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Realistic or Modern Wolf Pack

Kaiden Lee

New Member
So we all know how draining these things can be, and that's okay! I want to keep this light and fun! So only the very basic is needed. Please include a realistic wolf picture please!

If I don't accept your character it's not because I don't like YOU it is just because I want what is best for the group/pack. I will point out any problems I may have and, if you wish, you may re-submit. Please do not be offended if this happens!

** I will send acceptance messages through private message**

For this pack ranks are as follows

Alpha: Myself (Male)

BeamMeUpScotty (female)





Age (in moons if are under 24 moons (moons are months)):


Physical description:

Pack rank:

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Malorie Bayaq Bondcat




Malorie is a very timid and mature young woman, she alwyas has good will on her side and is witty, so she will make good choices for the pack when he needs to. She can be kind hearted and is always open for a chat with that big heart of her's. But, her emeanor changes when you anger, and it becomes that which you do not want to experience, so don't make her angry because she might snap at you big time, literally. Apart from this she can be a big dreamer and always thinks of the better side of life. You would know if she were off, she might not be into doing very much, and she might even fall sleep while pup watching. Her senses are strong, and trustworthy, so if someone else is ever off, she will always help. And she is a great fighter.

Physical description:


Of course though, she is a little more slender and female lookin

Pack rank:

Alpha Female
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Name: Scarlet-Fire

Age (in moons if are under 24 moons (moons are months)): 22

Scarlet, being second in command, is always there for the Alpha's. She respects them, and all of her pack members greatly. She often takes care of the pack, doing most jobs like hunting and caring for the pups even if she isn't supposed to. Scarlet has quite a temper, yet she does her best to hide it. She often helps advise the Alpha's, to make sure they don't make rash decisions. Most of the time she is closed off (when it comes to personal stuff), but she will let out her emotions to people she trusts the most.

Physical description:

Pack rank:
Beta Female
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Name: Sagonige Atatisdodi (Saga)

Age (in moons if are under 24 moons (moons are months)): 26.5

Personality: Saga is a fierce fighter and leader. He takes the welfare of the pack very seriously and won't let anything stand in his way. Before he was made Alpha, Saga was one of the most reliable hunters and warriors for the pack. He may seem strict and tough, which he is, but he is always there to help his pack-mates however that may look.

Physical description:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/out-of-the-mist-750.jpg.9e057fb0d39b31c9b12b4c930e7525a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83902" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/out-of-the-mist-750.jpg.9e057fb0d39b31c9b12b4c930e7525a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pack rank: Alpha Male.



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Name:Fredegund Snow

Age (in moons if are under 24 moons (moons are months)): 19 moons

Personality: Inteligent calculative and expert scouter. He is mainly the person leading the scouts of the pack discovering new terrain and how to deal with threats in a manner of how we say making there point on sociaty. He is noble but manipulative when he needs to be. Being the bata male definatly has put a sword threw his pride and has made him a bit bitter threwout the years of being second best most of his life. wich also may be the cause of his constant fighting with the pack. Thay keep him because withought him all the good hunting spot's will be gone since he is the only one who remember's where thay are each day.

Physical description:

Pack rank:Bata male


Lykaios Midnight (Lyka)


20 moons


Lyka is not of the highest rank in her wolf pack, but she is still very loyal and respectful towards others in her pack. She may be very small, but she is a very swift runner which makes her excellent at hunting and chasing her prey and because of this, she is always brought along on hunting missions with her pack members. She is kind and protective towards other wolves and does what she is told, but she still knows how to stand up for herself and for others. Because of her small size though, she is not the best of fighters.

Physical description:

She is also very small for a wolf of her age.

Pack rank:

Delta Female

Name: Haraz 'Nightmare' Aramov

Age (in moons if are under 24 moons (moons are months)):

Haraz is a very imposing and intimidating. He is one of the best warriors in the pack and is always the first to stand up for the pack. He believes in the honour of the pack but when the pack serves injustice he will stand up and defy the Alphas but he is good at following orders. The nickname 'Nightmare' was given to him by rival packs as he would stalk them for days then strike at night. All they could see was darkness.... and red eyes. Although he does show compassion and kindness towards people he likes. Some may even think the whole 'Nightmare' personality is a front. Haraz usually goes on hunts but even with his muscular frame he is very agile and can move fast. When it comes to battles Haraz is probably the best warrior in the pack at the minute.

Physical description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c58ab77cd_rpnationwolfredeyes.jpg.9b3697b13bc7d6b235afbbf55540a157.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c58ab77cd_rpnationwolfredeyes.jpg.9b3697b13bc7d6b235afbbf55540a157.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pack rank: Delta Male



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Kluae 'Wraith' Griest

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.e96953e97b5ca3045d922f1b8fbd3616.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84528" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.e96953e97b5ca3045d922f1b8fbd3616.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 31 moons


Kluae is a…Unique to put it simply. He, while being part of the pack, never quite feels like a piece of the bigger puzzle. Kluae is somewhat distant and detached from the world, it's almost like he lives in his own reality.

This said Kluae still helps when and where he can. For being as odd as he is Kluae has incredible senses and is fairly strong. Kluae's keen senses are usually put to use scouting rather then during hunts. Of course when he does go on a scouting missions if he's not well supervised Kluae will go for his own adventures.

Most of the time Kluae just does his own thing until one of the higher ups freaks out out on him for chasing his own tail.

Physical description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.8bbb48fc72ad05b0b01502061c102b9a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.8bbb48fc72ad05b0b01502061c102b9a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pack rank:




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Age (in moons if are under 24 moons (moons are months)):

10 moons


Drax doesn't always listen to his peers though does respect them. His mischievous behavior often earns him an earful from the alphas though it only dampens his spirits temporarily. Being young and rambunctious, he enjoys a good adventure...and playing around. His favorite past time, though, is watching the rest of the pack go on their hunts.

No doubt he will be a good hunter but an even better warrior because of his confidence in oneself and determination to get it done. He looks up to Scarlet and likes hanging around Kluae.

Physical description:


Pack rank:


(Aspires to move into the epsilon ranking.)


Akari (meaning light) Mist

Age (in moons if are under 24 moons (moons are months)):

23 1/2 moons


Peaceful and calm, there's an air surrounding Akari that's serene. She doesn't loose her temper often but can get offended. She prefers peace over violence but is quite protective over her pack and anyone she cares for. Akari is imaginative and laid-back, she's a good gatherer and an excellent tracker.

When the others are out hunting she is either with them or at camp keeping guard.

She has a knack for treating her pack member's wounds and has an amazing memory when it comes to knowing how to take care depending on the damage made.

Also, this she-wolf has a light heart and good sense of humor always trying to keep the others happy. She's the peacekeeper.

Physical description:


Pack rank:


(Possibly Theta?)
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(Name meaning:Night Rain)

Age (in moons if are under 24 moons (moons are months)):

21 ½


Amaya loves to hunt, and usually masks her feelings. she usually isn't easily freaked out, doesn't over react, can get super jealous very, very, very easily, and if you are her friend you will mostly get to know her but, she can be unpredictable at times, but the good kind.

Crush: Secret...

Physical description:


(She is always part white and black)

Pack rank: Gamma

@Kaiden Lee
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10 moons


Timber is a very,

Physical description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.83f67e8c2d870c6d7a90557a267ae1a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.83f67e8c2d870c6d7a90557a267ae1a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pack rank:


(Just putting it up will finish!)​



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