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Realistic or Modern Wolf Pack

Kaiden Lee

New Member

Deep in the woods of Vancouver, British Colombia lives an ever expanding wolf pack. Here their legend will begin, and their adventures will be recorded. Will the pack prosper in the ever-changing world around them, or will they meet their demise?

Darkness and silence.

Pierced by glowing eyes.




Lightning illuminates the forest floor

As hunter makes his kill.


Saga smiles to himself as he stands, panting, heart racing, over his fresh kill. He lets a triumphant howl escape his throat and join the orchestra of the pounding rain, booming thunder, and the other voices of nature around him. It has been hard finding prey of late; but a big deer like this one will keep the pack well fed for a couple of days.
Scarlet's head snapped upwards upon hearing the call of Saga through the thundering of the storm. She was watching over the pack, like usual. Making sure everything and everyone was in good shape. Tension had been growing about the supply of food that was left for the pack, and she was relieved when she heard her Alpha's howl. Almost as soon as she heard it, Scarlet threw her head back and let out a howl of her own, praising the Alpha for his job well done.
Fredegund heard the howl. Hm look's like Saga has found another prize he better not forget who lead him to it in the first place, he begun to walk towards Scarlet and looked at her. He bowed his head for a few moment's and dashed off towards the direction Saga's howl. He continued sprinting and sprinting until the massive black wolf finally found his destination. Almost skidding on the snow, once he saw Saga and his pray, he looked at him as if he was waiting for something and by the looks of things it wasn't a peace of the prize he gained.
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A howl?…A familiar one?…Yes, that howl was almost unmistakable. Saga must have reaped the rewards of a hunt started hours earlier. Kluae opened his eyes and stood from his sitting position. The Ground was cold and soft beneath his Paws. Kluae couldn't really tell how much time had elapsed since he first rested apon a slightly mossy rock jutting from the ground, what he could tell was the storm would last for awhile longer.

Kluae lept from his rock and sprinted towards the origin of the Alpha's howl. Kluae had hoped to arrive before the others, but that didn't seem to be the case. Fredegund had beat him to Saga and the fresh kill. Kluae simply looked at the two males, both of which out ranked him within the pack, Closed his eyes and sat. Kluae could feel the tension in the cool air.
Haraz slowly trotted behind Fredegund before a howl broke through the storm. The howl, belonging to Saga, meant there was going to be food. He watched as Scarlet let out a howl in reply and Fredegund racing off towards it. He tilted his head but stayed silent. Haraz had come up dry the past few days, hunting wise. He had been out with the pups showing them the pack boundaries.

Then his gruff voice broke the silence, "Not be long now beta. Until your Alpha I mean" his red eyes glowing in the darkness. Even the moonlight couldn't illuminate his body with how dark his fur was. In most packs if a Delta talked that ignorant to a Beta he would be immediate Omega or worse but Haraz reckoned he had earned it since he had saved the pack numerous times from rivals.

Before waiting for an answer Haraz sprinted off towards the general direction of the howl. He knew the forest well so it didn't take him long until he reached Saga and Fredegund but there was another figure, one of white fur. It was the Omega. He shouldered past the Omega to watch Saga with his prey. Like the Omega he decided to sit back and wait.
The beta took note of the her pack members as they ran off, yet Scarlet still stayed with the pack. She didn't quite know if Saga wanted her to bring the pack to the sight of the meal, or wait for the male's to drag it back, either way she still stood her ground. If Saga wanted her to bring the pack to the kill, then she would do so, but first, she waited for his call.
Lyka's ears pricked up as she heard a distant yet familiar howl echo through the trees, followed by a few other familiar ones as well. The howling that expanded far throughout their territory belonged to the alpha Saga, and the others belonged to the other wolves in her pack. She wasn't to far away from Saga and the other wolves but still she threw her head back and howled, her voice carried throughout the forest as she responded to the cries of her other pack members. She ran in the direction of the of the noise, she did not manage to make it first to the fresh kill as she could see that Fredegund and Kluae had beaten her to it along with Saga. Lyka waited patiently, she knew that she was much lower ranked in the pack than Fredegund and Saga, she obviously would not be the first to get a bite and she wouldn't even try to attempt to get the first helping of the deer. She waited close by though, showing respect for the other wolves that were ranked higher than her.
Malorie Bayaq Bondcat, the Alpha female of the pack, was resting almost peacefully further into the packs main den, the storm was ripping through the land luke a hacksaw. She had her head layed out over her paws and her tail moved idly behind her from side to side. She expected Saga back soon enough with a kill, though she more expected for herself to dash out when he alerted the pack that he had made his kill. That, was, like him.

After a few minutes Malorie's eyes snapped open and she raised her head. Her ears turned towards the loud howl she knew too well and perked expectantly as it died down. The Alpha Female got to her feet casually, now set on her task and she dashed from the den and out into the storm with a satisfied kick of her legs and grunt, after gathering her bearings.

She knew by now that the other wolves of the pack would have been faster to run for Saga's new kill, she caught sight of almost none of the wolves, though she gave looks as she passed swiftly the ones remaining. Bayaq's muscles worked as she sped up to find her mate. As she entered the trees she stopped to hop on a jutting boulder and her snout raised to the air. As her mate had done, Bayaq, howled out towards him and the others. It echoes over the trees and through the woods, telling them she was near and on her way. Almost, warning, them.

Malorie jumped fron the boulder and continued into her run, her snout flitting to remove some unexpected company as she rain began to fall harder past the trees, no doubt everyone outside would need a big cleaning, though that was if they cared.

It took not too long after, for Malorie to make it to her location, finally.

She looked around quickly as she arrived, immediately taking a bigger stance as her dark eyes pierced the others past her white mask. She wanted to intimidate them, not on purpose like sometimes, but when it came to food, and a big catch like this, she always grew very protective.

Fredegund, Scarlet, Lyka, Kluae, Haraz, and finally Saga. Her eyes softened lightly as she met his and a rumble in her throat sounded as she slowly made her eay to him. She may be Alpha Female, but he was Alpha Male, much as she hated it he had more power, and he had made this kill, not her, she would only wished to have been apart of the hunt. She would respect that. She moved towards him and smelt at him. She then looked to the dead buck and her eyes gave a satisfied glint as she went to his side. She was definitely proud of him.

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