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Fandom ♥ ♦ Wonderland At War ♣ ♠ [OPEN]

King of Diamonds

Midas Liddel

Midas gave his former knight a disdainful look, then turned his head calling him a wretched traitor before addressing his sisters remark."Please the black sheep of the family telling me I have no right! Your lucky you even have a kingdom to rule over, as horrid as it may be riddled with imperfections." Midas often felt bad for his sister being stuck with the land she was, but it seemed to suit her just fine. So far he was still calm but that could change any second when dealing with his siblings.

He had heard his little brother had forced the queen of the faerie's to marry him. This surprised Midas he didn't believe his brother was the type to do something like that, but in wonderland no one's as they seem. Even he had his imperfections although he kept them hidden from even his most trusted friends and beloved ones. He then continued his dispute with his sister." If anyone shouldn't be here its you! After all its clear that your the result of something our mother had no control over." He said refusing to believe his mother would ever willingly have an affair.

He loved his mother greatly, and was heartbroken when she passed away. Although she left him with a great kingdom filled with riches he still felt empty inside. So he attempted to get more and more trying to fill the emptiness his mother had left upon her passing. Now he wouldn't admit this thinking anyone who knew might think him weak because of it. Of course her passing also left conflict between him and his siblings. He had always had issues with the eldest sister Eris. He had always disliked her from the very moment she was born. Not because she was different but because he was still so young at the time she was born. He felt jealous that he would have to share the affections of his mother. So he often did just about anything possible to get his mothers attention or make himself look good. Of course this involved framing his sister for a lot of things such as breaking items or other such situations. Eventually the two youngest siblings were born, and Midas found that he didnt act the same towards them as he did Eris. Maybe this was because by the time they were born he was older if just slightly, or maybe it was because he had grown ise to havi g siblings. Whatever the reason he found he was much closer to his brother and youngest sister than he was with Eris. He had alway noticed thar Eris was diffrent from the rest of his siblings, but never thought anything of it. Until he heard rumor of her having another father. Aftef hearing this he decided that their mother must of been forced into such and thing. This filled Midas with hate towards his sister. He was aware that if this was true it wasnt his sisters fault but thats didnt keep him from blaming her. He became distant towards her refusing to accept her as his sister.Now being grown he realized how childish it was to do those things, but you can't change the past no matter how much power or money you have, and at this point their dislike for each other had gone far past any issues they had with who her father was. He had grown to strive for perfection and she was everything he considered imperfect.

@RedIncubus @Pyromaniac @Robyn Banks @FinalStraw @ @bluehaze @karmaa


? Location: Alice's Castle ? Interacting With:

@Solemn Jester ?

Enraged, the queen seemed to glow in a deadly aura, her eyes the same bright color they were every time she summoned magic. "How dare you! To speak such treason, I should offer the same threat I did with my sister to you!" Pace the throne room, her glare seemed to meet everyone's eyes. "It's always been the same argument with you lot. 'You're not our true sister, you have a different father.' Then where's the proof you blundering idiots!" She snarled and her eyes were now dangerously red, as if she were staring at Satan himself.

Turning to the king of gold at the last statement, she raised her staff in threateningly way,
"you were a mommy's boy, you care for only yourself. Even if we are to question my true parentage, we all know that Alice always had a choice, just as how she's choosing to make us feud after she's died." She seemed to control herself as the red in her eyes disappeared before she spoke silently, "if you talk to me once more of my parentage, I will not hesitate to feed your very flesh to the same 'deformed monsters' you sent to my kingdom and use your bones to make a new crown, do you understand me Midas?"

Name: Midas Liddel

Location: Mommies castle

interacting with: @Pyromaniac

Midas laughed loudly at his sisters threat. "Oh yes I hear you dear sister and I'm sure mother would be so proud of what's become of you." He said his voice filled with sarcasm. He glared at her and began pacing around the room."In all honesty I've been very curious as to who your father is myself so I did some research and found something very interesting. "Midas pulled out a document and tossed it at the feet of Eris." My men found these their documents mother made stating your true parentage I think you'll find them very interesting, I sure didn't. "Midas said waiting for her to pick up and read the documents.


? Location: Alice's Castle ? Interacting With:

@Solemn Jester ? @RedIncubus [mentioned] ?

