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Realistic or Modern Without A Trace (Detective Murder Mystery RP) (Town of Salem style) (Always Accepting)


Lord Puppy of Kibbleton
Tokyo was the big apple of Japan, almost everyone in the country lived there. The days went by quickly, and nobody expected what was about to happen next. "??????????????(Oh my god, call the police!)" Japan's capital city was mostly peaceful, but once the murder of Rin Katsumi and several other school girls happened, the police have been on high alert. As of lately, detectives from other countries have visited Japan to solve the gigantic amount of murder cases beginning to rise. Some speculate the killings to be caused by the mafia, others say it's from a cult hellbent on sacrificing humans, but the only way to know, is to find out yourself.

Three murderers

Ten foreign detectives

One police team

And a single dark room...


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OOC: Going to start it off if that's okay.

Fafnir waited in his hotel room, his cell phone was at his ear, waiting for Kazama Hinazuki to arrive. "Miss receptionist, would you do me a favor and be on the look out? If someone asks to find room twenty-three, please give them the key. Thank you, have a great day." He let out a sigh as he extended his legs to have them rest upon the table. "Rin Katsumi... It's sad that I never got to meet her, I could tell she must've been a lively girl." The plans he had in mind for the day were pretty simple, meet the so called "Ruff" in person, and flirt with a few more girls. A surge of foreign detectives should arrive at Japan in the next two days, after all the circumstances for Rin Katsumi's death are mysterious. "I'll just have to wait then."
Kazama Hinazuki hated the long wait, his plane took a little over two days to get to Japan, and there were also a significant amount of detours. But now that he's in Tokyo, he might as well pay a visit to this Fafnir guy. "Japan eh... It's been a while." He stared at the city's beauty for a bit then pulled out a piece of paper. "Room twenty three..." Something ached in his heart when he read that, but he let the feeling go. Before long, he arrived at the hotel and asked the receptionist for room twenty three. And there the aching was again... Kazama Hinazuki remembered what it was, then. Took his way to the room, and knocked. "Hello? Room service!"

Jinx was sitting in the park bench as she was going to her loptop facebook taking some social median and taking somd picture of her saying "to all my family and friend isnt it fun to be out and enjoy life?" She said as she post some of picture and look at her friends she got 15 likes and it made her satisfying as she scroll she can see some people who want to add her as friend as she fix her hat and look at them "ah yes friend and everyone such a good thing to make friends...make make many friends indeed" she said as she sonfinue her vlog.tweets and facebook all to her normal life style.
Fafnir heard the abrupt knocking and knew who it was, Kazama Hinazuki. "Hah! That won't work old friend, we tried that ten years ago, don't you remember?" He opened the door and saw his face, this was like a reunion, but there was a murder case that needed to be solved. "Alright, get your butt in here, we need to talk about things." Fafnir lowered his voice, "And make sure you speak almost silently." The room was luxurious, it was very unfitting for two detectives to be in. "Now, about the murder... I've got a lead on who did it, but we're going to pull off a sting operation to confirm. The guy has a knack for killing school girls, and there's not only one person involved... We're going to need evidence, we already have enough for the murderer, but not enough for the person who hired him. So we'll forge it, his name is Takeda Edo, a wealthy businessman in Tokyo. If you could somehow get his fingerprints on this." He pulled out a bloodied knife. "Then he will pay for his crimes. I'll leave the rest to you, you're smart enough to think of a better plan."
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Jinx was having fun on her comouter when... battery low as she jumo "nnnoooo!!!!!" She scream out comedicaly and everyone look at her as he laugh and take peace at them her friends then called her on the hone as she place her loptoo to her bag "yellow?" She answer to the phone as one of her friend is having some error on her computer "alright im comming there cupcake bring me some Lemmon lime at the way there ... im hell as thursthy today" she said with a smile then her friend told her rummors about the students who got killed and both if them were students too ... jinx laugh at it as she was walkin "nah cupcake . Sweet heart. Pie. That will never happen to us we will be safe i promise u... sugarcube" she said as her friend in the phone laugh as she end the call and dump on someine and fell into the ground butt first "awe" she look uo to see a hooded man "damn it stop scaring people " she said as she ignor the look and went to her friend apartment to fix her computer
"Look ouuutt!" Kimochi was riding her bicycle down the streets of Tokyo while also playing on her PSP. She was close to crashing into Jinx, but instead she fell off her bicycle. "Ooooowww!" The girl landed on her head, good thing she had a helmet on, now she was on the floor right next to Jinx. "Must... Finish.... Gaaaammee!" And then her PSP ran out of power, "Noooooo!" It was almost comedic, the same thing had just happened to two people. "Oh! My name's Kimochi, want to play a game?"
Kazama Hinazuki looked at Fafnir's face, and remembered him. "Been a long time Stein, now... Takeda Edo... That one, right? The one who kidnapped... That girl..." Now the rage started to come out, he was determined to get this guy in prison, but that wouldn't be enough. No, he had to kill him! Takeda Edo was the one who kidnapped his sister, Stein was the only reason she made it out alive. He took the knife, but made sure to wear gloves before he did so. "Stein, you remember it too right? That incident... Give me the address, and I'll get things done. I'll also need the floor plan, and the security guards present. I can get his fingerprints on the weapon when he's sleeping, but I need something to get past the metal detectors."
Kimochi said:
"Look ouuutt!" Kimochi was riding her bicycle down the streets of Tokyo while also playing on her PSP. She was close to crashing into Jinx, but instead she fell off her bicycle. "Ooooowww!" The girl landed on her head, good thing she had a helmet on, now she was on the floor right next to Jinx. "Must... Finish.... Gaaaammee!" And then her PSP ran out of power, "Noooooo!" It was almost comedic, the same thing had just happened to two people. "Oh! My name's Kimochi, want to play a game?"

