess with. We must strike back!” Leonora spoke with passion and firmness.

“Yes, your majesty. I will send out the Flanks now.” Meredith nodded her head and went to make the preparations.

Once Meredith was out of sight, Leonora’s tough façade fell apart.

Why must I insist on this ongoing war? It’s getting us nowhere, but I can’t just let my people down and allow the other kingdoms to dominate us. I HAVE to fight back. . .


"General!" Christopher turned to a soldier running towards him.

"What is it, Jefferson?" Jefferson hurried to catch his breath and threw an arm over to the Spade kingdom border.

"The Club kingdom has sent archers! What is your order, sir?" Archers... how very interesting. Christopher barked orders to fend off the oncoming attack with their own marksmen. He feels that there is a need to pay the Club kingdom a dear visit- and perhaps a certain female general as well. He grabbed a few of his best men androde on horseback through the Club borders. He could spot the Heart armor a mile away. Only they had the gall to start a war so great that it can rip Wonderland through and through. A scowl darkened Chris's face as he looked at one of the Club guards raising their weapon at him.

"No need. I wish to speak to your General."

((I hope you don't mind me interracting with you @PrincessKarai8 ))

"Clubs, Diamonds, Spades... Ah, Madness is not taken part in the war yet, again. Oh well..."

A female dressed in pure black armor was sitting on a fine throne in a large room, her eyes closed half way... As if sleep was calling to the armored Noble. This short haired female was Princess Aria Frost Hellstorm, shockingly she was not in the middle of the war right now. No, Aria was no coward or weakly of any kind... She was just waiting for the perfect time to strike an attack. Or as Aria likes to call it, the Waiting Game. A faint knock was heard coming from the large iron doors.

Most likely one of the guards here to report about the war...

Aria thought as the doors slowly opened to reveal one of the guards, wearing a decent chain mill armor with bloody hearts scattered around it. As he walk into the castle throne room, the guard could feel the power that emanates from the throne its self. The throne was a high back chair made of a deep and dark oak finished off with a red velvet cushion. The throne sits at the top of a three stepped platform, which just adds to the prestige of power that he as well as anyone else can feel. The rest of the room looks to be the same as the rest of the keep. High windows, many tapestries hang from the walls as well as a crackling fire to warm the room on those cold and dismal winter nights...

Even though it was clearly not winter time, yet. Wonderland's seasons were full of twists and turns.

However, strangely, there were other thrones of different shapes and sizes scattered across the large throne room. In the Kingdom of Hearts, there was more than one ruler.

First off, the Queen was not the only one who held power to all of her Kingdom... Different family members in the Hellstorm family held equal power, including the youngest to the oldest. It was never wise to start an argument with the other
rulers of the Kingdom... If an argument did break out between the Royal Family, there would be a inner war inside the Castle and throughout the large Kingdom... All over power to obtain the true rule over the Kingdom of Hearts. However, recently before this current war started, Aria had made a firm and quite risky move with the Royal Family to stop acting like a bunch of children who cannot get what they want. So, for now, there was only one person in charge of this war and that was Aria herself. She may not have the Queen's crown. But, Aria doesn't need anything like that useless piece of fancy junk...

If junk can be fancy, that is.

Slowly, Aria opened her cold eyes and stared down at the nervous guard with the look of someone who was exited to slaughter anyone in their path...

Or rip off some butterfly's wings and burn them intill they turn to ashes. That was the Heartless Butterfly for you, killing her own kind! It was not a shocking surprise worth worrying about, really. There was a war taking place and people killing each other. Silently and slowly, Aria stood from her throne and walked across the room with such grace and slyness... Having a mysterious touch to it, almost like a deadly black leopard. The older male held a blood stained scroll and opened it shakingly, clearing his throat before
trying to speak with firmness and hold his dignity in front of the Royal... Sadly, for the male, what came out of his mouth was a trembling and frightened mumble. At least, the armored man tried his very best...

"M-m'lady... This is f-from one of the Royal family members that have been a-away from the Kingdom recently... T-they threaten to, erm, do something about... Xio? The letter goes on about the war, how you must fight, and this Xio thing... And someone by the name of---"

Suddenly, a loud and blood-curdling scream had escaped from the nervous guard as Aria swiftly unsheathed a silver blade and made attacked the guard with advanced swordsmanship. His dark blue eyes were wide and drowning in fear as his face went pale, barely being able to dodge or run away from the heartless sixteen year old... Why couldn't the older, and maybe wiser, man run away or stop the attack by doing a counter attack? It was quite simple and easy to understand... Aria Frost Hellstorm had sliced off his head without showing no mercy, clearly...

"Off with your head..."

She whispered in a harsh and hauntingly calm voice as she walked towards the iron doors with a already stained sword in her hands, planning on heading outside of the Castle and prepare to enter the war. The armored and lifeless body had crumbled to the floor in a gruesome position, a thick and messy pool of crimson blood started to seep out of the dead body. A head was rolling on the throne room's floor, staining the floor deeply as well as the Castle itself... Such a shame really. Back then, when Queen Caroline was still alive, the Castle of Hearts and the Kingdom of Hearts were never stained with blood and such violence. Or any type of greed from the Royal Family, who wished to have all the power and more. However, not all of the members in the family were greedy. But, in Aria's eyes, they were all the same.