Her noise seemed to wrinkle as soon as her "brother" produced evidence of her mother's infidelity. As she flipped through the pages, her hands began to burn and her eye began to twitch. "Dearest. Would you come over here?" For the first time, the queen of death seemed afraid of what was to come. All her life, she always knew she was different because of her powers, but she never questioned it was because of her mother. But with these reports, it seemed it had nothing to do with her mother. Squinting and rereading each word, her voice began to waver, "no..no, this must be false." Throwing the paper down, she turned to her eldest brother and frowned, "where did you get this document? This is false!" Her voice echoed in the room and she threw the papers down.

Catching her breath, the room began to spin, and the queen began to feel dizzy herself. Putting a hand to her head, she refused to come in terms with the news.
"This is false." Clearing her throat, she gathered the words she needed and her eyes lacked the luster they once had. "Even if this were true, which I highly doubt, it wouldn't make a difference. Alice still included me in the will, meaning she still counts me as her own child. And that's all that matters. I still have every right to be here as you."

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Queen of hearts[/size]

Charlize strolled through the halls as the servants bowed and made way for her since they knew the penalty if they didn't. Charlize humming turned to a song. As she looked around to see everyone doing as she commanded in great haste.

'And if it hurts it's because he doesn't understand

That nothing has swum in your heart for so long

And if it hurts, it's because he doesn't see you

While your smile will eventually fade away'

Lyrics that deemed true to her for the time being. She knew that his heart was something he didn't want to share with only one person and she admired him for that but she was a short tempered, jealous woman. Something she would admit. Her usual joyful face shift to something more melancholy. She looked up to see the grand chandelier made up of silver and diamond hung on the ceiling as if it was watching over the dancefloor. The room looked more upbeat and vivid almost like the castle itself was newly built.
"At least the decorations will bring extravaganza." She gestured to the musicians to give a sample of the music there were going to play. She danced around a bit, laughing. "And the music is spectacular!"

A servant walked passed with a plate of food, tarts to be specific. She waltzed her way over to him. He bowed as she reached for a raspberry on. The fruit precisely placed making it perfect to take a linger bit of, which she did. A smile forced on her face, making sounds of delight as she started to chew.
"This tart is wond-" she took a good long look of the tart. Spotting the tips of the crust burnt.

'blackened crust will not sway the frosting of this heart'. She recalled of hatter telling her as he tried to pull the truth away from her eyes.Lies! Lies! Lies! Her smile widened as she lifted the tart for the man to see. "What is this? On the edge of the tart?" The servant gulped as he leaned in closer to examine it. "It must've been in the oven for too long your highness... I can inform the baker and see to it th-" charlize placed her finger on her lips to hush him. "You should've told the chef BEFORE you brought it out but no matter what's done can't be undone." Her smile softened as the man began to smile back. Her face shifted to a glare as she turned away from him. "Off with his head!" She exclaimed.

Instantly guards dragged the man away as he pleaded for forgiveness.
"please I won't do it again! Don't kill me!" His words soon died out as he was dragged to the dungeon. Charlize noticed that the musicians stopped playing so she turned her head to them. "Did I tell you to stop?" The musicians went into attention position before continuing on. Charlize looked back at the tart taking a another bite before shrugging and proceeding to make sure everything was set for tonight. She didn't want the tart to go to waste.

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τ н є Ħ u η ʈ ə я

۩ ۞ ۩ And all the stars were crashing 'round

As I laid eyes on what I'd found ۩
۞ ۩

: . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . :

As the tiny red woman walked away leaving the group to their devices Dumuzi could only sigh rolling his eyes at her spectacle. There was a purpose and reason to all of his actions but she was too mounted in her quick temper to realize the game he was setting into motion. Silly Queen of Hearts should have known what was happening but at any rate her wounded pride only cemented what was becoming a checkmate. A oath was a oath and though insane in the membrane he honored the one formed with the crazed woman. Charlie as he called her in private was such a fascinating creature and those years of marriage should have provided some form of reassurance for her doubts. It was amusing that she figured the black crust had held him but she would learn in time, they all would soon enough. Some plans were best to never be spoken until the time came for the perfect result. Perhaps over a cup of tea. Black tea of course.

The benefit was now the songbird had something to keep her wild thoughts busy for the time being until he could smooth things over. Dumuzi was pleased to hear a party would be thrown because of the endless nights they spent back home having balls and so forth. It was a chance for him to just...the thought was interrupted by the King of the Diamond realm. Another of whom he met in passing but never spoken to in the past. The royalty of the Club Kingdom were chatting in their own area, the fairie woman finally getting company it seemed. Had Charlie not approached so quickly Dumuzi would have introduced himself, personally admiring those of woodland magic. He turned his head in her direction but was distracted yet again but anothers entrance. The Barren Knight. Joy.