Jinx smile psychopaticaly and take her psp as she help her stand up "i got this baby" she said as she place a device in her psp to hack energy as she smile in satisfaction when it work as Jinx look at her "oohhh that must hurt... my bad" she said as she take a napkin and wipe her face "u alright honey bunch? Im Jinx Valora " she said as she smile and continue her game "and sure i want to play with u" she said with a smile and give her psp "do remember dont play psp wile riding in the bike sugar cube falling face first ming not happen next time " she said as she place her screw out and fix her bike a lil bit.
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Kimochi already knew something was up when Jinx smiled. "Eh... T-Thanks!" She took her PSP back and got on her bike, readjusting the now broken bike helmet. "S-Sorry, I gotta go!" The girl snapped a picture of Jinx with her phone, and quickly rode off with her bike. Something didn't seem normal about her, or maybe that girl was just weird. Kimochi didn't know, nor did she care, her only priority was to get away. Her bike came to a stop as the screws came unloose, "Ah crap!" Her fate was to be determined in the next minute, what was about to happen? "H-Hey... I uhh... Sorry for that!"
Fafnir nodded, "You will be using this to get through the metal detectors." He reached forth into his pockets and pulled out a plastic bag covered with asbestos, "This will work, but you better not hold it with your hands for too long. Keep it in a suitcase, and make sure to hide it well. If it fails, use your brilliant mouth to get yourself out of the situation. And if that also fails... Run, I can erase your traces easily, but it'd be preferable if you didn't do so. Good luck old friend, and stay safe." Dracul gave Kazama Hinazuki a little salute before opening the door for him.
The man in the dark business suit watched the drone dart back and forth. It was black with four large propellers, one in each corner and a camera suspended from its center. The street below it was quite crowded. The drone would periodically focus its camera on one person for a few moments, then fly off to find a new target.

"A drone, Dr. Dodgson? I did not expect you would be interested in something so...unsophisticated."

Dodgson replied, "Not just an ordinary drone, Mr. Kobayashi. A flying robot actually. There is no remote control, only its own intelligence."

Kobayashi watched it a little longer. "And it appears to be looking for someone."

Dodgson nodded. "It is...and I think it may have found them."

The drone hovered over a man in a gray hooded sweatshirt and emitted a series of loud beeps. The man looked up, then pulled out a yellow cloth and waved it over his head.

Dodgson smiled. "He's signaling to the drone that he's the right person. It should return here in a minute or two."

Kobayashi remarked, "It uses a pattern-matching algorithm on faces, I assume."

"No, the drone never saw the man...or any image of him...before. Only his footprints."

Kobayashi looked puzzled. "The man was walking on a concrete sidewalk. What use would seeing his footprints be if he is walking where he leaves none?"

"The drone's software calculates the size, weight and gait of the person who made the footprints, then searches for someone with those qualities."

The drone stopped in front of Dodgson, then lowered itself to the ground at this feet.

Kobayashi said, "That is quite impressive, Dr. Dodgson, but we must be careful with such technology. In the wrong hands, it could do much harm."

