Wolves at War


New Member
The two packs of this forest, will soon be at war. They have hated each other for many seasons because of an accident they both thought was intentional. Now, the Fell pack is threatening the Lat pack, hunting on their territory and fighting with anyone who tries to stop them. Many wolves have died and the end is soon near for one of the packs.

The Lat pack is a friendly pack, that is very peaceful. They will accept loners or wolves that have been kicked out of other packs. They don't like fighting, but if they must they will fight to protect their land and their pack.

The Fell pack is a very aggresive pack. They will kill any trespassers who come into their territory and never accept loners. They love fighting and try to fight with the wolves of th eLat pakc as much as they can.


Ranks are first come first serve.

You must be more than an Advanced_Beginner to join.

You may have as many wolves as you want, but you must play them equally.

The Alpha's name for the Lat pack is Latingo, and the Alpha's name for the Fell pack is Fellen.

Please have fun and don't break any rules.













Lat Pack

Alpha Male-*BirBri1010101* Latingo

Alpha Female-

Beta Male-

Beta Female-

Delta Male-

Delta Female-

Lead Hunter-

Lead Huntress-


Lead Fighter-

Lead Fightress-


Mother of Pups-



Fell Pack

Alpha Male-

Alpha Female-*BriBri1010101* Moon

Beta Male-

Beta Female-

Delta Male-

Delta Female-

Lead Hunter-

Lead Huntress-


Lead Fighter-

Lead Fightress-


Mother of Pups-


Name: Hino

Nickname: Doesn't have one yet

Age: 2 years

Gender: Female

Description: She is all black, very fluffy. A white mark is on her forehead, making her think she's special. The tip of her tail is white also, the same with her ears. She has eyes bluer than the sky, making them shine a little in the light.

Personality: Hyper, always looking for a play mate. She's delicate and can get hurt easily, but she stands right back up and does it again. Hino doesn't care what other people think. She doesn't like the Fell pack but she's never met one of the members.

History: Was born easily and was a climber at the very start. Once she could see better, she started climbing all over the place. The pack members didn't like how immature she was, but she didn't care. Hino grew up a little, learning to respect her elders and always do what they say. She didn't do what one of the higher ranked wolves said. After what happened, she learned never to do that again. Because of that lesson there is a scar on the back on her head, leading slightly up to her ear.

Rank: Pup

Pups: Not for a long time

Other: If you ask her to play, she will say yes immediately.
Ok, but you will be assigned a rank after a few comments in the rp. Most wolves when they turn two recieve a rank. What would you like to be? Please post your form on the signup sheet too. Thanks.
Name: Castelle

Nickname: Cas

Age: Four years

Gender: Male

Description: Castelle is a dark-hued wolf, having very dark grey fur that seems nearly black. He has an average build, though he is built for speed and agility rather than strength or stamina. Cas has cobalt-blue eyes, and his expression is almost always serious or concerned.

Personality: Despite having an appearance that may seem a bit harsh or cold, Castelle means well, and only wants to do what is right. Of course, like everyone does on occasion, Cas sometimes has a hard time deciding between right and wrong. He was raised to have no doubts and always obey - and if he is anything, he is certainly obedient to his superiors - but he can't help but have his doubts and questions at times. Castelle is also rather quiet and reserved, sometimes coming off as secretive, but he can be social at times and very fierce when he is being protective. Cas tends to be kind to everyone he feels is worthy of kindness (not, for example, enemy wolves) and is quite friendly once you get to know him.

History: Castelle came to the Lat pack when he was around two years old, and no one really knows his full history except for him. He doesn't talk about his past much, not to anyone, but perhaps one day he'll open up to someone. For now, the most he reveals is that he lived a pretty average life as a lone wolf until he joined up with the pack and slowly gained the trust of the other wolves.

Rank: Fighter

Pups: None at this time

Other: Hi C:
Name: Scarlet

Nickname: Scarlet

Age: 3 years old

Gender: Female



Personality: She is shy, Gentle, and tends not to get very aggressive towards others.

History: She was abandoned as a pup, She lived on her own, eating scraps and stealing prey from other predators, She was almost killed multiple times trying to steal prey from a pack, or aggressive rouge.

Rank: Loner/Rouge

Pups: None


Name: Conall

Nickname: Conall

Age: 5 years old

Gender: Male


Personality: Very Aggressive and attacks any wolf who gets in his way, he shows no mercy and will kill another wolf if he wants to.

History: He was born to an Omega family, The leader would always shove him around, attack him, and harass him, Until one day he broke and attacked the Alpha, He ripped his throat out in the quickest movements, The pack was shocked and he became exiled. He roams large distances and trusts little to no one.

Rank: Rouge/Loner

Pups: None

Name: Callisto

Nickname: Cali

Age: 3 years

Gender: Female

Personality: Callisto is a playful outgoing wolf, although she doesn't trust others easily she is fiercely loyal to her pack and very family-oriented

History: she comes from a long line of betas in the Lat pack

Rank: Beta

Pups: none yet

Instead of being brown and white the brown on her is black<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/image.jpg.06c570d245bc97084e2bbd4fdb22c2c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/image.jpg.06c570d245bc97084e2bbd4fdb22c2c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Timber

Nickname: Whatever you want ;)


Gender: Male

Description: Timber is brown with blue eyes. He has a medium sized frame for a wolf. He is FLUFFY!

Personality: Timber is a friendly wolf. He is extremely flirty, and doesn't hate anyone without a reason. He wants to find a good mate, and he wants to settle down and have pups.