Ah yes the Ace of Spades and barren one. Dumuzi grinned as his eyes shifted to the man who went straight to Eris. He said something or another about speaking lowly of someone when they were present. Funny since it was common knowledge that he was a barren knight. Strange how people had issues with the truth. Then the barren knight spoke up about the adviser of the Heart Kingdom embezzling funds. Once again funny seeing how the 'general' called onto this lot for aid. There entire ordeal felt forced and if that were the scenario the kingdom would never have fallen into as he put it 'another' economic slump. Dumuzi raised an eyebrow and clapped for the ace, his attempt at being smug noted but not effective. "The dance you are doing is humorous, how do they do it where you are from? Right because if I was not mistaken the famine that is plaguing the land of Spades has brought a sharp decline to your economic standing in the market. Therefore wheat has been shipped from wait..oh yes OUR kingdom to your own. So barren knight I believe it is your kingdom you need to mind rather than searching for holes in the Heartlands." Dumuzi spoke without riddle and his demeanor was sharp as he watched the man before him. A shame for when a broken kettle tries to call the functioning pot what they are, failing.

And with that Dumuzi bowed to Eris and the fairire Queen before making his way out of the throne room. There was nothing left for him to discuss in that place and Eris was now driven into rage from the Diamond King about bloodlines. He could care less for what that meant because in truth the woman had a claim if the document from the first Queen said she did. Dumuzi placed his hands into his pockets once again as he strolled away in search of his wife and whatever mischief she already struck. Planning an event would be entertaining to assist her in, even if she was perplexed with him now. That would all change once night fell and they were alone in their chambers. He knew how to keep his Queen happy and breathless.

Charlie was directing several servants with her usual enthusiasm, her hands pointing to various things and directions. Dumuzi crept up slowly behind her as they were dismissed and scooped up the woman effortlessly in his arms. Twirling her around for a moment he stared at her beautiful blue eyes becoming lost in them. She was truly a star above them all, no one elses beauty could compare to the songbird in his arms. "Think I got myself in trouble. I wish I had never spoke now I must wash my mouth out with soap" He nuzzled her nose with his own, his eyes mirroring that of a puppy dog. "My scarlet siren, I threw a toaster in the bathtub but I will keep the water warm" Dumuzi whispered to her before kissing her gently awaiting to see the reaction he would receive.

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Name: Midas Liddel

Location: same as before

Interacting with: @Pyromaniac

Midas scoffed at her."What reason have I for lying to you? Who ever or what ever your father is won't change anything I just thought it would be nice to finally clear it up. A gift if you will from one sibling to another." Midas said smiling cruely at the reaction his sister gave after finding out who her father was.
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Queen of hearts[/size]

"The cake looks fine maybe it should be a different flavor for each layer. That'll make 12! Make the angel cake at the top so it could be closer to the heavens! Perfect, it will be glorious! See to it that its done." She said shooing them as they parted their separate ways. She was about to walk away before she was lifted into the air. She jumped in shock until she realized it was only Dumuzi. She became more relaxed, smiling as their nose Nuzzled together. "I'm sorry I was over reacting. I am a very territorial woman after all. Haha. but the thought of it of you two. I mean I could never picture myself with anyone but my beloved yet with you, it seems various." Her voice to be seemed more depressed until she gave a painful grin.

"But no matter! Look at the decor! doesn't it look lovely!" She said with pride, changing the subject before it started to cause more pain. She knew of their affairs before her. How close they seemed, she was very insecure in that situation. "It was all I could do by the little amount of time we have til it starts. Had to behead someone for ruining the raspberry tarts! Well not really but it felt necessary at the time." She seemed quite unaffected by the fact she was beheading an innocent man but it was a norm for her. Something she never really questioned, she had to set fear somehow and the roses needed something to make them red. The paint didn't seem very unique, so she came up with a perfect solution.

"Well since my excuse for a sister, wanted to show off her champion I've decided to bring my own. My darling Jabberwocky will be arriving soon. Its a matter of time before he punches that smirk over her face." She informed Dumuzi starting to giggle. The jabberwocky was like her baby, she treated him with compassion and luxury.In return he repays her with the destruction of her enemies. Quite fair really.


