in a quiet garden
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Julian told him he was going to try and have fun. It had been the highlight of the previous day and Mickey just knew proving to the kid that Sunny Squirrels Camp really could be as much fun as he made it out to be would be the highlight of yet another day as well. He was incredibly excited for the game to begin. Because Julian was taller than most of the younger kids, he had one of the more important roles in his Master Game Plan. He was going to be the one to capture the flag! The one to bring his team to yet another victory! But he never showed up. It was disheartening, sure, but Mickey was absolutely positive he had only gotten lost between the cafeteria and their little area tucked away near the volleyball nets. He didn't want to face the fact that Julian had probably run away and hid on purpose. No, he told him he was going to try and have fun! Mickey didn't like to think people were liars.
Well, he was wrong. He stood up straight, crossing his arms over his chest in a rather disappointed way as Julian went on to call the kids monsters and then threaten to curse in front of him. By this point, his excited grin had been replaced with a frown. Julian had the tendency to do that to him, it seemed. Mickey was trying so hard to be happy and positive when he was around him but ... The kid just sucked his joy. He was constantly finding the worse in things, refused to have fun, told him he talked too much, and well... Mickey was really beginning to grow tired of his attitude. It was absolutely uncalled for and it was beginning to affect his attitude as well. Which was difficult to do, by the way, because tried to remain as upbeat as possible despite the circumstances.
"You're a jerk," he said the next moment, as blunt and stoic as he could manage. He didn't like to call people jerks. It was one of the meanest things he could think to call someone, actually, but he felt like the situation called for it. "The kids aren't monsters," he defended, now showing more emotion than he had before. In fact, his voice steadily grew more high pitched and annoyed and overall just hurt the more he talked. "They're having fun. Like most people here do. Instead of, like, try as hard as they can not to have fun." He let out a bewildered scoff the next moment, eyebrows knit in a look of confusion. "Why are you so set on running off, anyway? I've been nothing but nice to you. I gave you waffles! I talked to you when all the other counselors were scared to! I offered to hang out with you so you wouldn't be surrounded by younger kids all the time! I - I, ugh. I've been nothing but nice and it's like you're trying super hard to be a butt-head."
Realizing he had pretty much been ranting, he let out a deep sigh, shooting the shorter an apologetic look. "Sorry, it's just ... You told me you were going to try and have fun." He frowned, tucking a stray lock of hair back underneath his denim hat. "Can you just try today? If you don't have fun, you can... Hang out in the cabins or... whatever it is you'd rather do." He didn't look happy with the compromise. He wasn't happy with it at all, but he knew there were some people that couldn't be reasoned with. Hopefully he would have enough fun to try and stick around for more events, but... If he didn't, Mickey wasn't going to try and force him to do things he wanted. Even if he very, very, very badly wanted him to. He just wasn't that kind of person.
Despite the disappointed tone and frown he wore moments before, Mickey plastered a smile to his face, doing his best to rid the air of the negative vibe. He uncrossed his arms, bending over to take each of Julian's hands in his own. To him, it didn't seem like a personal gesture whatsoever. It was a rather friendly one to him; he didn't seem to realize that holding hands had a deeper meaning to some. He lightly tugged on the other's arms, gesturing towards the kids again with a nod of his head. "Let's go?" He proposed, sounding unsure. "Just one time. You'll have fun. If not, you don't have to play anymore."
Well, he was wrong. He stood up straight, crossing his arms over his chest in a rather disappointed way as Julian went on to call the kids monsters and then threaten to curse in front of him. By this point, his excited grin had been replaced with a frown. Julian had the tendency to do that to him, it seemed. Mickey was trying so hard to be happy and positive when he was around him but ... The kid just sucked his joy. He was constantly finding the worse in things, refused to have fun, told him he talked too much, and well... Mickey was really beginning to grow tired of his attitude. It was absolutely uncalled for and it was beginning to affect his attitude as well. Which was difficult to do, by the way, because tried to remain as upbeat as possible despite the circumstances.
"You're a jerk," he said the next moment, as blunt and stoic as he could manage. He didn't like to call people jerks. It was one of the meanest things he could think to call someone, actually, but he felt like the situation called for it. "The kids aren't monsters," he defended, now showing more emotion than he had before. In fact, his voice steadily grew more high pitched and annoyed and overall just hurt the more he talked. "They're having fun. Like most people here do. Instead of, like, try as hard as they can not to have fun." He let out a bewildered scoff the next moment, eyebrows knit in a look of confusion. "Why are you so set on running off, anyway? I've been nothing but nice to you. I gave you waffles! I talked to you when all the other counselors were scared to! I offered to hang out with you so you wouldn't be surrounded by younger kids all the time! I - I, ugh. I've been nothing but nice and it's like you're trying super hard to be a butt-head."
Realizing he had pretty much been ranting, he let out a deep sigh, shooting the shorter an apologetic look. "Sorry, it's just ... You told me you were going to try and have fun." He frowned, tucking a stray lock of hair back underneath his denim hat. "Can you just try today? If you don't have fun, you can... Hang out in the cabins or... whatever it is you'd rather do." He didn't look happy with the compromise. He wasn't happy with it at all, but he knew there were some people that couldn't be reasoned with. Hopefully he would have enough fun to try and stick around for more events, but... If he didn't, Mickey wasn't going to try and force him to do things he wanted. Even if he very, very, very badly wanted him to. He just wasn't that kind of person.
Despite the disappointed tone and frown he wore moments before, Mickey plastered a smile to his face, doing his best to rid the air of the negative vibe. He uncrossed his arms, bending over to take each of Julian's hands in his own. To him, it didn't seem like a personal gesture whatsoever. It was a rather friendly one to him; he didn't seem to realize that holding hands had a deeper meaning to some. He lightly tugged on the other's arms, gesturing towards the kids again with a nod of his head. "Let's go?" He proposed, sounding unsure. "Just one time. You'll have fun. If not, you don't have to play anymore."
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