It was much more peaceful back then when Caroline was ruling with a gentle and slightly firm fist...

But, that all changed when sweet Caroline had gotten killed in her sleep and... When Aria started to break out of her cocoon and transform into a murdering and heartless butterfly, she would go as far as to kill someone in such an important place... Let alone inside the Castle and not in a battlefield! Aria did not bother to tell anyone that she killed someone inside the throne room... Someone will walk into the room and figure it out. Of course, this happened all the time inside the Castle walls. Half of the workers in the castle have served their time there and knew how Aria acted towards... mostly anyone who was alive and able to be killed. While the new workers were surely in for a fright or two. Aria did not care at all.

Silently, the black haired female was walking down the long and empty hallway of the castle with a guarded expression written across her face. She was in deep thought at the moment, letting her bloody blade drag across the floor and leave a trail of fresh and sickening blood behind her as she walked without a care. Xio was the underground tunnels, which rested under the castle, and lead to a large dungeon like room. The room itself smelled like rotten and burning flesh and held many types of experiment tools and such. Aria remembered when she was younger, when Caroline was still walking Wonderland and not buried in the ground, that the rest of the
family had tortured her down there and test her... It caused her so much pain that was bottled up, due to the fact that she couldn't tell no one... Not even Queen Caroline, her mother. They called that dark and gruesome place Xio. Why? Who knows.

Suddenly, Aria was stopped by a very tall female and raised a brow slightly. Quickly, without even bothering to greet the armed royal, the blonde haired female spoke in a worried tone of voice.

"My Lady! The Kingdom of Spades has send out troops to our borders. What shall we do?!"

Aria was silent for a moment, calculating her thoughts deeply for a moment before speaking up.

"...Send all of the heavily armed and lightly armed generals in each and every rank in the Army and let them surround the troops without them noticing. However, let the troops get close towards our borders... Very close. Let them cause a little trouble for a few minutes, allow them to think that we truely surrounded and then... Attack them in a certain number of groups. Make sure the generals are able to fight with any weapon they can find lying on the ground. I do not want any healers to go with the warriors. No assassins. Just the head generals. The troops are going to be like ants for them... Make sure no one is alive. If we run out of weapons, take the troops' weapons once they are lying in a pool of blood... You can handle the rest from there, make sure they are all dead. Now go and leave me be."

She watched the female for a moment as she ran off quickly and in a hurry towards the rest of the army, needing to inform everyone of the order very soon. With a small sigh parting from her lips as she dwelled on the wicked memories and finished the detailed order, Princess Aria Frost Hellstorm made it out of the castle and down towards the lovely garden where Arianne and Rye Crimson were located at. Sooner or later, the sixteen year old female had found both Arianne and Rye. The war could wait for now, Aria was not in the mood to fight...

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Nirvain continued to watch as the war began to really take place he smiled listening to the warriors fight back and forth! He quickly turned and gave a sinister smile as he watched the heart kingdom approach! "Oh this is getting good! When the heart kingdom comes the club and diamond kingdom will get a run for their money. The heart kingdom is ironically the most heartless merciless kingdom in wonderland!" He clenched his fist in happiness as he continued to float above them. "My kingdom will respect the madness seen today! Oh yes i will go do in history!" As he laughed he couldn't help but notice a boom in the horizon, he sighed as he read the madness down on the eastern coast of wonderland. "What is this madness? This-this isn't right m-my kingdom!" He shouted as he shivered quietly. He looked as a dark cloud shrouded his kingdom. A bitter cold blew from the direction, this feeling wasn't of silly madness. NO this was something truly evil that was never even seen in wonderland. "I-i must get help! But how? Who would help a kingdom that was said to be a myth or a silly fantasy in the mind of a small child. Nirvain felt a moment of being powerless as he could sense the essence of his people disappear! "Oh no i must go see what has become of my kingdom!"

The mind of a Mad Prince!

It was amazing, how in a matter of several minutes, Rye could learn the basics about aura reading already. It seemed that her eyes were accustomed to seeing things unnatural to normal eyes, and she couldn't help but remember the past, when she had just started learning magic, especially when her body and heart were too stubborn to be calm. Oh, those days when it took the little girl weeks before doing the most primary of things. But now, a lot has changed. Things were a whole lot better, and she would learn things easier than normal people would. For a matter of seconds, Rye took the time to praise herself by creating a little pink pebble with her aura on her open palm, and crushed it.

"Now that wasn't hard, wasn't it?" Rye's mother cut in her happy moment monotonously, yet if you would listen closely, hints of care and seriousness could be sensed. And it wasn't just the Thear-kind of serious. It was dreadful serious.

It was quite unbelievable for Rye that even until now, fear of her stepmother succumbed in her. It seemed that Arianne Crimson was the one and only person in this existing world that she was afraid of.

And well, there was Aria Frost Hellstorm.