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Her Ace

"Wheat for riches is fair trade, jester." Xan murmured as he aproached his Queen. She beckoned, her lips forming a thin line that threatened to break from whatever it was that was written on the parchment. He'd just gotten to her side before seeing what was upon the paper. It was another play at Eris' heritage, as if proving that her father was another would make her any less a Lidell. As he watched her response become erratic, Xan couldn't help feel rage toward the Ruler of the Diamonds. This was petty. He was a pathetic whelp in the man's eyes, despite the age gap. And Midas had no idea what kind of fire he was playing with.

"Midas, you slithering worm, there is no proof that you did not falsify these documents. But, if you really want to speak about muddled bloodlines we could revisit the topic of your daughter. The one from your first marriage?" Xan'dis knew what he was speaking of, for it was one of the secrets he'd sworn to keep. And, while he respected the agreement besides the fact that he'd defected from the kingdom, this idiotic show of power was more than a spit in the face to both his Queen and his dignity. That and it was well past time for the Siblings to know that they had a niece stuck in a tower.


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RedIncubus said:


Her Ace

"Wheat for riches is fair trade, jester." Xan murmured as he aproached his Queen. She beckoned, her lips forming a thin line that threatened to break from whatever it was that was written on the parchment. He'd just gotten to her side before seeing what was upon the paper. It was another play at Eris' heritage, as if proving that her father was another would make her any less a Lidell. As he watched her response become erratic, Xan couldn't help feel rage toward the Ruler of the Diamonds. This was petty. He was a pathetic whelp in the man's eyes, despite the age gap. And Midas had no idea what kind of fire he was playing with.

"Midas, you slithering worm, there is no proof that you did not falsify these documents. But, if you really want to speak about muddled bloodlines we could revisit the topic of your daughter. The one from your first marriage?" Xan'dis knew what he was speaking of, for it was one of the secrets he'd sworn to keep. And, while he respected the agreement besides the fact that he'd defected from the kingdom, this idiotic show of power was more than a spit in the face to both his Queen and his dignity. That and it was well past time for the Siblings to know that they had a niece stuck in a tower.


Midas Liddel

King of diamonds

Midas grabbed his great swords handle his body tense and ready to attack."I'd watch myself if I were you Treacherous dog! To insult me and break your oath and reveal such a secret? I have simply shown my findings you have no proof I've falsified these documents!" Midas spoke his words as strong a steel showing no hesitation in what he was saying."If you dare speak of one of my secrets I shall have your head! I'm sure it would make for a lovely chew toy for our guard hounds." Midas threatened glaring at Xan unwaveringly.

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? Location: Alice's Castle ? Interacting With:

@Solemn Jester ? @RedIncubus ?

"Take one more step towards my husband, and I will send my legion against your kingdom!" Did it bother the queen that she had an unknown niece? No, it only provided her a source of leverage now. "Seems like the perfect king has his secrets." But rather than letting out a chuckle, the queen stayed solemn, her voice not wavering in the slightest. Her eyes glowed a dangerous red color and her very palms were dark and covered what seemed to be pure power. Taking the documents in her hand, she tucked them away and looked up once more, "I will be the judge of these documents. For now, neither you, or the rest of the family have a say in my parentage. Do you hear me Midas?" Inching towards the man, she extended her staff so it was near his chest, "now release your weapon and step away for my husband. However, if you even dare to raise your sword by an inch, I will gladly send you to the pits of Hell."

Now the queen didn't know the potential of her powers. Sure, she boasted of her strengths in magic, but she didn't even know what exactly she could do, much less send someone to Hell. Empty threats, sure, but with her voice and deathly gaze, it was hard to tell if the queen had been bluffing or not. Turning to her husband, her gaze seemed to soften,
"we will leave, now. Apparently little Lizzy is planning a party," she turned to Midas with a frown, "and I'd hate to miss my own coronation party. Tell your daughter, my niece, I said hello. If she's too deformed for you, send her over here, I'd be glad to take care of her."

Midas grumbled and released his sword."Don't act like you know my reasoning for doing anything I do." Midas said his voiced almost seemingly filled with sorrow. He then moved away from them both only stopping to say one more thing to his sister Eris."Please you think your any more fit to rule wonderland than any of us? Don't fool yourself your no more worthy than I or any of our other siblings." Midas then went to leaving the room and heading to find more pleasant company. @Pyromaniac @RedIncubus @Robyn Banks @bluehaze @FinalStraw @karmaa


Her Ace

Xan'dis watched as the wretched man retreated from the room. His words had obviously struck home. Xan knew they would, for Midas' greatest failure was his most precious treasure. "That was nothing to get worked up over, my love." He chuckled, "I would cleave his soul in twain before he could raise his sword."