History: Was raised in the Fell Pack and was weak till he was inspired by Moon, the lead huntress & alpha, and started working with Bone.

Rank: O.o

Pups: I need mini me's!

Other: Fell Pack. Hey! *wink* Look at me! No??? *Puppy dog eyes* Pwetty please???


Name: Bone

Nickname: No.

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Description: Bone is gray/white. He has blue eyes and a large frame. Scars cover him.

Personality: Bone is bitter and likes displaying dominance. He has a hidden soft spot for pups and other females, but he never shows it.

History: Bone had a mate and pups, but they died. It made the old sweet Bone, bitter. He helped Timber train to be better.

Rank: -_-

Pups: Dead

Other: Fell Pack. Ignore Timber...

Fell Pack Wolves::









Body: Cerberus has a think build and is a very large wolf. He stands nearly five feet to the shoulder. His paws are as large as those of a bear.

Coat: Cerberus had a thick black coat that lays nicely over his skin. It has a deep black top coat, and a caracoleish color in his under coat. He has some what of a main around his neck that is thicker then the rest of his body.

Eyes: Cerberus has blood red eyes, yes you heard that right red. It is not very common, but very few animals have it. Cerberus's eyes seem to look deep into your soul.


Cerberus is not a very nice wolf he would rather be left alone. The only wolf he get along with is his brother Legacy who he is very close to. Cerberus loves to fight and often pitches fights with pack members.


Legacy was born into a small pack in the eastern woods. After turning two years of age Cerberus and his brother took off roaming the woods by themselves. They did rather well and soon were accepted into a pack. (( Sorry I really didnlt want to do this))

Rank Wanted-

Lead Fighter











Body: Legacy is much smaller than his brother only standing the three and a half feet. The male is very quick and sly though.

Eyes: Legacy has ice blue eyes.

Coat: Much like his brother Legacy has a think black coat. He has a small start looking white spot on his chest.


Unlike his brother Legacy is rather sweet and would love to be around other wolves. He is a very good hunter and would love to be a lead hunter in a pack. The male is somewhat shy at first.


Same as Cerberus

Rank Wanted-

Lead Hunter



Lat Pack Wolves::









Body- Silver is a rather small wolf, but she is long legged and fast.

Eyes- Silvers eyes are a golden brown.

Coat- Silvers coat is thick and grey in color.


Silver is a very sweet wolf she loves to be around other wolves. She would do anything for anyone who needs it. He loves ups and wants to spend time with them. She doesn't like the fact that she has to fight it bothers her to kill another wolf.

Rank Wanted-

Pup sitter







Four months




Eyes- Oakley has bright green eyes.

Coat- Oakley has a deep brown coat.


Oakley is a sweet boy.

although he is very hyper. His mother tends to call him a go go go machine because of how he is.




Name: Moon Moon

Nickname: not realy

Age: 4

Gender: male

Description: A mostly lean, mostly average sized greyish, whitish,bluish wolf. Can be a different color when wet or in different lighting, but it mostly depends on moon moon's mood. Sometimes his coat can be purple if he had gotten into too many elderberries, (made a mess of himself) Has different colour eyes: one blue, one orange.

Personality: Some say Moon Moon was dropped on his head as a pup, others think he eats too many elder berries, but the fact about Moon Moon is well, he's Moon Moon. Guaranteed to bright up your day, he'll help take your mind off all this depressing war stuff. He is brave though. He'll laugh in the face of danger, he'll laugh in the face of the darkest foe, he'll laugh in the face of the steepest cliff, he'll laugh at pretty much anything. He wont 't make much of a warrior, but when he gets serious, he can be the most dangerous wolf you'll ever meet (too bad he never gets serious). He likes eating elderberries, cracking jokes and frolicking. He also likes candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach, but only in his dreams.

History: Moon Moon was born into an Omega family, and was constantly harassed for not only being low in rank, but for also not being right in the head. Moon Moon never cared, he was always to busy being in his own world to notice. He grew up happy and oblivious to the world around him. It was only very recently he started to grasp the fact this dangerous war was going to happen, but, as he always does, he laughed and forgot about it.

Rank: Omega

Pups: none

Part of the Lat Pac

Other: Did I mention his name is Moon Moon. Friggn Moon Moon

Name : Crossfire

Nickname: Crossy or Lonefeather

Age: 2

Description: Crossfire was born in a big pack, he was always the lone one . When crossfire was just getting used to his brothers and sisters being around him , a rival pack came to his home and killed most of his family. Crossfire and his brother were the only two to survive the attack . Even tho he was a pup Crossfire always thought he was a "big kid" and hunted with his brother throughout his life. Crossfire always wanted to be a warrior but for now he is still a pup, Well thats what his brother thinks...

Personality: Crossy is playful for the most of it but very serious when it comes to his brother.Crossy is a cool and calm wolf who thinks about everyone from young to old even tho he is young himself.


Pups: Are you crazy he's a kid !

Other:Crossfire will play and always be by your side even in a fight. P.S he's the ladies man around town.

His brother : Whitenail

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Lonefeather.jpg.6803da335449c0cb10ddc8896ee9a961.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5076" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Lonefeather.jpg.6803da335449c0cb10ddc8896ee9a961.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> The one and only crossfire -><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/derp.jpg.7e6c305cf9e3ee9f4073addd466ed3b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5077" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/derp.jpg.7e6c305cf9e3ee9f4073addd466ed3b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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