Almost at the same time, Rye and her mother stood to turn around and bow in front of Princess Aria. Rye took the time to keep her head facing the green moist grass while listening to the humming stones that the princess were stepping on on the way towards them. She never really knew what they would be told, or what would happen to them, but what she knew was, instead of fear, what she felt for the princess was a slight admiration and respect.

Arianne, though, fearlessly and lovingly bowed. Not fully, but also not in a way that ridiculed whoever. It was a graceful little bow that Rye had only seen her mother do so, as if Arianne was self-assured around her. It was as if there was something between Arianne and Aria. As if they knew each other for a long time.

Well, every thing that her mother did astonished her anyway, almost to death.

Just almost.

Dismissing that thought, which was probably stupid, Rye stood again and glanced at the well-armored young woman with a little smile. All she had to do was focus her sight between one's eyes, a little above that. It was said to be the spot where the third eye was located. A few seconds later, Rye's eyes managed to see the aura that her mother has been talking about.

Rye knew that her aura was of a normal shade of pink that changed occasionally, and her mother had only one color--gold. What she saw being emitted from Aria's physical being was strong indeed, and so Rye looked back at her mother for a little while, but it seemed that Arianne was already used to seeing such. From Aria emitted slowly, the color of gold, just like Rye's mother's. People who had only one color for their auras were said to be the most powerful of all people, especially if they've learned to manipulate it. The princess' aura shone a bit, outlining her dark polished armor with beauty.

Inner beauty... That was all Rye could think of as she waited for someone to speak.

She was sure that she caught another color in the princess' aura, but as she blinked a few seconds after, the auras disappeared.

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"...Forgive me for interrupting, Lady Crimson."

Aria Frost Hellstorm whispered in a suddenly hushed voice, bowing deeply and slowly toward the two of the other females. This was quite shocking to see Aria say and do! If word would get out that Aria had done such a shocking thing, most people would never believe it. Slowly, she shot straight back up and stopped bowing completely. She glanced at the two of them with dark red eyes, so dark that it was almost considered black. The fact that Aria was totally out of her normal behavior was hard to believe... But, it had changed back quite quickly. Aria was almost perfect at controlling her emotions and bending them to her will. However, due to the old experiments in the past, her eyes gave away nearly everything. They told the truth... While Aria told lies to people, not everyone though. They told stories that Aria has never spoken of... And lastly, they gave people a glimpse at her soul. However, due to that huge flaw, Aria had no choice but to force anything magic-related into her body, mind, and soul. So, she learned how to change her eye color at will due to her emotions. Or to her own advantage.

Of course, this was one of many things Aria taught herself while being alone in Xio for days...

Pushing away any unwanted thoughts, the Princess looked around for a moment at the untainted garden.

The garden is an enchanted garden.

It is wide and open, sloping gently down to a cosmic-blue river. A grove of cypress pines flanks us on one side, with a thicket grove of peaceful beeches standing guard on the other. Apple trees run through the centre of the garden, casting a lake of claw shadows onto the grass. In autumn, the fiery brilliance of their leaves is a sight: scorching-oranges, burning-browns and molten-reds. Then they drift to the ground as silently and carelessly as an ash cloud, settling in to their eternal rest.

Past the river there is a plush-green meadow which stretches away into vastness and a dragon-backed mountain. In winter, the stricken loneliness of its peak sends shivers down my spine, wondering how anything could survive up there. The fog that coils around it seems as old and unearthly and grey as the mountain itself, an alien presence that can dampen any mood. When spring finally comes, multi coloured rainbows drench the mountain with coloured fire and the light leaks into the garden. Lipstick-pink peonies adorn the fringes of the garden and honeysuckle wraps around the hedges with its ladylike perfume. There was a sweet aroma in the air with a bit of sickening smell, due to Aria's bloody sword.

Aria could see cobwebs in the grass, glistering in the beautiful light that the river reflects, due to the warm sunlight. They look like fishermen’s nets of finely meshed steel. A small sigh escaped from Aria's lips as she seemed to notice the garden...

Was a haven of peace and solitude, besides the fact that Rye and Arianne Crimson were there with Aria. Yes, the Princess did seem to have a deep connection with this garden... That involved Queen Caroline. Once again, Aria looked back at the two females with cold eyes. Naturally, they were always cold... As if Aria was afraid to show her true---

Aria mentally shaked that thought away quickly. Being scared was a weakness and Aria had no weaknesses... Well, she did. But, this is mentally wise. Her voice was no longer hushed but calm and quiet with a hint of bitterness.

"I am sure you two know of the war, clearly... There is no need to go, unless you wish to go out there. For now, only the head generals are going out to the war. The rest of us shall stay here... For now. If you are wondering why I am not fighting, I'll be blunt. I don't feel like it. Plus, I wanted to come here again. As for the reason why my sword is bloody, well... A certain dead guard said something I didn't want to hear... at all. But, I will not speak of it now. Violence is not allowed here, ever. Not in this garden..."

With that said, Aria had walked past the two and left her bloody sword on the ground. However, the tainted sword was not in the garden at all. It placed aside, Aria made sure of that. Yes, it was careless to not bring her weapon with her into the garden. Yet, the Princess with the golden aura had made a promise long ago to never bring such tainted and not-so-pure things into the garden. Surprisingly, the reason why Aria had acted like that way earlier towards Rye and her mother was because of that same promise that was wrapped in mystery...