Turning his head, he saw the look in her eyes. No one else noticed but him. It was something she kept hidden behind her heart. Her self loathing. The fact that she allowed her family, the world, to hate her over one flaw. It was a seed of bitterness that had ripened, it's thorns tearing at her with every breath. No one else saw this but him. It was why Xan'dis pledged his entire existence to her cause. This was the plight of those unfortunate enough to be blessed with the Gift. This look was shared, a source of shame. It was also the reason his mother was killed. Xan said nothing. He moved before his Queen , leaning forward to kiss her forehead affectionately. For, in her misery, all he could see before him was perfection of woman.


A breeze swept over the hillside, slipping into the singular tower that lie only an hour's travel away from the Fortress of Diamonds. It held a whisper, not heard among the footsteps of the staff and guards that lived within. It traveled up the marbled steps, to a room at the very top. Brushing against the carpets, caressing the sheets, it finally found what it was looking for. A face, that no one would know but one that looked just like the one that fell from another world, long ago.

"Her." the whisper breathed in a crescendo, stirring open the bluest eyes this world had ever created.


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Queen of hearts[/size]

Charlize heard footsteps approaching, she turned to see her brother Midas. Her eyes glowed in glee as she walked towards him with a unfading smile. The guest were already arriving and the music was beginning "midas! Oh how I missed you!" She said placing a kiss on each cheek. She went on her tippy toes before whispering in his ears. "I need to speak to you privately. The guest will pile us so no one will notice our absence. Meet me in your chambers." She said before giving him a hug almost as if the things she spoken was non existent. "How are you brother? Still keeping yourself flawless I suppose." She assumed before laughing.

@Solemn Jester
Midas Liddel

King of diamonds

Midas scowl turned to a smile as he spotted his little sister. After receiving her affections and returning them with his own hug and kiss on the cheek he replied."Oh well you know I must keep up appearances my kingdoms not nearly as tolerant as yours." Midas leaned down and hugged her tightly."Very well after this encounter I shall head to my chambers and await your presence." He whispered to her."How long has it been since I was graced with your lovely presence?" He asked standing back up and scanning his sister to see what she might be so important that she required to speak with him in private. Although most probably couldn't read his sister he liked to think he was one of the few who could. @Robyn Banks
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? Location: Alice's Castle; Castle of Spades ? Interacting With: ?

@RedIncubus ?

Eris seemed discontent, despite the caring behavior her husband showed. Looking up, her eyes showing just a hint of caring nature, she let out a small smile before beginning to walk out. "I miss our home, let us return. We have much to do my king." But one thing kept Eris from walking any quicker than she could. A force, something so great that made her keep looking back, as if she wanted to stay. But why would she? Some of her worst memories took place in this very castle. Things she refused to even remember. As she stepped into the carriage, she looked at the castle one last time before muttering an oath under her breath, "I promise to burn this castle down. I will not rest until I've torn this castle down brick by brick."

[time skip because writer's block lololol]

As the royal family arrived back in the kingdom of Spades, they were greeted with grunts of approval and screams of agony from wrongdoers, the typical noises of the Kingdom of Spades. As the queen entered her own throne room, she turned to her champion,
"I'll be in my chambers, I'll only take a minute." Another lie that came out of the queen of death's mouth. As she walked through her castle, she kept an eye on her guards, her servants, anyone who passed by her, making sure nobody could see the tears that threaten to spill from her blue eyes. As she reached her room, she slammed the door before turning to the fireplace. Watching the flames, her memories splurged back, and the queen let out a shrill, ear piercing scream, as tears flowed out. From the sheer force, did the windows break and the queen wiped away her tears, recomposing herself. No, she would not let her elder brother threaten her like so. If it was a war he wanted, a war he would get.

»»»» OUTFIT »»»»

Aurora continued to watch everything unfold in front of her eyes. Truth be told, she was sort of happy that Charlize was throwing a party, at least then the siblings could have a chance to get along, that is if nothing went wrong. Aurora dazed out of the meeting, she imaging the times that her husband and herself were younger and enjoyed skimming rocks across the jewel river, how the small gem rocks shone underneath the crystal clear water was Aurora's favorite part of the forest. Aurora came back to Earth when her husband appeared in front of her. "I'm not going to ask if you're okay; I'm sure you're not. Do you want to step out for a while? I don't want you to feel too uncomfortable." He asked. Aurora smiled. "You stay here, you stay with your siblings." Aurora nodded then quietly left the room.