Dodgson picked up the drone and studied it. "Yes, it could Mr. Kobayashi, but also much good. We can never predict which it will be."
Kimochi said:
Kimochi already knew something was up when Jinx smiled. "Eh... T-Thanks!" She took her PSP back and got on her bike, readjusting the now broken bike helmet. "S-Sorry, I gotta go!" The girl snapped a picture of Jinx with her phone, and quickly rode off with her bike. Something didn't seem normal about her, or maybe that girl was just weird. Kimochi didn't know, nor did she care, her only priority was to get away. Her bike came to a stop as the screws came unloose, "Ah crap!" Her fate was to be determined in the next minute, what was about to happen? "H-Hey... I uhh... Sorry for that!"
"Wow u alright?" Ask jinx as she take her bike at the side "u look scared? Why?" She ask with a laugh "u look silly u know that and why did u snap me a photo?"she ask as she look at her and help her stand up and smile"
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]"Wow u alright?" Ask jinx as she take her bike at the side "u look scared? Why?" She ask with a laugh "u look silly u know that and why did u snap me a photo?"she ask as she look at her and help her stand up and smile"

"U-Ummm..." Kimochi was a bit surprised when she told her she looked silly, then she remembered her choice of clothing. "U-Uh... I just thought you were c-cute, that's all..." Her fingers were rubbing against each other nervously, "I'm sorry!"
Kimochi said:
"U-Ummm..." Kimochi was a bit surprised when she told her she looked silly, then she remembered her choice of clothing. "U-Uh... I just thought you were c-cute, that's all..." Her fingers were rubbing against each other nervously, "I'm sorry!"
"Oh thats surprising" she said as hold her hand "well u look like a otaku on that clothing why dont we go to my place i have many manga and anime there " she said with a smile and clop her hands "wish i can show u right now but my loptop is lowbattery " she said as she knock her head gently and stick her tongue out.
Dodgson hurried down the street, carrying his drone under one arm. It was quite bulky and he had to walk carefully to avoid bumping anyone in the crowd. There was a buzzing in his pocket, to which he responded with an annoyed grumbling noise. He moved over to the edge of the sidewalk and took out his phone. As he stood there, reading the texts he had received, he noticed two young women who seemed to be having a problem with a bicycle. He did not say anything, just watched and listened, occasionally raising his eyebrows to some of their remarks.

@Kimochi @Astaroth Suzumiya
Kimochi said:
"Sorry, no thanks. Stranger danger y'know?" Kimochi got on her feet and slowly, but cautiously, walk away from Jinx. It was a good thing she didn't hand over her phone to Jinx, she had some embarrassing things on it. "Ah crap! My bike!" Now was the point where she didn't really care, no normal person had that sort of psychotic grin and spiteful personality. When she was a good distance away from Jinx, she sighed in relief, "Phew! That was awkward."
Xylch said:
Dodgson hurried down the street, carrying his drone under one arm. It was quite bulky and he had to walk carefully to avoid bumping anyone in the crowd. There was a buzzing in his pocket, to which he responded with an annoyed grumbling noise. He moved over to the edge of the sidewalk and took out his phone. As he stood there, reading the texts he had received, he noticed two young women who seemed to be having a problem with a bicycle. He did not say anything, just watched and listened, occasionally raising his eyebrows to some of their remarks.
@Kimochi @Astaroth Suzumiya

Jinx look at her and sigh "alright then see u around...maybe... hey u forgot your bike sweet cake" she said as she "or maybe not" she then look at the stranger and look at the drone "nice drone there "she said with a smile.
Dodgson glance around, the way people do when they are trying to pretend they do not know who someone is talking to. There were many other people on the street, but unfortunately, none of them happened to be carrying a drone. He made a slight snorting noise through his nose and said, "Things like that bicycle are...'nice.' This is a sophisticated piece of surveillance equipment with capabilities I'm sure you wouldn't understand, even if I had the time to explain them to you."

His eyes went back to his phone, but he continued, "You ought to be more careful whose attention you attract. The city's a dangerous place these days and you know nothing about me. I could be some weirdo trying to decide what sort of people would best be eliminated."

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Kimochi
Xylch said:
Dodgson glance around, the way people do when they are trying to pretend they do not know who someone is talking to. There were many other people on the street, but unfortunately, none of them happened to be carrying a drone. He made a slight snorting noise through his nose and said, "Things like that bicycle are...'nice.' This is a sophisticated piece of surveillance equipment with capabilities I'm sure you wouldn't understand, even if I had the time to explain them to you."
His eyes went back to his phone, but he continued, "You ought to be more careful whose attention you attract. The city's a dangerous place these days and you know nothing about me. I could be some weirdo trying to decide what sort of people would best be eliminated."