The question is...

What kind of promise is this exactly?

Who did Aria promise?

"We don't mind at all, Lady Hellstorm." Rye's mother responded in her usual, loving tone, covering and layering the coldness in the atmosphere. That's how she would always sound, whenever she would talk to anyone, and it was undeniably pleasant, if you would add her beautiful face, calm expression and openness. Rye looked around a little, admiring the beautiful garden they have always visited. Arianne Crimson gave Rye the responsibility of always tending to this garden, and it was obvious to everyone that she has been doing a great job. This garden was a very powerful one, either in terms of pure nature, or practicing magic. Rarely would people be allowed here, and there have been rumors that uninvited guests who came only for the sake of pleasure were killed instantly. Looking at the bloody sword that the Princess was holding, it seemed to Rye that it was the one and only. It made her quite happy that she had the responsibility though, because nature in this garden seemed to be a whole lot better than other gardens. It was just as if someone still lived here...

Probably only the fairies and dryads that helped take care of the garden, but still...

A powerful force was close, and Rye simply shrugged it off. She didn't want to be paranoid or anything like that, so she just let it be.

Rye noticed that a very familiar smell was mixed with the sweet aroma of nature in here. It was the blood on Aria Frost Hellstorm's cursed blade. Rye only knew about those things because her mother would tell her details about a lot of things going on here, when she had the permission to share such. No one would dare to touch that blade, but it was all right to mend with magic. Before they could even do anything, the Princess looked at them with cold, dark eyes. Rye didn't know why she wasn't as fearful as everyone else who would face her, including one of the royal guards whom the princess had just killed. As far as she know, she would only feel assured with people whom she could relate to... With people who were like her... Hiding secrets, pain, feelings--

Pfff, Rye ridiculed herself. Me and my imagination.

Rye and her mother listened intently to the Princess as she explained that there was no need for both of them to join the war, for now. She knew that Aria Hellstorm had tactics for each war that she ruled--specifically every single one she knew and joined--and Rye didn't want to mess them up, so she only stayed here, until she was ordered to strike. It turned out that her sibling, Thear Crimson, was one of the head generals to fight off the other kingdoms, so she silently prayed that she wouldn't die, at the least. Rye also understood that the Princess wasn't feeling like joining in the war. Despite the strength of all the other kingdoms, Rye was pretty convinced that the Kingdom of Hearts would never fall, especially under Aria Frost Hellstorm's watch and ruling. Rye always knew that there was some rule involving no violence in this garden that she tended daily, at all. She made sure that nobody spoke of violence or did it. In fact, all the things Rye would learn from her mother in this garden are about either elemental magic, good things, or caring for the enchanted garden.

Don't worry, you little mouse. Thear's voice boomed silently in Rye's head, remembering that they had a small telepathy link, that they could only use whenever they were in trouble, but it seemed that Rye's sister had been more experienced in this, and she wouldn't mind sending Rye small teasy messages. I'll keep myself alive. Get your healing stuff ready though. You'll be handy later, just how you did your healing every single fight. And then, their link was cut off. Rye didn't even have the chance to respond.

Soon enough, the cold-expressioned Princess passed by both of them, her bloody sword on the ground a little farther, but never lying on even the smallest patch of grass in the garden. Rye's mother nodded, and so the young girl opened her palms along with her mother, creating a small barrier for the cursed blade, lifting it up from the ground. It's handle faced the eternal sky, making it accessible for the Princess whenever she would like to get it again. The little floating barrier slowly mended the Princess's blade, removing the blood stains, dirt, and did a few fixes, which would make it look newer and more powerful than ever, once more. It was a spell that was taught to Rye, and even if it strained her energy a bit, she wouldn't mind doing it for the Princess. She must've been through a lot, too.

"Princess Aria," Rye spoke in a small, cheerful tone, hoping that her acquaintance would be a little more happy in life, even if it seemed impossible because of everything hindering peace in this world. "Do you need time alone? We may leave this beautiful garden I tended just for you, if you want."

Her mother nodded.
"That's quite true. Teaching my daughter while you are here is a very rude thing to do."
"No need to leave... You may leave whenever you wish and come back whenever, Rye. I don't really care right now."

Aria said quietly as she slowly spun around, while looking at the garden with a hint of something in her tone of voice. The emotion was small... It was so faint that it could barely be recognized, but it did seem a tiny bit nice, However, as soon as Aria heard the hidden coldness to Rya's mother, her voice was completely emotionless and harsh as ice. As if the Princess was giving out some kind of threat or challenge, maybe a warning. Her motives of burying her emotions were unknown, but clear as day...

Carefully, without thinking, the Princess had started to walk deeper into the lovely garden with her eyes completely closed shut. Aria knew the garden quite well enough to blindly wandering around without her eyes open. She
almost looked peaceful. It was quite clear that it was a mere illusion and quite fake, as if Aria wanted to be peaceful. Longing for it with a desire that burned out...

"Mother... Will Wonderland stop fighting?"