Aurora stepped out of the castle, taking a deep breath of crisp air. It was getting quite tense in the throne room. Aurora stayed outside, looking at the beautiful gardens filled with white roses. As Aurora calmed down she saw Charlize leave in a huff. "
What's happened now?" Aurora thought to herself. The Red Queen was quite mad yet Aurora shook it off. Deciding that they should come home, Aurora went back inside to the castle only to notice that everyone was leaving. "Let's go my love." Aurora chimed to Gregory as she lead him back to the carriage. The royal family came back to the Clubs kingdom. Aurora hopped out of the carriage and looked around, she watched a small faery girl nearly falling down. Aurora caught just before she damaged her wings. "Are you okay?" She asked with a concerned looked. The faery girl nodded then fluttered away. Aurora sighed and went inside and straight to her chambers. She needed to escape, not permenately but just for an hour or so. Aurora grabbed the longest cloak that she could find and slipped it over her dress. Aurora grabbed a pair of scissors and cut her dress just above her knee, she grabbed some stocking to keep her legs warm and found some old black boots. Aurora snuck out of the castle and into the woods.

Tags: Gregory -

@FinalStraw || Eris - @Pyromaniac || Charlize - @Robyn Banks
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Queen of hearts[/size]

She hummed to her route to one of the many discussion rooms. When she arrived, she felt the walls until she noticed one crack on the wall, the one she was looking for. She slipped her hands through it revealing a secret passage way with many tunnels. She explored them all when she was young but just had to remained which one was the way to Midas' room. "Is this it? Hehe! No thats the stables. How about that one Haha! No the gardens. Where is the own the Midas'?" She opened the door that was hidden behind a potrait, spotting Midas waiting her arrival.

"Hello brother Haha!"She said starting to giggle. "I remeber using this passage to steal some of your toys when tou wouldnt let me. But no matter!"She walked in a nonchalant manner before taking a seat on a couch not far from the bed."I will have to make this discreet since I can't make it obvious I'm with you in your chambers might give the wrong ideas." She said before laughing amused at her own comment. Her face and posture became more uptight before continuing on.

"A war is upon us and its a matter of time before someone starts it. I would like to form an alliance." She said looking at him to see his expression before looking ahead. "We both agree that Eris should be the last person to rule Wonderland and we have to eliminate her before she even has the chance. She may have a bigger army but she forgot who was the best strategist "

She said before standing up and moving closer to him.
" The kingdom of spades is a very barren land and can't produce food on their own which means they will always be dependent on the other kingdom. She ignores the fact that an army is only effective if they are feed, so she should try to make more allies than enemies. I am currently planning to stop all trade until they ask me properly for it. While that occurs you will cast double the amount of your 'flawed citizens' out of your kingdom. Her population will grew making her even more vulnerable until she comes to terms with us." She laughed at her ideas. It will work, leaving her at An exposed state.

"I don't trust Gregory to side with this but he doesn't seem like the person to side with Eris either. I will need you to create a military blockade isolating clubs from Spades. They can't attend to each other nor send forces. I will plan another attack while they are vulnerable but I must ask for 5,000 men." She announced. "Together we will reign supreme among the others and purify Wonderland to the greatness it can be."Her eyes raged with intensity as the words she spoke was said with passion. She never liked being underestimated nor was she planning to give into Eris. She will Rule Neverland one way or another whether if it was directly or using Midas as her puppet. "Do you agree with this?"

@Solemn Jester

Midas Liddel

The king of Diamonds

A smile spread across Midas face as his sister spoke her intentions."Of course I'll alliegn with you dear sister if not with you then who?" He asked as he sat on his bed and look around his room."I just have one question. What happens after she's dealt with?" Midas asked looking to his sister for her answer and raising a eyebrow."I'll help you but know this, your my sister, so when I defeat your kingdom and rain as ruler of wonderland ill let you keep your head." Midas said laughing at his joke."Although I wonder if you'd offer me the same kidness? Anyways I accept your offer and will lend you the 5,000 men you require for the attack." Midas said giving Charlize a concerned look."Just please bring them all back with their heads attached to their shoulders. I expect them to be as flawless as when I sent them to you."Midas then opened walked over to the door of his old room."So is that all or is there anything else you require of me?" Midas asked his hand prepared to open the door. @Robyn Banks

Queen of hearts[/size]

What happens after she's dealt with?" Charlize turned to him before shrugging. "Than we will go from there to look to the future. There's nothing more I can say. Life isn't predictable for if it were it will be boring don't you agree?" As he continued in with his warning she laughed along side him. Not only since it was funny but also since it held truth. She wouldn't be stunned if her brother turned against her and she would surely return the favor in the most unpleasant way she could possibly offer. She bowed slightly before smiling."though I love a good beheading I will make sure that they return home intact." She gestured to her brother her soft smiling remaining, giving him another hug "A hug can do quite nicely actually! Just sent you men on course for the club kingdom when the time is right." She seat at his desk before placing dipped the quill into ink. "May luck be with us in our effect to take down the queen. Safe travels brother."