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Kimochi

"Oh would i?" She said with a smile "u arent the first person i came up to who talk like that "she said as she took out a drone to her bag "the thing was she place a hidden gun in her drone witch can kill instantly and silently.
Dodgson stared at the girl's drone for a moment, then touched the screen of his phone with his thumb and slipped it into his pocket. The movement suggested he was turning it off, but he could just as easily have done something else, such as set it to record.

He moved a few steps closer, still looking at the other drone intently. "Name's Chuck Dodgson, by the way. Do you remember exactly what that person said? Think you could identify'em?"
Xylch said:
Dodgson stared at the girl's drone for a moment, then touched the screen of his phone with his thumb and slipped it into his pocket. The movement suggested he was turning it off, but he could just as easily have done something else, such as set it to record.
He moved a few steps closer, still looking at the other drone intently. "Name's Chuck Dodgson, by the way. Do you remember exactly what that person said? Think you could identify'em?"

Jinx smile "names jinx and no" he said with a laugh and move her drone around "but i can help u"she aaid with a laugh
OOC: I am the co-developer for this RP, I have been given special permission from DogInTheBox to enter without submitting a character.

Note: As a co-developer, I am not immune to the rules, but my character is immune to death because he is an essential. However, I may only kill with consent, thank you for taking the time to read this.

A hooded figure walks up slowly to Jinx and Mr. Dodgson, "Why hello my dears..." He muttered in a slightly disturbing, raspy voice. "I take it you two are in search for the murderer of Rin Katsumi? Yes? If so... You've perhaps found him." Laughter escaped from his mouth, and a sinister smile appeared on his face. The streetlamps began to flicker as he took a few steps closer to the pair, "You will know true darkness!" Light no longer appeared in the streets, the only source of it coming from the strange man. Demonic chants can be heard coming from this mysterious figure, what was going on?


A shining set of teeth appeared in front of the two, they could feel the sensation of his abnormally hot breath on their face. "My my, what beautiful prey. Too bad it's not time for that yet... You humans are marvelous things, and delicious too. Would any of you consider working as one of my underlings?" He laughed loudly, the sound he made was comparable to a maniac's shout of excitement. "Oh? Look at the time. Well, I guess I'll just have to visit later." The lights turned back on and his entire figure was visible, everything except for his face was human. "Ahhh... So that's what you two are, I'll leave behind a hint for you two. Decipher it, and find out who you are."

The Note:

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OnceDarkness said:
OOC: I am the co-developer for this RP, I have been given special permission from DogInTheBox to enter without submitting a character.
Note: As a co-developer, I am not immune to the rules, but my character is immune to death because he is an essential. However, I may only kill with consent, thank you for taking the time to read this.

A hooded figure walks up slowly to Jinx and Mr. Dodgson, "Why hello my dears..." He muttered in a slightly disturbing, raspy voice. "I take it you two are in search for the murderer of Rin Katsumi? Yes? If so... You've perhaps found him." Laughter escaped from his mouth, and a sinister smile appeared on his face. The streetlamps began to flicker as he took a few steps closer to the pair, "You will know true darkness!" Light no longer appeared in the streets, the only source of it coming from the strange man. Demonic chants can be heard coming from this mysterious figure, what was going on?


A shining set of teeth appeared in front of the two, they could feel the sensation of his abnormally hot breath on their face. "My my, what beautiful prey. Too bad it's not time for that yet... You humans are quite marvelous things, and delicious too. Would any of you consider working as one of my underlings?" He laughed loudly, the sound he made was comparable to a maniac's shout of excitement. "Oh? Look at the time. Well, I guess I'll just have to visit later." The lights turned back on and his entire figure was visible, everything except for his face was human. "Ahhh... So that's what you two are, I'll leave behind a hint for you two. Decipher it, and find out who you are."

The Note:


Jinx look at the stranger walking close to them as she ready her drone to target him with a pistol but stol and smile at him "i wont do that if i were u" she said looking at him as she took a deep breath "my my look whos talking about killing and hell" she said inspecting under his mask and she send out her drone taking silent picks of him and she took the note "thanks maybe i will" she said as she place the note in her back as he walk away "how dark" she said with a laugh as she look at the other stranger "what do u think?"


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