A five year old girl, Aria de Winter, with short dark hair asked a long haired female, while holding a tin watering can for flowers and crops the like. She was looking up at the older female with curious eyes filled with child-like wonder, wearing cotton pants and a dirty shirt with fur boots. A small frown was glued onto the child's dirty face as she kept on asking her mother so many questions concerning about Wonderland and Crystal.The female, Grace de Winter, merely shaked her head with a sad sigh. Gently, Grace went down on her knees and stared at her child with tired eyes. They had spent all day working in the farm, tending to the crops non-stop till the sun started to set painfully slow for them... As if time was teasing them and making them wait so that they could finally rest for the day.

"Aria, I don't know. We will have to wait and see if it will ever stop. We are safe here, little one, and that is how we will stay: Safe... As long as we stay in Crystal, the war will not reach us. Now go along and play with Scout."

Aria's frown deepened greatly at such of blunt response from her tired mother. She knew that her mother doesn't know a single thing about this never-ending war... What a shame! She was about to protest stubbornly intill...

"Hey, Aria! Come here! Come here! Look what I found! It is some kind of gold piece... It is super shiny!"

A highly amusement and giddy boy was heard from a distance, that was Scout. He was always like this... Aria spun around quickly and ran away from her mother, heading down a dirt trailed path and towards her friend...

Aria's distant and hazy flashback had ended slowly inside her mind, she had fallen silent as she sat under a beautiful willow tree silently with her eyes closed... She didn't seem to like the fact that after all this time here in such an enchanting garden would stir and bring that memory up, without a warning. Aria was expecting a lovely memory full of life to appear in her mind, such as the days whenever Aria was with Caroline... Not that fake and forgotten Mother of hers, who always had some kind of tired look on her face. Yes, Aria considered Grace was her fake and forgotten mother. Why? Because, the Princess had completely forgotten about her parents and life back in Crystal, Wonderland. It was such a blur to the sixteen year old... But, she didn't care for it at all. Grace de Winter was completely fake, due to the fact that they just gave away their daughter to a Blacksmith... Plus, Aria cared for Caroline more than that old life of hers. However, itt was like the turn of events in her life had made Aria almost...


Yes, it was Wonderland that Aria was reborn in as the Kingdom of Hearts' Princess...

Wonderland made me reborn into all of this...

Aria Frost Hellstorm thought to herself quietly and slowly opened her eyes, feeling a soft and small breeze pass by and the soft chirps of the birds. However, Aria didn't speak at all and continued to stare up at the clear sky with complete coldness in her eyes. After a small pause, the armored female added in her thoughts with just two words...

Wonderland Reborn.

He marched with his troops, his brothers in arms, his fellow villagers who called him king. As the battlefield came into view an emotion that hadn't come to him since the last pointless war rose with vengeance. The kingdom of Diamonds was not interested in fighting, but here were his people fighting for their lives in a field that was now a well churned mixture of blood and dirt that gave the sickening odor of death. He clenched his fists and the metal of the sword strapped to his hip was hot, burning, as though the compressed gems it was made of wished to strike down the bastards that attacked his comrades. He took a deep breath before bellowing at the top of his lungs, a sign for his men to ready for battle, a sign for those in combat that they were no longer alone, a signal for those that engaged this war that the force of Diamonds had arrived.
An odd twinge began in Christopher's heart accompanied by a rock settling in his stomach. Something wasn't right. He could feel it in his bones. He canceled the request before the Club could move and turned to one of his men.

"Spread our men out. The best closer to our borders while the new recruits defend on the frontlines. Do I make myself clear?" A quick nod and a 'Yes sir!' were given before his soldiers rode off; Chris not far behind. He slowed his horse once he heard a yell. The Diamonds had arrived. He could see their many forms on the battlefield. The sharp, metallic smell of blood carried to his nose and his hand instinctively gripped his sword. He could see the Spade warriors approach behind him. They were strong, but not one of his very best group of men. This was a sacrifice he was willing to make to protect his kingdom.

The Spade prince raised his sword and then turned it to the field. His men instantly charged at the signal to attack- not attack: defend. There would be no attacking in a war that needed protection.
Leonora sat, deep in thought on the large marble throne.

She was contemplating over the war and the casualties in her kingdom.

The Clubs had been fighting well, but they lacked something. . . . Something Leonora knew they had long forgotten how to use. . . But she hadn’t.

Leonora had always known about the secret power deep inside every Wonderland resident, she just chose not to use hers to win the war. . . She wanted to use her natural abilities as a fighter. . .

Maybe it’s time to call upon the powers again. They could prove to come in handy. . . A voice whispered in her head.

She was about to liberate on the thought when the doors to the throne room burst open.

“Your majesty, Prince Christopher of the Spade Kingdom is here. . . And so are the Diamonds. . . What are out orders?” A well armored guard with the Club Kingdom insignia on his chest spoke.

Leonora pondered her next move. She could strike back with brute force or. . . She could ready herself to use the magic she was born with. . .

Watching the guard waiting patiently for an answer, Leonora made her decision.

“Defend the border outside the castle. I will join you momentarily. There’s just something I must do.” Leonora ordered and without hesitation the guard took his leave and obeyed.