Everyone was leaving tonight and it was appropriate for her to do the same. She had to find her husband first. God knows where he is. She began to hum a different tone starting to make her leave. She walked aimlessly through the halls looking around. Where was her riddler? She started to ask. She walked into a certain hall, looking at the portraits. One that stood at the most was her mother with her usual flinty stare. She stopped in admiration, her light blonde hair and blue eyes. She slowly move nearer extending her hand to touch it.

" A wonderful potrait isn't it?" Charlize turned, eyes widened in disbelief. "Mother? That can't be you're dead. You can't be here." Alice approached her giving her a hug."But don't I feel real?" Charlize pulled her closein happiness. Her and her mother reunited once again. A servant stopped beside her, looking worried."your majesty are you alright?" Charlize opened her eyes. Her hand still touching the portrait. How could this be? Where is she? She looked around to see no one else but the peasant girl. Charlize wiped the tear from her face before nodding."Yes of course. Tell my sweet hatter that I'm looking for him before I decide to behead you for interrupting." In fear the girl nodded and quickly went away whilst charlize took one last glance."I will rule Wonderland for you mother. Even if it means I have to kill the ones I love."

@Solemn Jester@bluehaze

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Location: Heart kingdom castle

Interacting with: @Anyone I suppose?

Jules flew quickly pushing his body higher and higher until he could see most of the wonderlandian kingdoms,then the jabberwock remembered it had somewhere to be.
"The queen" it hissed in a deep voice as it plummeted back to the ground with its wings closed.At the last second it pulled up and began flapping towards the Kindom of Hearts at a great speed,as it flew over the kingdom people would shy away from the shadow it casted and took shelter,the creature had a notorious reputation among the people.

Jules finally arrived at the castle and landed on top of one of the spires and announced its arrival with a roar,though the castle was sturdy it still seemed to want to tip or crumble under the beasts weight yet it was careful and had done this many a time to make sure everyone in the castle knew it was here especially the royal couple which it did enjoy,their madness was what it found so appealing to ally itself with.

The king of diamonds

Midas Liddel

Midas quickly made his way back to his kingdom in preparation for the party. After all he wanted to look as good as possible for this event, for it may be the last he goes to in a long time. He could sense a war approaching as he often did with big events. But something seemed strange he felt as if something terrible had or was soon to happen. Now what that could be he had no idea but he was usually correct about his gut feelings.Upon reaching his kingdom he prepared himself for the party and ordered his men to do the same."You are to look your very best we don't want to ruin the kingdoms reputation now do we?" He asked and all the soldiers laughed nervously before he sent them off to prepare. @PyroTheMaster @RedIncubus (can one of you act as the guard who gives Midas the news about his wife it should be sometime during the party at the kingdom of hearts you decide when the best time would be) @Robyn Banks


the caged hummingbird

Everything was prepared and there was no time to waste. Her knapsack was filled with her entire wardrobe and non-perishables to last through the first few weeks. She'd enchanted the bag to be able to hold everything she could ever need, though the time it took to learn the spell was brutal. This was the day, the one where she took her future into her own hands. She could hear the whispers of strife and tension among the kingdom. Even her nanny, Gurda, was on edge. Something was amiss, although she wasn't allowed to know what. She wasn't allowed to know anything past the doors of her prison.

Alice rushed to the window, the golden curtains open in the breeze. She looked down and took in the height in wich she was at. It was a far drop and that large detail made her insides churn with fear. But within that fear was hope--she would not be a caged hummingbird anymore.

"Here we go." she whispered to herself, gritting both her teeth and her resolve. She put her hands before herself and began focusing, willing the action into being. Her bed sheets, table cloths, even the curtains themselves, ripped up from their places and floated on the air. They knotted together into a long rope, but she questioned if it was long enough. A knock at the door of her bedchamber. Alice spun around, reflexively causing a chair to lodge underneath a handle--out of habit. She quickly made work of tying the rope to the grating of the window.