Taking long, graceful strides, Leonora approached the chest just below the throne. Bending down, she pulled the chest open and ran her hands along the contents inside it. . .
Christopher hadn't engaged himself into battle yet. No, there wasn't a need to waste his energy fighting, yet. He merely stood on the sidelines and watched; composing plans and strategies a million miles an hour. This war was like a game of chess.

The Spades move here.

Hearts go there..

Diamonds claim a piece.

Just like Wonderland to turn a brutal war into a game. Such madness. He turned his head to see Clubs gathering to defend their borders. He wondered when their General will show her face. Will she look different from when they were children? Of course she would, but will war change who she is? Only time will tell.
Leonora pulled the white garment over her head, feeling the ancient power radiating from it. Turning towards the mirror in her private chambers, Leonora clasped the crystal pendant onto her neck. Last, she pulled her long white-blonde hair up into a ponytail and laced up her long white leather boots.

White scepter in hand, she walked out to the balcony outside her room.

She looked down upon the soldiers fighting outside the castle walls.

Raising the scepter in her hand, Leonora used her inner power to fly down and over the castle walls to the battle raging in her kingdom. . .

"Prince Christopher!" Chris was a bit startled at one of his soldiers calling him by his title rather than his rank. He turned his head to where the female soldier was pointing.

He had to blink a few times to comprehend what he was seeing, but it was in no doubt Leonora flying into battle. What was she thinking? Leaving herself open to archer attacks? He could have his army strike her down right now and take down the Club kingdom, but he couldn't possibly do that. Never to a friend that he was so close to before this whole political mess. He could see some of his fighters tense at the sight.

"Ease yourself. There is no danger, yet." Chris commanded, his voice strong.
"If you say so..." Rye nodded and sat once more on one of the wooden benches along with her mother. She took a little glance at Aria Frost Hellstorm, who was now making way towards the garden away from them, and also at the floating cursed sword just behind the archway embedded with flowers and gems and lots of beautiful things that shone in the sunlight. After doing so, Rye looked back at her mother, who seemed to be seeing visions again.

Rye had seen her do it a lot, and she got used to every time, whenever her mother would close her eyes and just sit or stand still as a statue, as if she was dead. But sometimes, if she was lucky, she would see her mother's eyes fully open and glowing. It wasn't really any less creepy. The possibilities of her mother's powers were endless, and Rye knew that she didn't even want to know. Maybe someday, she would.

"M-Mother?" The girl with the pink aura whispered, and Arianne Crimson came back into her consciousness.

Arianne Crimson opened her mysterious but calming violet eyes slowly, as calm as ever.
"Magic." That's the only thing she muttered. She didn't even explain what happened, just like the other times before. She just straightforwardly said so.

"Magic...?" Rye said, which was more of a question than a statement. She wasn't so sure what was happening or what would happen, but she felt like she needed to learn something quick, so she just kept her ready-to-learn face and listened.

"Magic is everything." Arianne stood and with every move of her hands and fingers, droplets of water from the nearby river made their way to splash small dew on the grass and plants all around. Small wisps of fire erupted from her fingers, which died instantly by her command. The wind blew past them, but not bothering the Princess. Small cracks in the stone close to the archway showed, and created beautiful pieces of pebbles, which floated around the floating sword that belonged to Aria Frost Hellstorm. The pebbles went towards the sword, until the sword sucked those small rocks, probably growing stronger and more durable than ever.

But there wasn't really any more reasons to strengthen even the Princess herself, was there?

Was there?

"Magic is every single thing in this universe."

Every single thing that Arianne Crimson did made Rye wonder all the time, just how powerful she was.

With a single snap of a finger, Arianne sat once more, and the garden was more beautiful then ever. Rye didn't do anything but stare in awe before looking back at her mother. The best that Rye could do took her several hours to take care of the garden, but her mother did better in less than four seconds. Well, that wasn't so surprising.

"That is the only thing you must remember." Arianne shrugged, and her expression changed. She was that loving, innocent mother once more, and Rye was really relieved for that. And before Rye could ask more or have some more time with her mother, Arianne Crimson stood, waved goodbye at the two females, and disappeared just like a golden mist. "I have things to do. Talk to Thear and prepare with the Princess."

"I bet that was something with her aura..." Rye muttered with a little smile. "You and your fancy farewells, mother."

But soon enough, her smile faded when she closed her eyes. She wasn't so sure why
she needed to talk to Thear instead of the other way around, because usually, it was Rye's siblings who contacted her, and doing this was just so tiring. But she still did it anyway. She focused and called Thear, just to make sure that it would be easier. "Thear..." Rye muttered. "You needed me?"

WELL HELL I DID! Thear's loud, impatient voice echoed around Rye's mind, almost letting her jump too high that she could fall from the wooden bench she was sitting on. It's been lots of time since I needed to contact you! Where were you? She continued, not even caring about what might've happened to her sibling.

I was with mother. Rye responded matter-of-factly, calming her fellow sibling a little better. She must've cut out connections. She never likes distractions whenever she teaches.

As if I didn't know that. Well, I was informed that the Princess is with you. I sense a lot in here, Rye. Magic. It may not be as powerful as mother's, but freaking magic. I'm not so sure yet, we're too far! Only few can deal with this. The physical soldiers are of nothing to do. We can either flee, or maybe only the non-magic users, and if not, we'll need back-up. As in your back up. Just hurry up and ge--

And the telepathy link was cut. Just what was happening out there? Magic was never taught to people except for teachers she rarely met, like Arianne Crimson--one of the most powerful and mysterious magic-users she had met. But Rye knew that more magic-users were hiding in the shadows. They were everywhere.

Rye walked up to Aria Frost Hellstorm a little hastily, and said,
"May I interrupt?" And so, she told the Princess everything that Thear Crimson had just reported.
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"Oh no! What have i done to deserve this?" He said as he looked at his kingdom. The kingdom was still and quiet, a lifeless pulse of wind whistled in his ears and quivered his chilled bones to their core! He searched around for any sign of life but none could be found. "The land is still and dark!" He thought to himself as he flew to the main plaza and was shocked by the quietness! "That's odd the mIn plaza never stills!" He quickly smelled the air."What the hell? There is no smell of spilled tea!" He sighed but was quickly shocked by the sight of his people standing in the plaza. Every living being was frozen where they stood as if they were little statues. He flew in to get a closer look and the people! "Their faces......smiling as if they hadn't seen this horrible curse coming!.....rest easy my people, i will find out what caused your state of silence!" He also noticed that their veins were black as night and they violently beated in unison. "What is this in their blood?"

He signed but was interrupted by a voice in the distance. "Prince Nirvain!....Prince Nirvain!" The voice called from the bushes. "Who goes there? Come out at once!" Nirvain shouted. It's me your highness! General Delphi!" The cat creature said coming out of the bushes. " Delphi oh what a pleasant surprise but i wish our meeting was on more pleasant terms!" Nirvain signed again. "What happened here general?" Delphi stood on his back legs and removed his gold helmet. "It happened so quickly...... the sky filled with darkness and gloom and with a large burst of energy the town froze as you see it! I do apologize for the short explanation but unfortunately that is all i can muster up from the sight! Good thing you called the royal army to position themselves at the battle field or we all would have been toast!" The cat said as he shivered at the thought. "It's fine Delphi i do hope your family is in good hands!" Nirvain smiled sadly. "Yes Neil and the kittens went to pick cat Nip before i spotted them so they are safe!" Delphi said as he rolled around on Nirvain's legs. Nirvain rubbed Delphi's head as he thought. Nirvain then quickly got up and flew up over the horizon to see the war still taking place. "Foolish rulers! So caught up in their pointless war that they can't even see their sister kingdom is falling! I must convince them to stop the war for and of my kingdom!"

He evaporated in the clouds to get to the battle front quickly, fading past the flaming arrows and countless blood shed falling around him! He swarmed around the diamond prince but if was no good because he was too focused in battle mode he never noticed the mist. "Geez talk about dedication wait i got it princess Leonora would never turn her back on a kingdom's cry for help!" He was so caught in thought that he hadn't noticed an arrow hurtling right at him. The arrow pierced his arm past his vapor mist! He grabbed his arm and pulled at the arrow but it wouldn't budge. Blood spilled from the edges of the arrow head releasing a sharp pain up his shoulder. "There's no time, i must reach the princess before it's to late!"

The mind of a Mad Prince!
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Aria Frost Hellstorm merely listened and watched the two in silence. However, in her mind, she was already thinking of the war itself. Her next move in this little game of life and death... With a small sigh from her parted lips, Aria was growing sick of the war already. However, the other half of herself was... enjoying this all.

No wonder why Mother... No, Lady Caroline didn't bother to attack any of the Kingdoms... Just stand there and welcome them with open arms, trying to think of ways to make them all unite together in one large Kingdom... Wonderland has a mind of its own and it clearly didn't like being in the middle of this childish game. Don't the Kingdoms see that if this war continues... There will be no land to rule over... No. Why must I bother thinking THAT? Tsk... I should be telling myself that. After all, I just killed a guard in the throne room without thinking. What has become of me now? Xio and the others, it is all their fault along with that damned place. Or is it his...

Aria snapped out of her thoughts, which was making no sense, and looked up at Rye with crimson eyes that burned harshly... As if she was angry. But, the Princess was not angry at no one. Besides herself... Once everything was told, Aria slowly stood up and walked towards her floating and cursed sword. With a guarded and naturally pale face, the short haired female grabbed the red hilt of the sword and stared down at it with calm eyes... A hint of blue swirled in her eyes, mixing with the boiling red as it slowly turned a dull violet color.

"Let them flee back towards the healers back here... Send them to the Castle and let the healers do their job. I would like for you, and maybe your mother, to go into battle for only a short time. If you two don't wish to go, then so be it. I will not force you two out of this garden... I will be going out to war now and..."