"Princess! Open this door this instant!" The voice of Gurda screeched behind the wooden partition. The young girl positioned herself above over the ledge, sticking her tongue out at the woman. And she began to climb down. It wasn't until she was halfway down that she began to feel pulling at her rope. When she looked up she saw her guardsmen heaving the at the window, attempting to bring her back. Alice's actions became erratic, causing her to lose footing.

And it was then that she fell.


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Queen of hearts
Charlize went through the halls of the heart kingdom, with her face more determined and serious than it was before. Went to the discussion room with a box in her hand to where she spotted Conde, her grand advisor. "Conde darling, come here." He nervously approached her before bowing. "Yes my queen?" His voice shook as he spoke but a smile soon appeared on her face. "You traded wheat for money to the kingdom of spades in my absence correct?" He paused stunned before slowly nodding. She yanked his shirt to make him collapse in the floor. Though she did have a small frame, she had more strength than people would expect of her. "And who told you to do this?!" He lifted his head before shaking , trying to collect the words to speak. "No one my queen! I thought I did what was best." A smile appeared on the woman's face before she gestured the man to get up. "Of course you were only doing what you thought was best but you see you sent the wheat to an enemy without my consent. Now tell me did the ship for the wheat already sail?" The advisor shook his head violently. "No your majesty and I will not do something so defying ever again. I am a loyal servant to you and will never do anything to oppose you." Charlize nodded with a smile on her face. "And I'll make sure you won't. Behead him and put his head in this box. Place it with white roses drenched in his blood along it. Wrap it and make it look pretty. Sent it to the king and queen of spades including this letter and the money back to them." She said handing the servant the letter as the grand advisor was being dragged. She needed Eris and her Ace to get the message. That she will not be underestimated especially by her.

~~~~~Time skip~~~~

The messanger for the heart kingdom arrived at Spades. The place looked barren and forsaken as if it was a spawn of hell. The streets looked grim, the people even more depressing. The road to the castle seemed like a harsh one. Many people tried to stop him to steal the box and letter he carried. But sure enough he knew that this wasn't something worth stealing. Majesty Charlize of hearts. Seemed very amused by her grief with her laughing as she always did that chilled his spine, just the thought of it.

He soon arrived to the castle. Admissioning himself in. He handed the money,box, and letter to a servant to give to the king and queen. The sooner he could leave the wasteland the better.

The box was red tightened with black and white ribbons. The letter was sealed by the queen of hearts symbol and the money inside the confinement with the corpse head resting on the blood drenched roses.

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Letter to Eris

Dear Queen Eris,

It's funny how you can speak so lowly of me and yet you need my resources. To make it even better you didnt even find it necessary to negotiate the matter with the queen in charge of the land, you tried to embezzled but instead went to consult with my grand advisor. Until you decide to speak with me about the matter, you will no longer do trade if any matter with the kingdom of hearts. Your petty money has been returned back to you in the box along with a warning. My last warning at that. Try to go against me again and I swear his head will not be the only one not intacted. If you wish to restore trade you will see me and person and discuss the situation with me. In will be happy to continue trade as long as we have a level of respect for each other despite our indifference.

Sincerely Charlize Liddell,

Queen of Hearts

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Midas Liddel

King of diamonds

Making his way to the kingdom of hearts from the Kingdom of diamonds

Midas and his men where all prepared to go to the kingdom of hearts. Their armor shone brilliantly, and everything was prepared to move out. The 5'000 soldiers Charlize had requested were prepared to go and cut off the kingdom of clubs from the kingdom of spades."Alright men now remember while me and my sister Charlize are aligned you are to answer to her or her king! But, if she attempts to take the head of even one of you without just cause you are to all protect each other and attack any who try to behead that soldier. Now move out!" He commanded and his soldiers did just that, then he got on his glossy golden steed and with his other soldiers headed to the kingdom of hearts.

5,000 soldiers

From the kingdom of Diamond

Location: traveling to the kingdom of spades

Midas soldiers began making their way to the kingdom of club's,and had prepared strategical perimeter that they would use to surround it. It would be completely cut off from the kingdom of Spades. The only way past would be through a wall of five thousand of Midas best soldiers. Although he still had many well trained soldiers with him and protecting his kingdom. The soldier would then wait, prepared to go into battle if needed, or receive orders from the king of the diamonds, or the Queen of hearts. @Robyn Banks @RedIncubus @Pyromaniac

@karmaa @FinalStraw
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