Before the Princess could finish her command, a pain shot through her mind as a male stood in front of the garden entrance with a half smile and... smirk. Aria growled a little bit, glaring at the familiar male. Almost instantly, the violet color in her eyes was covered up and turned into a fire-like red... She was almost angry at how he showed up without sending any messages of his return. Yet again, there was that guard... But, oh well. For a moment, anger had taken over Aria quite quickly as the male chuckled quietly... Of course, anyone would be confused on why he was chuckling. However, the Princess knew why he was chuckling without a care...

"Aria, no greeting for good old Blake? How rude, like always... I just wanted to pay a little vist to Hearts."

The male, Blake, said with a smirk as he stood still... Not even entering the garden. It took some guts to speak that way to Aria, who had calmed herself down carefully... Not wanting to stain the garden with his blood. Like always, Blake had won in this game of cat and mouse. The two of them always had different roles, switching from cat and mouse all the time.

"...Go stay in hell for once, you damned snake."

Aria muttered under her breath, looking away from Blake's emerald eyes that stared back at her with amusement... She glanced over at Rye and Arianne Crimson with a look of wanting to kill a certain long haired male.

"This damned snake will be joining us in the battle sadly. He is one of the people that can use ancient magic that the people of Wonderland did... when Wonderland was still a new world and not so bloody like now. He knows enough to get us through this current battle. Get all the physical generals out of the battle without notice and allow them to return here... Let the healers work on them. As for the rest of the generals, tell them to hold on a little bit more. I am sure that one female general will keep them in line... If you wish to ask questions or anything really, go ahead. If Blake, that damned snake, gets on your nerves... You can kill him for all I care."

Lord Blake Abyss was the same Lord that the guard had spoken of before he met his fate. Aria was really tempted to get rid of Blake, who keeps on lingering around in Wonderland, and just slice off his head. But, lady Luck or Fate didn't wish for that to happen... Ever.

"Such kind words, Aria. I am very touched that you still want to slice off my head and mutter those famous words of yours... Just like you did with the guard~! Glad to see that you are forcing me into this new game without even giving me any choice... After all, I serve no true Kingdom. Oh and you still need to work on your manners. Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Blake said slowly as his smirk grew slightly, upon seeing Princess Aria Frost Hellstorm grip her cursed and powerful sword... She really didn't want him here at all, yet alone bring him into the war! She knew that Blake wouldn't die so easily in the war... So, it was pointless to hope that he would die from the other Kingdoms. Shockingly, Aria remained silent and waited for the two females to speak or do anything... Or intill someone kills the black haired male. But, that was not going to happen so easily.

What a shame...

Aria was looking forward to having him out of her hair. She swore he got amusement when he 'plays' around with her, like some kind of toy.

I am not a toy for some stupid and annoying snake like him...

Aria thought calmly in her mind, not allowing the snake-like male to get her so upset mentally. She had to calm down... She was not going to lose to Blake like their last encounter after the day Caroline died! She was going to win this little game of theirs, along with the war! Aria will not show no mercy ever!!!

Lord Blake Abyss was known for wandering around Wonderland, pulling around with peoples' strings... Like puppets. His role in the Army and the War itself was unknown...

As if he was never apart of Wonderland to begin with! After all, everyone and anyone in Wonderland had to have some kind of connection to the war... He was a charming and sneaky Puppet Master to some people. While to others, Blake was known to be a traveler, wandering around the lands of Wonderland. He loved playing mind games and the like. His past was known to be wrapped in mystery to most people. However, he did know Aria quite well...

Before she ever became Princess of Hearts.

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Leonora touched the battle ground and immediately spotted her childhood friend.

“Christopher?” She knew he was there, but he looked even more handsome than she had remembered.

Leonora played in the meadow located a few hundred yards from the castle. A cute little brown-haired prince played beside her.

Leonora picked a pink flower and handed it to the prince.

“Here you go, Christopher. This flower reminds me of our beautiful kingdoms. . . Don’t you think it’s pretty?” Leonora asked cutely.

Leonora snapped out of her thoughts, blushing at the memory. That had been the same day as a child when she told Christopher of her crush on him.

Blushing?! A general of the war doesn’t blush! They put on their battle face.

“Christopher.” Leonora cleared her throat, putting on a serious face.
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"Leonora." Christopher nodded in acknowledgment to his childhood friend. "It certainly has been a while. How have you been?" The question could have been a joke in their situation.

Chris allowed himself to take in the 'new' Leonora. Time has done well to her, for she was now a beautiful young woman. He had hoped that she would still be like herself when they were but small children. It was a shame that they had to consider themselves as each other's enemy.

A young Christopher stood in a meadow a few hundred miles from the Club castle. He was playing with the princess, Leonora. Speaking of the girl, she had handed him a flower and asked him a question. He took the flower into his hands and admired its pink petals. Yes, it was pretty, but the girl in front of him was even more so. He wanted to let those words flow out. However, being born with the mind of a young boy, his brain spoke for him rather than his heart,

"It's just a dumb flower... there are hundreds like it. Why would this one remind you of our kingdoms? Girls are so weird."

He grimaced before a small smile appeared on his face. Even in war, he still managed to find himself dwelling in old memories of his past. He had to kick himself in the pants for that one. Good job, Christopher. You have such a way with ladies. He couldn't help but to think, now, that pink flower would pale in comparison to Leonora's devine beauty.

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